Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 22:21:51 +0300 [02:21:51 PM CDT]
From: Betty Otieno


Hope you are well. I apologize for this forward, but this is too
important to be left to a few. It needs all our participation!

I have attached a document on the Constitution review. PLEASE read
through and pick out the issues you support or all and re-write in
your own way and present to the team latest Friday this week.
Circulate widely and encourage your contacts to be proactive. May we
make our voices heard this time.

Send your views to; and/ KICC Batian Room

P.O Box 8703, Nairobi

Include your name, ID No. and address on the document.

May God bless you as you speak out for the sake of our children and
their children’s inheritance.


Kenyan constitution review.doc [application/msword] 55 KB
read or d/l document


  1. patrick mbugua

    i would like the following to be included in the new kenyan constitution;
    1.that persons wishing to vie for presidency can be as young as 25 years old
    2.that persons wishing to vie for parliamentarian seats should abide by proposed and existing tax reforms and that they should have cleared paying all their tax dues before they are cleared to vie for the said seats
    3.that the electoral commission of kenya should be given the power and finances to educate the electorate without any interference from parliament
    4.that the attorney general ceases to have powers of declaring cases as null proseque
    5.that KACC is completely indepedent and its officials are not appointed by the president but by the parliament
    6.that all councillors,chiefs and assistant chiefs posts cease to exist.even the nominated MPs and councillors be scrapped off.
    7.that mayors be elected by wananchi
    8.that MPs have no say in whatever is to be paid to them whether its allowances or salaries rather this be the decision of the treasury alone

  2. Joscky Malachi

    i am here by supporting my fellow kenyan for the above points but differ in point number one of the age needed for someone to vie for presidency. This country Kenya is bigger than the way other parties (people) are taking/seeing her, a person of 25 yrs of age definitely cann’t govern this country, because it needs a mature person e.g nowadays people actually finnish their education at the age of 25 and below, can you imagine a country governed by… lets say a form four leaver because he/she is 25 yrs of age.So the persons of the same in mind think about that.

    To me i’d like the vote of NO confidence with an MP (member of parliament) by the voter of the particular area that aren’t satisfied by the conduct of the area Mp to be included in the new constitution i.e this will stop legislature of cheating to wananchi with empty promises just to be vote in the show them their back.

  3. Duncan Fred

    I would like to thank the government of Kenya for giving us this short time to go through the harmonized draft constitution. But to me i think the government of Kenya, and the way the economy of Kenya is since it introduced another ministry posts that are of no use to the government, the wananchi have strained to live to the standard, simply because we have to pay tax for those ministers to have huge salaries.

    In the harmonized draft constitution, there is this article of SENATE. The question is, will the government of Kenya be able to pay SENATES really? I think we are not in that Standard of having SENATES in the country or else we’ll buy 2kg maize floor that is at Kshs 90 now at Kshs 140 in three months after the election of the SENATES so that the government be able to pay these posts of SENATES.

    To me, with SENATE its big NO

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