Kenya: Brutal Crack Down on Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly in Nairobi

Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly

A Commentary by Onyango Oloo

I am writing this piece at around a quarter to five in the afternoon today, Friday, January 15, 2010, here in downtown Nairobi.

About three hours ago I finished a meeting with my friend Zahid Rajan, editor of the Awaaz magazine at the Steers cafe (formerly Afro-Unity for old University of Nairobi hands) opposite the historic Jeevanjee Gardens along Muindi Mbingu Street.

As we went our separate ways-Zahid walking towards Nairobi University where he had packed his car, and I strolling down in the opposite direction ambling towards the Jamia Mall, across the street from the famous Mosque bearing the same name, I had a burst of gun fire, and soon after that wisps of smoke.

Being a veteran of street demonstrations it was obvious I was witnessing the familiar Government of Kenya response to peaceful, legal, constitutional protest action- tear gas, live bullets and other brutal acts by the riot police.

Looking down the street I could see a clutch of mostly young man clad in Kanzus, Muslim caps with their tasbih prayer beads running helter skelter.

And then I saw the phalanx of Kenyan robo cops marching resolutely up the same street releasing bursts of gun fire and exploding tear gas not just on the demonstrators but on anybody- the shoppers streaming from the Tusky’s supermarket; the terrified motorists; the tourists caught unawares as they were exiting from the City Market and other curio stores in the area.

I quickly detoured from Muindi Mbingu Street branching into Biashara Street before making my way down a narrow side lane onto the street below, making a left turn towards the Jamia Mall. I met a very traumatized twenty something Somali lady screaming that the cops were firing live bullets. Everyone around me looked very scared, even as shouts of “Allah Akbar!” and “Takbir!”rang from down Muindi Mbingu with the rising angry voices of the young Muslim demonstrators holding their ground even as the armed to the teeth robocops made their advance.

On the ground floor, security guards were busy boarding and shuttering the entrances of the shops in the mall.

I managed to dash into the mall and went to the first floor where I found my friend’s shop closed. Shoppers, store attendants and shopkeepers were thronging the balcony observing the unfolding grim drama.

Now we could hear volleys from all directions- from Kimathi Street near Ranalo’s and the Nation Centre; from Muindi Mbingu and even seemingly from as far as Chester House and the notorious flesh spot, Florida Mad House on Koinange Street.

Soon another phalanx of riot cops marching down Muindi Mbingu Street.

Feeling uncomfortably boxed in, I walked down stairs and walked out in the direction of Biashara Street hoping to make my way either towards the University or the General Post Office. As I was walking, I heard further bursts, this time the unmistakable sound of gun fire with some people screaming, “They are firing live bullets! Be careful ! Be careful!”

Also the sights and sounds of ambulance vans converging near the Jamia Mosque and already, the presence of news photographers with their humungous cameras slung over their shoulders, doing what all journalists around the world do- running TOWARDS the action for a closer shot.

To cut a long story short, I eventually reached the intersection of Koinange Street and Kenyatta Avenue and just as I was crossing the latter avenue to make my way to the other side, I spied a truck load of riot police halting near the Emperor Plaza at the very junction where I was standing a few seconds earlier.

At the sight of the ubiqituous menacing presence of the police, civilians going about their business- from motorists to pedestrians- panicked and started running in all directions with a grey haired middle aged man almost being knocked over by an equally rattled City Hoppa driver in the ensuing melee.

My instincts told me it was unwise to walk in the direction of the 680 Hotel and the adjoining Simmers Restaurant so I kept walking on the sidewalk opposite Teleposta Towers towards the Catholic Bookshop before I turned towards the Hotel Intercontinental and walked further on in the direction of Parliament Buildings. When I was opposite the Kenyatta International Conference Centre a hooving and hovering sound in the sky automatically made me look up to gaze at a police helicopter dashing towards the Jamia Mosque.

Something told me to go back towards City Hall and the 20th Century on Mama Ngina Street. Outside Salama House near the Nairobi Java House I stopped a young Muslim man and asked him fervently for an update. Without stopping he said breathlessl that the police had already shot dead one man and there were four other civilians with series injuries.

And that was just one eye-witness.

What was all this about?

