Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb

Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 11:10:53 -0700 [01:10:53 PM CDT]
From: Judy Miriga
Subject: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb

To: Kenya Minister for Foreigh Affairs, Moses Wetangula

c.c. President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila
c.c.All Legislatures and All Cabinet Ministers,

c.c.US State Department Secretary, Hillary Clinton,

c.c. US State Department, Director of Intelligence

c.c. US Director for Immigration

c.c. US Ambassador to Kenya

c.c. Kenyan Embassy in Washington DC.

c.c. Kofi Annan

c.c. The Hague

Dear Sir,

It is with great shock we have received Douglas Ndede’s story of being a sacrificial

lamb at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington DC.

We take this opportunity to let you know that we have previously and in several ocassions, complained to Officials of Kenya Government about the going-ons with Ambassador Ogego,

a representative of Kenya in USA Washington DC, that there are many complaints from Kenyans in America and Diaspora, that he has been inactive and very inefficient in his work. He does his Diplomatic services very shoddy in an unprofessional manner. He is careless, rude and unethical in his discharge of duty. His attitudinal uncouth and arrogant behavior has in the past dug deeper conflicts and caused sour relationship with Kenyans and Diasporas in America. It has caused some negative reactions to some news media in the USA as well, and has also caused bad relations with Federal Administration from careless remarks which we conclude contributed to his failure to provide sufficient services as needed from his Diplomatic Mission Representation.

It is also speculated, that while he was in Kenya recently upon Ambassadorial Annual

Meeting, he tried to make clean and cleared himself away from blame in a case where

millions of dollars are missing under his charge. He tried to level blame on PM Raila

Odinga’s sympathizers working at the Embassy. This is more than flimsy excuse

coming from a professional appointee who is entrusted with Diplomacy and Mission

Abroad services. This is also a clear indication that, despite our struggle for change

for Kenya, he (Ogego) will continually undermine our efforts here in the USA. We are

advocating that under the Coalition Government, Government employees must remain


We now feel Ambassador Ogego MUST be removed from Diplomatic Representation

to Washington DC with immediate effect. We give the Minister for Foreign Affairs

Mr. Wetangula and the Kenya’s Coalition Government four days to remove Ogego, failure

to which, and when after 4 days are over, we will march to demonstrate to the US State Government and the White House. After the demonstration we will come back to evict Ambassador Ogego from Office on Tuesday next week.

We will put in place, our own Civil Movement choice to hold the Office in waiting until we are advice otherwise. We will do this to show solidarity with the rest of sympathizers, that we are GROUNDED FIRM IN OUR QUEST FOR LEADERSHIP CHANGE IN KENYA and that our wishes MUST be respected. In the event, If no action is taken immediately, Common Sense will tell us that Kenya Coalition Government is dysfunctional and we cannot continue to beg to be heard but we will act. The Kenya Coalition Government must know that we cannot continue to keep hanging in the balance leaning on guesswork and at the mercy of dysfunctional failed governance. We assert that Ogego’s representation has been proved not useful here in Washington DC.

By copy of this email, we request the Immigration Office to take up this matters and provide

us with up-dates on Douglas Ndede, as well as inform whether Official routine was followed

in the arrest of Douglas. We also request the Office of US State Department, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to send interrogative team including FBI and other Administrative

Officials to investigate Ambassador Ogego’s missing link in administration matters at the Kenyan Embassy with the loss of funds allegedly stolen, which has created accusatory allegations on Douglas Ndede who has been treated as a criminal thug.

We are also informed that Douglas Ndede has been clipped with an Immigration lock under house arrest with no clear written conviction and charges. Ndede has been undermined and harshly intimidated before his children. He is completely demoralized and so we would like

to know the truth of the matter.

We are acting in Solidarity with Kenyans in Diaspora as well as Kenyans in Kenya with sympathizers to rescue and speed up REFORM in Kenya governance.

