We, the Nyanza Council of Church Leaders strongly condemn the act of hooliganism among Politicians and a section of Church Leaders.
Let us not use hate speeches in the Public Rallies while campaigning for or against the Proposed Constitution.
Let the Politicians and Church Leaders not use hate speeches to promote lies and interpret the draft so as to make Kenyans suggest that the Document is bad.
God will surely judge liars and people who are out to confuse Kenyans who are law abiding Citizens over the Proposed Constitution.
We again condemn very strongly the perpetrators of the recent bomb Blast attack at Nairobi’s Uhuru Park where six people died while several others were seriously injured.
The attackers might have taken the advantage of hate speeches that some Politicians and a section of Church Leaders have been propagating, to terrorize innocent Kenyans.
We have been waiting for a new Constitution for over twenty years and now it was high time for Kenyans to have it.
We therefore appeal to the Government to move with speed and crack whip on more people who are using hate speeches to divide Kenyans, whether they are Church Leaders or Politicians.
There is no clause in the proposed Constitution which allows gay marriage as claimed by those who are opposed to the document and this is purely a big lie. Neither is there any clause on land which states that someone with two or three acres will not be given title deed and such statements are only meant to further confuse Kenyans.
Signed By
Bishop Dr. Washington Ogonyo Ngede.
The weaked are us the common wananchi whom these warmongers are using as their laders into their selfish politics.how then can one be deceived again in to fighting his neighbour after seing what happened in 2007/8.these people lost nothing but us we lost alot and even some of us are still in idp camps.
In the first plase this has made us bitter with fellow inocent neighbours with the result of a breacage within many farmilies resulting in to the surfering of our young ones due to ethicity,some lost their parents due to brutal deaths, others duo to separation of parents.
But these leaders cotinue preaching hate while surounded with bodyguards And looses nothing in the event of anything.PLEASE WAKE UP,THINK OF YOURSELF TREATE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOU CAN TREAT YOURSELF AND PULL TOGETHER A NEW KENYA, A NEW CONSTITUTION,A NEW LIFE TO THE PRMISED HIGHT OF SUCCESS.