By Joseph Mwangi

Outgoing ODM secretary general Anyang’ Nyongo has come under heavy criticism from party supporters after he linked an ODM lobby group, Orange Networking Team (ONET) with rebel ODM MP William Ruto and Simama Kenya.

Deep cracks seem to be emerging between a group of party supporters backing Nyong’o for re-election and ONET backing J.T Okinda. ONET is a lobby group formed by professionals to re-energize, revamp and to make ODM vibrant ahead of 2012 elections.

Okinda and his team have heatedly denied allegations that ONET is being used by Ruto and rebel ODM MPs to finish the party. They have however asked Anyang’ to accept and champion internal party democracy and challenged him for a political duel for the secretary general’s seat.

It is now emerging that the 2007 civic, parliamentary aspirants and section of current MPs are pursuing their political interest through ONET while only a small fraction of ODM loyal MPs are backing Nyongo’s re-election as secretary General. Fellow MPs say he is arrogant and does not allow internal competition.

COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli had been quoted telling PM Raila Odinga to kick Nyong’o from the seat if ODM wishes to regain it’s lost political glory. ONET is also accusing Nyong’o of planting his cronies from his former party SDP to take up positions in ODM. He is a former national chairman of SDP.

Another camp has also emerged fronting Budalangi MP Ababu Namwamba to go for the secretary general’s post. Already, the party aspirants are now campaigning on two blocks, western and eastern block. Western block comprises Nyanza, part of rift valley and Western provinces while eastern block comprise Central, Eastern, Coast, Nairobi and part of Rift valley province.

What has come out clearly is that the two camps are opposed to Anyang’s re-election claiming that as a minister, he is too busy to steer the party in 2012 elections and that his health condition cannot allow him to hold the office.

The Eastern block are now divided between Okinda and Namwamba but those supporting Okinda says since the deputy party leader who is Musalia Mudavadi comes from Western, the secretary general should be from Nyanza and chairman from Rift valley.

But those pushing for Namwamba argue since the party leader comes from Nyanza, secretary general should be from western.

But Luhya politics is likely to influence ODM party polls. Mudavadi is under pressure to face Raila in ODM presidential nominations of which he is likely to lose and be named a running mate. In such an event, it is argued, he will be the automatic deputy party leader and having Namwamba as secretary general will be giving Luhyas a bigger say in the party.

Politicians from the eastern block are also pushing for one of their own to be either Raila’s running mate or deputy party leader. Water minister Charity Ngilu’s name has been flouted as possible candidate. They are said to be behind Okinda as secretary general, Ngilu running mate and Mudavadi as deputy party leader. They claim even with Mudavadi as running mate, they will still support Ngilu as deputy party leader.

In Coast province, sources say there are also against Nyong’o’s re-election and are divided between Okinda and Namwamba but are pushing for Hassan Joho to retain the position of national organizing secretary and Ramadhan Kajembe for the position of deputy chairperson – programmes. It is not known if Mvita MP Najib Balala will go for the chairman’s post as he had earlier indicated.

Party sources say party supporters are for Dr. David Sow for the chairman’s seat, Kennedy Butiko (vice-chairman), and Bern Wafurko from Bungoma county eyeing the executive director’s seat currently held by Janet Ongera. Ongera has been branded a Ruto and Omingo Magara ally and they claim her replacement is long overdue.

For the Treasurer’s post, sources say the Okinda team is pushing for Joash Maangi while other ODM supporters are pushing for Public Works minister Chris Obure. Although Obure has not come out to declare his interest, Maangi has hit the campaign trail wooing voters. Nairobi province will be fronting for Bishop Margaret Wanjiru as deputy chairperson (Internal affairs).

The fear in ODM is that whereas candidates allied to Anyang’ eyeing various seats have been campaigning as individuals, those supporting Okinda are campaigning under the banner of ONET which has network across the 47 counties.

Back to ONET line-up, sources say the lobby group has identified prospective candidates for various seats across the 47 counties to battle it out with candidates allied to Anyan’g. In Trans Nzoia county, those eyeing the seat are Washingtone Ngesa, Elizabeth Meso (Saboti), Salome Cherop (Cherngani), John Simiyu (Saboti), Leah Ngetich (Aldai), Christopher Meli (Mosop), Johnstone Kasenge (Marakwet East), Richard Kiproni (Eldoret North), Ronald Ngeny (Konoin) and Jacktone Sigei (Kuresoi).

