Re: Civilian Coup

Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 08:52:03 -0700 [10:52:03 AM CDT]
From: wilson ilumbi
Subject: Re: Civilian Coup

YOU CAN CALL IT A CIVILIAN COUP IF YOU LIKE.doc [application/msword] 33 KB
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— On Mon, 4/27/09, Isaac Muchoki wrote:
From: Isaac Muchoki
Subject: Re: Civilian Coup
Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 7:59 AM

Hie friends,
The issue is not Kalonzo, but Kibaki and Raila, Kalonzo only uses the opportunity presented by both when they fail to take their madate after all who signed, is not your two big boys, Kalonzo was no where, I feel bad when we miss the point and fight the wind.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 2:04 PM, Isaac Mutunga wrote:
Politicians will never cease to amaze us. PNU wing is crying foul that Hon. Raila wants to stage “a civilian coup” by calling for snap elections. Democracy is rule of majority. If ODM can convince the majority of kenyans that it has better ideas of governing this nation, I believe then it is fair for PNU to accept that it is a junior shareholder in the coalition. PNU has been treating ODM as a junior member yet it is afraid of the looming divorce.
For Kalonzo Musyoka, enough has been said about the him but one thing stands out, Kalonzo brought us this confusion. He is the modern Osu the god of confusion. He is painted half white and half black. Guys on the two sides of the street will see either white or black. All of them are right but trying to make the other guy agree that the god of confusion is white or black depending on the side they are in causes confusion.

— On Mon, 4/27/09, Amos D. wrote:

From: Amos D.
Subject: Re: PM IS POWER HUNGRY????
Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 2:58 AM

Its like withholding the food and calling those who want the food from
you gluttons :-)


on Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Albert Bandura wrote:

What is happening to the Cabinet and the members of parliament? I thought
there was some meeting immediately after the Grand Coalition was formed that
tried to explain to the members and educate them on the way the accord was
going to affect governance. How come the PNU operatives now say the PM is
power hungry?
They have tried in the past few weeks to paint him as power hungry while he
is only trying to fulfill the letter of the accord duly signed by both
parties. In that case who is power hungry? If I was to agree with that you
give me half an acre out of the one available acre with part of the
machinery in it, then one year down the line you decide that you give me the
half but refuse to give me the machinery as agreed. In this case am I wrong
to ask for my part as written down and signed by the two of us? Even my
family will blame me if I do not follow up on the machines. Your servants
then go round the market complaining that I want to take over the whole farm
and that I am selfish and that i do not want to develop the farm. With what
when the machinery is still held up in your hands.
That is what is happening with PNU operatives who pretend that they do not
understand the problem with the PM and that he wants the whole government
and does not want to respect the President. Do they as members respect the
PM who is supposedly their supervisor? How can you talk in public about
someone you are supposed to respect? How do you do that when the President
does not respect the national accord to the letter but chooses to sit on the
gray areas!


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