From what I am now gathering, there had been a demonstration which erupted outside the Jamia Mosque after the mid day prayers- an action called for by the Muslim for Human Rights Forum to protest the continued incarceration of the controversial Jamaican born cleric, Sheikh Abdullah al-Faisal who the Kenya government had unsuccessfully tried to deport, first to neighbouring Tanzania and then to the tiny West African nation of Gambia only to be brought back to Nairobi because the Nigerian authorities had declined to allow Sheikh al Faisal to board the flight to Bangui from Lagos.

Back in the Kenyan capital, the controversial Muslim preacher had been flung into the filthy and congested Nairobi Industrial Area Remand Prison before being locked up incommunicado in detention withou trial at the cells located at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

Friends and allies of Sheikh al Faisal including human rights lawyers and members of the Muslim faith quickly rallied in solidarity, calling a press conference to demounce his incarceration and violation of his human and civil rights. They soon filed a case in court challenging his detention without trial and a few days ago, a Kenyan High Court Judge, Ms. Jeanne Gacheche gave an order stopping the imminent deportation of Sheikh al Faisal pending an appearance in her court.

In an earlier media press briefing a few days previously, Kenya’s Immigration Minister Otieno K’ajwang admitted that the Jamaican born Muslim preacher HAD NOT broken ANY Kenyan laws- otherwise the local authorities would have hauled him to court and charged him with an offence. It also turns out that Sheikh Abdullah al-Faisal had entered Kenya quite legally by showing up at the Tanzania-Kenya border towards the end of December 2009 with his genuine identification papers and travel documents upon which Kenyan immigration offficers duly issued him with a valid two months visitor’s visa and waving him into Kenya.

There are no reports that during his abbreviated stint in the country Sheikh al Faisal had gave any incendiary speeches or incited anyone to commit any criminal, illegal or terrorist acts in Kenya. No one- not ordinary Kenyan citizens or even any of the state authorities- had filed any complaint against him.

Instead it became apparent that the pressures to deport the controversial cleric were orders emanating from external Western sources- whether it is the United Kingdom or the United States or the broader NATO alliance it is not immediately apparent. But acting on this Islamophobic paranoia which labels almost every Muslim a potential terrorist, the Kenyan authorities acting as lap dogs of their former colonial masters bent over backwards to kick Sheikh Abdullah al-Faisal out of the country, citing his seven year jail term after being convicted in Britain for hate speech against Jews and other communities.

Without holding brief for Sheikh al-Faisal for his abominable comments targeting other ethnic and racial groups, it should be pointed out that Kenya is a safe haven for Italian mafioso gangsters, convicted North American and European paedophiles, apartheid era South African arms dealers, fugitives and leading suspects from the Rwanda genocide and other global hoodlums the most notorious being the East European thugs dubbed the “Magaryan brothers” who in 2006 strolled past heavy security at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport totting heavy arms and other goods that they REFUSED to declare through Kenyan customs officials. These infamous crooks were to be heavily implicated in a state organized raid at the offices of the Standard media group- a raider later praised by the country’s then Internal Security minister as being justified because the media house had “rattled a snake” and should have been forewarned of a serpentine bite.

These same hoodlums from foreign countries are known to be open business partners with members of Kenya’s ruling elite some of whom are connected to drug smuggling, money laundering, grand theft and other serious crimes. In the case of the Magaryan brothers they were coddled by senior police officers before being spirited out of Kenya by forces close to the powers that be. A report from a Commission of Inquiry into their activities was promptly suppressed immediately upon being delivered to President Kibaki.

It is in this context that I want to strongly CONDEMN the Grand Coalition government without any reservations for the actions of its police agents today.

The brutal armed attack on peaceful demonstrators exercising their constitutionally sanctioned democratic rights of freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of expression and freedom of conscience and religion is yet another sad paragraph in the ongoing blood stained chapter of state terrorism against the Kenyan citizenry.

It is odious that a government presumably in power because of a reform agenda is behaving in a fascist manner far repressive than the worst excesses of the Moi-KANU one party dictatorship.

By invading the Jamia Mosque, which like mostly holy spaces is considered a place of sanctuary to flush out terrified Muslim youth seeking refuge from live police bullets, the Kenyan authorities, through their robocops, have committed sacrilege and an atrocity that must be denounced by all Kenyans of conscience.

In this context one wonders at the thunderous silence of Kenya’s leading human rights organizations in this matter.

