Monthly Archives: June 2009

North Mara na Kilio cha Sumu

Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 07:07:21 +0300
From: Constantino Kudoja
Subject: North Mara na Kilio cha Sumu

Taarifa hii nilipata kuiona Channel ten kwenye kipindi cha Pambanua Live.Kuna taarifa zinazosema kuwa walalamikaji walikuwa ni vibaka.Na taarifa kutoka kwa wamiliki wanasema ni taarifa za uzushi.Je ukweli ni upi juu ya jambo hili labda wanabidii waliopo karibu na migodi hii ya North Mara wanaweza kutuhabarisha.

Kilio hiki cha sumu mgodi wa North Mara kisipuuzwe


28th June 2009


Mwanamke mkazi wa Tarime akifikiria kuchota maji yaliyochanganyika na sumu kutoka mgodi wa North Mara

Upo msemo kwamba ‘lisemwalo lipo na kama halipo, linakuja’. Ukiona jambo linazungumzwa sana, basi ujue ukweli wake uko mbioni kubainika.

Mwezi mmoja uliopita, gazeti hili toleo la Mei 24, mwaka huu, lilichapisha habari iliyokuwa na kichwa cha maneno ‘Mgodi wahatarisha maisha’…wamwaga maji yenye tindikali mtoni, mifugo yafa ovyo na mimea yanyauka.

Katika habari hiyo, wakazi waishio kandokando ya Mto Mara unaomwaga maji yake kwenye Ziwa Victoria wilayani Tarime, walitahadharishwa kutokula nyama ya mifugo ya aina yoyote itakayokufa eneo hilo.

Aidha wasitumie maji ya mto huo kutokana na tindikali ya asidi inayotoka kwenye mgodi wa North Mara kusambaa eneo hilo.

Tahadhari hii ilitolewa na Afisa Mifugo wa Kata ya Matongo tarafa ya Ingwe, Paskal Masele baada ya kupokea malalamiko ya kufa ng’ombe watano waliokunywa maji ya mto Tigithe ambao unatiririsha maji yenye tindikali kutoka mgodi huo na kuzimwaga katika mto Mara.

Afisa mifugo huyo alisema alipokea malalamiko ya mkazi mmoja toka kitongoji cha Konsara ulipo mgodi huo na kwamba baada ya kumtembelea mzee huyo alikuta wananchi wamekula nyama ya ng’ombe hao waliokufa, hali iliyomfanya apige marufuku wasile tena nyama ya mnyama mwingine atakayekufa.

Hiyo ilidhihirisha wazi kuwa lilikuwepo tatizo na kwamba madhara kwa watumiaji wa maji hayo yangeendelea kujitokeza.

Kwa wale waliokuwa wamekula nyama wa ng’ombe waliokufa, tayari walianza kubabuka ngozi ya mwili.

Pia sumu hiyo inayotokana na miamba inayochimbwa ardhini na kampuni ya Barick Gold ilionekana kuanza kuunguza miti na mimea yanakopita maji yanayotoka mgodini kuelekea mto Tigithe.

Wiki hii, gazeti moja la kila siku lilibeba habari iliyosema ‘Walioathiriwa na sumu North Mara watua Dar…Wataka serikali iufunge mgodi huo’.

Habari hiyo iliambatana na picha ya mmoja wa wakazi wa kijiji cha Matongo akionyesha jinsi ngozi yake ilivyoharibika baada ya kunawa maji yenye sumu yanayotiririshwa kwenye mto Tigithe kutoka mto huo wa North Mara.

Jambo hili lisifanyiwe mzaha, yafaa serikali ichukue hatua haraka kabla kizazi cha eneo hilo hakijatoweka.
Kilio cha tatizo hili kimetolewa wiki hii na Mbunge wa Tarime, Charles Mwera(Chadema), akimtaka Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda kutoa kauli ya serikali kuhusu hali mbaya ya wananchi wa jimbo lake hususani walio karibu na mgodi wa Nyamongo unaomilikiwa na Barick kuathirika kutokana na kemikali zinazotiririka katika maji wanayotumia wananchi.

Katika majibu yake, Waziri Mkuu alikiri kuona hali hiyo kupitia vyombo vya habari na kwamba hata yeye amesikitishwa na kuahidi kutuma ujumbe kulishughulikia haraka iwezekanavyo.

Tatizo hili limeripotiwa mwezi mmoja sasa na mbali na tahadhari waliyopewa wakazi wanaozunguka eneo hilo, hakuna kiongozi yeyote wa serikali, siyo waziri, mkuu wa wilaya wala mkuu wa mkoa aliyechukua hatua ya kufika na kujionea hali halisi.

Tunamini hivyo kutokana na ukweli kwamba, baadhi ya wakazi walioathirika wameshindwa kuvumilia hata kuamua kuja Jijini Dar es Salaam wakiamini kuwa pengine kilio chao kitasikika kwa karibu zaidi.

Jamani, kilio cha aina yoyote kile hakipaswi kupuuzwa. Yafaa kifuatiliwe mara moja ili tatizo nalo lithibitiwe kwa kupatiwa ufumbuzi wa haraka.

Hili la North Mara linahusu uhai wa watu. Athari za tindikali zinafahamika. Ni kitu kinachoweza kuonyesha madhara mara moja au athari za taratibu na inapofikia hata kudhihirika wazi, athari hizo ni vigumu kuzidhibiti.

Tulidhani kwamba mara tu baada ya kilio cha wakazi wale wa Kosara, serikali mara moja ingetuma ujumbe, ukiongozwa na waziri mwenye dhamana ambaye ndiye anayetia saini mikataba na wawekezaji, kwenda haraka kujua nini kilichotokea. Lakini hilo halikufanyika na sasa serikali inasema itatuma timu kubaini ukubwa wa tatizo.

Ni imani yetu kwamba tatizo hilo litafanyiwa uchunguzi wa kutosha ili kutatua hasa ikizingatiwa kwamba hata mwekezaji mwenyewe alishakiri kuwa tindikali ilikuwa ikiingia kwenye mto huo, ingawa alidai vifaa vya kuzuia vilikuwa vikiibiwa na watu wasiojulikana.


Constantino Mathew Kudoja

“I don’t believe in failure.

It is not failure if you enjoyed the process”


Why Eligibility Must be a Requirement Necessity for Release of Funding

—– Forwarded message from jbatec@ . . . —–
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 07:51:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: jbatec@ . . .
Subject: Why Eligibility Must be a Requirement Necessity for Release of Funding


The Coalition Government in Kenya has failed to provide clear information to address issues surrounding Youth Funding for Development. There has been no educational sensitization to inform Citizens and educate the Public on requirement and accessability of the so called Youth Funding. Instead the whole arrangement turned into an ugly saga, a stop to a dead end. Question is, what have they done with the funds?

The best this Coalition Government have done and portrayed, is exceeding corruption that which contributed into tearing the Country apart and causing endless insecurity, fear, pain of poverty, tribal hate amongst the good people of Kenya with unnecessary engineered extreme hunger. This is performing intentional serious criminal act against the uninformed innocent Society who depend on services from its Government without favour or discrimination.

It is my conclusion that this Coalition Government is dysfunctional and is only interested in massing for power and enjoy staying on power for personal gratitude/gain and limelight enough to serve their own personal interest with those of their family members as well as to those of their connections. They have no leadership skills or direction to benefit the Public and the Nation, or to alleviate poverty amongst the poor Kenyans. They have failed to guide the country to posterity. They have no ideas, skills or talent that can drive the Country to Greener Pastures. Instead, they are driving Kenya into oblivion, into destruction of the darkest endless pit.

