Reconciling Kenya proves to be a Tearful Affair

From: Judy Miriga
Date: Jul 26, 2009 8:00 AM
Subject: Reconciling Kenya proves to be a Tearful Affair

Bethuel Kiplagat knows more than meets the eye…..this sing song of forgivenssis full of cover-ups we are not interested. Let the law takes its rightful course so we can rest the spirits of those whose lives were taken from them through politicized motives.

We forgave and moved on when they took Tom Mboya’s life, we again forgave when they took Pinto, we forgave when they took J.J. Kariuki, we forgave when they took Agai Koyier, we forgave when they took Angawa, we forgave when they took Ouko, we forgave when they took Mbai…… the midst of it all there are constant smart killings, some are faked road accidents, some through strategic frustration of marginalization, some through poison……….the list is endless……… we are sick and tired people…..why do we still have to go round about things when the Law that governs and secure lives, if not local we have the International, why cant we solve matters and we rest at peace. Why do we have weaklings amongst us? Cant we energize these our good men and women and to stand firm and strong for Hague?

Those Leaders who meander who dilly dally and cannot provide direction or measurable principles should be given leave to go home and retire. We cannot go by peacemeal. I believe politics have turned high tech and they cannot catch up anymore to safeguard or champion for present match-up ideologies that can help the Nation move forward in a substantive development achievement.

We are now treated to a systematic strategized political gangstry, a move to drive people to concentration camps…….poverty and hopelessness escaliting to the highest magnitude…….why cant we deal with this maniac demonic and satanic political goofs once and for all? Dont we have options for Hague people…..why cant we stand firm up in arms and stop this cronic menace in our midst…….you still want to be sung songs that will make you puke…….ati forgiveness forgiveness what……….why cant they have mercy to the poor and the hungry? Who are they kidding? Why do you entertain people who come to pee and do dung on your door steps? Why do you sing and dance with them? We dont want crocodile tears……..they are not going to do any good to our future………we need cleansing from the smear of blood that were poured from the innocent who were just seeking good life for all to enjoy God’s Blessings. We need the whole lot out people……they are doing us no good……… they are a pain in the neck……… a spade a spade………Enough is enough people……to be too linient is a sign of stupidity………people, you can do better than to be continuosly bounced in a zig zag ping pong fashion. This are best suited to a Warthog dance moves. These leaders are sucking your blood. They are suckers they all need to go to Hague.

Be serious with your lives…….and dont play silly with people who do not understand your concerns and interests for the struggle of wanting to achieve your potentials in a secure livelihood full of hope in a favourable political atmosphere conducive for sustainable development prospects … should all know that these leaders are opaque, they are standing on your ways so you cannot achieve your potential worth to a progressive future in a competitive Global Village Market. They have put a big wall to your success… you will have no success story to tell to your grandchildren when you grow old ………….move people, get moving towards your destination, your Destiny is in your hands people. Do not hesitate to take them to Hague…..Hague will be the beginning to our realization of Peace at which we will re-gain trust to Love our friends and neighbours once more – and Unite for a Common Purpose and a Commong Goal, the things we have always desired to cherish.


Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

Reconciling Kenya proves to be a tearful affair

Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission chairman Bethuel Kiplagat wipes tears at the NTV newsroom during an interview after he was asked to shed light on the Ouko murder. Photo/COURTESY OF NTV

By SUNDAY NATION ReporterPosted Saturday, July 25 2009 at 22:30

The head of the Truth Commission, Bethwel Kiplagat wept uncontrollably when asked what he knows about the death of then Foreign Affairs minister Robert Ouko.

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Speaking in an interview at the NTV newsroom on Saturday, the chairman of the Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission said Mr Ouko was a close family friend.

“I’m willing to go anywhere to know who killed my brother Ouko. His family has a lot of trust in me,” he said as he tried to fight back tears.

Even today, he added, the friendship with Mr Ouko’s family still exists as he is a member of the Ouko Foundation. Mr Kiplagat had to ask for a break in the recording to let him recover his composure.

He said he was among the few senior officials who responded to summons by the Ouko Commission of Inquiry, which was set up in 1991 to establish the cause of death of the late Foreign Affairs minister.

Minister killed

Mr Kiplagat’s critics accuse him of having failed to shed light on Mr Ouko’s death since he was the permanent secretary in the ministry when the minister was killed in February 1990.

They argue that he should not therefore chair the TJRC since he is supposed to be a witness in the Ouko case. The commission was chaired by the current Chief Justice, Evans Gicheru and was disbanded before it could finish its work.

“I went to the inquiry alone and stayed there for one-and-half days and gave all the information I had,” he said. He recalled that there were some senior officers who ignored similar summons.

Mr Kiplagat wept for a second time as he tried to explain his stand on accusations by former detainees of retired President Moi and a survivor of the infamous Wagalla massacre.

The detainees include two former MPs; Koigi wa Wamwere and Wanyiri Kihoro. Mr Kihoro said he was detained for organising protests against Mr Moi’s government in London when Mr Kiplagat was Kenya’s High Commissioner in London. Technically, according to Mr Kihoro, Mr Kiplagat was his accuser.

The former Nyeri Town MP has said he “will not honour the TJRC by appearing before it.” Mr Wamwere said the TJRC is doomed to fail because through its chair, Mr Kiplagat, “it seems designed to cleanse past and present perpetrators of torture and if possible post-election violence.”

However, Mr Kiplagat struggled to exonerate himself from blame for injustices committed during the time he served under Mr Moi.

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He said he had advised Mr Moi on the need to accept change, which according to him culminated into the repeal of section 2 (a) of the constitution, which paved the way for multi-party democracy. “I spoke out my mind when things went wrong,” he said.

One thought on “Reconciling Kenya proves to be a Tearful Affair



    Kibaki will never stop adding insult to injuries on Kenyans, seeing that now he has appointed, of all the people, Ambassador Kiplagat to the chair of TJCR knowing very well that it is this same Ambassador’s office that minister Robert John Ouko worked and that it is his office that forcefully and stealthily took away the minister’s note (which could have shed light on his killers) to his brother Barack Eston Mbaja and to Kenyans at large, let alone the world.

    Why should Mwai Kibaki appoint a man whose hands are dripping with blood to such an honourable office? What is he trying cover up or achieve with such appointment?

    The president, by this appointment, shows clearly just as he has done in the past that he has no good intentions for justice for the non-GEMA communities. Kenyans should never accept Kiplagat’s appointment since it is an affront on us by the heartless president.

    President Moi by supporting to the hilt the candidacy of Mwai Kibaki in the run-up to the 2007 elections was protecting his property, like land grabbing and not democracy for the Kenya people. After all he never knew what democracy meant when he was president.


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