From: Nyambok, Thomas


It is with a lot of pride and honor that I congratulate President Barack Obama on the historic landslide election victory for his second term as the President of the United States of America and Commander In Chief. It was really nice to see the presentation of how the various American groups voted based on their issues and views that are supported by President Obama. Power to all the people of America who made sure that their voices were heard through the ballot to elect their representatives in all levels of public offices in the United States of America.

The board of elections did a very commendable job in presenting how the African Americans, Latino Americans, and Mexican Americans, Asian Americans etc voted. There is one forgotten group whose votes also count – the Continent Of African Americans (African Immigrants).

We are lodging a complaint to be recognized as a block as other groups are because we are a big block worthy of recognition.

After winter by March next year God willing we shall come with the best ideas that will open the windows to our success to run for the higher public offices up to Senate we shall make it as others have done it.

Every thing is possible. This is the time, time has come without no fear let us work to gather as one people with the best talents as a result of wining the war of selfishness let as be honest by supporting the siting president of our beautiful Land on earth.

Have faith in any matter you have in front of you leave everything to God and pray all the time for what you are per suing, I noticed some months ago some people were not sure with our brother’s Barack Obama wining, this is our brother and we must protect him by prayers as God gave him to us, we love him I love him no matter what I love Barack

Remember: Dr. Obama senior was a God sent to come to US and deliver the message this is what it is today, if you don’t understand how God works this is how he does his things I’m asking you to pray and have faith, knowledge and wisdom have faith in every thing that you need to know a bought how God works. Have faith and act on it by your self don’t be shaken by any worries in front of you leave everything to your Heavenly Father God.

The hard work is on now; it is not going to be easy to work with Republicans and T- Party but things will be on the table as you voted in the siting President.

African Immigrants wake up; you have held the head of the snake and we shall share it with others, our share will be the skin, filet, poison venom, bones will be shared with others too, but ask your Doctor first before you handle it.

Remember God never brought us to this Land without a reason this is our Land for ever and who ever is in this Land right now you are at home, you have a right to claim Land of our Heavenly Father God. Every body in this Land Black and White all are foreigners in this Land of God. In the eyes of the Lord we are one.

This is the time African Immigrants will request White House to allow us to entertain American siting President Barack Obama with all types of African traditions of dancers, as from Joramogi Luo Land,Nyakinywa Kikuyu Land, Ohangla Luo Land, Nyatiti Mixed Luo, maboko mixed KIkuyu, Sikuti Luya Land, Asilili Kamba Land. Olomide with his group Congo Land.

This will be a hard time for the siting president to accept for our request soon because he have a lot to do each and every minute and every day but God willing he may have a one day chance to allow us to entertain him at his White House. We are coordinating with the Kenya Government Ministry of culture and Social Services so as to work jointly with them possibly to make it be the best organized arrangement for the Visas from American Embassy in Nairobi.

The first arrangement meeting will be held in Virginia Richmond as we shall be coordinating with Kenyans in Kenya and in USA.

Thanks to every body and enjoy the new born baby each day and weekends.

Yours Faithfully Tom Nyambok as a candidate for Virginia Governorship come next year 2013.

Date 11/9/2012.

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