Urgent New Strategy for sustaining lives in Kenya and to save the Civil Society, Community, Youth, Women and Faith Based from collapse is extremely urgent and necessary.

Things Have Fallen Apart in Kenya and the situation is dangerous and completely out of hand by the dysfunctional Coalition Government system.


Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

Just what happened to youth fund millions?

Published on 24/06/2009

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Kazi Kwa Vijana Crisis In Kibera 4/06/09

PM forms team for youth jobs project

Youth to receive Sh5b for employment creation

By Kenneth Kwama

An audit showing hundreds of millions of public funds meant for the youth may have been misused will dent the Government’s display of commitment to creating jobs for the youth.

A damning report by the office of the Controller and Auditor General shows part of Sh1 billion President Kibaki launched for a national youth fund ended up in pockets of individuals and companies in unclear circumstances.

The Controller and Auditor General says huge chunks of the money, entrusted to the Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF) Board was given to various youth groups, intermediaries and suppliers, with virtually no oversight.

The audit will put the Government at pains to explain how, at a time when it is promoting the creation of 300,000 temporary jobs for youths through a new initiative – ‘Kazi kwa Vijana’ – money for such a noble venture was diverted at the onset.

The Youth Enterprise Development Fund was launched by President Kibaki in February 2007 under the Ministry of Youth and Sports with an initial budgetary allocation of Sh1 billion.

The fund, unveiled soon after the launch of the women fund, was then seen as part of campaign goodies to sweeten President Kibaki’s then bid for a second term.

But the Government argued it had a key objective to facilitate youth employment through the Youth Employment Scheme.

Last month, President Kibaki cited the Youth Enterprise Fund as a success venture. But now the Controller and Auditor General finds the Fund’s management paid for contracts with no guarantees, with some involving single-sourced companies.

For example, the auditors pointed out it was unclear how a Sh50 million grant to the youth kitty from the Kenya Pipeline Corporation for a ‘business plan competition,’ was spent.

No details

The fund’s management paid out Sh45 million to Techno Server on April 26, 2007 and July 24, 2007, for the event but auditors questioned how the firm was selected to carry out this exercise. The report adds the company did not provide any details on how it spent the money.

Another Sh7.5 million of public funds also found its way to a private account owned by an amorphous group called Pamoja Youth Foundation — a paper company, whose legal identity could not be ascertained. The money was for the same ‘business plan competition’ for which Techno Server had been paid.

At one time, another single-sourced recruitment firm was paid Sh490,000 to hire staff, contrary to procurement rules.

Last month, Youth Affairs Minister Hellen Sambili and the YEDF Board dismissed the CEO Umuro Wario and elevated his deputy, Ture Boru in an acting capacity. Later, Wario, who was initially sent on compulsory leave, alleged he had been edged out for failing to yield to pressure from board members on various tenders and business transactions.

When contacted, the Board’s Chairperson Hellen Tombo told The Standard that they were aware of the audit and its queries.

“We were audited like any other organisation and the audit raised a number of concerns, which we have addressed. It is good to investigate first so that you don’t fall into the traps of people who could be pursuing ulterior motives,” said Tombo.

Boru said the questions raised by the auditors were allegations. Tombo and Boru agreed to grant The Standard further interviews on the subject.

In one instance, it paid out Sh11.4 million to an organisation called Youth Employment Scheme Entrepreneurs to clear out the group’s overdraft, without explanation.

Credit management

The Fund’s management capped the generosity on October 11, 2007, by advancing the same organisation another Sh2 million, which was never explained.

The audit also poked holes at the Fund’s computerised credit management system used to maintain the individual loans accounts, which it reported, was reflecting a total balance of Sh177.4 million compared to the financial statements balance of Sh227.6 million. This revealed an unexplained difference of about Sh50.2 million.

Besides this anomaly, the management irregularly transferred Sh500 million to a fixed deposit account, without seeking approval from Treasury as required.

“In addition, certificate of bank balance and bank the statement reflecting the movement and ending balance of this account was not availed for audit verification. Therefore, we could not confirm the above figure of Sh500 million,” said auditors in their report.

Of the Sh41.2 million, which should have been in the main account at Equity Bank as at June 30, last year, the cash book indicated a balance of only Sh18.5 million, meaning the whereabouts of about Sh22.7 million could not be explained for that particular account.

Probably the question that should be asked is: Where did all the money go? The auditors say it is impossible to tell, because the money trail disappears inside a number of irretraceable bank transactions, which even the auditors could not map out.

“Under these circumstances it was not possible to ascertain the nature of these payments. YEDF management needs to provide adequate evidence of payees to the national audit office for verification,” said the auditors.

In a letter dated November 28, last year, the Controller and Auditor General told the Ffnd’s CEO about its findings and gave a number of recommendations to help streamline the board’s operations.

Lacking evidence

Another Sh15 million, which was paid out to various youth groups, was only supported by a schedule containing a list of benefiting youth groups, and amounts received, with no further evidence of the transactions.

According to the audit report, the YEDF cashbook, payment vouchers and supporting schedules reflected that some Sh7.2 million had also been disbursed to youth groups as loans through Postal Corporation of Kenya (PCK).

But scrutiny of its main bank account statements of October 15, 2007 revealed the recipients were companies and individuals. Also in the records is the name of a law firm and individuals who were paid Sh1.3 million for performing unspecified duties for the fund.

Kenya: Youth Fund to Become a Bank

Brian Adero And Elizabeth Mwai

31 July 2007

Nairobi — The Government has announced the formal conversion of the Youth Enterprise Development Fund into a State corporation.

The institution will later evolve into a fully-fledged bank. Approval to make the revolving fund a parastatal was granted through a Presidential order in May, this year.

Youth Affairs minister, Mr Mohamed Kuti, on Monday said following the Gazette notice, a board has been constituted to run the organisation. The 12-member team is headed by Ms Hellen Nthombi.

The minister said the new parastatal would be operational as a chief executive is appointed. He said the ministry has already advertised for the position.

Kuti said the Fund has an adequate capital base as required by the Central Bank of Kenya regulations for conversion into a banking institution.

“There are many banks which were started with less money like Sh1 billion, while the Youth Fund has a financial base of over Sh2 billion,” said Kuti. “I don’t see any reason why we should not turn it into a Youth Bank.”

Youths to access funds at lower interest rates

He said the move to convert the fund into a parastatal as been prompted by complaints from youths, who claim commercial banks had made it difficult to acquire loans.

“There are many problems that youths face while applying for the funds, the major one being the issue of collateral. They were being asked for a third party security, sometimes even household goods. We felt that it was not correct,” said Kuti.

He said through the corporation, youths would access funds at lower interest rates and a harmonised security requirement and collaterals. He said the Government aims to create a one-stop shop for the disbursement of the funds throughout the country.

“We hope that this will serve the youths throughout the country,” he said.

The minister pointed out that the current micro-financing institutions disbursing the youth fund demanded that borrowers give collateral either in form of household goods or title deeds equivalent to the sum being loaned.

He said currently, there are 27 financial intermediaries handling the youth funds.

The minister made the announcement when he announced the 300 winners of this year’s National Business Plan competition.

Youth Empowerment Centres to be created in every constituency

Kuti said the Government could not arm twist intermediaries to relax the rules without facing a risk of losing the money due to lack of payback.