The fact that some ordinary Kenyans, whipped up by anti-Muslim frenzied propaganda, actually JOINED the police in stoning their fellow Kenyans is indeed a sad commentary about the role of far right Christian evangelical bigotry in driving a wedge among Kenyans who have existed for a very long time in ecumenical multi-faith harmony.

The Kenyan state authorities should not be surprised if their unprovoked assault on peaceful Muslims converging near their house of prayer on Friday, one of the holiest days in the Muslim calendar will not lead to a deepening of hostilities and precipitate a radical transformation especiall among the younger Muslims to veer towards more militant positions.

State terror and fascism as the best recruits for suicide bombers.

Is that what we want in Kenya in 2010?

PS: The world celebrated the birthday of one of the most enduring icons of peace, justice and inter-community harmony- The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Onyango Oloo
Nairobi, Kenya

Friday, January 15, 2010

22 thoughts on “Kenya: Brutal Crack Down on Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly in Nairobi

  1. Robert Alai

    Onyango Oloo

    I think you are imagining things and then putting them on paper with your own hidden motive. If you can see the TV clips well, you will realise that I was there and I saw Al AMin Kimathi inciting Muslims to fight Kenyans. Muslims saw that Kenyans were not for their demonstration, which was meant just to earn Al Amin Kimathi more Osama funding that he called and printed placards for Muslims to maim and kill.

    Why should Muslims be given special treatment? When Deya is a wanted man, did Christians demonstrate? When that American preacher was arrested, did Christians demonstrate? Why are Muslims demonstrating for a Jamaican, who is not wanted even in his own country, and even no Jamaican is demonstrating to support him?

    I saw two policemen being shot by Muslims from inside the mosque, and many journalists, including Tony Mochama, John Allan Namu, Phillip Mwaniki and Boniface Mwangi, saw the photo taken by one of the journalists, where a Muslim clad in American marines war regalia, is brandishing an AK-47 rifle, before shooting a GSU officer. I am ready to testify in this.

    Police acted professionally, by denying the Kenyans a chance to burn the Jamia mosque, as Kenyans were well armed, after they saw that they were not going to get to operate their businesses. Kenyans are tired of blind radicalism being perpetrated by the likes of AL Amin Kimathi, just to get donor funding.

    A Nation journalist, Phillip Kimathi, witnessed a Kenyan being stabbed by a hooded thug from Jamia mosque, before retreating to the mosque. It’s sickening to read blind following, and the issue where civil society, who are not civil any more, criticise the police, while the police bore the biggest brunt, with 3 policemen shot by Muslim adherents from inside the mosque.

    I stopped Al AMin Kimathi to explain to him, but he was not interested in the truth, but just to radicalise the youth to cause more damage, and their cause. If the police were brutal, nobody would have seen 100s of cars destroyed with stone from City market to Moi Avenue.

    Al AMin KImathi should be immediately arrested, and declaring jihad the way he was doing today was sickening, and even that dark skinned man who he is always with, was the one leading in stone throwing. Kenyans must wake up and stop the madness by people like Al AMin Kimathi.

    A Jamaican is not Kenyan, and there is no day where religion will be above national security. National security first.

    I fully support the police and just wish they could have done more to stop the madness. It’s sick and we will never support sick activism.

    Robert Alai Onyango
    Kenyan and proud to be one
    Its terror against Kenyans

  2. Robert Alai

    Again to add. Tear gas which the fundamentalists were throwing at the police were scary, because they are not of any military formation in this country

  3. Victor Ndiema Tsyamba

    Dear Kenyans we should not support this man who is not even wanted in his home mosque and it was to saddening to see young men and women fighting over someone they even don’t know.
    I pray that we find a way of getting rid of this so called preacher from our soil before we get bombed for no reason.
    Read below and see why he is not even wanted in his own backyard.

  4. anonymous

    Muslims in Kenya have almost always been silent terrorists. They use witchcraft and djinns to terrorize people.

    All these dubious religions have done nothing good to Africans. This Jamaican African would have been more welcome to Africa if he were not a Muslim. Islam is not an African thing. It was imposed through violence.

    All Africans should be Africans first and forget about religions that preach violence, hatred and the murder of those who do not ascribe to the imposed religions.

    Islam should be restricted to Arabian peninsular and not Africa.

