Re: Why is Museveni Scared of Raila?

Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 13:04:28 -0700 [03:04:28 PM CDT]
From: nicholas oyoo
Subject: Re: Why is Museveni Scared of Raila?

Museveni is up to his usual militaristic, mind games, but there could be two calculations in the statement he made.

One, he may have calculated that the wedge of tribalism in Kenya could work for him in his persuit of the island. That the discord between Luo and other tribes in Kenya could not have disappered when in January 2008 it was at the peak. He must have been surprised that Kenyans closed ranks and the Migingo issue has so far been treated by the ordinary Kenyans as well as leaders as a national issue. He therefore is trying to localize the issue.

Two, it could have been targeted to Raila as a person. I was a student in Uganda for some 3 years and one thing after the 2002 MOU trashing by the Kibaki side of the Narc Govt and things boiling over with the referedum, Some Ugandan friends let me to a little secret i did not know about why Museveni would not want a Raila presidency. they told me that Museveni was eying the East African presidency and the Luo formed the largest Tribe in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania if combined and the fact that there was physical presence of the the Luo and its subtribes (Lango, Acholi, etc) in the three countries. He feared that Raila would easilly convince such members of these communities to side with him man to man…

I do not like talking tribes but I can imagine what could be in Museveni head. The two possibilities cannot be that far away from the truth.

— On Tue, 5/12/09, Kennedy Oduor wrote:

From: Kennedy Oduor
Subject: Why is Museveni Scared of Raila?
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 7:30 AM

From Museveni’s remarks since the formation of the Grand Coalition and even being the sole country in Africa that congratuled Kibaki’s stolen presidency, its emerging that Museveni is very very scared of Raila Odinga and especially the prospects that Raila may be the next Chief Executive of Kenya. During the swearing in of the Grand Coalition Museveni pretended to have forgotten the name of ODM and had to ask around..But Raila Odinga paid him back by refering to him as the President of Tanzania.

Since the Migingo issue, Raila has issued statement in defence of Migingo being in Kenya and Museveni has made it his duty in responding to every Raila’s statement. Why should a head of state like Museveni be scared stiff of Raila Odinga? It seems for Museveni a Raila Presidency will spell doom for him and he wants to hold on to power forever. One time Raila remarked that the days of fraudulent elections in the region will be over and Museveni was irked to the heart. Raila must continue to show Museveni that leadership is not dictatorship that he is practicing in Uganda.

— On Tue, 12/5/09, charles warria wrote:

From: charles warria
Subject: Re: Museveni on Migingo
Date: Tuesday, 12 May, 2009, 9:33 AM

If this is true, by any chance, and I pray its not, then it marks the beginning of the disintegration of Kenya and Uganda. But my people, beware! I said it before, I say it again now……the Migingo issue is a creation of the Kibaki regime, to distract the ODM side, especially Raila, and keep him preoccupied and worked up over a non-issue, and thereby throw him off-balance in this current power-game! Kibaki knows he holds the Executive Authority and therefore Raila cannot order any external action against Uganda in his current capacity. But for the concern of his people, this can get him worked up and really tilt his footing in Nyanza, if not amicably and favorably solved……Watch this space!

From: cool_guy
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 4:17:12 PM
Subject: Re: Museveni on Migingo


I thot there were surveyors on ground to establish where the border
line passes and if Migingo is in Kenya then Museveni will have to bear
with that. Again I dont like the way he speaks calling our Luo Kenyans
‘Jaluo’ it’s bad and that will promote tribalism and tension between
Ugandans and Kenyans esp. those living on the border. I’ll watch the
news tonight. I think Kenya is stronger than Uganda so we should not
give them a chance to occupy our island again.


On May 12, 1:18 pm, symo kahari wrote:
Wanna biddii have you heard what Museveni has said about Migingo Island as
aired on KTN at 1 2day courtesy of BBC. Its unbelievable hearing the man
term “Ati hao wajaluo wanang’oa reli? i will say no Jaluo will ever fish in
lake Victoria” These are the words he has urttered. Is that the way the
presidents are going to solve that issue putting into cosideration that the
demacation is under way. Infact to my own thought i feel the 140 million
will go to waste because he has alraedy set his mind that migindo is
Ugandan.Is there anything that we as Kenyans can do and safeguard the
Kenyans on the island?


