Re: Envoys Slight Kalonzo/PNU as Foolish

Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 10:48:43 -0700 [12:48:43 PM CDT]
From: Joash Malawa
Subject: Re: Envoys Slight Kalonzo/PNU as Foolish

I wonder what kind of ‘a lawyer’ Kalonzo is or purport to be in life if he cant even inter prate what even a lay man can who never went into a law class.I wish he went a head to file a case of interpretation in a constitutional court to prove his irelevance futher.
He should read the writtings on the wall.I belive the Mr.8% is futher from being the president of this country even new comers like Karua could defeat him if elections were called now.Let him go and nurse his wounds in his consituency and stop confussing the public.


— On Thu, 4/30/09, martin otieno wrote:

From: martin otieno
Subject: Re: Envoys Slight Kalonzo/PNU as Foolish
Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009, 8:24 AM

Wana bidii let us not even include Kalonzo (ka-lost) in the National accord arrangement, for he has never been part of it!

When the Accord was being discussed kalonzo being the Vulture that he is, was no where but sitting comfortably waiting to get what is left behind (mabakio) and then have the audacity to claim to be the saviour of the country! hence the ignorance on what the national accord is and it’s interpretation.and to add insult to injury the guy is a Lawyer or claims to be one! Let us separate passengers from drivers

Matters of such national importance demands the foresight,intellect and the love for Kenya which I think the Speaker Hon. Marende possess.
Kenya needs more Marendes in positions of Leadership if the country is to move forward and realise it’s full potential.

Martin Otieno.

— On Wed, 29/4/09, owili nyatawo wrote:

From: owili nyatawo
Subject: Re: Envoys Slight Kalonzo/PNU as Foolish
Date: Wednesday, 29 April, 2009, 6:06 PM

The likes of Kalonzo and Uhuru are living in cloud cuckoo land. I wonder why it never occurred to them to seek legal interpretation of the Accord if they were not sure about the full extent of its meaning and implication. The country cannot move forward on the back of such absurdity. Marende’s ruling was insightful, measured and brought some element of sanity to these stinking political theatrics. The country cannot be held hostage by a president who see nothing and do nothing and it was time the speaker restored sanity to this whole stinking episode.

The nation is hurting and listing badly like a ship without a captain. If Kibaki cannot manage a simple coalition by regularly having conversation with his partners, how on earth can we expect him to run a government and deliver on the promises which can bring hope to the multitude of the dispossessed that make the majority of us? Such professional and political ineptitude is what has brought this great country to its knees. No wonder Mungiki is having a field day. The people are dieing and starving and nobody cares or gives attention to their numbing pains and bleeding wounds as they hopelessly fight for dear life as if we do not have a government. This is the greatest shameful act that can befall a country.

Well done Bwana Speaker sir!

From: Kennedy Oduor
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 3:50:01 PM
Subject: Envoys Slight Kalonzo/PNU as Foolish

Reading the envoys reactions to Marende Ruling, one would only see that they view PNU/Kalonzo as foolish especially the view that Kalonzo uttered that PNU will go to court for the interpretation of the National Accord and the Constitution. Anyone who ever went to school will easily agree with Marende’s ruling that things have changed. Its not business as usual and the Grand Coalition cannot operate anymore as the Kibaki administration betweem 2002-2007. PNU is yet to see this reality. They are still selfish..corrupt..power hungry not even acknowledging that they stole the 2007 General elections.

Kenyans must be honest and stop the foolishness of blaming both PNU and ODM. Its very clear for anyone with a well functioning brain that Mwai Kibaki is the problem. You dont entertain useless arguments just to accommodate foolish people but you should entertain constructive arguments just as the envoys intimated about Marende’s ruling. Kalonzo must know that he received 8 percent of the total votes and only became a VP after betraying millions of Kenyans for his personal gains and ambition. Kenyans must match forward and leave tribalists and sycophants aside. This blaming everybody must stop and the blame must be put where it belongs. Now everyone knows that Raila was always RIGHT when complaining about PNU and one General Kiguoya from Othaya, who is a moribund President who is taking us back to 1920s..We must shun the devil and build this beautiful country.

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