However, the decision of converting the Youth Enterprise Fund State Corporation into a bank will be based on reviews of the performance of the intermediaries.

The Permanent Secretary, Major (Rtd) Kinuthia Murugu, said the purpose was to empower the youth.

“We want the youth to grow in business and get opportunities in Government contracts,” he said.

The ministry also announced the formation of Youth Empowerment Centres in every constituency at a cost of Sh8.5 million each, which will be done in collaboration with MPs through the Constituency Development Fund.

The construction of the first eight centres will be done by the end of the year, said Kuti.

He said the centres are also supported by various organisations among them Microsoft, Ministry of Health, Safaricom, World Bank and Ministry of Information and Communication, among others.

Meanwhile, Internal Security and Provincial Administration minister, Mr John Michuki, has said banks should relax their borrowing requirements to make the youth development fund more accessible to the youth.

Youth urged to borrow aggressively and invest wisely

Speaking over the weekend, Michuki said the requirement to operate an account for six months before qualifying for a loan was a bottleneck to the youth, majority of who were enjoying banking services for the first time.

“Commercial banks should review conditions necessary for the youth and women to access loan facilities from the youth development fund as well as conventional loans so that we can promote economic liberalisation for Kenya,” he said during a Family Bank function in Murang’a.

“While aware of the need to be prudent, banks must get an ingenious way of giving out loans while relaxing the account opening requirements for the youth,” said Michuki.

The minister, however, challenged the youth to borrow aggressively and invest wisely. He added that indigenous banks have supported Government’s efforts to distribute devolved funds like constituency development funds and local authorities transfer funds in rural Kenya.

He also said that indigenous banks had encouraged borrowing by extending banking services to rural banking.

Family Bank chairman, Mr Titus Muya, said the bank’s conversion process is now complete and customers can enjoy a full array of banking services.

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

Catholic Church and The Celibacy of Priests

I have not come to defend the married priests of the Catholic Church, but for us to understand the catholic church, lets historically reflect on the papacy as the head of Catholic Chucrh:

Daniel 7:25
25 He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time.

Now, when we compare with Pauls letter to Timothy, we get something which is a pointer to all these:

1 Tomothy 4:1-4
1The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. 4For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.

Let us again flashback to what the Catholic church has to say over Daniel 7:25
“We Catholics do not accept the Bible as the only rule of faith. Besides the Bible we have the living Church, the authority of the Church, as a rule to guide us. We say, this Church instituted by Christ, to teach and guide men through life, has the right to change the Ceremonial laws of the Old Testament and hence, we accept her change of the Sabbath to Sunday. We frankly say, yes, the Church made this change, made this law, as she made many other laws, for instance, the Friday Abstinence, the unmarried priesthood, the laws concerning mixed marriages, the regulation of Catholic marriages, and a thousand other laws…”
Peter R. Tramer, Editor, The Catholic Extension Magazine, in response to a letter May 22, 1954.

Historically we know very well that even some popes had wives as outlined by none other than a married Catholic priest in the link There was once even a woman pope by the name Pope Joan

All in all let the Bible be the absolude reference guide in matters relating to faith, as it is the sole authority given to us from which even Jesus himself aslways quoted from.

Fred Nyanganga-Otieno

You Call Me Arreddo Nyang’, I’ll Respond
Permanent Address:
P.O. Box 36 Rangwe, Homa Bay Kenya
Mobile: +254 – 724 – 203 – 516

– – –
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 10:57:40 +0300
From: fred nyanganga
Subject: Catholic Church and The Celibacy of Priests


A recent survey shows that almost 70 percent of financial institutions experienced an increase in ATM/debit card fraud claims in 2008 compared to 2007. Twenty-three percent of respondents say those claims jumped by 5 to 9 percent, while the rest noted growth of anywhere between 10 and 74 percent. These numbers are only expected to grow in 2009, as a result of the recession.

Half of the institutions surveyed say they were hit with fraud complaints that came out of some of the major data breaches, with more than 30 percent saying they had seen fraud incidents.

Approximately 80 percent of the survey respondents say the big data breaches can decrease consumer confidence in ATM/debit card use. About 15 percent say they have reissued cards to more than 20 percent of their cardholder customers.

ATM Fraud Trends
The reason that criminals target ATMs is simple. Criminals like cards and PINs. It is much easier to cash them out, rather than to hire a mule or repackager with stolen credit cards. If the magnetic stripe data and pin is available, it is easy money for the criminal to get the cash out of the ATM. There is no fence, no making an authentic card to use at a retailer. While this crime is much harder to perpetrate, criminals prefer this over other types of credit card fraud, such as signature-based fraud.

Here are the top ATM/debit card fraud trends:

#1. Skimming — The upswing in skimming at institutions has caught fraud experts’ attention. A higher percentage of criminals are going straight to a bank and installing a PIN pad overlay and card reader. This is where the transaction goes through, and the customer doesn’t realize that their ATM card or debit card has been compromised. There is a steady increase over the last couple years on this type of fraud.

#2. Ghost ATMs — There are also the “Ghost ATMs,” where the entire ATM card reader is blocked off and customers can’t perform a transaction. The customer swipes their card, enters their PIN, and then the fake ATM says it can’t complete the transaction. There were several of these types of ghost ATMs that popped up on the east coast back four years ago

#3. Ram Raids — Criminals continue to target ATMs in various ways, with “ram” raids happening more often in the US. Ram raids are perpetrated when criminals physically break out ATMs from the wall at the institution. The opportunity that some non-hardened criminals see is an exterior ATM that can be pulled out, loaded with thousands of tshs . So in terms of crimes of opportunity, people feeling desperate will attempt this crime.

#4. PIN ID’s — One of the other trends happening is where criminals are testing systems to identify PINs. One particular technique is where the criminal captures the magnetic stripe data from a retailer. They then go to an online bank site with a script written on several well known PINs, and run it against the site until they get a match.

#5. Automated PIN Changes — Another trend is criminals go through the financial institution’s telephone banking service to change PIN numbers. They will use the ANI to change the information on the phone they’re calling out from to appear like they are calling from the consumer’s phone. If they can find the basic information on the card holder, name, card account number, then they’re trying to take that info and go to the call center and change the PIN number over the phone. while more time-consuming, the overhead cost is cut to near nothing other than their own work to deceive the bank call center. Then with the changed PIN, the criminals drain the account. The easier it is for the consumer to change their account, those are the financial institutions that will be targeted.

#6. SMS attacks — “Smishing” is the attack that comes through the Short Message Service (SMS) or text venue, onto a smart phone or a cell phone. Where the criminals are able to get the information from the customer, they then turn and clone the ATM or debit card and use it to withdraw cash.

The bank or credit union, if it is not checking for the CVV value, or the full name or expiration date, and just accepts the card transaction, will be hit with counterfeit cards made from data taken in this type of attack.

#7. Malware — Security researchers say they have found malware code that lets a criminal take control over ATMs. SpiderLabs, the forensics and research arm of TrustWave, found a Trojan family of malware that infected 20 ATMs in Eastern Europe. The researchers warn that the malware may be headed toward African Banks and credit unions, as well as other parts of the world. The malware lets criminals take over the ATM to steal data, PINs and cash.

How to Stop ATM Fraud

ATM fraud is a matter of utmost concern to ATM owners and operators. Tanzania Banks recognizes the importance of maintaining consumer confidence in the ATM channel and would like to share with you information that can help you reduce your risk regarding ATM fraud.