  5. abu Ayman

    Police massacre Muslims

    Hi all

    Hope u saw the devastation caused by the police on innocent Muslims in Nairobi. So far six Muslims are confirmed dead at the hands of the police who meted all acts of brutality against the demonstrators.

    It should be noted that an official permit for the demo was sought and this was denied.

    The police vented took the mosque as their principal source of target sending in spirals of tear gas which were akin to the phosphorous bomb attacks against Gaza. Live bullets were used aimlessly by the police, who appeared to have orders to use with all acts of brutality to subdue the crowd.

    To cap it all, the police allowed what appeared to be an organised gang to accompany it as it sought to terrorize Muslims. This was the first time in the history that the police worked in cahoots with a gang to terrorize civilians.

    We have had protests before the recent one, being by civil society organization which was denied a permit, but the police never resorted to such acts as witnessed before.

    This is what Muslims have been saying all along, there is an official campaign to brutalize Muslims and this could have negative repercussions in the future of this country and this should not be allowed to continue.

    Abu Ayman

  6. George Nyongesa

    Statement to denounce the unfortunate twist in Muslim’s protest on Sheikh Faisal’s detention.

    Earlier today, Friday 15th January, 2010, our Muslim brothers held a demonstration to protest the detention of embattled Jamaican cleric Al Faisal. The protest which had earlier been outlawed by the government was disrupted by the police and ensued in running battles on Nairobi streets as the protesters engaged the police in a street battle.

    There are reports that in the early part of the riots there were gunshots exchanged between protesters and the police. This led to the injury of several people including a police officer on duty. The street battle later took an unprecedented and unexpected twist when bystanders started hurling stones at the protesters. Interestingly, this happened in plain sight of armed anti riot police. The new twist has since quickly degenerated into a riot that is has been labeled as being between Muslims and non Muslims. At the time of going to press, it appears Muslim protesters are holed up in Jamia mosque where they have been cornered by the mobs outside ICEA building, on Muindi Mbingu Street and around Nation Centre.

    In the midst of the chaos, we urge that the voice of reason must prevail. We categorically condemn those demonstrators who arrived armed with firearms, inviting unnecessary violence and compromising the safety and lives of other innocent demonstrators and bystanders.

    We must not allow a few misled demonstrators to compromise the hard earned freedom of assembly and expression, by their unwise actions. At the same time, we must dismiss with the contempt it deserves the attempted and devious incitement to division along religious lines.

    We must shun those that try to hijack the demonstration’s agenda and capitalise on ignited passions to kindle non-existent religious rivalries amongst Kenyan kindred. The matter at hand must remain to protect each person’s human rights including Sheikh Al Faisal but within the rule of law.

    By way of this statement, we wish to state as follows:

    1. I have spoken on phone to several Muslim leaders including Ndugu Al Amin Kimathi, Executive Director, Muslim Human Rights Forum and they have appealed that the mob that is outside the Jamia mosque should stop throwing stones into the mosque and retire to their homes. In that conversation they indicated to me that the protesters holed up in the mosque are not interested in aiding today’s happenings to turn into anything else other than their initial goal protest against detention of Sheikh Al Faisal. This message from our Muslim brothers must be echoed all over by all of us who wish for a peaceful united nation.

    2. There have been shootings and injuries of people and the events outside the Jamia mosque are fast turning uglier. The people who are throwing stones into the Muslims’ holy place of worship must stop immediately or be stopped by the police. At the same time, our Muslim brothers must adopt and promote the peace that is a core principle of the Islamic faith. This also applies to us from Christian faith. For anyone to adopt and maintain aggression and hard stances and to act upon injustice otherwise than soberly and within the law, is to invite another social problem into our country. The police must stop using live ammunition and deploy other military tactics to arrest the situation. We already have enough problems as it is now, let us not invite more.

    3. To engineer and label today’s aggressions as being between Muslims and non Muslims is foolish, unacceptable and must be condemned by every person who believes in the brotherhood of humanity. There is no logical reason as to why this aggression is happening under the watchful eye of the police who are charged with maintaining peace and with law enforcement, yet do not seem interested in stopping it. We must desist from alarmist statements being said on the streets; being published on the internet and even those being harbored in our hearts that may just spiral the already bad situation into worse.

