Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 01:55:42 -0700 [03:55:42 AM CDT]
From: sang kip

We and our leaders should resist any attempt to divide Rift Valley as schemed by PNU. The move is geared towards curving Kikuyu areas of the province to create a Kikuyu province in addition to Central as a step towards enabling the Kikuyu rule forever.
If we should accept division of the province, it should be on our terms.

We should never allow division of RVP to take place. But if we have to, boundaries should be drawn by us, the Riftvalleans.
The creation of districts by Kibaki in PNU friendly regions of Kenya has been a move towards the current call for division of provinces.This is meant to favor PNU and future Kikuyu presidential candidates.This bold scheme will, also, cover and destroy historic land grabbing in Rift Valley, first by white settlers and second by Kenyatta.

Rift Valley leaders need to rally Wananchi support in opposition of any move that will make some parts of RVP a Kikuyu tribal province.

This is one scheme we should resist by all means.


From: Tim Kemei
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 11:57:46 PM

I totally agree with you Mwalimu. This nonsense of sub-dividing Rift valley is political gimmick geared towards political divide and rule. Hon. Emilio should thinking wisely before taking the next step on this. There are massive urgent issues that the government should be pursuing seriously for the benefit of Kenyan’s, one being the new constitution.

— On Mon, 5/11/09, Bureti Netebes wrote:

From: Bureti Netebes
Date: Monday, May 11, 2009, 12:27 AM


Demarcating or fragmenting Rift-Valley is in essence a futile effort of attempting to create a hill from the valley. This is one area that Hon. Emilio should tread carefully as the head of State. This is one area that Hon. Emilio needs to listen and listen attentively to what wanainchi are advocating. In Rift-Valley, our vision is consolidation for the benefit of all but not fragmentation to the doom of all. We stand to loose a great deal if we blindly pursue shadows of political ambitions and ignore rays of hope that arise with cohesion of our strengths.

The government should not create confusion but to promote harmony by empowering people, supplying medical services, containing hunger, settling landless, streamlining education facilities, creating jobs by wooing local and foreign investors, hastening the release of a new constitution, drastically reducing the ministries to ease burden on the budget, etc

Finally, Rift-valley should remain intact until after 2012



  1. Domnic Okello

    Kenyans should be on the look out about kikuyus plan of dominating other kenyans both economically,politically,socially and other forms as per the oath kikuyus took after killing Tom
    Mboya.The kikuyus vowed never to surrender leadership of kenya to any anybody from other kenya tribes.This is why
    they never cared by rigging 2007 elections despite the known
    facts that rigging would create disharmoney.

    The main aim of kikuyu elites is to create another province of
    kikuyus in Rift Valley.With inflated population figures of kikuyu
    numbers,they are pushing hard to have more mps in their areas.
    They are cheating kenyans with the rigged votes in the last
    election to show that gema have more people in numbers.Infact,
    gema leaders always quote votes from places like thirni where
    over 100% voted for presidency.Which is a wrong data and
    was rigged to make kibaki becomes a president with cooked
    votes.Kenyans should not accept to manupulated to give gema
    freedom to destroy kenyans.If not checked,the greed og kikuyus
    elites will destroy kenya totally.The destruction we are witnessing in central kenya will spread to other parts of the country because of kikuyu elites.



    It is sad but this coming soon! 80% of God’s people will soon unite to stop once and for all the Kikuyu from grabbing the Rift Valley because if this does not happen then they (the House of Mumbi) will surely grab the whole country.

    Kenyatta gave lands of the Coast people and the Rift Valley people to his Kikuyu tribesmen and Kenyans taxpayers footed the bill. Oginga Odinga told him not to grab people’s land but instead he sent him to detention.

    Kibaki rigged the elections and used brutal lethal force felling 1,5000 Luos and Kalenjins whom he saw as stopping him and his people from grabbing the Rift Valley but also the whole of Kenya.

    The evil appetite will soon be stopped spontaneously by all non-GEMA tribes joining in the final war of self preservation and property rights against those GEMA forces who who a e hellbent to not only subjugate us but rob us of all our land and property in due course. Taking into account the way PNU is thinking there will soon be a social earthquake that will rid the country from all forms of injustice if we cannot enact a new just constitution. We are all threatened by the imminent social earthquake-and such earthquake could render GEMA plan irrelevant.


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