Re: Museveni admitted atlast

Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 11:02:30 -0700 [01:02:30 PM CDT]
From: jbatec@ . . .
Subject: Fw: Vs: Re: Museveni admitted atlast

I wonder how we will protect Luos Nyanza against the invasion of Museveni and possible wipe out, a thing they planned with Uhuru and Kibaki with Mt. Kenya Mafia who hatched the plan. See how they keep twisting the matter involving big money in the pretense of surveyor cost, which under cover goes into Kibaki and cartels pockets…..PM Raila seems to know everything but is not interested in making it an urgent serious issue, he does not act like he wants Parliamen to discuss and make firm decision. Look who they are sending to head survey, yet the matter is black and white in Britain, in archives, on satelite scale and on the internet, showing Migingo is marwa a Kenyan Rock. PM Raila is doing evading tack-ticks, they are taking an easy route to make the case drag so the Uganda should take firm grip and full control on the Nyanza region. Kibaki completely does not even touch it. PM Raila needs to come clean in this matter. There is a lot he is not telling us. I think It is a much bigger problem than what we think. This agreement between Kibaki and Museveni to wipe out Luos from Kenya begun during campaign for 2007 it is going on. So if Kenya is not protecting us and PM Raila is playing balls with them, he does not seem serious in pressurizing, what do we do as Luos? This is what I mean with debate must take centre stage. If it means soliciting the UN support, we better do it now.

That statement alone tells us if the Parliament would have been firm and strict, they would by now involved Kenyan Navy or Armed Forces in a swift move. Have you heard Kibaki say anything? Then why if Kibaki does not say anything, why is PM Raila not joining the Civil Society and the general public to jointly pressure for Migingo. We dont want any money to be used, that is blackmailing. We must know how much they have already drawn in the name of Migingo survey. We want to know how much they already gave that surveyor…….come on people.

PM Raila is not interested in saving or helping Luos. We have to struggle ourselves. As a leader he would be in the fron line by now making noise endlessly.

People, Please debate, I mean open forum debate. The truth will set you free.

Ppeople just speak up and give your thoughts. This is why everyone must be consulted. Speak without fear, and speak the truth for the world to know.


Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

— On Wed, 5/13/09, Paul Nyandoto wrote:

From: Paul Nyandoto
Subject: Vs: Re: Museveni admitted atlast
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 1:00 PM


Please read very carefully Museveni`s speech. The man has indirectly
decleared a war on luos as a tribe. Museveni does not see Migingo as a
Kenyan problem but as a luo problem. This should not be taken very
cheaply. The man is ready to face luos not Kenyan army. I think he has
been assured that the Kenyan army will not prevent his mission.

Paul Nyandoto

>>> 05/13/09 12:51 >>>

Hi Ken,

We have now reach consultational level where all opinions, ideas and
dialogue in open forum must be consulted but not left to the Government
alone because they are corrupt. The public must contain no fish no
railway line until and unless matters take shape and continue to consult
and develop ideas from the case of troubled waters. So Public debate
begins now in order that Legislatures and Kenyan Administration can
gauge what the Public wants. We also want contribution from the
fishermen as well, they need to unite and from a strong leadership team.
Involve media as much as possible. Nothing of this must be allowed to
be done secretively. We dont want Mutua participating in this

The strategy here is that the MIGINGO ROCK as they term is in Kenyas
Rock (according to the 60s official legal boundary) from where our
fishermen fish, Museveni on the other hand in claiming part of the lake,
should stay and remain on his side on the water (even in high seas there
are boundaries) but not step on the ROCK and both Government must
determine how much part of the lake does he claim to be his. Secondly,
we need Kenyan Navy as well to mann our portion of the lake to provide
security so our fishermen should be protected and be secure from Uganda
Army invasion. Thirdly, We need a treaty muted by both Government
Officials conditions for respectn of boarderline and compensation
thereof but not invasion.


Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

— On Wed, 5/13/09, Kennedy Onyango

From: Kennedy Onyango
Subject: Museveni admitted atlast.
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 1:10 AM

Hi judy!Since Museveni has accepted that mijinjo ooh was it migingo
finally belongs to Kenyans but majaluo
Should not step into Ugandans’ water fishing which its boundary he is
yet to disclose what do you now think? Your advice to presso or Lucy who
seems to be governing this country?


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