How to prevent ATM fraud:

Safeguard your personal identification number (PIN) – don’t write it down on your card and don’t give it to anyone, not even a relative who isn’t a co-owner of your account. Please note that no transaction can be performed without the card and Pin being used simultaneously.

When you receive your card, sign it immediately on the back, in case your card gets stolen. Advice your bank immediately should your card get stolen.

When you enter your PIN at the ATM, make sure that no one sees it –stand as close as possible to the ATM and be aware of your surroundings.

Don’t allow anyone to ‘assist’ you with your transaction. Do not allow anyone to distract you. Always remember to complete the transaction and remove your money, card and receipt immediately. Do not leave receipts at the machine. If anyone around an ATM makes you feel uneasy leave the area and use another machine. Trust your instincts.

Make sure the card you take from the machine is yours

Check your cards regularly to make sure that you have them all – especially credit cards.

Don’t lend your card to anyone – not even your children. Contact us for cards for your children.

If your card gets lost or stolen, please report it immediately so that the card can be stopped.

Do not give your card as security to “loan sharks”.

Immediately notify your bank if you notice a recording device or something suspicious at a machine; or you receive an unsolicited call or e-mail asking for personal information, such as your account number and PIN. Also, immediately notify your card issuer about an authorized ATM or debit card transaction on your account.

Open credit/debit card statements promptly and make sure there are no unauthorized transactions. Treat your credit/debit card statement like your cheque account and reconcile it monthly. Save your receipts so you can compare them with your monthly statement. Ask your bank for full information about any transactions on the statement that you cannot reconcile.

Useful Tips:

* Always be alert when approaching and using an ATM. Complete your transaction as soon as possible.
* When you withdraw cash, take the cash immediately before you take your ATM receipt. When you collect your cash, immediately put it into your pocket or purse and count it later in private. The idea is to give a would-be robber less time to target you and steal your cash, wallet or purse.
* Ensure that the amount you wish to withdraw is keyed in correctly.
* Your card will be temporary locked out for 24 hours if your PIN is keyed incorrectly after three consecutive attempts – so please remember your PIN.
* Please keep your ATM receipt for record purposes, especially if you need to enquire about the transaction at a later stage.
* Avoid ATMS where there are a lot of people grouping together – especially at month-end.
* If you are a CRDB Card holder, make use of CRDB ATMs – you pay higher fees if you use other bank’s machines.
* Always remember three key aspects, your cash, your card and your receipt.

Please report lost or stolen cards at the Customer Service Department at your Local Bank branches Or Nearest Police Post

Yona f Maro

Yona Fares Maro
I.T. Specialist and Digital Security Consultant

– – –
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 21:19:24 +0300
From: Yona Fares Maro

South Africa World soccer tournament. To go or not to go?

Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 09:22:37 -0500 [09:22:37 CDT]
From: odundo
Subject: South Africa World soccer tournament. To go or not to go?

I very much wanted to take my sons to this historic tournament. We have been planning this over the last couple of years. But the xenophobia and on-going murders by the South Africans against other black Africans going about their business in their country makes me wonder if it is worth the risk. Any advice, anyone? Any non South African blacks going?

Odundo jaKarateng’


Writes Leo Odera Omolo In Kisumu City.

CONMEN masquerading as street preachers have returned for business in passenger servicing vehicles, particularly country buses using Kisumu-Kericho-Nairobi route with a big bang, like thunderbolt. They are minting thousands of shillings from unsuspecting travelers. The traveling passengers are being subjected to a lot of suffering by these street-preachers-cum-beggars and conmen.

The traffic policemen who are always found idling themselves a long the route seem to be impotent and cannot help. Apart from begging money from passengers with menaces, the preachers are making such loud noise, while preaching using crude language and at times even inaudible.

Their language of communications is mixed poor Kiswahili-English, but the men obviously lack proper training in evangelism or in preaching the word of gospel. One of them, who is notorious usually boards buses at the Kericho Caltex Petrol Station, where most passenger vehicles heading for either Kisii or Kisumu stops over. On one or two occasion, the notorious preacher had been seen almost exchanging blows with a bus conductor for denying him free entry into the vehicle. It seems to be a new method devised by these conmen of begging alms from traveling members of the public.

In some of the Nairobi bound country buses, notices are posted conspicuously on the entrances ”No Preacher is allowed”. These conmen, however, have found an easy accesses to quite a few country buses. And one company with the largest fleet of buses plying this route seemed not to care much about the discomfort of their traveling passengers. The Eldoret Express crew appear not bothered by the loud nois of these conmen-cum-preachers.

Kenya, arguably, is a God fearing nation. Her citizens are either devout Christians or Moslems and as such do tolerate a lot when someone is preaching the word of gospel or Quran. But this is not the case with the latest arrival of crusading style preachers inside speeding buses. As the vehicles engine roars in full blast, the preacher has to shout the loudest so that everyone inside the bus can hear him. This is a real menaces to travelers.

One such preachers who uses Dho-Luo dialect mixed with poor English and Kiswahili is notorious for asking any generous passenger to give him anything like 200/- which he urgently needs to enable him to travel to Busia on Kenya-Uganda border where he is supposedly summoned to go and preach the word of gospel in the service of God.. The man usually conducts what looked like “Mini Harambee” inside the traveling bus. But he would repeat the same appeal inside one bus after the other, and at the end of the day, I am told he nets between 1500 and 2000 in a day.

In the evening time, the same gospel preacher is a common visitor at place notorious in Kisumu City as “The Beer Belt, seeping a glass of beer while surrounded by young ladies, commonly known as “The of Kisumu”. In their gospel, these street preachers dwell mostly on the possibility of passengers meeting road mishaps on the way to their destination, This kind of appeal usually gets through the ears and hearts of the strictly religious passengers. The preacher would then offer poorly said word of prayers, wishing the passengers safe journey to their destination and stop there. And immediately start moving around asking for offering in the name of God’s work.

The Kisumu based preachers would normally board the bus at Kisumu and would either alight at Ahero or if the business is rather fertile continue up to Awasi. Between Awasi and Kericho there would be another preacher. And between Kericho and Molo Junction of Eldoiret-Nakuru and Nakuru -Kericho is another preacher who has self-styled himself as a Professor. This one, apart from mixing English-Kiswahili, Kikuyu dialect appears to have crammed some knowledge about the bible. He preaches well in style and he is also eloquent enough to be heard. But before alighting, he would invent a story of any urgent work of God he had been assigned in either Laikipia, Eldoret or Nyahururu which requires him to travel to those places urgently and needed some financial support from God’s children.

The situation is even more pathetic during school holidays when pupils and students travel. The preachers instill a lot of fears in the minds of the young people by talking more about grisly road accidents from schools travels home or returning to their learning institutions. They force the pupils to part with some money towards prayers for good luck in their journeys.

This are obviously “Mini-Harambee”. Can anyway in the higher authority intervene and instill a strict rule on the owners of these passenger vehicles?.The traveling public must be protected from these money-maniac characters or crocked minded conmen. The proprietors of these buses must spell out strict rules to their conductors and crews as well as enforce them. The passengers need to be comfortable in their grueling journey. Some of the passengers are heading to places like Nairobi in search of medical care and need to be left alone from the noise making preachers.

