Africa & USA: Letter to President Obama From Civil Society Representatives in LRA-affected areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan

from Judy Miriga


I am writing this email to counter propaganda Museveni is trying to marshall through Agents of unscrupulous thiever and killers of “International Corporate Special Business Interest in East Africa and the Horn (North) of Africa, including the illegal trading in the whole of Africa, the reason there is extreme poverty in Africa as well as endless assassination, pain and sufferings.

I take this opportunity also to call on East Africa people to Beware of Moi, Kibaki, Meles Zenawi, Museveni, Salim Saleh, Kagame, Raila, Uhuru, Kalonzo Musyoka, Wetangula with their associated cartel network team…….!!!…….It is time the world need to know, these unscrupulous business community are not after human rights but destruction of poor African and manipulate African wealth selfishly for themselves. This is not an act of sharing, caring or providing an enabling environment to engage in Partnership development to eradicate poverty. These African leaders decided to take public weath as privately and personally owned…….while they are thriving on lies upon lies without shame or feel any empathy ………they have red coded eyes, that do not blink in shame.

There is no doubt, there is a long-running conflict in northern Uganda between the Lords Resistance Army and the government of President Yoweri Museveni. The Uganda-LRA peace talks brokered by the Government of Southern Sudan is a region of Sudan, comprising ten of that country’s provinces. The Sudanese government agreed to give autonomy to the region in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. This represents one in a series of continuing conflicts in the Horn of Africa. The conflicts in the Horn of Africa have continuously ravaged that region recently. The Horn of Africa is a region continuously in crisis. Ethiopia occupies a predominant position in the Horn and this is where Arab deals are central.

Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has had struggle with Konyi because Konyi resisted to fight Yoweri for killing throwing Acholi out of their Natural Traditional Community Land which extended the long fight amongst the two, Yoweri and Konyi……

In 1994, the government minister Betty Bigombe facilitated peace talks between the two sides. But just as it seemed negotiations were about to begin, Museveni delivered a seven-day ultimatum to the rebels to agree to a settlement or face the military consequences. Unsurprisingly, any chance of talking peace collapsed and the fighting resumed. …….This is typical of Museveni taking an upper hand on his fierce invasion and expansionism.

Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni is not eager to bring about and achieve unity for common good of all and peaceful coexistence for the Region to develop and succeed in progressive agenda. He is busy engaging in distability and assassinating lives of the Nilotics Tribal Group, mostly Luos in the region. This is why, he hurriedly stalled peace talks between him and Kony in Juba. Museveni has mental issues for accumulating wealth, and is possessed with acquiring land illegally and unconstitutionally. It is the reason he invaded and took over ownership of Migingo with frequent interference of high level of corruption in the illegal trade of Coffee, Tea, Gas and Oil, Gold and Diamond, the reason there is unending conflict and pilferage of arms in the Great Lakes Region and in addition, where the disruption and criminal theft of wealth from Tanzania, Kenya and Congo is causing a lot of misery, pain and sufferings.

Museveni is the masterminder, wheeler dealer of genocide perpetrated from Ethiopia through Somalia into Kenya and an expansionist using terrorist gangs. He succeeded in doing this with the help of his blood brother who is a Somali, Mr. Salim Saleh (where his mother was made pregnant by a Somali Trailer Driver) who helped him tie relationship with Somali Government to train Al-Shabaab and was the link connection to Gadaffi. Using his former Minister of Defense, Amama Mbambazi, Museveni cut peoples tongue, Mbambazi is now Uganda’s Prime Minister.

In the same vain, Museveni recently took Kenya’s Luo Migingo Island by force and killed many Luo Fishermen, then hoisted Uganda flag on the island. These are some ugly negotiations they had with Moi Regime as the unfinished business, where Beth Mugo and Uhuru supported very strongly…….with Beth Mugo quoting the island as, just a small rock. Museveni has long friendship ties with Moi, who aided Museveni during Moi Regime to take over Uganda from Obote. Moi equally assisted Museveni to take over Rwanda in favour for Kagame. Moi’s unfinished business was to destroy and exterminate Luos in and around Lake Victoria, so he can acquire and control Luo’s Natural Wealth to benefit the Kenyatta family. This is what is going on now, to provide room for the Somali brother to Museveni, Salim Saleh to take over Somalia leadership. Moi, Museveni, Kibaki, Museveni, Kagame and Salim Saleh have an agenda to deliver East Africa to Arab Nations through Ethiopia. This is why, Uhuru is Moi’s project to complete the unfinished Moi and Museveni’s unfinished business.