We will appreciate if this matter is treated with the urgency it deserves and that the Officials concerned make an early intervention before we make move to remove Ambassador Ogego from Office by force. We are committed and are open to dialogue in a good cordial respectful relationship that which do not resort to force, that which would not create embarrasment to both the Government of Kenya and the United States of America. We hope we will be called upon to share and discuss this matter and resolve the same amicably.

We attach some of the response and report from R C Bowen for ease of reference, and expect to hear from you soon.

We shall Overcome Comrades!!!!!


Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

Tel: 301 879 1869

Re: Fw: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb
Monday, May 11, 2009 11:29 AM
From: “Fred Miriga”
We STRONGLY request FBI to investigate Kenya Embassy in Washington DC for bad Office Practice and misapropriation of Funds.

Fred Wuodoganda

From: Munyambu Vinya
Subject: Re: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb
Date: Monday, May 11, 2009, 1:06 PM

Thank you for breaking this news. Ogego must be sacked!

Sent from my iPhone

—–Original Message—–
From: barakaserv
Subject: [KOL] Re: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb

thank you for sharing this information — it is sad that Ogego used Dagi as the “weakest link” to conceal this financial scandal.
Of all the Ambassadors we have had in Washington over the years, Ogego is the worst of the worst. Although my clashes with him have been on principles not personal, his arrogance and now thievery becomes the last nail in the coffin.

Ogego has a history of theft — he was fired from the Jaramogi Foundation for the same thing — stealing.

—–Original Message—–
From: Dickens Odhiambo
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 11:36 AM
Subject: RE: [KOL] Re: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb

How come Dagi has been working there in different capacity for 3 Ambassadorial Administrations and only to succumb to this? Even Rt. PM Raila fell out with Ogego long time ago but has not rendered him jobless. We have cried to deaf ears at Foreign office on Ogego replacement but iko kitu !! Who are the real thieves using Dogi’s name? Where is the “Thief Accountant” who is an Attache (Diplomat apointee) on this matter?

Odhis (DC)

—–Original Message—–
From: barakaserv
Subject: [KOL] Re: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb

thank you for sharing this information — it is sad that Ogego used Dagi as the “weakest link” to conceal this financial scandal.
Of all the Ambassadors we have had in Washington over the years, Ogego is the worst of the worst. Although my clashes with him have been on principles not personal, his arrogance and now thievery becomes the last nail in the coffin.

Ogego has a history of theft — he was fired from the Jaramogi Foundation for the same thing — stealing.


— On Mon, 11/5/09, Judy Miriga wrote:

From: Judy Miriga
Subject: Fw: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb
Date: Monday, 11 May, 2009, 6:14 AM

The Story Goes……………..

Date: Monday, May 11, 2009, 8:07 AM


Also see www.kenyaembassy.com

Wananchi wenzangu, I would like to bring to your attention a mega scandal that has been unearthed at the Kenya Embassy in Washington DC. As many of you may know, the scandal as reported here a while back involves the dissapearance of close to $2.5 Million in over a period of three years. Most of these funds are collections from visa fees, passport renewal fees, funds allocated for settlement of newly posted staff, and funds for office renovation. As Ogego and many diplomats in the DC office prepare to leave following rumors of an imminent reshuffle, those invloved in this scandal hatched a plan six weeks ago on how to cover up their criminal activities before a new team comes in.


1. Six weeks ago, The Ambassador HE Peter Rateng Oginga Ogego travelled to Kenya on what many thought was a recall. This trip was merely a sideshow and upon arrival in Nairobi, the Hon. Ambassador met senior officials to discuss how corruption at the Embassy could be covered. It has been confirmed that most of the recipients of the $2.5 million are senior officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs based in Nairobi. These senior officials are said to have been frequent visitors in Washington DC and are part of a clique that forms a secret and yet a hard operational financial clandestine group within the government circles who are adamant that the next appointee to Washington MUST be one of “their own” in order to continue with their corrupt activities at the Embassy.