These preachers don’t disclose the name of their churches, and they seemed to have taken everything for granted that this is the surest way of making easy money without having sweated for it The police must intervene and come to the rescue of the traveling passengers. The traveling passengers urgently needs another Minister John Miuchuki to spell out the rules barring the crusaders insiders buses.


– – –
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 00:45:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Leo Odera Omolo

CHAMA’s first Grass root forum, Nairobi


From the numbers (see attached pictures) and participation in the CHAMA grass root meeting held on 27th June 2009 at Conference Hall (Nairobi City Hall), I can describe the first step in this long journey towards clean leadership and responsive government as great. For those who may not be privy CHAMA is acronym for Chama cha Haki and Maendeleo, a new political party in the making. During yesterday’s CHAMA meeting, Kenyans from all representations were happy with CHAMA’s first meeting.

To give you a glimpse into the mood – before you watch the video recording and see pictures online – some of the participants in their submissions described the meeting as “historic in Kenya’s political party politics” while others put it as ” the beginning of people-centred politics” and yet others as “a commendable step at returning nation’s politics to Kenyans”.

What excited participants more was the absence of our usual high table for the “political biggies”, we all sat in the plenary and only the presenter/moderator went in front. We did not bore with long speeches and in my thinking this made most participants feel we were all equal.

The day’s program was amended and simplified in the plenary. We made sure that every participant with something to say had a chance at the microphone. This lifted participants morale and spirits as they perceived that convenors appreciated that all represented Kenyans knew something about “what ails Kenya” and have opinion(s) on how we should fix it.

The absence of the usual “personalities” and “flowery names” in the gathering (which usually confuses and distorts the people’s agenda) also gave the gathering a unique political tinge. In my noting that, I do not suggest that individuals who have genuinely earned their society’s respect aren’t welcomed; rather, I am just emphasizing the (default) confidence it generated among the grass root – that they too can put together a political gathering and dialogue.

After the sharing of highlights of what makes CHAMA unique and a break from traditional political parties in Kenya, the participants were invited to speak into and input in the making of CHAMA’s constitution and party thinking/ideology. This generated a lot of enthusiasm as participants after another jostled at a chance on the microphone, to be part of this generation’s historical mission. Initial speakers were quick to caution against broken dreams and failures suffered in previous political parties such as FORD and NARC.

With the benefit of my little grass root experience in different parts of the country – especially, considering my familiarity with most of the faces that gathered in yesterday’s CHAMA first public meeting – I am reassured and confident that we have a chance at capturing, redirecting and guiding the destiny of our nation, Kenya.

It was amazing to watch and listen, voice after another paint an optimistic picture: “that we need to reimagine, redesign and rebuild Kenya” on the foundation of genuine democracy, characterized by the rule of law and respect of people’s voice. This instils in me renewed belief that, yes, it is our time to rediscover and recreate Kenya.

In an effort to ground the party at the grass root, collect more input to the CHAMA constitution and the thinking/ideology and generally popularise the formation of CHAMA countrywide, our next stop is Rift Valley region where we want to hold a similar grass root meeting in Nakuru town and it’s rural neighborhood.

In conclusion: Kudos to all who made this possible, just to mention a few: Roza Kamau, Suba Churchil, Nicholas Oyoo, Mary Wakio, Rael Odongo, Tariq Jebtekeny, Yasni Juma, Fatuma Abdala, Mary Kathomi, Jacob Muoga, Ben Githae and Omtatah Okoiti.

Thank you Tom Kagwe and Alamin Kimathi for your thoughtful opening and closing remarks respectively.

As a side note, I would like to correct Omtatah’s initial estimation of participation at 234 pax. A rough head count places the gathering at close to 300 plus – not all the participants registered at the reception. A comprehensive report on participants’ submissions, video and pictures shall be uploaded in the coming week on the CHAMA facebook and website ( The relevant facebook address will soon be communicated to you.

Sincerely yours,
George Nyongesa
+254 720 451 235



– – –
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 04:55:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: George Nyongesa
Subject: CHAMA’s first Grass root forum, Nairobi

Which Song Is our Favourite Why? Obama, Ask Congress To Give Him A State Funeral.


Mine is THE GIRL IS MINE. Indeed, one weekend, I accompanied a friend for burial in Lelechwett. There, in the little shopping center, a beautiful PYT was the shopkeeper. She was dark, my complexion. As if by design, Michael Jackson’s THAT DARK GIRL IS MINE was playing on the transistor radio. She was shy, and had a pretty smile. I like her, fell in love and later asked for Cheruto’s hand in marriage. It has been great. Perhaps Michael Jackson played a role in getting us together. Whether you believe this or not, his song certainly did, and we still hold hands when this song plays.

Michael Jackson, you rocked the world. My 10th great grandfather, Ragem say you still will! Rest in peace Wacho Jacko.
So, which one of his songs touched you most, gently or somehow? Below is a list from Wikipedia.

Joram Ragem
wuod Ndinya, wuod Onam, wuod Amolo, wuod Owuoth, wuod Oganyo, wuod Mumbe, wuod Odongo, wuod Olwande, wuod Adhaya, wuod Ojuodhi, wuod Ragem! (Are you my relative?)

Michael Jackson singles discography
Ain’t No Sunshine
Another Part of Me
Bad (Michael Jackson song)
Beat It
Ben (song)
Billie Jean
Black or White
Blood on the Dance Floor (song)
Butterflies (Michael Jackson song)
Come Together
Cry (Michael Jackson song)
D.S. (song)
Dangerous (Michael Jackson song)
Dirty Diana
Don’t Stop ’til You Get Enough
Earth Song
Ease on Down the Road
Get It (song)
The Girl Is Mine
Girlfriend (Michael Jackson song)
G cont.
Give In to Me
Gone Too Soon
Got to Be There (song)
Happy (Michael Jackson song)
Heal the World
Human Nature (Michael Jackson song)
I Just Can’t Stop Loving You
I Wanna Be Where You Are
In the Closet
Jam (song)
Just a Little Bit of You
Leave Me Alone
Liberian Girl
Man in the Mirror
Off the Wall (song)
One Day in Your Life (Michael Jackson song)
One More Chance (Michael Jackson song)
P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
Remember the Time
Rock with You (Michael Jackson song)
Rockin’ Robin (song)
Say Say Say
She’s out of My Life
Smile (Charlie Chaplin song)
Smooth Criminal
Stranger in Moscow
Tell Me I’m Not Dreamin’ (Too Good to Be True)
They Don’t Care About Us
Thriller (song)
Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’
The Way You Make Me Feel
We Are the World
We’re Almost There
What More Can I Give
Who Is It (Michael Jackson song)
Why (3T song)
Will You Be There
With a Child’s Heart
You Are Not Alone
You Can’t Win (song)
You Rock My World

– – –
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 16:24:34 -0400
From: Joram Ragem
Subject: Which Song Is our Favourite Why? Obama, Ask Congress To Give Him A State Funeral.





Writes Leo Odera Omolo In KisumuCity

CONTINUED political instability in the seemingly ungovernable neighboring Somalia and persistent threats of attack by extremist Islamists terrorists has forced usually careful and moderate Kenyan government to put its military on twenty four hour state of alertness.

The extremists, who have been fighting the Somali transitional government of President Sheikh Sharrif, which is recognized by both the UN and the African Unity {AU}, have twice threatened to attack ,if Kenya sends its army to support the beleaguered , unstable and militarily weak government in Mogadishu.

