From: Nyambok, Thomas


My name is Tom Nyambok.

And, I want to thank you all as Americans, the world and Virginians as I stand for the better for our people to have the knowledge of how we come into this kind of devastation. This is not because of president Obama, the economy devastation started fifty years ago and we Americans we are trying to make it work with in our system.

I want to thank you all for taking part in this very important discussion.

As you know, in 2006, while nobody was looking neither the Federal Reserve nor the Treasury not congress or even the white House.

The American economy began a catastrophic descent, as the early stages of the real estate crisis started taking shape.

Three years later, in 2008, the true scope of the devastation become crystal clear, as the stock market collapsed, the credit markets dried up, banks melted down, and unemployment began to soar.

America was thrust into a recession and a period of national misery not seen since the Great Depression Every Citizen in this country felt the stress, the fear, and the uncertainty that came with not knowing how long the malaise would last and how deep the damage would be, I know that most people be come to know when things are bad as the reach people retrieve some companies to China.

Where the representatives’ in Washington, Whose sole responsibility was to prevent this kind of a meltdown, incapable of protecting us from this crisis?

Why did the leaders of America allow our country to sink into this financial abyss? Where were their voices of reason? What does the future hold for our great nation? And how can you and our fellow Americans on Main Street, stay safe from what is a head now?

I’m going to try to give my opinion and suggestions that would help us to go out of fifty years catastrophic. And you are going to meet a true voice of reason that this country needs right now. We should not blame the sitting president in the office now and nobody can make it if the House can’t come to gather, this mistakes that has been there can’t be corrected with in four years alone this problems started fifty years ago. Americans needs to vote those who can stand to compromise, all members in the House must compromise otherwise America will become a weak supper power soon.

In 2006, while the stork market was surging and real estate prices were soaring and unheralded team of economists were working tirelessly to spread the word about the impending dangers that threatened our great nation. I remember in 2007 the maverick economists sounded the alarm about a chain reaction of crashes that were to come in real estate, the stock market, private debt, and consumer spending.

The maverick economists laid out a clear and straight forward message but the House on the floor, Congress, Capital Hill are to be blamed not the President nor the White House but the blames goes to the representatives’. If the powers that be” had paid heed to the economists, then lives of all Americans would have been better.

The devastation is still being felt to this day. Sensing that the worst was still to come, the economists returned in 2009 to pen the follow up book.”After

shock.”And this time, Americans were willing to listen to the unfortunate truth about our nation’s financial health.

You need the real story and what steps to take to stay safe before a second, and much more destructive economic meltdown, possibly strikes the United States. Once inflation hits 10 percent, all life insurance policies will be susceptible to very big losses due to their heavy exposure to long-term bonds, commercial real estate, and stocks.

Some insurance companies could even crumble, in my opinion, it does not make good financial sense to own whole life insurance and if you do, you may be able to take out a lump-sum payment now, because that will be much more valuable to you to properly invest now, than when inflation really kicks in.

Please check to see your policy details you may have, you can also focus on term life insurance instead, since it’s much cheaper, it seems people are putting of retirement until later and later days in life.

And with Social Security, Medicare, and the unreported tens of trillions of dollars in future costs pressing down on our economy, the safety nets many have relied on, may not be there in the years a head and for those who may still be working and do not have enough saved up for a comfortable retirement, if we have a serious spike in unemployment.

Given the pullback in income growth as well as other economic factors like inflation and a weakened dollar, the retirement age would now have to be raised to 73 for average Americans just to maintain the same standard of living as in the 1940’s. Since the average life expectancy is currently about78, millions will now have to work until they drop dead, instead of enjoying their golden years.

Washington, Capital Hill, and Congress, Representatives on the floor must work to gather with the sitting president, now for better America, Washington seems incapable of having an adult conversation on the entitlement issues so I personally see Americans working later and later into their lives, because they have no other choice. However, jobs will be tight, especially for people over 55 years old.

In few months those seeking job security during the coming crisis, the necessities sector is the place to be, this is composed primarily of healthcare, education, utilities, basic food, basic clothing and government services, unfortunately, these aren’t the highest paying jobs.

Whether people are still employed or living off their investments, they are worried about government taxing away more of their money.

As the sitting president with his administration have been working harder to make changes but the Capital Hill couldn’t compromise, However, the sitting president will now use his power to have changes made with in Treasury where some adjustments will prevail soon for better America.

I’d quickly recommend looking into estate planning, regardless of your net worth. Because for tax reasons, giving gift to your children and grandchildren can be beneficial or you can get creative here by selling assets to buy gold to gift to your heirs hard. I’m not a ‘’Gold Bug’’ by any means, But I know what investments are right for different conditions.

As alternative to carrying physical gold, you can buy it from a gold depository, with a depository, you have legal ownership of the gold, but doesn’t have to take physical possession. You can take it anytime you like to though. I have seen many billionaires and hedge funds begin to pour more of their wealth into gold over the last few years.

Gold mining stocks, this has been out of stock for a long time.

This is one of the mainstreams why I’m running for the Governor for Virginia to strengthen the mining of minerals from Africa, my administration will prepare to join their counter parts in Africa for mining using professional Machines, Equipments for mining.

I was born in Kenya from Africa where I become to be in politics from 1963 when we got our independence, I took it very seriously till today, my politics to let human beings to be more equal If I will be elected as the Governor for Virginia I will go for trade with Africa as a continent instead of China taking part while we are a sleep only to beg china for more funds to incite for wars, we shall work well with our sitting president of America and in 2017 we shall have Mrs. R. Clinton who will be the first woman president in the United States of America, now she is qualified to be the next president of the United States of America.

God is so great, you can see how God works, president Obama will serve America better and better, because he stand straight for America and by truth for the better world, he was chosen by our Heavenly Father to make big changes and to let Americans and the world come together to know where the weaknesses has been hidden by some immoral human beings, see wall street, see dead voters in red states, see the American jobs are sold to China, see the behavior of Capital Hill, see the behavior of the wall street, see the behavior of Congress, see the behaviors of the parties, see the behaviors of the millionaires, see the behaviors of the Governors from Red States, why are this people behaving like this? America was found by one God. If president Obama is elected for the second term we all shall see the difference in economic growth and job creation.

Lastly, Arizona will get rains if they can change their Governor and the senator the some to Texas, Although in Virginia If I will be elected as Governor, we shall fight till we find the Dead people who are still alive and vote, the dead people have been alive to vote in most red states, that is why they are worried about Obama’s reelection, we are going to dig more and some will end up in jails.

Let the Congress debate on the Dead Voters in Virginia, if any person holding or have been elected by dead voters in any government offices that might have used the dead voting cards will be taken to court and refund all the moneys he or she was paid as salary and others, we shall start with the DMV, Social Security, Board of Elections, we have to seal all the loop holes in order to let the economy start off.

Americans must come together despite different political parties we may have. We must come together and work together in order to get reed of our enemies abroad, we must come together as one America, we must desist form calling names and abuse our leaders where by the enemies uses that degree to retaliate because of our own stupidity, let as be governed by one respectful, elect president his Vice President.

Yours faithfully.

Tom Nyambok for Governor of Virginia.


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