RE: Kibaki Sees Migingo as a Luo Affair

Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 11:12:59 -0700 [01:12:59 PM CDT]
From: Judy Miriga
Subject: Fw: RE: Kibaki Sees Migingo as a Luo Affair

— On Wed, 5/13/09, Oduor Olande wrote:

From: Oduor Olande
Subject: RE: Kibaki Sees Migingo as a Luo Affair
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 5:06 AM

I do not want to belittle your argument and being who I am I definately agree with you that it is ashame that at a time when patriotism should be manifest we’re caught up i parochialism. M7:i could be having political problems back in UG but the question is should the nation Kenya be sacrificed in the political game M7:i is playing using “the outside agressor” cards to maintain UGs internal stability or deflection of UG:s from polical hot issues ? Finally and a reflection point, Sir by calling for the secession of Nyanza it would be prudent to obtain some consensus with Kurian and Kisiis – this is one unique aspect with Nyanza Unique it does not belong to only one people group !

Take care

Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 02:04:48 +0000
From: masumbi2000@ , , ,
Subject: Kibaki Sees Migingo as a Luo Affair

Today Museveni said it clearly that Migingo is a Luo affair and not a Kenyan affair and this is the same man who has been talking to Mwai Kibaki over the Migingo issue. This clearly tells you what Museveni has gleaned from Kibaki- that Kibaki too sees Migingo as a luo affair and not a Kenyan affair. This explains why Kibaki has been reluctant to do anything about Migingo and having assured Museveni of the same trend of seeing Migingo-Museveni can now come out and bost to the Luos and even warn then that they will not fish on the waters of Migingo.

Despite Museveni’s outburst-you have heard no hungry reaction from PNU side of the coalition. Its almost as if the issue of Migingo is a Luo affair as Museveni says it. Only Nyanza MPs reacted to this latest Museveni trashing of Kenyans. Please if Nyanza does not belong to Kenya then why cant Nyanza just SECCEDED and be its own country??
If Kibaki feels that the people of Nyanza dont belong to Kenya-why cant Nyanza start the process of SECCEDING from Kenya??? Nyanzians are tired of being treated as if they aint Kenyans..Lemmi tell you one thing-MWAI KIBAKI IS THE GREATEST TRIBALIST IN KENYA.

2 thoughts on “RE: Kibaki Sees Migingo as a Luo Affair

  1. paul ogutu

    I, in totality agree with masumbi2000@ …comments that kibaki too view migingo issue as a luo affair. My view is supported by kibaki’s reluctance to tell museveni off on his claims that migingo is a luo affair now that museveni himself and not his other mouth pieces is talking on the migingo matter,leave alone threatening kenyan fishermen that they will not fish in migingo.To me the outcome of the boundary review team does not matter to museveni and his accomplish kibaki.If migingo was in kikuyu land kibaki would have made an input the same way he did by attending burial in eldoret of his kikuyu people killed during post election violence yesterday, but disregarded atteding burials of post election victims in non kikuyu communities. kibaki is undiputedly a president for the kikuyus only.he’s indeed agreater tribalist in kenyas history.

  2. Jd Brown

    Mr. Ogutu, may I bring your attention to what General chief of Kenya armed forces said on this issue” Migingo Island was NOT worth going to w( USA) saying Florida Key islands are not worth fighting for!!!…Cuba can annex them if he wants to!!!…do you think President Obama will allow him to keep his job a minute longer ???????.

    When Kenya General made these statements he had the blessings of the President not only to utter these words to Kenya public but to send afriendly message to Museviniuganda on this dispute. This was a clear signal Museviniuganda was waiting for from Mr. Kibaki’s government on Migingo Island.
    Soon or later annexation of Kenya by Museviniuganda will affect all Kenyans regardless of their tribal affiliations. It has been said that “house divided will NOT stand” As Kenyans we are in this country together and we must deal with Museviniuganda as one nation. Kenyans are ready to spport their President on this issue but he the President must come out and show leadership by adressing the protection and the integrity of Kenya borders.

    Museviniuganda is lying..sorry misleading Mr. Kibaki on solving Migingo Island peacefully Mr. Ogutu!. when he singled can see what he is thinking, when he calls Luos names you can hear his true feelings on this dispute.Traslation to Mseviniuganda,Mr. Kibaki and Kikuyus are OK (good Kenyans)..Luos are crazy Kenyans.

    Thank God to a post in this website that showd that LUOS are every where in East Africa hemisphere and the chances of Museviniuganda eliminating all of them may proof to be a tall order even for tin cup dictator like Museviniuganda

    The time to protect lake region people from Museviniuganda is now. Mr. President…not to come for the burial of Kenya citizens that will take place by Museviniuganda by letting migingo Island fall!

    It is time Kenya government station permanent marine base in lake region to counter Uganda marine patrol in lake Victoria. Mr. Oguttu it is time for you and your people to call on Lake region MPS to call on President and the PM to address this issue in the interest of this country or else Museviniuganda will be your President in the near future!

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