Revised Agenda For Action

Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 13:09:12 -0700 [03:09:12 PM CDT]
From: jbatec@ . . .
Subject: Revised Agenda For Action


After consulting widely, I have the following information to share with the rest of you. Visiting White House in August is an opportunity of a lifetime. We will make follow-up and further consultations to make sure we have everything we need for our Visitation so we can provide up-dates in time.

Our organization, The Confederation Council Foundation for Africa, is involved in Refugee, Asylee and Traffickers resettlement towards self sufficiency program with other Immigration matters and with legal counseling. The Immigrants are presently known as the New Americans. We strive to make New Americans settle down legally and altogether relax from culture shock of new life environment in America, so to join the rest of Americans and the world in Community Development in the Diversity of Culture and spearhead Sustainable National building.

We also strive to encourage meaningful creation of conducive lasting relationship between American and Kenya while introducing the role of Kenyan Emerging Civil Society and other active NGO networking as active Agents Participants for Community Development with Diaspora and as partners of Development in Education, Socio/economic and for good governance. Together as partners of change initiatives we will nurture relationship between Kenya and United States of America. From here, we intend to encourage sisterhood City mutual relationship for development.

Bad leadership in Kenya and in the rest of Africa, has caused influx of migration away from Kenya. Kenya’s’ democratic system and the Judicial is getting worse by the day and is a stumbling block for Millennium Development Agenda Goals. Kenya fits all determination of a Failed State from lack of security situation and invasion of Migingo, the pirating by the Somalis, coalition Governments’ inability to perform, the National Accord not taken serious with the Constitutional Agenda Reform not carried out with urgency it deserves, extra judicial killings of ordinary citizens, reshuffling of the Police force as Ashton’s recommended has not been carried out, shortage of food, deepening of poverty and unemployment situation is still common place.

Agenda for Plan of Action

As Diasporas we have put together lists of Plan of Action to Change Democracy in Kenya.

We also strive to empower, mentor as well as motivate emerging Civil Society in Kenya and other active NGOs to determine checks and balances from elected leaders with those holding public offices under oath, to provide good Governance in Kenya and altogether Africa.

The structure for active participation is focused in specific areas which includes:

1) Formulating A Productive U.S. Foreign Policy Partnership in Development and Security initiatives together advocating for Majimbo/Federal Governing System in Kenya

2) Strategize programs conducive for New American Immigrants in self-sufficiency and job creation towards resettlement program

3) Organize sustainable investments with Kenya irrespective of the current political and socio/economic crisis

4) How to formulate Unbiased Mutual Bilateral or Multilateral Trade Policy and investment which can substantially boost American Direct Investment to Kenya Incorporating Diaspora Civic Society and Diaspora Motivator Agency including Diversification of Investment and Revolution Funding in (Wall Street) Americas Stock Exchange under Mutual Interest

5) Encourage Partnership with Emerging Civil Societies in Kenya including Faith Based and NGO focusing on Socio/Economic empowerment in Community Development both in Education, Trade and Investment

6) In consensus we need to contribute in the Creation of Honorary Diplomatic appointments in America and other Major metropolitan States

7) Assisting Kenyans to Move Toward a responsible Democracy and the empowering of Emerging Civil Society and active NGOs in Kenya

8) Formulating Structures for Practical and Realistic US Foreign Aids to Kenya for Investment and Partnership Development

9) Applying a multinational efforts to documents and freeze foreign assets and or applying for travel restrictions to politicians and senior government officials who are deemed to be having an unusual personal monetary transactions outside the country and are found wanting to be in corrupt dealings

10) Applying Mutual Interest formulas to Improve Cultural Exchanges and Boost Kenyan Education System in partnership programs from Diaspora networking

11) Boosting Kenyan Tourism Industry through substantial flow of American Tourist to Kenya with conjunction of Diaspora Civic Society Mentor Agency

12) How to voice, monitor and participate in safeguarding National Security Issues in Kenya

13 Follow-up of cases of Nairobi/Tanzania Embassy Bomb Blasts victims including their families compensation report

14)How we can strategically plan on how we should continue to assist in voter recruitment, to participate and get involved in community development programs, volunteering and organizing for America in National Policy debate and strategizing for structural social and economic development Plan of Action for New American Immigrants resettlement program, and chart way-forward for Kenya’s Sustainable and justified good Democratic governance to avoid influx of migration outside Kenya.

I do believe that fellow Kenyan educators in the Diaspora can provide an independent instrumental structure through working group Think Tank approach for purposes of providing consultations and formulate ideas on procedures that can lead to a substantive beneficial dialog with the President. In this vain, state your proposed activities plan of action. These individuals once identified will be committed to discharge responsibility for soliciting ideas and recommendations from the broad spectrum of Kenyan Diaspora as a whole on issues of need assessment and forwarded for action and implementations. An attempt must be made to reach a diverse opinions as possible

We are a united front and have an opportunity of a life time. Kenyans must avoid petty ethnicity and class of wars that are killing our development efforts and political maturity as much as possible. We must agree to respect each other and appreciate that each and everyone has a responsibility to demonstrate potentials for good leadership and provide change we all need to improve Kenya.

Participants must learn to keep their personal bubbles and look at Kenya’s participation in Global outfit instead of focusing and advancing on a narrow personal interest.

The participants at the visitation are Kenyans Diasporas which means those who have taken American Citizens and permanent residence and who live in America.

Lastly, we must agree that although we Kenyan proudly share common heritage with President Obama, Kenya does not exist in a vacuum from the rest of the World in development and respect of Human Rights. What happen in Kenya affects East Africa and the rest of Africa as a whole. My hope is that one of the outcome from this meeting will be a recommendation to the Obama’s Administration to use the same frame work to focus on the rest of African Countries.

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

One thought on “Revised Agenda For Action

  1. philip kabiru

    Dear Judy
    Thank you for your concern and updates on the action plan.
    I have been reading your mail through Biidiafrika and for sure you are determined for change.
    I believe Kenya is for than any tribe or individuals.All what kenyans need is to talk to each other not telling.
    Im irritated by the way some of political leaders keep telling kenyans instead of talking to them through open forum on common ground.
    Otherwise for me im willing to support whoever is development conscious.

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