
Something is seriously wrong with our country. This country is either sinking or completely going bankrupt.
A country which has been independent for almost 46 years:

– Can not finance her own education, can not provide education to her future, can not provide enough food for her citizens. Guys: if Kenya can not provide education to her future generation then what type of future are we talking about?
– The system is encouraging human slavery. Without proper education, future Kenyans will be looking for low paying jobs, not only in Kenya, but also outside Kenya, in places like Saudi Arabia, where Kenyans are already being thrown through the window to die.
– USA has also just given the information that they are stopping financial aid to the government: So please tell us, if our government is also being financed by foreigners, then where does the money come from to pay Mps all those figures?. The other month the British government issued a statement that the money they gave for primary education was already pocketed by thieves.

-The new constitution is also at the dwindling state: I can not understand why a country so much polarized with tribalism, still wants to divide people more. We used to read the colonial history in Africa, how whites did the divide and rule system every time they wanted to conquer an African. So why is our new constitution still full with this adding more constituencies, who will this divide and rule serve?. Why dividing again a country full with a lot of divisions, ( from tribal, to religion, poverty, rich, education for poor are already different for the rich etc). Why another presidential system after it has failed the country for 46 years?. Why not to experiment on another system: Remember God help those who help themselves.

-A country having lots of unsolved scandals, from Goldenburg to unpaid for Hotel like Grand Regency.

-Child abuse in the coast is being shown in Television almost every where including Europe. Countries like Finland have made even documents on pedophiles in the Kenyan coast. What is the government doing?. Lands for private Villas are over sold in the coast and now even threatening the tourist industry itself. Whose interest are these things being done on?. In Nyeri, Kibaki`s back yard, children as young as ten have to sell sex for food.

-The post election violence creators and the victims are not yet resolved. Kenyans are still in Uganda as refugees after the violence. The country is full with courts and the so called judges, but can not even try the post election criminals herself. This is an indication that the country is having no leaders to do all these at a time when they are eating or even over eating what the country’s tax payers can not afford.

– The country has gone down that even terrorists take to the streets to demand equal rights, what type of system is this?. Soon you will see pedophiles doing the same, when people like Wagner are just being released like that.

– Just imagine how Lord Dalamere treated Africans and now his grandson is just killing Africans like a fly, 46 years after independence and nothing is done. I wonder sometimes when I hear a fellow Kenyan writing that we do have a lot of progress; where is that progress?. Can somebody tell me?

– The future of Kenya now completely lies on the young generation. The so called present old generation have let the country down and are sinking it. But how will the young generation manage it with all those debt these Mps have eaten and are still eating? Next time you might wake up to find that you are a foreigner in your own country, since Kenya is being sold indirectly in bits and bits. Go to the coast you will see that your movement is already restricted.

– Let the young generation take this dwindling constitution away from the present monsters who think that they are the stakeholders, so they deserve the right to do what pleases them, or what pleases their bosses.

With all these problems unsolved and a foreign government or governments financing our daily life and most important, future strategic systems like education: Guys I am afraid to tell you that we are already indirectly colonized again. What a pity after 46 years of dictatorship, then again going back to the ghetto.

Paul Nyandoto

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