    3. All people of reason and good will, regardless of their faith or religion- Muslims or non Muslims, must stand up and vigorously condemn these heinous acts and demand that the law of the land is applied without fear or favoritism. Those taking advantage of this situation to engage in criminal activities must be dealt with as criminals nothing else. Justice must not only be done, but must be seen to be done.

    This statement is signed on my on behalf and that of Bunge la Mwananchi,

    George Nyongesa

    Notes for Editor: Bunge la Mwananchi is an organization that brings people together around their social issues with aim of analyzing the problem, finding and acting on the solution. For more information visit:

  7. Robert Alai


    You wrote a well balanced statement but you seem to be going round issues. Muslims were shooting at the police after incitement by none other than Al AMin Kimathi.

    You can see from this link that Al Faisal has been banned in Jamaica which is his own country. Why should we have fundamentalists support a person who has even been banned from his country

    Watch the poll in KTN, Kenyans are angry and even Muslims want extremists from war torn countries to stop chanting and demonstrating for terrorists

    Robert Alai
    A very patriotic Kenyan


    Email: Mobile Phone. 0721-585 253


    It’s shocking to note that, this three Government heads have created a scenario that was pre-meditated to humiliate, incarcerate and as if that was not enough kill and brutalize innocent Muslims at Jamia Mosque and its precincts this afternoon and NORFOD, TOGETHER WITH ALL MUSLIMS IN KENYA ARE WITH ANGER AND RAGE DEMANDING THE PRESIDENT TO IMMEDIATELY SACK AND PREFER CHARGES AGAINST THIS WAR MONGERS who are spilling blood, traumatizing and injuring innocent citizens for just expressing their natural GOD given right to expression against a wrong on humanity.

    NORFOD will strongly demand to know from Kenyans irrespective of their religions as to why they silently witness this wrong committed against Muslims beginning with the harassment of our respected Sheikh Faisal.

    The continued silence of our Kenyan Brethren makes us to make a conclusion that, the war being waged against the Muslims has all over sudden turned a religious one and history is there to prove to all that Muslims, have never taken things lying down and if Kibaki, as the Custodian of Kenya’s security will not act as soon as possible, then lets brace of a religious intifada which I doubt a weak nation like ours can with stand even for a week. This we say because the Government is deliberately stalking fire of hatred and religious extremism in the minds of innocent Kenyan Muslims through misuse of state power and resources.

    Let the Government be aware that a Muslim defiance will not be usual hawkers and political street battles but one that can lead this nation into a GOD FORBID situation and therefore the urgency of NFD call to the President Kibaki who most times does not want to listen and hear and to aptly quote his son’s adage “ Roundi hii si mchezo”


  9. Akech

    Kenyans have never had any problems with Muslims community since their arrival at the coast province in 8th century! In fact, Swahili language, the Lingua Franca in many East Africa countries, was born as the result of the intermarriage between the Coastal African tribes and Muslim Arabs!

    It is the indiscriminate crackdown on Muslims worldwide that is creating the problem. This community is under siege because of Osama Bin Laden, who used to be a US ally during their fight with the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. At the time he and his influence were being used by the west, he was a good ally indeed!

    I hope I will not be labeled a terrorist for saying this, but I think many people in the Muslim community are being radicalized by wrongfully being subjected to constant suspicion of being terrorists. Some of these harmless Muslims are losing their lives, lives of their family members, or loved ones, because the radical Muslims and their hunters are making no distinction between an innocent or terror inclined Muslims!

    You cannot indiscriminately kill innocent people or their children and expect them to turn the other cheek, or fold their tails between their legs, unless the hunters have made a conscious decision to exterminate all Muslims on the face of the earth. These Muslim hunters are willing to kill thousands and thousands of innocent Muslims in order to avenge the killing of few of their own people.

    Many living things will fight back to defend their families. All humans will not befriend anybody who bears gifts after killing your family members!!

    The west should take time to pinpoint where Osama bin Laden is and kill him instead duplicating his head and placing it on all innocent Muslims in the world!

    I am a Christian who believes is self-defense once the enemy is identified. I do not believe in blanket killing of thousands of innocent humans, hoping a few of the real enemy among them will die!

  10. Akech

    Mr. Alai;
    You claim that you saw Muslims being incited to fight Kenyans. From which African nation were these Muslims who were being incited to fight Kenyans and how did they manage to get into Kenya?