It is the reason why Mt. Kenya Mafia special Interest wealthy tycoon support Raila, who is penetrating River Nile through Ngilu in a shared loot. It is business of thievers network of special unscrupulous wealth Mt. Kenya Mafia Kikuyus with their jointly with International Special Interest to invade and take over traditional Luo Nyanza land and wealth which were already transacted and money loaned by the International Financial Institutions including World Bank……..

The continuous war in South Sudan is for the same reason including the takeover of River Nile through Minister Charity Ngilu. This is the reason why both Kibaki and Raila do not want the New Constitution and will not provide or pass Devolution of Counties, where power and wealth is controlled regionally at County levels, the reason they want to delay matters so they are able to impose their Agents after wipping out their critics…… is a repeatition of the same old story of unfinished business of Moi, Museveni and Kagame, to deny people, those victim robbed of responsible and meaningful livelihood.

Museveni should be investigated for human genocide and atrocities of the Uganda massacres and he should tell us why and how Chiiza Cheseve killed Kayira Museveni’s guerilla in Uganda while Museveni was living in Nairobi being aided with Moi, as he was in the offensive to get rid of Obote.

Museveni, Kagame and Salim Saleh are Wanya-Rwanda, grooming to take leadership in Somalia……so they can control wealth in the Great Lake Region including River Nile. They are together in league in this Somali invasion spate to destroy East Africa through Al-Shabaab and Mungiki and take full control of North and East Africa’s wealth. They are sneakily waging and fueling war backed by East Africa politicians for unscrupulous International Corporate Business Community cartel network……..who have engaged in innocent blood spill, extermination and execution with assassination of mass massacre, and created extreme poverty situation, pain and sufferings……..

Museveni, Moi, Kibaki, Meles Zenawi, Kagame, Uhuru, Raila, Wetangula, Kalonzo Musyoka with team have reasonable cause to be taken to ICC Hague over crime of genocide and violation of Human Rights, and they must stop hoovering as untouchable saints.

Museveni was behind killings of Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda and Cyprian Ntaryamira of Burundi a matter that sparked the Rwandan genocide then he helped Kagame Munya-Rwanda to asume power in Rwanda. President Garang of South Sudan’s death is said to have been kiled by Museveni. Konyi of LRA is therefore a victim of Museveni’s land expansionism. Konyi’s tribe in the North of Uganda living around Lake Victoria where many Acholi’s massacred and a few driven way to neighboring country’s, and while others went to Europe. Museveni took the land of the tribe of Acholi with others including other Nilotic tribes of the North and forced them out of their land and shared the same with unscrupulous International Corporate Business investors from the west who were after East African Lands for Agricultural cash crops and with Natural Resources.

Museveni called those who are not Wanya-Rwanda animals who do not deserve to live a descent livelihood and have no right to benefit in the value of their Natural Resources and Agricultural cash crop, that which must be taken away from forcefully be by force. This is the reason for excessive poverty, conflicts, assassinations, pain and sufferings of many. This is why, many have been illegally and unconstitutionally been blocked to utilized public resouce opportunities available in commodities trading in a fair playing field. It is the reason why Moi, Kibaki and Raila blocked the Devolution of Counties from taking effect.

The border between Uganda and Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia and Ethiopia is very porous and there is never any serious border monitoring…….the reason Menes Zenawi, Somali Government, Kibaki and Museveni did it on purpose…… making it easy for pirates, Al-Shabaab invasion, Arms, drugs and human trafficking is free for all and illegal trading flow between Uganda, Tanzania, Somali, Ethiopia and Congo.

Observers say the lucrative trade in minerals like coltan, gold and diamonds is the main cause for the continuation of the carnage in Congo.

The illegal militia that which helped put Kagame to power, enjoy a symbiotic relationship with Uganda and Rwanda. The guns and gems trade cannot easily be stamped out because it benefits all the parties that have the power to stop it: the Rwandan and Ugandan governments–including their corrupt customs, police and traffic officers that are bribed to let in the minerals–and the Congolese warlords. While occupying forces physically quit Congo in 2002, they left behind a sophisticated smuggled goods with illegal transport across state or national boundaries without customs checks or guard to enforce security prohibition. Smuggling has been carried on in nearly all nations with Government police escort and has occasionally been adopted by the same interest of the Great corrupt network that could run for many years.

