Re: Marende Tames a Wayward President and a Reckless PM!

Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:28:49 -0700 [02:28:49 PM CDT]
From: Jairus K’Onyiego
Subject: Re: Marende Tames a Wayward President and a Reckless PM!

Reading through these political mails, one forms the picture of a plan that a certain group haveput in place in disenfranchizing the Citizens of their future political Leadership.

It is obvious that a certain group of people are so hell bent on stopping Raila from applying his leadership skills to turn around the Kenyan Nation to prosperity, that they have since laid down a mechanism that is crafty, corrupt and to say the least silly. But it has been done in such a manner that, if you are not bright, you may never read through it.

For a long time now Raila Odinga has chosen to lie low like an envelope. This he did in order that the country might go through healing and reconciliation. But his gesture has been misread by the coalition partners to mean that he is weak. Top of this they have come up with this nasty plan whereby the Presedent will oppose all that Odinga does, and in addition send his top leutinants to do very many negative things against the citizens, then portray Odinga as the one making such unpopular decisions.

What surprises me is why they foolishly believe that the public will buy this, while the truth is that they never consult Odinga on these issues? Many leutinants have been recruited solely for one purpose, to stop Odinga. They are so hell bent on this to a point they cannot think clearly as to what are the needs of the Country. These people operate even right here in the Biddii Africa forum by constantly submitting articles which portray Odinga as having failed in Governing. But how can Odinga faile when all his plans have been opposed of plainly destryoyed by his coalition parners. THis plans which favor the rule of law and the Citizenry have been scutled by thos who are close to Kibaki. The blame is then heaped on Odinga by those appointed by Kibaki, through the likes a Steven Maina and many others who have been instructed, by the “Raila Character Destruction Group” to write bad things against Raila, showing that Raila after all has failed just like Kibaki. In this way, they believe that many people will buy the Idea, and come 2012, there will be very little interest by the citizen to elect Raila if at all he will choose to stand for elections.

These are the reasons why Kalonzo, a man without Ideas of his own and a vision for this Nation, would go to lengths to defy the laws that brought this coalition into existence, for he knows that, if they follow then law, then, he and the Gang will loose and Raila and the citizens will be the winners.
So wanabidii watch thesecharacters trying so hard to say that Raila Odinga is no good just in the same manner as Kibaki. Tell you what, this is a big lie, It is what they want to sell to you, it is what they would love you to believe. But you would be a big fool to believe it, for if you do, then you will have given the Group led by Kibaki himself and Musyoka, Muthaura etc to pee on your heads as Kenyan people.

Ask yourself this; “Are Raila’s Leadership styles similar to those of Kibaki, that all of a sudden they now do things in the same manner and as such have collectively failed Kenyans? When was it that Raila was given a chance to implement what he believes is right for the Citizens of the Nation? If he is the Prime Minister, how else would a Junior Government Spoksman like Mutua Katuku, completely defy and ignore him? And how about being treated with utmost disrespect by the secretary to the Cabinet, Muthaura in deed and words. Is this how the coalition was meant to work with people behaving like they are in an open and free “Village Vegetable Market in Karatina, or Kutus, or Kondele or in Busia border or in Bisil or Bul Bul, or Sio Port where sellers can shout obsenes against one another without respect and no rules to follow. If this is the way the President preferes to operate his Government, and then, asks his leutinants, to blame it all on Raila, then there is something very wrong with his Leadership and those who sorround him. For they are slowly but surely destroying their chance of bringing change to the country.

Or is it that they just lark ideas and skills of true Leaders??????


— On Wed, 4/29/09, Steven Maina wrote:

From: Steven Maina
Subject: Re: Marende Tames a Wayward President and a Reckless PM!
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 7:54 AM

Read my e-mail again and to the very end.

We need to move away from thinking that Raila is an angel, and look at the issues as they stand. Are you suggesting that he is being petulant because he was not consulted? He would have gone along if he has been asked? How do we even know that he wasn’t?
Members on this forum love taking that position that you are hiding behind – Raila is the angel and anyone who even tries to defend or support the President is wrong!
Please keep in mind that people were killed and displaced (many still in IDP camps) by ODM chanting thugs, called onto the streets daily by Raila.

Going back to soberness: We do not need these 2 people (even all 3, i daresay the whole lot) and we should be thinking of getting rid of all of them, including the ‘saintly’ Raila!

