?AIDS RIGHTS? Action:17 activists protest China Global Fund is being abducted

Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 08:49:40 +0800 [07:49:40 PM CDT]
From: ?? Chang Kun
Subject: ?AIDS RIGHTS? Action:17 activists protest China Global Fund is being abducted

17 activists protest China Global Fund is being abducted
17??????????????,????,??? https://sites.google.com/site/guanbaoyingcizhi/

17 activists protest China Global Fund is being abducted . For more information: https://sites.google.com/site/guanbaoyingcizhi/ http://twitter.com/AIDSRIGHTS

The staff of UNAIDS (Chen Zhongdan???) UNICEF(Zhao Xin??) are involved in abductor in the Beijing Program Area of China Gobal Fund Rond 610:52 PM May 6th from web

Gobal Fund has funny Assessment of the views of experts in China:whereas we are very busy before the Spring Festival, www.changkun.org/aids5:20 PM Apr 30th from web

A protest picture was given to Global Fund Policy and Strategy Committee in China UNAIDS office on April 1st. http://www.changkun.org/aids4:45 PM Apr 9th from web

The Global Fund has the responsibility for the relations between China Global Fund Propram and China AIDS community, especially the dign …3:48 PM Mar 31st from web

2006 Protesting Acitons:Global Fund is corrupt! How about this year? It has been used as a tool to force AIDS NGOs to do something!!11:04 PM Mar 23rd from web

Voice of America: China AIDS community is disputing on a retired official abducting the China Global Fund AIDS http://www.changkun.org/aids/6:26 PM Mar 21st from web

In March, 2009, We are asking a retired officer who is the direct of Beijing program of the sixth round of China Globe Fund Program. Bec …5:13 PM Mar 20th from web

China AIDS Community have been backing up fews years!!! Because the retired offices are controlling the Global Fund!11:16 PM Mar 16th from web

Anonymous letter to threaten me with dire death about my comments on Global Fund Ford Fundation http://www.changkun.org/aid…1:27 PM Mar 2nd from web


?? Chang Kun
Devote my life to AIDS prevention and care work!

Office Phone: 010-51917982
??:13810726838 (??)


???http://www.changkun.org http://aidsrights.spaces.live.com

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