Kenya is now on the war-path as a result of what observers in Nairobi describe as “unusual state of military alertness”. The country is preparing its military in readiness to protect Kenya’s borders not only to fight conventional war, but also to stop and prevent the influx of Somali refugees seeking safe haven in Kenya, following threats by Islamist extremists threat to launch full scale attack on Nairobi.

The Islamist extremists have stepped up the fighting around the Somalia capital Mogadishu after their warlord Osama Bin Laden, allegedly issued a stern warning via audio tapes in March this year declaring President Sharrif an enemy of the Islam and called for a combined al-Qaeda and al-Shaabab forces on the ground inside Somalia to fight and topple the transitional government.

At the same time, Kenya’s Vice President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka, one of the three top ranking officials in the grand coalition government, has reiterated that his country had no intention of sending its troops to fight in the war-torn Somalia, but would not hesitate to guard its own territory against any possible external attack.

But despite the juicy diplomacy exhibited by the Vice President , Kenyan military has been put on twenty four high state of alertness to prevent ,and if need be, to respond positively and militarily to any foreign attack..

On Thursday, members of Kenyan Parliamentary committee on national security and defense asked the government to close the entire border with Somalia and stop the influx of people fleeing the war-ravaged Horn of Africa nation from entering into Kenya..The MPs described the threat by Somali extremists as “very serious and real”. “The threat now requires drastic action by the government,” said Fred Kapondi, the committee chairman who is also the MP for Mt. Elgon constituency, adding that the people flocking into the country as refugees from Somalia posed a real menace to Kenyans and a major security threat, and should be blocked from entering Kenya at all costs.

Kapondi further disclosed that his committee and that of Foreign Affairs and Defense would jointly petition the government to take drastic action to protect its international borders.

Kenya has the longest hinterland border with Somalia, which is running into hundreds of kilometers in its semi-arid North Eastern and Coast Provinces.. And to stop the Somali refugee fleeing the war zones in their country is extremely difficult task, which would require extra manpower within its security set up.

The Islamist militants backed up by Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda fighters have been battling to topple the embattled Transitional Government of President Sheikh Sharrif, and as a result the Horn of Africa nation is bleeding to death. Many top government officials including cabinet Ministers have been killed. Islamists sharia law has been introduced in areas under control of the Islamist.

Earlier in the week, twenty MPs of the transitional government boarded a chattered light plane and fled into KENYA, as the Mogadishu regime called for an urgent military support from the international committee, to help the government ward off the incessant attack and the killing of innocent people in Mogadishu.

The transitional government has since declared state of emergency and called for urgent military support from neighboring countries and the international communities for help both in manpower and military hardware,. But it is only the United States which has responded to the current requests, as well as Uganda, which is one of the AU member countries, which has kept its troop in Somalia as part of the AU and UN peace-keeping force.

An underground organization calling itself al-Shabaab had threatened to blow a crucial bridge that links the North Eastern Kenya with the rest of the Somalia.The group is said to have been provoked by Kenya’s willingness to have its territory used as the landing pad by NATO and other European countries who patrol the Somalia Coastline for pirates. Several pirates caught up in the act have been transferred to other foreign destination where they will face criminals, through Kenyan port City of Mombasa.

– – –
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 20:22:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Leo Odera Omolo

Army ready to defend Kenyans

—– Forwarded message from komarockswatch@ . . . —–
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 02:30:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: odhiambo okecth
Subject: Army ready to defend Kenyans


I remember those kind of days when as young boys, we could tout each other. In most cases, the one who bragged the most was in most cases the loser.

I want to look at your posting about Ethiopia having moved into Somali and scattered the war lords as other countries were still doing what Kenya is currently doing; boasting about their arsenal and might.

I also want to look at what Mwalimu Nyerere [RIP] did to Idi Amin Dada [also RIP]. Amin was busy folding his sleeves, shorts and all, spoiling for war while Mwalimu was very silent, stealthily silent. When he had seen enough of Amins sleeves, he moved in swiftly and chased him out of Uganda.

Kenya has suffered tremendously in the hands of terrorists as we roll our sleeves about our military might. And I now want to ask; Where was our military might when Norfolk Hotel was bombed?

Where was our military might when OTC got bombed?

Where was this military might when the US Embassy in Nairobi was brought down?

Where was this military might when Kikambala Hotel was brought down?

No. We have had enough of this.

Our forces are a force unto darkness. They are never there when they are needed. Kenya is now under the mercy of thugs, car jarkers, rapists, sadists and all sorts of charlatans as we boast of our military might.

I would have been comfortable if our forces would have been on top of the petty crime we have around. That is when we can face the insurgents in Somali.

By the way, do you remember that Uganda has taken Migingo as we roll our sleeves and boast of our military might?



— On Fri, 6/26/09, otieno sungu wrote:

From: otieno sungu
Subject: Re: Army ready to defend Kenyans from attacks by Somali extremist warlords!!
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 4:21 AM


That is true,but in most of our cultures, before you beat up some fool fooling aroung with you, it is imparative that you tell them the ” I will beat you!”(abiro goyi matek!!).

If they persists, they should see you folding your sleeves which is a good sign that something drastic is about to happen if they do not change their foolishness(some people remove even shoes while others prefer not to mess their trousers!!)

We are at that stage now with some people who have been fooling around with us for some time, our sleeves are being folded to protect our borders. When you threaten to bomb Nairobi(and we have been bombed here before and we know how painful it is, we cannot massage you and say, you are just kidding right?”)


— On Fri, 6/26/09, odhiambo okecth wrote:

From: odhiambo okecth
Subject: Re: Army ready to defend Kenyans from attacks by Somali extremist warlords!!
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 6:04 AM

A tiger does not proclaim its tigritude….so would Moluor Wole Soyinka say.


— On Fri, 6/26/09, IGNATIUS SIMIYUH wrote:

Subject: Re: Army ready to defend Kenyans from attacks by Somali extremist warlords!!
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 2:45 AM


Interesting Pics. It might be a time when Majority of Kenyans are Realizing the country head such Military Hardware. This might include Museveni. In Nairobi Streets, Majority Kenyans were Baffled by the Pictures on the Daily Nation. They never thought such was within the country’s reach.

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 10:05 AM, otieno sungu wrote:

Visions And Transformation: Lets Save Tanzania

Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 16:31:31 +0300
From: Yona Fares Maro
Subject: Visions And Transformation: Lets Save Tanzania

Visions And Transformation: Lets Save Tanzania


The primary policy objective of every responsible administration should be to grow the economy and improve the living conditions of the people. The major determinants of economic growth and development are human capital, technological capability, effective institutions and infrastructure, stable monetary policy and political environment, and of course, good leadership.

This article, which adds to the growing literature in economic change, posits that the Tanzanian economy, which has been undermined by poor governance, will remain distressed until appropriate strategy is adopted to provide the necessary framework.

Brief overview of the terms

Let’s glance through the main terms in this discourse to ascertain their meaning and why Tanzania has been unable to industrialize. In a nutshell, economic transformation is a change in the structure of an economy over time from a subsistence economy, through industrialization, to an industrial or even post-industrial era. Economic growth (a process of transformation) is a quantitative measure of the goods and services produced by an economy over a period, usually calculated as the percentage rate of increase in real gross domestic product (or real GDP). However, economic development implies a lot more; it is a qualitative measure of how economic the wealth of countries (or regions) has improved the economic, political, and social well being of its inhabitants. This review centers on the process by which an economy is moving away from basic primary production, and focusing more on efficient high value-added processing and manufacturing with advanced technology.