Goma, which lies just off Rwanda’s northern border, was the headquarters of the The Congolese Rally for Democracy. In the watch of Kagame, there will be no Democracy in Congo because of the strong arm of Museveni and Moi network for special International Corporate unscrupulous business interest. It is Kagame’s group that was backed in war that are in control force in Congo. It was a major factor in the Second Congo War (1998-2003). (RCD-Goma)–the main group Uganda/Rwanda backed in the war and killed many Hutus. The town still has a heavy Rwandan business and security presence.

In December 2003 it emerged that the UN Panel on the plunder of Congo’s resources had cut out of its report a chapter that detailed the involvement of Uganda and Rwanda in looting Congo’s resources and arming its militia groups. The reason given was that publishing the chapter could have harmed the fragile peace process in the Congo. Today, the Armed Foreign PeaceCorps with Foreign NGOs are heavily into fuelling corruption as they deeply engaged into the business.

The illegal and unconstitutional mining of coltan (the raw material for computer chips) in Congo must be stopped to give Congo people Human Rights to their Democracy and election……the raw material for computer chip is the reason many women and children are killed like insects, spilling innocent blood for Gold and Diamond taken from the locals by force and by termination of lives……..Genocide and atrocities intensified around 1999 in both South and North Kivu with miners operating in mountainous areas, taking over fertile farming fields and driving away local communities there, even in shallow rivers.

The report says Rwanda is still arming the RCD-Goma and Union for Congolese Patriots (UPC (Universal Product Code) The standard bar code printed on retail merchandise, which is administered by GS1 US, Brussels, Belgium and Lawrenceville, NJ ( ) and that its military and security agents still play ‘an important but highly discreet role’ in looting the Congo.

It claimed RCD-Goma runs the Congo Holding Development Company (CHDC CHDC Charlotte Development Center ), which has bases in eastern Congo and Kigali, and that it serves as the primary vehicle for illegally shipping out minerals. Kampala was also accused of ‘a shift to a more centralized, state-sponsored policy’ of militia funding and mineral exploitation. It added that Uganda’s ‘campaign of economic exploitation in eastern Congo’ was directed from the President’s office.

Quote from public information, NGOs, UN and Media Reports Archive:

It is said by well-informed commentators that after the RPF installed itself in power in Kigali, difficulties began to emerge over the way Ugandan officials, including those at the highest levels, possibly buoyed by the role they had played in the war, wanted to relate to the young government and those running it. A well-known story has President Museveni continuing to refer to his former protégés, now running a sovereign country, as Bboysb. No less proud than their former mentor, the Rwandans found this more than just a little irritating. And then, the story continues, Kampala became a little too keen to provide advice, even where it was not needed, and to push for it to be followed. Those with long memories will recall that in those days some Ugandans had even taken to referring to Rwanda, albeit jokingly, as one of Uganda’s districts. While Kampala’s patronising attitude was tolerated for a while, the Rwandans eventually asserted themselves. Unable, possibly unwilling to accept that “the boys” had come of age, the Ugandans continued with their ‘superior’ attitude….(taking of control in East Africa)…..And so whenever Rwandan officials have found themselves in trouble, many have fled to Uganda where they have friends and, for some, even relatives, before they decide what to do next. Likewise, after the 2006 elections when several Ugandan army officers found themselves in trouble over supporting Museveni’s arch-rival, Dr. Kizza Besigye during that year’s presidential campaigns, Rwanda became the ‘natural’ destination. They had friends or contacts there who, they hoped, would offer them protection. Analysts point at these occurrences as yet another source of tensions as either side has suspected the other of trying to use its dissidents as agents of destabilisation.

Museveni was involved in the war that deposed Idi Amin Dada, ending his rule in 1979 with the help of Moi Administration, and in the rebellion that subsequently led to the demise of the Milton Obote regime in 1985. Museveni also aided Kagame to take over Rwanda, pushing out most Congolese inhabitants and taking control of major parts of Mineral potential in Congo.

Museveni returned with his supporters to their rural strongholds in the Bantu-dominated south and southwest to form the Popular Resistance Army (PRA). There they planned a rebellion against the second Obote regime, popularly known as “Obote II”, and its armed forces, the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA). The insurgency began with an attack on an army installation in the central Mubende district on 6 February 1981. The PRA later merged with former president Yusufu Lule’s fighting group, the Uganda Freedom Fighters (UFF), to create the National Resistance Army (NRA) with its political wing, the National Resistance Movement (NRM). Two other rebel groups, the Uganda National Rescue Front (UNRF) and Former Uganda National Army (FUNA), formed in West Nile from the remnants of Amin’s supporters, engaged Obote’s forces.

