An evil report

From the time the promise was given to the Patriarch Abram, to its fulfillment, a lot of water had gone under the bridge. As you follow what turned out to be the most painful journey, you can’t help but wonder if the generations after have learned any lesson!

Come with me as together we tip toe the painful history of God’s elect. Time and space will only allow for the highlights:

1. Abram and Sarah doubted God’s promises, took matters into their hands, and did that which caused them more pain.

2. The young man Joseph was sold by his own blood brothers as an attempt to hinder him from being their leader.

3. Joseph became the prime minister in a foreign land by God’s providence. He became a savior to his family after many years of suffering

4. Egypt was destroyed by the merciful God when Pharaoh stood on His way to liberate His children.

5. The journey that was supposed to have taken them just one week, took them 40 years.

6. Of the 600,000 people, besides women and children who left Egypt to the Promised Land, only two made it, Joshua and Caleb. The rest were destroyed in the wilderness for what the Bible describes as the “hardness of their hearts.” They complained, whined, and tested God to the uttermost. Some were swallowed by the opening of the land due to challenging God’s choice of Moses, as their leader. Even Moses, the meekest man on earth, did not make it to their promised land.

7. When they had come to the borders of the Promised Land, God instructed Joshua to send 12 men to go and spy the land. These were good and able leaders. On their return, 10 of then rendered what the Bible terms “an evil report,” that caused a lot of pain and commotion in the camp. Thank God for Joshua and Caleb, who stood tall and told nothing but the whole truth.
Their resolve saved a situation that would have turned chaotic. That it’s only these two who made it to the Promised Land, underscores the fact that God is mindful of those things that more often than not we tend to regard as minute.

Many years after the story took place and, of course, was recorded for our own benefit, the big question still remains, has any one learned a lesson, any lesson!
Have I? Have You?

What is very clear from the story is this:  Although God in many times acts like He doesn’t care about what goes on in any country or community, there comes a time when He intervenes and acts in a way that leaves no doubts in many peoples’ minds that He is unhappy.

You and I need to tread very carefully when it comes to dealing with God. The classic warning “Do not be deceived: God can not be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” (Galatians 6:7,” remains true to day. Tread carefully, I repeat. Will you?

Just a warning

Pr Birai-612-386-4608

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