Others are Jeff Kioo (Kibwezi), Hezekiel Mathiva (Kaiti), Peter Mutulu (Yatta), Martin Muthusi (Kangundo), Kiremi Mbogo (South Imenti), Wilkister Muiruri (Muranga), Obed Anjele (Westlands), Nicholas Zani (Kwale), Suleiman Shabal (Mvita) and Grace Mboja (Bahari).

From Nyanza, those eyeing the seats are Adhu Awiti (Karachuonyo), Jack Nduri (Karachuonyo), Rahab Robi (Kuria), Jospeh Ododa (Migori), Walter Guya (Uriri), David Okwach (Kisumu West), Ochoro Ayoki (Kisumu Rural), John Obera (Muhoroni), Ayuo Millicent (Bondo), Sammy Weya (Alego), David Omache (North Mugirango) and Otieno Awangi (Ugenya).

City businessman enters Kitui county governor’s race***edit2

An aspirant for the Kitui governor’s post, Kennedy Ngumbau will sponsor a training programme where youth from the county will learn how to make shoe polish, hair shampoo and jam. Ngumbau revealed this at a leaders’ meeting in Kitui town attended by youth representative from Kitui and Mwingi districts.

The secretary general of the physically challenged people of Kitui county Francis Muthui who is a Canada-trained baker gave the youths representatives introductory lessons on baking, shoe polish making, shampoo and jam-making.

The youth among them three student leaders from University of Nairobi condemned area MPs whom they said snatch their girlfriends using CDF money and vowed not to vote for the amorous MPs again.

Also in attendance were bishops, pastors and business people from the county who said the county needs a CEO governor with a good grasp of budgeting. All councllors of the Kitui municipal council led by Kitui mayor Alex Munywoki and county council chairmen John Mang’uye threw their weight behind Ngumbau.

The first qualification for governor of Kitui county, the youth said, was that he or she must be behind VP Kalonzo Musyoka warned anyone who fights Kalonzo to forget any elective seat in Kitui county.



Beleagured Eldoret North lawmaker, William Ruto, has now finally had his wild derogatory remark against a Nairobi businessman and political activist Andrew Tobosei recorded in the occurrence book at Nairobi’s Kilimani police station. A crest-fallen and unhappy Tobosei moved to the station located in the outskirts of Nairobi mid this week, and had his case booked at the stations records. The case number is OB/35/10/11/2011. Ruto allegedly branded Tobosei an idiot following a brief altercation over political bickering in the volatile Kalenjin diaspora. At the Kilimani police station, an argument arose between Tobosei and the officer-in-charge, over the legal technicality of the case that has elicited sharp curiosity and interest in the North Rift region, ever since its publication by Weekly Citizen last week. Tobosei and the Investigations officer at the station sharply disagreed over whether the case should be handled as a criminal or civil suit.

Police insisted that the case should be treated as a civil suit whereupon the officer in charge of the Kilimani police station impressed upon Tobosei to file civil proceedings, instead. But a composed Tobosei, in a sharp rejoinder, insisted that the case was “purely criminal” and should be treated as such. The determined businessman-cum-politician seriously contended that his unwavering stand was that a criminal case be pursued against William Ruto, as “the honourable member of parliament had unashamedly and unfairly abused me, and there was evidence to that effect.” The police officer however, declined, arguing that he was not ready to open criminal charges against the former Higher Education minister since a civil suit was the best and ideal option. A lengthy argument developed at the station over the dimension the case should take. Eventually, the matter failed to get resolved in a logical conclusion, as a disturbed and pensive Tobosei sauntered out of the station as stiff-muddled as ever and with arms akimbo, leaving the equally pensive police officer staring blankly into space. Shortly afterwards, Tobosei addressed the press and wondered: “It is indeed apparent that the police are either unwilling, or afraid to institute criminal charges against William Ruto. This is a clear case, and the said option for a civil suit is neither here nor there. Or are there sacred cows in our midst? The law should apply indiscriminately but not selectively!” “You must be an idiot!” Ruto had told Tobosei in his text message in October 18, 2011 at 10. 33. 37 pm as indicated in the legislator’s message. The offensive message has been forwarded to The Weekly Citizen and transcript details are available at the Safaricom. Reporters established that Ruto fired his disparaging salvo shortly after Tobosei had sent the legislator a text message inquiring about Ruto’s curious shortcomings, in view of the nagging question revolving around the Eldoret Moi Teaching and Referral hospital (EMTRH), among other thorny issues. Tobosei had sent his text message to Ruto at 10. 23. 24 pm on October 18, 2011- the same day he received the derogatory text message from the fallen cabinet minister. In his text message regarding the controversy of the Eldoret hospital, Tobosei had told Ruto: “Please tell your friend, the minister for Finance, the PS in the ministry of Medical Service(accounting officer) to help you get funds for the MTRH (Moi Teaching and Referral hospital) rather than confronting a CEO, or may be you are playing politics like when you told us and Jimmy Kibaki, that 4000 acres had been secured for Mau evictees, and which they are still waiting for, in vain. “The President is your friend and we wonder whether you were used to divide ODM unity”, Tobosei stated further in his text message to Ruto. Whereupon Ruto promptly swung Tobosei the disparaging text message that said: “You must be an idiot”.

