Original Released :1950s


It all begun in the 1950s when the Civil Rights Movements was convened in Washington DC and Tom Mboya was invited and called upon to give a speech. It was a speech of solidarity for the success of the struggle in which we are all involved today, a journey which has born fruits outside the box, but still is enclosed within. We can see light through the window, but cannot feel or benefit from the direct sun-heat energy. 50 plus years ago, we are still struggling for political freedom, economic opportunity and true happiness including human dignity in Africa because of corruption and impunity. Corruption that has sold our birth right to self-interest and Aid industry which African Leaders are still profiting from its corrupt elements.

When we begin the journey to the 2010, from day one, lets do things differently in our own way, let us create wealth through trading opportunity. Let us value each other and tap from each others potentials with open arms so we can move forward. Lets stop pulling each other down. Let us define the role of the Government and those of the Civil Public, so the Government concentrate in public service delivery and infrustructure while the Civil Society and Professionals concentrate in social and economic business enterprising, trading opportunities and innovation. With this we can cut the corruption into half. Let us promote science and IT communication exploration, how we can live our potential before we die. What shall we live behind folks? Tom Mboya did his part and left the world in his prime out of gelousy. He left a land-mark though, what shall we live behind to account for our deeds, part of living the world better than we found it. If ten people like Tom Mboya left foot-prints of opportunities, what a beautiful world we would have in Africa…..check the Africa perspective…..lets do good for a better planet folks…….

Happy New Year of 2010 with Opportunities and Blessings!


Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

Please share in the music! it is over 50 years but still refreshing……..I remember my Dad with “His Masters Voice”…….in my family, music is part of our healthcare factor…..music heals people!……..I love music to death, music is part of me……..who else can jog memory this far in this forum?………

Please enjoy zilizo pendwa from Kendu Bay!………..share with us what you have…..

The Jolly Boys – Okinyo

Tom Mboya & Dr. Martin L King at a Civil Rights Rally in DC

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