2. As the Ambassador was in Nairobi, it was agreed by senior official at the Foreign Affairs Ministry that “action” had to be taken fast and swiftly. It is at this point that “Senior” auditors from the Ministry were dispatched to Washington. Before departure to DC, these auditors had already received strict instructions on what they were suppose to do while in Washington and who their target was. While enroute to Washington, the Deputy Ambassador summoned their “target” and mentioned things such as “you know the money can buy you many flats in Nairobi.” The “target” was shocked and it was during this meeting that he was informed that he was being sent on unpaid leave together with two other employees who were given cosmetic temporary suspensions. These two have since gone back to work.

3. While the Hon. Ambassador was still in Nairobi, an order came from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asking the Chief of Protocal (PM) at the Embassy to draft a letter to the US Immigration Department informing them that the “target” was nolonger an employee of the Kenya Embassy and his visa together with the defendants needed to be revoked and sent back to Kenya immidiately. This operation between Nairobi and Washington is seen as an operation to take the “target” back to Nairobi to face dubious charges as the corruption at the Embassy is covered. You are all aware what happens when one is falsely accused and lands in the hands of the Kenyan Justice system which most of us don’t have faith in.

4. It is sad to announce, that last Wednesday, the “target” was picked up by US Immigration officials together with his elder son and detained for one day at a local detention facility in Virginia, and given three weeks to leave the country. The Chief of Protocal at the Embassy (PM) is said to be in Nairobi awaiting the arrival of the “target” so as to get him locked up immediately so that this corruption scandal at the Embassy may not be unearthed.


Here is how The Embassy cashes in.

1. Have you ever asked yourself why the Embassy insists on payment by money order ONLY? It is because money orders do no require the “payee” field to be filled. Meaning anyone can deposit the money order in any account. If payment is made by personal checks, there is paper trail and the owner through online banking can tell who cashed the check. This is the main reason the Embassy does not accept personal checks, not because of fear of bouncing. Cashiers checks MUST be pre filled with the payee. Here again the Embassy does not want this because people maybe wary of why a check for service rendered should be written to an individual.

2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs allocates funds for newly appointed diplomats however, these funds are diverted to individual pockets. This is how.

Once the Embassy purchases household items for incoming diplomats, these items are recycled over and over again BUT, each time a new employee receives the items he/she has to mark them as new….makes sense? And the money for the new arrival is pocketed…it has happened over and over…..

…to be continued..
Last edited by Peter-NROO (Today 15:11:22)

6 thoughts on “Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb

  1. Simpson Saoke

    As can be deduced from all this trash Judy and her friends penned above,it seems that this group has a personal problem with the ambassador.This may stem from thier personal relationship with their friend Mr.Ndede.There are many functions in the embassy which are too complex for for most of to understand.Simply said,let Mr.Ogego do his work.Most of us are happy with the changes he has made since his arrival.Stop your childish complaints.

  2. Vospek

    I like what I have read on nation “Sh 200 million cash(Washington Embassy). If this money was in a safe, we know who had the keys: No investigations. If it was in an account: Signatory! Now the Ps Thuita Mwangi should resign because he can’t even frame a good lie. He said we have no Douglas Ndede in any foreign mission” in response to the Nation news on Douglas Ndede.

  3. M. O. Sewe

    Ogego is the only diplomat who believes there was no post election volence except marauding youths throwing stones here and there in Nairobi slums and Nyanza Police timely dispersed. Under a morally guided government, his derogatory remarks about Obama would have automatically disqualified him from representing Kenya where his victim has become president. But to Kenya government, he is the best person to keep at bay Raila’s purported influence in the US. So, there is nothing you guys can do after all, and as Kibaki would put it: no one has eaten your goat. Ogego is one of them Douglas is not.

  4. J Brown

    Get rid of this guy already. Even as an American citizen, I can’t wait to have him recalled. No way Ogego doesn’t know about what was going on. I live here in Washington D.C. and we knew. The guy is a clown who constantly puts his foot in his mouth.

  5. Mr. Odero

    Mr. Ogego Should respect people ideas and should not pretend to know it all. He was not in Kenya during the post election violence and should not mention that there was no election violence in Kenya. that is arrogant talking.

  6. MConduso

    Ogego should be jailed immediately he reports back to Kenya. AND , the money (HE) stole to be recovered.

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