    Can you stop engaging in what can definitely be called a crusade-like war against the Muslims because, like you, they(Muslims) are Kenyan citizens too who have been in Kenya since 8th century. Whoever is paying you to look at Kenyan Muslims as your enemies will not only spill the blood of innocent Muslims in Kenya, they are also ready to create a chaotic environment that will bring death to innocent Christians in Kenya too. The people I am referring to are after the world DOMINATION using military force and they do not care who they have to walk on to accomplish that goal!

  11. patricia

    This thrilling story is just another one to convince me that its hard for an ordinary Kenyan to know exactly what’s happening in Kenya.

    So who should one thrust? The government, through spokesman or the media?

  12. Stephen Oyier

    Statements like those of my friend KHALIF ABDI FARAH from NORFOD do not help the Muslim cause. It only serves to reinforce the stereotype that you cannot have a rational conversation with a Muslim on any matter regarding a crime committed by another Muslim, even if he has murdered or raped a 1 year old.

    Classic Example: Ask a Kenyan Muslim about the 1998 bomb blast that killed 200 Kenyans, and you will see an ambivalent response. They will never fully condemn it without putting a caveat, citing Palestine, Afghanistan etc.. succinctly implying that the attack was warranted.

    Think about this:

    1. Nigerian President = Muslim. Nigeria has a greater proportion of Muslims than Kenya. Yet they were not interested in even facilitating his passage.

    2. Tanzania President = Muslim. They do not seem interested in having him back.

    Perhaps Kenyan Muslims are ‘holier’ than Muslims in Nigeria and Tanzania?

  13. moses

    Why should we fight for someone who is known to be dangerous even in his own country? Kenya has many great Muslim preachers and therefore the service of this one is not necessary.

    Finally, who was this man in American marine uniform in the midst of protesters who was brandishing a gun? I don’t believe our Kenyan Muslim brothers would resort to stoning government dignitary like Mutua when he tried to intervene on their behalf. Though I have never believed Saitoti, I seem to agree with him that Alshabab infiltrated these demos.

    A word of caution- let us organise demos only when we can control our crowd. Al Amin Kimathi was unable to.

  14. Sam Wangwe


    The Government of Kenya is currently holding unwanted Muslim Cleric
    Abdulla Al-Faisal. The Government is finalizing modalities to deport
    Al-Faisal to his own country of Jamaica where he is wanted for trial
    for terrorism linked activities.

    Mr. Al-Faisal is an unwanted person in Kenya. A Persona Non Grata, for
    security reasons. Kenya will not allow Mr. Faisal into the country
    because he is a known extremist with tendencies that support violence,
    racism and religious discrimination.

    Mr. Al-Faisal is a convicted felon who was jailed in the United
    Kingdom and thereafter deported for terrorism – like activities. One
    of the Bombers of the London Subway declaired that he was inspired by
    Mr. Al-Faisal to undertake the terrorism act.

    Kenya considers Mr. Al-Faisal to be a very dangerous man who will not
    be allowed to inspire our Kenyans into terrorism. He is so dangerous
    that in his own country the Supreme Islamic Organ in Jamaica has
    banned him from preaching or giving speeches. He is the kind of people
    who give a bad name to Islam.

    The Government is surprised, actually shocked, that any patriotic
    Kenyan would be fighting to have the convicted Mr. Al-Faisal be
    allowed to enter and spread his dangerous message to Kenyans. No
    Patriotic Kenyans should allow any person to poison the minds of our

    The Kenya Government will deport Mr. Al-Faisal back to Jamaica so that
    he can face the charges awaiting him and we will not hinder his trial
    by keeping him here.

    Dr. Alfred N. Mutua, EBS

    January 14, 2010


    The Government of Kenya is aware Mr. Abdulla Al Faisal has been
    deported from several countries for alleged recruitment, inspiration
    and advocating of suicide bombers.

    Mr. Al Faisal is a threat to this country, because of his alleged
    tendencies to recruit suicide bombers.

    Serikali ya Kenya ina habari ya kwamba bwana Abdulla Al Faisal
    amepigwa marufuku nchi mbali mbali kwa sababu ya kujihusisha na
    mafunzo ya imani sugu ya wauaji wanaotumia bomu za kujilipua.

    Hivyo basi ni tisho kubwa kwa usalama wa nchi hii kwa sababu ya uwezo
    wake wa kuwasajili magaidi wanaotumia bomu za kujilipua.

