I am appealing to the Luo community abroad to set a kitty that can help their brothers and sisters acquire a meaningful education back here at home.
Luos have lagged behind in education and our leaders seem mostly pre-occupied with political matters.
If the just-released KCSE results are anything to go by then I think something need to be done urgently to save our community academically.
Luos were known to be academic giants but that pride has gone.
Please Luos in the diaspora do something.
Peter Onyango Omollo
Thank you Peter. We are in full agreement and would like to encourage those
who have begun such development projects to keep on keeping on. For anyone
who is interested in doing more to help our community, please see the section
of this site entitled WECHE DONGRUOK (on the sidebar on the right). Suggestions are always welcome.
Jaluo Press
We help our brothers pursue their education and I see no sense in a kitty fund. 844 should anyway be free because it is a redundant curriculum and wastes many of a students lifetime. by 18 kids should have two degrees like in india or china.
This is good stuff, Luo eduction has dropped over the years because of poverty. Some of the Luos who were educated in the 80s upward may not even take their kids to high school bacause of lack of school fees and high cost of education. HIV/AIDS is another issue that has really affected our community coupled with colpsed sugar cane industry in the area.
With all my heart I do support this intiative. Some of us are taking early retirement to go back home and do real businesses that will create employment and reduce poverty. Our country men the Kikuyus and the Kisiis communities abroad have come up with aways of helping in education back home. I think it is high time that we start taking some responsibilities that will alleviate poverty and bring hope to the Luos at home.
With God’s love,
Dr. O.O.Barak