Why have the reforms failed?

The configuration of Tanzania’s economy has not changed significantly since independence in 1961, yet there has been deafening trumpet about the success of the various socio-economic visions, agenda, and reform programs by successive administrations. The reform programs have failed to improve the economy because the society lacks the basic institutions and infrastructure. Other major reasons are poor government policies and policy somersaults, corruption, insecurity, poor regulatory system and failure to enforce the laws, and of course, inability of the leaders to move beyond rhetoric. The anomalies and deficiencies in the system are myriad; socio-economic changes are impossible without the preconditions. The majority of farmers are still toiling in the field with hoes and cutlasses and the economy is powered by generators; communities (rural and urban) are without potable water, good roads, basic health facilities, and advanced technology for large scale production and industrialization. Consequently, there is tremendous poverty in the land and the ‘informal sector’ (petty traders, touts, etc) constitutes more than 75 percent of the economy.

Foreign and domestic development partners and analysts have over the years pointed out these deficiencies and offered numerous suggestions to solve Tanzania’s economic crisis but the leaders have either failed or refused to accept and utilize them. And we are running out of new ideas. Because of leadership ‘culture of irresponsibility’ and corruption the visions and reforms have failed to stimulate the economy that is trapped at its early stage of development. Or has the economy taken off but failed to reach its final destination? The economy remains profoundly dependent on natural resources, instead of technological knowledge (a society’s understanding of the best ways to produce goods and services).

Even with the coming back of Multiparty Political System nothing noteworthy has been done to enlarge the economic pie; They have not made constant supply electricity that is the engine of industrial development a top priority. textile industries are rapidly vanishing.6The refineries are unable to meet domestic demand for fuel and gas and the nation is unable to produce enough food for the growing population. All these are retarding the nation’s pace of economic growth and development and preventing the people from realizing their full potential.

The members of the National Assembly that are in shards of self-interest do not seem to understand that it is their responsibility to stimulate the economy with appropriate policies and ensure political stability; and that investing in human capital, good quality education, public health services, and respect for the rule of law are crucial for the economy. More often than not the laws are for the poor as the political gods commit all kinds of fraud without punishment. There is a dangerous concentration of power at the center and national resources in the hands of a few politically well-connected elite. Are the leaders not cognizant of the need to make changes?

Tanzania is moving round the circle – shoveling from one failed leader to another, from one empty ‘vision’ to another, from one unfilled ‘agenda’ to another, and from one unproductive budget to another. Financial crisis caused by corruption is among the reasons Tanzania has failed to restructure the economy. Criminals are masquerading as politicians scrambling for contracts and political appointments to give them opportunity to loot the treasury. However, while individuals who commit petty frauds are being harassed and arrested by the PCCB the agency allows the ‘big’ looters to enjoy their booty. The boss of the toothless PCCB reported that Tanzanians looted Billions from the treasury. Yet the government is complaining of lack of funds to implement its budgets. The economy cannot grow without the basic infrastructure (power and road and rail network), security, good education and health services. Tanzania will not develop if the people continue to allow criminals to run the affairs of the nation. Today, economic activities are dominated by the smuggling of consumer goods from abroad and human and drug trafficking, with low level of foreign and domestic investments and rudimentary activities in the manufacturing sector.

Since the inception of the current global economic and financial crisis7 societies have been unnerved, with the citizens thrown into deeper economic hardship and misery. The crisis has forced serious societies to improve the ways they run their domestic affairs. But this is not the case with Tanzania; the political leaders have not changed their approach to governance. They do not seem to accept the reality of our failure because they still believe that the economy could change by simply adopting high-sounding economic slogans and bogus visions. For instance, the Kikwete administration is under the illusion that Tanzania could possibly join the ranks of the first twenty largest economies by the year 2025 without technological capability and the institutional and infrastructural framework (power, roads and railways, and water, etc) required for industrial development.

However, because of Tanzania’s glaring deficiencies, scholars8and analysts have observed that the political leaders should desist from false belief that Tanzania could become an industrialized nation without the prerequisites.

But given the magnitude of corruption and the unending hostility and insecurity in Tarime and visionless leadership, Many People doubts that Tanzania could solve her infrastructural and institutional problems by the year 2025 and improve agriculture and manufacturing industries to create employment for the army of unemployed youths. And this has unnerved politicians, professionals, and wealthy businessmen9 in the localities and scared away investors from the economy. If the trend is allowed to continue it will unquestionably further compound Tanzania’s economic problems and her democratic experiment.

Can We Really Save Tanzania ?

Why is it that the managers of Tanzania’s economy do not understand that institutions and security matter in economic performance? Can Tanzania unravel her economic tangle? To stimulate economic growth and transit from under-development to fast-pasted economic development the leaders should rethink their strategies and absolutely focus on providing robust institutional and infrastructural mechanism required to expand economic activities and increase productivity, create employment for the army of the unemployed youths, improve national security by stopping the injustice and ‘war in Tarime ’ region and finding a lasting political solution to the predicament. This is because without peace and security economic growth and development is impossible.

Tanzania’s system seriously needs to be reformed. Therefore, to change nation’s economic story the society must, in addition to ensuring constant power supply and constructing good road network, adopt alternative sources of revenue by devising a sound tax system and transparent revenue collection system. This will ensure additional revenue for development projects. Individuals and organizations with innovative ideas on how to improve the economy and create employment should be encouraged with tax incentives and affordable loans for investment. In addition, Tanzania should diversify the economy by investing copiously in agricultural technology to transform farming from subsistence to large-scale food production for local consumption and extra for export, and increase in other agro-industrial businesses and services. This will lead to rapid economic transformation even in the remote parts of the society, and tame rural-urban migration, social crisis and improve national security. Even advanced societies are relentlessly searching for ways to diversify their economies for sustainable growth and development. Improved security will also attract huge foreign and local investment into the economy and engender increase in employment, reduce crime and poverty, and finally improve the people’s living conditions.

Concluding Remarks

The preceding discourse shows that economic growth is a precondition for modernization and that to become an industrialized nation Tanzania should have the necessary institutional and infrastructural framework, human capital and technological capability to enable firms and industries in different segments of the economy to function effectively and efficiently.

The managers of the economy should be mindful of the fact that no visions and agenda (Maisha Bora Kwa Kila Mtanzania ) will be successful without the noted preconditions. However, one of the critical measures of successful of economic transformation is the degree at which the sectors of an economy transform themselves into ‘innovation hubs’ by developing high quality goods and services and improve the welfare of the people. Without the prerequisite structures that will enable the private sector to drive the economy and create wealth, the Tanzanian economy will continue to depend on government generosity. And that is not enough to establish a system that supports high economic performance.

In conclusion, for the economy to move beyond its present stage of development Tanzania should adopt an integrated development plan because economic growth and development involves comprehensive social, political and economic transformation. Good quality education (particularly technical education) should be an important part of any plan for the economic transformation process, because technical education holds the key to Tanzanian’s development. But the education sector will not effectively perform its functions of training the needed manpower and producing advanced technology through research and development without adequate funding.

To really unravel the nation’s economic tangle Tanzania needs a transformative leader to build a solid foundation for a lasting socio-political stability and sustainable economic growth and development. We should replicate the reforms that led to the success story in the telecommunication industry in the other segments of the economy.

