Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 02:16:19 -0700 [04/27/2009 04:16:19 AM CDT]
Subject: Re: PM IS POWER HUNGRY????

Am just wondering how quick we forget.To speak the truth the PM won the elections and its still in our minds how his victory was stolen.He acepted to take a lessen position.Now the likes of kalonzo wants to be more senior than the person kenyans chose as the CEO.Hon Raila has been mistreated so much and let me ask where was kalonzo during the signing of the accord?how can he be senior?????

It is very wrong for the PNU die hards to refer Raila as Power greed.If he was greed for power he could not have accepted anything less of his victory.Kalonzo and Kibaki are the power greedy.

Wilson Mose.
Impossible is Nothing.

— On Fri, 4/24/09, Albert Bandura wrote:

From: Albert Bandura
Received: Friday, April 24, 2009, 8:39 AM


What is happening to the Cabinet and the members of parliament? I thought there was some meeting immediately after the Grand Coalition was formed that tried to explain to the members and educate them on the way the accord was going to affect governance. How come the PNU operatives now say the PM is power hungry?
They have tried in the past few weeks to paint him as power hungry while he is only trying to fulfill the letter of the accord duly signed by both parties. In that case who is power hungry? If I was to agree with that you give me half an acre out of the one available acre with part of the machinery in it, then one year down the line you decide that you give me the half but refuse to give me the machinery as agreed. In this case am I wrong to ask for my part as written down and signed by the two of us? Even my family will blame me if I do not follow up on the machines. Your servants then go round the market complaining that I want to take over the whole farm and that I am selfish and that i do not want to develop the farm. With what when the machinery is still held up in your hands.
That is what is happening with PNU operatives who pretend that they do not understand the problem with the PM and that he wants the whole government and does not want to respect the President. Do they as members respect the PM who is supposedly their supervisor? How can you talk in public about someone you are supposed to respect? How do you do that when the President does not respect the national accord to the letter but chooses to sit on the gray areas!


2 thoughts on “Re: PM IS POWER HUNGRY????


    His Excellency The Prime Minister Raila A.Odinga,You are the man everybody including the unborn knows as the leader in Kenya.The devils like Kalonzo,Uhuru, Saitoti, Kibaki, will play their hide and Hit games to paint you RED and BLACK.Be firm for the Ordinary Kenyan Understands the situation.YOU ARE NOT POWER HUNGRY, YOU WON THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS.THE MANTLE BELONGS TO YOU EVEN IN HEAVEN.We expect you to stand by Kenyans and protect their intrests at all cost.e EVEN IF YOUR POLICIES ARE NOT ADOPTED FOR NOW,KEEP PREACHING THEM FOR WE KNOW THE POLITICS AND THE PHOBIA THAT MAKE THESE VULTURES GET SCARED OF YOU.DONT YOU WORRY ABOUT KALONZO, HE SPOILED HIS CHANCES THE DAY HE HELPED RIG KENYA’S ELACTIONS,AND IT’S BECAUSE OF HIM THAT OUR OWN BROTHERS AND SISTERS LOST LIVES.We will vote you back Obviously.Reason,If PNU rigs in again,Museveni will shift his Capital to Kisumu,Kakamega or Eldoret.Or kenya will be a mungiki nation,no jobs,no food,the police are so lethal on their own brothers and sisters yet they surrender their guns to tiny inferior Uganda.

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