    Dr. Alfred N. Mutua, EBS

    January 15, 2010

  15. Judy Miriga

    Fundamentalist Imported Muslim’s Agenda for Kenya Backfires


    Kenya Government did well and had the right to deport Sheikh Faisal, The Government had the right to protect Kenyans security from Sheikh Faisal. Muslims are wrong to have made this issue a platform for religious conflict against peace loving Kenyans. We cannot tolerate sneaky agenda for chaos. Watch the video, Look at the person cursing…..these are Somali speaking people who cannot even express themselves well in Kiswahili…. (these are New Commers Somalis who may have been imported through back door to cause chaos in Kenya……Our Somali Kenyan brothers must step up and help other peace loving Kenyans to bring Law and Order lest their name and character is spoiled by these few fundamentalists. I am purturbed….This must stop immediately…… ! ! ! For once, Prof. Saitoti talked sense, and I am proud of him. I know he can do better and help improve the country if he wants to. Order and discipline must be respected and followed. Muslim leaders were also able to make the difference i.e. the criminal fundamentalist from the real religious Muslim, who for many years have lived at peace amongst our midst without conflicts.

    These inciters must be rounded up as they were vividly heard from the video and put behind bars as soon as possible.

    We have enough in our plate to deal with at the moment. This kind of behaviour must never be tolerated. Those who spoke can easily be identified from the Video, they need to be uprooted with immediate effect they are dangerously a bad influence and must not be allowed to mix with peaceful Kenyans.


    Judy Miriga
    Diaspora Spokesperson
    Executive Director
    Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

    Watch this………..
    Muslims riot in Nairobi
    Muslim leaders in crisis talks


    Kenya is a land of shock!

    I am not a Muslim, but what is taking place is a shame. Why are Kenyans getting Murdered, in their own city, by their own government?

    If the Jamaican cleric was a threat, why was he allowed into Kenya?
    The Kenyan, current rulers should get their acts in order! What we are seeing is a government with no brains.

    It is the urge to please the Americans that is taking place now! After all, the Muslims are a fair game. They can be murdered at the whims of Americans.

    There is madness going on right now, and sorrow and terror is there for any one who is not a Christian.

    Muslims you are targeted, get it! Like it or not, there is a climate now prevailing, where by any one who is a Muslim should be murdered!

    The United States is currently carrying out assassinations on Muslims around the world. And idiots such as the ones ruling in Kenya are ready to murder their own people to please the Americans, and to get AID money!

    Muslims are worth nothing. Their own governments, the Nations of Saudi Arabia, are under the deadly American control. Instead of standing for the Muslim solidarity, the Saudis are puppets who will never put Islam and Muslims first.

    What does the Kenyan government want from the Muslim Kenyans? Does Kibaki or Raila think that they can win the war of attrition if the Kenyan Muslims take up arms? If they can not do any thing in Somalia, how can they expect to win in Kenya?

  17. Akech

    Are Africans aware that about 5.4 million Congolese have perished and thousands others left lingering in limbo in some refugee camps because of a proxy war that has been waged by Paul Kagame of Rwanda since 1998?

    Prior to his genocide in Congo, Kagame started a civil war in Rwanda that ended up killing 800, 000 Africans (Rwanda genocide of 1994).

    This being the case, why is Africa or the world unable to ask how Paul Kagame of Rwanda, a densely populated country with few known natural resources, has been able to wage civil war in Rwanda from 1990-1994 that ended on up with the Rwandan genocide; then in less than two years, proceeded on to conduct another war in the Democratic Republic of Congo which has gone on since 1998 and taken the lives of about 5.4 million Congolese? How does Kagame finance his terror war of killing Africans and why is the world silent?
    Where is the African outrage or is killing millions of Africans similar to swatting flies?

    For heaven sake, an African American man by the name Michael Vick went to jail for participating in hanging and drowning of dogs! Why is killing millions of Africans okay?

  18. Stephen Oyier

    You can easily tell the Muslims commenting here even when they try to hide behind a veil of less-Muslim sounding names, and the ‘I am a Christian’ tag. And yes, no prizes for guessing who is one here.

    Muslims unfortunately are renowned for only communicating with threats of Jihad and death, and how Kenya cannot withstand a Muslim uprising etc etc.
    And the guys here are not helping matters. Very little in the sense of rational communication and a calm, logical discourse.