Lango and Acholi has suffered in the hands of Yoweri Museveni. With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is still is in anarchy……Museveni received Intelligency Agnecy (CIA) that indicted his top aides for complicity in the war with the Uganda community in the North it was reported in the Media of Sunday Standard. Museveni had been duped by his top military commanders, senior government officials and relatives into chasing a mirage in the form of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) Rebel leader, Joseph Kony. When Museveni and the world knows that Museveni is practicing Divide and Rule to plant hatred and pursue his mission for killing innocent people to invade, capture and own victim’s land and natural resources.

So, why the sudden change of tact and impatience when weeks before the talks began, to bring peace between Museveni and Konyi, he pulled off and continue to vow to pursue the rebels right into the Democratic Republic of Congo? He had even sought United Nations help and backing to flush out the rebels from Congo. For those who are aware of the atrocities committed by Ugandan forces in eastern DRC, the threats were perceived as a camouflaged attempt to send the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) into the DRC again to continue with the plunder of natural resources. This included the trafficking of minerals, timber, cultural artifacts and game trophies that are of great value to the people of Uganda, Congo, Kenya and Tanzania.

We cannot live a lie indefinately, let the truth be told and Museveni with network be brought to legal justice.

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

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Watch This…….These are some indicators to conclude what Moi, Museveni, Meles Zenawi, Kibaki, Raila and team are after……..connect the dots people…….

The Citizen (Dar es Salaam)

Tanzania: Museveni ‘Plotting Change of Government in Khartoum’
John Njoroge
15 October 2011

Kampala — Sudan’s Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha has accused President Museveni of plotting regime change in Sudan as part of a broader agenda to stifle Arab influence in Africa. The accusations come as the Khartoum administration struggles to calm protesters who have thronged the nation’s capital all week over high food prices and rising cost of living.

Mr Taha also accused former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and former Yemeni Vice President Ali Salim al-Beidh of contributing militarily to the secession of South Sudan. While attending a symposium in Egypt’s Capital Cairo on Monday, Mr Taha said Mr Museveni made his intentions clear sometime last year when he attended an event in New York. According to Mr Taha, Mr Museveni spoke of a movement by marginalised regions of Sudan to shift the centre of power in Sudan.

“This is ridiculous,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Ambassador James Mugume said yesterday. “I was in New York and the President never said such a thing.”

Ambassador Mugume said President Museveni actually expressed support for the Sudanese government and called for the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in 2005 including the January 2011 referendum and the peaceful resolution of other post-referendum issues. According to the Sudan Tribune, Mr Taha could have been referring to a United Nations meeting Mr Museveni attended on September 27, 2010.

It is alleged Mr Museveni reportedly said the problem in Sudan was a group of Arabs who were trying to run Sudan as an Arab country regardless of the fact that it was an Afro-Arab nation.

Meanwhile, President Museveni dismissed as “absolute rubbish” allegations that he could have received personal payments from Italian oil firm, ENI, in return for Heritage Oil’s exploration rights and said Tullow Oil official Andy Demetriou who reportedly made the claims is an “idiot”.

In one of the several US diplomatic cables released by whistle-blower website, Wikileaks, in August, Mr Demetriou, who is Tullow’s head of external relations, reportedly told an official of the US Mission in Kampala on November 24, 2009: “Tullow believes ENI made personal payments to President Museveni and Ministry of Energy officials in return for Tullow’s offshore exploration rights.

The Independent (Kampala)
Uganda: Bukenya’s Worst Mistakes
Mubatsi Asinja Habati
8 October 2011

How the CHOGM corruption case benefits the mafia, Museveni, and the donors

When former vice president Gilbert Bukenya was sent to Luzira Maximum Security Prison on Oct. 3 on allegations of corruption, it looked like the final blow to a man who has always exuded confidence and charm.

It was such a low point for a man who until recently was called “mahogany” because of his perceived solid position in President Yoweri Museveni’s government that many people who gathered at the Anti-corruption Court in Kampala shed tears.

Bukenya became the first top-gun in the corruption battle over the procurement of goods and services for the Commonwealth Heads of State and Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Kampala in 2007. Over Shs 500 billion was allegedly swindled by individuals involved in the preparations.

Bukenya is accused of abuse of his office, and fraudulently influencing and directing the award of a contract for supply of 204 executive motor vehicles for CHOGM to Motorcare Uganda Ltd in total disregard of the regulations governing public procurement. He denies the charges.

