The costly price of stealing!

From: Absalom Birai
Date: Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 2:19 PM

The sixth commandment is very clear and needs no explanation. It reads,”You shall not steal.” (Exodus 20:15).

I am yet to find anyone who likes a thief;no,not even family members. As soon as people know that you are a thief,they shun you and don’t want anything to do with you. No company can hire you if they know that you are a thief.

If caught,the price is huge-Many years behind bars,huge fine, and more often than not,depending on the crowd, people have been beaten until they died. That is how much people hate stealing.

I met someone just recently who spent 10 years behind bars for stealing with violent. I am sure that you are aware of people who have spent more years behind bars for stealing. But are people learning anything? I am afraid,not. Both young and old are involved in several forms of stealing that will finally catch up with them. Below are some of the ways in which people steal:

-People walk into the store with the plan of changing price tags or leave their old clothes and put on new ones.
-Employees stealing from their place of work, student stealing from their fellow students,people fueling their cars and taking off without paying for it.
-Spouses stealing from each other and parents/children stealing from each other.
-Employees asking fellow employees to punch in for them whenever they are late.

So,what’s the solution? If you are involved in any kind of stealing,then please stop from now hence.Purpose in your heart never to go back. If that seems too much for you,then know for sure that a thief has got but 40 days. One day, you will look back and regret. But then,it will be forever too late.

Have a good weekend filled with the presence of God in your heart. Will you?

Just a thought!

Pr Birai
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Subject: The costly price of stealing!

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