    If Allah is so violent, surely who wants to go to heaven?

  19. ochanji

    I do not mean to be rude but Robert Alai is obviously speaking straight from his ass!

    The police in typical fashion responded with lots of force. I witnessed this first hand yesterday when I was in Town. For the first time, I saw what can be safely described as right wing, loot hungry, extremist Kenyan ‘Christian’ idlers and thieves attacking Muslims, mostly Somalis, while the police stood by and did nothing.

    For the record, it was only a handful of Muslims (most of them were of Somali descent), a few hundred who were causing havoc in the streets. There was only one person carrying AlShabaab flag, I think some misguided youth amongst the demonstrators.The idle and intolerant crowd moved forward and stoned the mosque and Jamia Shopping mall, owned by Somalis.The looters then moved in and stole a handful of valuables from the shops.

    At night the sheepish and violent crowd were stopping vehicles and searching for and beating Somalis.It was akin to the post election chaos. I heard someone from the crowd stop a vehicle and shout to the motorist:”Are you Somali? Let us touch the hair and confirm!”

    The crowd then moved to the number9 Eastleigh terminus, to hunt for innocent Somalis. Anyone who can support these brutal, intolerant bigots and idiots is being intellectually and morally dishonest! I condemn that crowd and our incompetent and brutal police with the loudest voice!

  20. Akech

    Dr. Alfred N. Mutua;

    The so called “patriotic Kenyan elites” have outsourced the governing of the country and managing of its resources to foreigners who know about Kenya than the elites who are merely there to take orders!

    It is a fact that Britain and America have a formidable presence in Kenya! Why then was Mr. Al-Faisal, who is a Jamaican with criminal record in Great Britain, allowed to set foot in Kenya undetected, thus, allowing him to poison the minds of Kenyans?

    It is unbelievable the Kenyans who are Christians are now being groomed to be very weary of Muslim community who has been integral part of Kenya and East Africa since the 8th century! Based on the government action, the environment is now suitable for all hell to break loose! Should that happen, innocent Kenyans, Muslims and Christian, who have no clue as to what this fight is all about are going to pay the ultimate prize!

    There is nothing more poisoning to the mind of a human being than poverty! Poverty can make people vulnerable to the agitation by those Muslim militants or those who are hunting them down. Due to poverty, corruption by the ruling elites and a large number of unemployed young African men, Kenya, which has a fractured government, is now a fertile ground for radicalization of young men by militant Muslims, and those hunting them. If they are not doing that already, the militant Muslims and those hunting them may be prepared to arm young unemployed African men to engage in their proxy on African soil. Should this happen, poor Africans will be losers because those who are financing and promoting the killings will be safe in their heavily guarded dwellings in some distant lands.

    We all understand the psychological impact of wars on those who survive the onslaught of engaging in the actual killing of other human beings. The participants are walking time bombs! Now, imagine what would happen to Kenya or Africa if majority of its young men are enticed into killing other Africans or neighbors who are not in the same religion as they are!

    Sensible Africans must not allow the addition of religious warfare as another front for permanently controlling Africa and its resources. Tribalism which has been effectively employed by colonial and neo-colonial forces Africa, allowing them to dominate every aspect of Africans lives, has left the continent undeveloped, poverty stricken, diseased and dependent on the very forces who prefer to see no African face left on planet earth, unless they are merely there to perform slave labor!



    Much as we are wasting our valuable time thinking as tribes in almost all issues, Kenyans must wake up to the reality of the great danger that has sadly occurred in our streets last week. Al-Qaeda has proudly brandished their flag in Nairobi streets. Any division among us is definitely going to embolden them, the fundamentalists making us play into their hands.

    It is time we rose up to our integrity to defend our national sovereignty. We must not allow people who gleefully kill innocent people, in the name of Almighty God, to proudly demonstrate with their flags in our streets, in defiance to our laws, just because tribalism is more dear to us than our sovereignty.

    Watch out good people! Al-Qaeda has proudly brandished their flag in our streets to spite us.


  22. Bishop Kandanda Matongolo

    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Brutal Crackdown of Peaceful Muslim Demo Turns Ugly
    Is it not Patriotic Kenyan Muslims who brought Moi DOWN
    Balala was just a street preacher
    Can you imagine Africa without Muslims?

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