The Inspector General of Government (IGG), Raphael Baku, who is prosecuting the Bukenya case has been accused of targeting Bukenya and clearing a raft of top officials, including Amama Mbabazi the current prime minister and Foreign Affairs Ministers, Sam Kutesa of wrong doing. It is alleged that the duo are the inner core of President Yoweri Museveni’s cabinet and therefore “untouchable”.

Cissy Kagaba, director of Anticorruption Coalition Uganda, is among who doubts government’s fight on corruption. “It’s the same old story. This is not the first time that high profile people are arrested; heads roll, headlines are made, government given credit and that’s the end of the story; the same people then apply for bail because it’s their constitutional right, and then the usual happens- dragging of the case, and we never get to hear about it again.”

It has also been pointed out that IGG Baku, who is a former aide of Mbabazi and subordinate at the NRM secretariat, has not shed the habit of jumping when Mbabazi barks.

Jumping the queue

Bukenya problem is that, although he is a relative neophyte in the NRM inner sanctum, he appears to have been perceived as a contender in the proverbial “queue”, the word famously coined by Mbabazi to describe those perceived to be in line to succeed President Museveni. For a long time, Mbabazi has been perceived to be the frontrunner.

Bukenya’s political pendulum swung to its highest when as vice president, he succeeded in becoming a carbon copy of the President to the extent of even mimicking the way Museveni walks, speaks, and gestures. He even began wearing safari hats just like the president.

Museveni’s son, now Col. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, was rising in the army and Bukenya too allowed his son, Brian Bukenya, to enroll as a cadet. However, just as he was about to graduate, Bukenya’s son was killed in a road accident at Bbira along Mityana Kampala Road. Brian Bukenya, 26, had just finished his law course at Coventry University in the UK when he joined the army. The driver of the pick-up car in which Brian was killed handed himself to police saying the he lost control of the van. An inquiry was set up into the death but the report has not been made public.

However, insiders say, his son’s death marked a turning point in Bukenya’s life. During the funeral, Museveni recounted how Bukenya had consulted him on his son’s decision to join the army and he had given the green light. Bukenya described his late son as more of a brother and trusted friend.

By modeling himself after Museveni, Bukenya attracted many challengers in the queue. In fact, even before the oil saga and throughout his eight-years as VP, he behaved like the proverbial sword of Damocles was hanging over his head. From 2007 when a man accused him of snatching his wife and he was photographed in witchdoctor’s shrine, Bukenya has been portrayed at “the king of bizarre” by some media houses.

Recently there have been photos of him mainly hugging women. Bukenya was also facing a challenge in court over his re-election as Busiro North MP for allegedly bribing voters. At one point he alleged that a “mafia group”, within the government and largely understood to be Mbabazi, Kutesa, and former minister Hope Mwesigye was working to bring him down. He later called a press conference at which he retracted the allegations and shook hands with Mbabazi.

Defying Museveni

Bukenya appears to have swum into the shark’s path when he disregarded President Museveni’s and his party’s caution not to run against Mbabazi for the post of Secretary General in the 2010 party elections. Museveni’s favoured candidate, Mbabazi, won but the President is known not to countenance disobedience.

His toughest political challenger, Col. Kizza Besigye, who is leader of the opposition Forum for Democratic Change was once Museveni’s blue-eyed boy. They fell out when Besigye released a dossier intended as an in-house critique of NRM and Museveni. Since then Besigye has endured harassment, imprisonment, humiliation, and torture.

When his childhood friend, Eriya Kategaya, opposed lifting presidential terms limits, Museveni kicked him out of cabinet together with longtime favourites like Jaberi Bidandi Ssali and Miria Matembe.

Bukenya, therefore, did not earn any friends in high places when on Sept. 21, even with his other troubles raging, he appended his signature to a list of renegade MPs from across the Isle clamouring for a recall of parliamentary to discuss oil agreements Museveni and company want to remain secret. Mbabazi has been accused of taking bribes to influence the award of oil contracts but he denies it.

Museveni has said publicly that, in his view, Bukenya has no case to answer over CHOGM, it appears he has left his fate to the sharks. The donor community, who forked most of the CHOGM money that was swindled have for a long time been baying for the blood of an implicated top official, the so-called crocodiles. Museveni can now hand them the glazed head of his former VP. But in the eyes of many, it has been widely agreed that since Bukenya and Mbabazi’s star could not rise at the same time in Museveni’s government and one of them was bound to pay heavily.

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