Mombasa governorship race gets new competitor***edit4

Our Reporter

The race for Mombasa governor seat got a new contestant last week after 36 years old Mombasa businessman Macharia Kamau declared his interest. Kamau told the press in Mombasa that his desire was to bring about good governance in the management of the affairs of the county if elected. He said as a young man tribalism was not his priority as his leadership would be all inclusive.

“I have lived in Mombasa for over 23 years and i count myself as Coastal and a Kenyan and not a Kikuyu. I went to school in Kaloleni and later Kenyatta university and my entire life and interests are Coast based. I want to serve as the pioneer governor of Mombasa”, he said.

Kamau said he will also deal with the outlawed Mombasa Republican Council”which is founded on misinformation and ignorance.” He said he has a vision to transform Mombasa into a major economic hub, observing that the town’s infrastructure was in shambles.

He said there was urgent need to upgrade the town’s roads by expanding them to accommodate the increased traffic. Kamau said among other things, the railways network should be revived to transport passengers from town to outlaying residential areas as a way of de-congesting the outward roads.

“If i am elected in 2012, i will seek for funds from development partners to build an underground tunnel at the Likoni channel for vehicles and passengers to go through as a lasting solution to the ferries mishaps and delays”, Kamau said

Kamau becomes the sixth aspirant for the Mombasa governorship post. Others are Kisauni MP Hassan Joho, banker Suleiman Shahbal, former KPA MD Abdalla Mwaruwa, businessman Issac Malila and Mvita CDF manager Ibrahim Babangida.

Former Mombasa mayor Taib Ali Taib, Tourism minister Najib Balala, Environment assistant minister Ramadhan Kajembe and Kenya national human rights commissioner Hassan Omar are eying the Mombasa county senator post.

Mombasa has a huge presence of upcountry communities who if they were to vote as a bloc could achieve a common interest but due to the existence of diverse political party affliations, such a voting pattern remains a pipe dream.

Butere mystery over lost CDF cheques *******edited 5

Joel Eshikumo

Butere constituency development fund’s account manager now claims that Ksh 3 million has mysteriously disappeared from the kitty following the theft of blank cheque leaves by a known individual.

In a letter to the local MP who is also Planning minister Wycliffe Oparanya, the fund manager claims to have detected “Fraud Forgery and theft of CDF funds” after he found the cheque book tampered with.

“I went to the district treasury to prepare cheques for CDF staff salaries and while in the sorting room I found two cheque leaves having been plucked from the book without indications of the counterfoil of who the payees were,” he writes.

The letter states that both the district accountant and the cashier were not aware of the anomaly when they were notified and that after placing several calls to the signatories, none knew of this theft.

The fund manager says in the letter that, “The district accountant wrote letters immediately to the Bank manager at Cooperative Bank asking him to stop payments as far as the two cheques were concerned.

“The signatories to the fund who are Rev. Elphas Andayi, Grace Oranja, the DA himself and other members of the CDC denied that the signatures were theirs when they were shown photocopies,” reads the letter.

Investigations by the Weekly Citizen has unearthed that those who were paid with the stolen cheques are Oraro and Co. Advocates and Wangau general traders a company closely associated with Hon. Oparanya’s brother-in-law.

Another letter by the manager to the CEO of the National CDF management board states that the one man was arrested in Nairobi in connection of the stolen cheque Number 001155 and handed over to the Butere DCIO.

A police source told this journalist that the man who was arrested was charged in court denied the charges and after he was released on bond, someone intervened and the culprit disappeared.

The police source told this journalist that the man had confessed that the minister was aware of the payments and that he had been given the cheque by an unnamed CDF officer close to Planning minister Oparanya.

A top CDF official said that the minister had refused to address the issue of the two cheques and that he had warned officials to keep off the issue and promised to settle it himself.

This scandal and others appear to be muddying the operations of the CDF Committee and sources claim there have been threats from dissatisfied officers that they would quit unless this matter is handled.

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