4 thoughts on “Re: Why is Museveni Scared of Raila?

  1. Patrick Oyulu

    I’m Ugandan and always seen Kenya as a good neighbour and no one will stop me seeing it as that.

    I’m also LUO from Uganda but it’s secondary. This Migingo thing can be solved with out bringing in ethnic monotones, that we didn’t like in that pronouncement.

    We can leave in harmony and let not “RECH” divide us like we are living in the 3rd Reich.



  3. Ng'at Ruoth

    If one never realised, Museveni has already launched a cold war on one expansive community called ‘Jaluo’. He smartly commanded forward his army which have since 2007 violence not left Kenya, to prepare the way for his ‘I will soon go and discuss with them(Jaluos)’ that Migingo is indeed not the real issue but said Jaluo.

    Yet again, the latest Vitriols on ‘Mijingo Rock’, and the Luo ‘Madness’: Good Ladies and Gentlemen, this is NOT the first time that an Individual hiding behind the flag of Uganda as a nation has purposefully sent out a gravely disturbing ‘Joke’ to afar lands beyond the Crane-land borders.
    It will, perhaps, still be recalled that a one-time self-voted Dictator Iddi Amin Dada, having been carried away by his youthful gigantic body physique, had SCORNFULLY chose to invite one of Africa’s most respected sons, then elderly Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, for a boxing match – promising that with his single blow he would consign the gigantic-minded intellectual to another world altogether. It was only a few years later, and similarly on a territorial encroachment issue, that the latter miserably taught the then ever-arrogant Amin a lasting lesson that changed the history of Uganda to this minute. Mwalimu Nyerer wisely spared common mwananchi as he straight went for the owl’s head. And East Africa Community too, a common forum that bound them voluntarily together, had to wait in the backyards only to be resumed in the 1990’s.

    How interesting the way history sometimes repeats itself in many facets. This time round, another son of the Crane-land, again under sheer personal capacity (no ordinary Ugandan brothers and sisters involved just like was the case with Amin Era), interests and keenness to president the newly revived EAC, is today singing the song of regional integration as he practices villagisation of the same region’s rocks, waters and fish to some of his foot-carpet tribes – the mad ‘Jaluos’.

    But, most unfortunately, even though the kind of war that is being fermenting courtesy of Kaguta can, indeed, be so complicated on either sides of the dispute, the big man only seem to be counting on his God-given absolute ownership of the Kenya’s Commander-in Chief (in-side support for a section of the insiders leadership succession plan) of the Armed Forces alongside his own Ugandan battalions. Yet he is not realising that, just like Alice Lakwena managed to keep NRM at bay for many years only with sticks and other crude weapons, and so the possibility that the expansive ‘mad Jaluo’ of Mara region, Jaluo of West Kenya region, Jaluo of Okot p’Bitek’s Jaluo Acholi, Jaluo Langi, Jaluo Padhola, Jaluo Dinka, and Jaluo in South Nigeria may well stand up to say loudly that they have, at all points in time, been very an up-right-minded souls that are so erroneously confused for the direct opposite posture. If at all Museveni had ever gone for a truly democratic election in Uganda, he would have surely known how important the Jaluos have been to him and his long struggle to liberate Uganda; cooking his tea, writing his speeches, servicing his external relations, and manning his military, just to mention. They are, frankly, a humble lot to the up-right personalities in the society whose ‘Madness’ is only known to just a few persons who exhibit hypocrisy per excellence, but not otherwise.

    To this end, one can never resist to say; long live international royal ‘jokes’ courtesy of individuals out to bring hell on innocent Ugandan brothers and sisters’ shoulders, yet again in history, as majority common people in all the EAC member fast becoming curious about the well-intentioned forum quickly becoming an abductee of the ruling autocratic regimes at the expense of their citizens’ betterment. Hail Tanzania position of moving forward with extra-caution on every other EAC matter as common people al over are becoming even keener to see the present time East Africa Community rolled back to wait for awhile in order that both sanity and utmost democratisation to take roots first.

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