— On Wed, 29/4/09, Lee Makwiny wrote:

From: Lee Makwiny
Subject: Re: Marende Tames a Wayward President and a Reckless PM!
Date: Wednesday, 29 April, 2009, 8:32 AM

Kalonzo promised to pass between Raila andn Kibaki. This is the problem, he has passed Kibaki, but Raila is blocking him. He is the worse leader Kenya ever produced, if there is any.

Kibaki must deal with Kalonzo once and for all. Or Kenyans will make life difficult for him. I promise, very soon, life will be difficult for this Mr. 8% man.

On 4/29/09, Will Keku wrote:

Charles, Charles, Charles, the reason Kibaki and Raila do not consult each other is the same reason you can not see any sense that Maina has put though. Everyone is too busy thumping their chest even when there is nothing to thump. We have clumsy short sighted politicians, we have a weak consitution and we Kenyans can not continue blaming our leaders, when we can not even agree on the basics. We still see ourselves as ODM/PNU or others rather than Kenyans with a common goal.

— On Wed, 4/29/09, charles warria wrote:

From: charles warria
Subject: Re: Marende Tames a Wayward President and a Reckless PM!
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 11:57 AM

Maina, Maina, Maina, when will your likes see that the sole cause of problems in the coalition government is Kibaki and his PNU team? open your eyes my friend, be sober! If Kibaki even called Raila and discussed his option of appointing Kalonzo to lead HBC, could there have been a tussle? If Kibaki consulted with Raila on government appointments and protocols, could there have been a problem? You see, people of your like tend to demonize Raila, yet you cannot point out (while interpreting the National Accord), what is it that you seem to think he does wrong, and kibaki does right.

Why cant your likes be sober and look back to the dark moment Kenya just came from? Are your likes even remotely aware of the magnitude of hatred that is currently building toward the Mt. kenya ethnic group that will possibly culminate into genocide worse than Rwanda? This country belongs to all of us!!

From: Steven Maina
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 9:00:20 AM
Subject: Re: Marende Tames a Wayward President and a Reckless PM!

Whether we like it or not, whether it favours our preferred man or not, the law has to be followed and both the Accord and the Constitution have to be followed!
Both the PM and the President have NOT shown maturity and wisdom and we MUST NOT re-elect them ever again – a lesson to the power consumed individuals in this country.

Let’s not be blind to the fact that though Mr Kibaki has been a very poor leader, this crisis is being brought on, quite unnecessarily I dare say, by Raila. He is not the innocent that this forum tries to potray him to be.

We must also be sure that supporting the President or supporting the PM is not wrong and we must learn to respect divergent points of view – name calling (sycophants, primitive, etc etc) is really immature and should not be part of this forum.
I am convinced that both sides have compelling arguments and also very fundamental flaws and only through discussion can these be overcome.

In the meantime, we must pledge to sweep out all these bickering power hungry individuals from the political landscape, whether the elections are called today or 2012. Tht’s the powe we have. Let’s not lose it to one individual who really does nothing for us.

From: Kennedy Oduor
Sent: Tuesday, 28 April, 2009 23:33:16
Subject: Marende Tames a Wayward President

Speaker Marende today made an important attempt to tame the wayward President that Kenya has had since January 2008. He also made it clear that this government was solely formed under the National Accord and Reconcilliation Act. The Constitution that Mutula Kilonzo and his co-sycophants keep on quoting failed to give us a government on december 2007. PNU is the party causing animosity in this country because of selfishness and lack of leadership within its ranks. Parliament told the Executive that we know what government means under the national accord and we shall honor a letter naming the Leader of Government Business according to the National Accord.

This is a huge for ODM in this Round One. This tassle may end up in Court as things stand for Kibaki even fears consulting Raila Odinga. One wonders why? For this country to move forward, we should fast track the Constitutional Review and head to the elections before 2012. Now that Marende was help endorse the Electoral Commission.. they should get down to serious work for elections may come anytime before they even know it…Congrats Marende for taming a wayward President who thinks that he was elected President-Kenyans know that no-one elected Mwai Kibaki as President of this country.

— On Fri, 13/3/09, Solomon Mburu wrote:

From: Solomon Mburu
Subject: A Poem Dedicated to GPO and King’ara
Date: Friday, 13 March, 2009, 9:47 AM

Dear All,

I have been following the discussions on the burial of GPO and King’ara and I’m really impressed by the comments coming in.

In regards to this, I have written a poem dedicated to these two selfless gentlemen, though I personally never met them..

However, with the pain of losing such hopeful activists, I want to share with you my sentiments on this issue.


Solomon Mburu

Man is a gregarious animal and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all the same way to the side of a hill!

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