Yona F Maro

Yona Fares Maro
I.T. Specialist and Digital Security Consultant

Emmanuel Dennis’ Loss

Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 12:06:11 +0000
From: Ronnie
Subject: NYC Emmanuel Dennis’ Loss

My fellow comrades,

It is with great sadness that we have to communicate to you the demise of ED’s mum on Tuesday 22nd June 2009 only an hour after ED was airbone to various assignments abroad related to the Kenyan youth movement.

We have confirmed that the burial is slated for Monday 29th June 2009 in Lugari.

Emmanuel is still away in Europe on this assignments. I cannot imagine what he must be going through, alone in a foreign land pursuing our dreams.

We shall be communicating further details in the course of today.

Kindly join us in praying for strength and comfort to EDs family.

Thank you and God bless you all.

For and on behalf of NYC
Ronald Osumba
Sent from my BlackBerry®

—– Forwarded message from ochykheyr@ . . . —–
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 05:15:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ochieng kh
Subject: NYC Re: Emmanuel Dennis’ Loss

My deepest condolences to all and May the Good Lord nourish her soul in eternity. We do share in the loss with you.

Best wishes always,
Ochieng M.K
Phone Number (Office) +254-20-3861530/1
Cell Phone Number:+254-723-745-817

“We can nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope of earth” Abraham Lincoln

—– Forwarded message from barry.karanja@ . . . —–
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 17:47:48 +0300
From: Barry karanja
Subject: Fwd: NYC Emmanuel Dennis’ Loss

My deepest condolences to my good friend E.D


—– Forwarded message from tomusau@ . . . —–
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 06:03:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Thomas Musau
Subject: NYC Re: Emmanuel Dennis’ Loss

Dear Ronnie and all,

It’s with deep shock and disbelief to learn about the demise of ED’s mum.

My heart is with him and his family and relatives during this trying moments.

Ronnie, could you please keep us updated on the burial ceremony arrangements and see if we can have a van/ Mathree or even a bus full of NYC supporters going to western for the burial ceremony to represent our organisation.

Once more pole for the bad news.

Thomas Musau

—– Forwarded message from ntowil@ . . . —–
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:09:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ntoina William
Subject: Re: Fwd: NYC Emmanuel Dennis’ Loss

on behalf of myself and the youth of pokot, i send my condolence to emmanuel dennis following the departure to eternity of his dear mum. a mother is such an important person to anyone’s life and i join him in prayers during this trying moment.

pole sana ED.



—– Forwarded message from ananilea_nkya@ . . . —–
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:54:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: ananilea nkya <>

True Niocodemus, all oppressive systems will come to an end. Capitalism too, is on its way out. The current global financial crisis is an indicator . Indeed an alternative just system must emerge. No unjust system ever lasts. Aluta Contunue!

On Fri, 6/26/09, Niocodemus Eatlawe <> wrote:

From: Niocodemus Eatlawe
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 9:20 AM

Thanks, John for your solid analysis and argument. Exactly that is what I have been saying myself yesterday that times have changed but people are not coming out of their comfort zones! Mindsets have not changed for many, but there a few who a vision and can read signs of the day. The days of tyrant and corrup leaders are indeed numbered! Threat will never and have never worked anywhere except for a while.Boers tried their best to supress Mandela and other freedom fighters but today the Blacks are reigning SA. Russia communism collapsed, not mentioning Adolph Hitler to mention but a few.

This s a wind of change which no one can stop! Tanzania has been bewitched and blinded for so long even thru what they called freedom torch while actually is slavery torch! No situation is permanent! What we are seeing is a just a little smoke! The real fire is coming and no liar we will withstand! Look at the debate we are having here! Could this hapen in the 80s? Aluta continua! We can either be part of the change or mere observers! Kwaherini.


Ananilea Nkya
Executive Director
Tanzania Media Women’s Association (TAMWA)
P. O. Box 8981, Sinza-Mori
Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA
Tel: +255-22 2772681 Fax +255 22 2772681

— On Fri, 6/26/09, Niocodemus Eatlawe wrote:

From: Niocodemus Eatlawe
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 9:20 AM

Thanks, John for your solid analysis and argument. Exactly that is what I have been saying myself yesterday that times have changed but people are not coming out of their comfort zones! Mindsets have not changed for many, but there a few who a vision and can read signs of the day. The days of tyrant and corrup leaders are indeed numbered! Threat will never and have never worked anywhere except for a while.Boers tried their best to supress Mandela and other freedom fighters but today the Blacks are reigning SA. Russia communism collapsed, not mentioning Adolph Hitler to mention but a few.

This s a wind of change which no one can stop! Tanzania has been bewitched and blinded for so long even thru what they called freedom torch while actually is slavery torch! No situation is permanent! What we are seeing is a just a little smoke! The real fire is coming and no liar we will withstand! Look at the debate we are having here! Could this hapen in the 80s? Aluta continua! We can either be part of the change or mere observers! Kwaherini.


— On Thu, 6/25/09, Fakhi Karume wrote:

From: Fakhi Karume
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 10:03 AM

Mungu akubaki sana kwa kuleta ukweli juu ya hili kampuni lake la
Solomon Stockbrokers Ltd. Sasa najiuliza, je ali-declare conflict of
interest mbele ya umma wakati Wizara anayoiongiza ndiyo ina dhamana ya kusimamia shares zote za serikali kupitia wakala anayehusika CMSA??

Noamba turejee prospectus zote za uuzaji wa shares za NMB na CRDB je Solomon hawakuwa among selected brokers??? Appendix 1 – List of selling agents wa CRDB shares wako 8 na Solomon Stock Brokers Ltd ni wa kwanza. Katika NMB Selling agents wako 8 pia na Solomon Stockbrokers Ltd ni ya 8. Sasa je hii ni serikali gani?. Huyu
Jeremiaha Sumary ni owner kabisa wa hii kampuni i.e majority
shareholder na kwa kuwa ni yake. Inakuwaje inashiriki dili la kuuza
hisa, au kuna mwenye evidence hapa kama alishauza share zake kabisa na kuwa si kampuni yake??

On Jun 25, 9:29 am, “John Wanyancha” wrote:

Once again we are witnessing Hon. Zitto being subjected to the uncalled for agony for his typical evidence-based thinking and debating style that distinguishes him from the massive political sycophants of the day. We are witnessing what seems to me as a battle between an advocate of the common man’s interests pitted against a patented art of public hoodwinking and daylight thieving that characterizes a section of the ruling elites in Tanzania. Whatever the price that Hon Zitto will pay – obviously of being expelled for a couple of sessions – the beginning of a new dawn has been signaled. The era when the proletariats (the poor masses) are starting to rise to demand their rights from the bourgeoisies (the elites), begging from Karl Marx.

Time has gone when many perceived Hon Zitto to be light years away from the thinking pattern of the current generation, a fact that has been demonstrated by every contribution to this discussion. We all seem to share Hon Zitto’s sentiments that Tanzanians have long outgrown deceitful and wishful thinking and that all we need are leaders who can walk the talk. That when you promise your electorates to create five million jobs, we should see a workable formula to deliver the promise- an implementable strategy with measurable indicators attainable over a given time.

And when your country prides to be the darling of donors and the powers that be who fund the biggest chunk of your national budget, you should be able to show a correlation between this funding and tangible successes in terms of improving the living condition of your people. And when basic indicators point to a negative growth in virtually every economic and social sector, you should take it as a wake up call and not a moment to reign heavily on critics while making cover-ups through creation of childish dramas choreographed to deviate the public’s attention from serious issues of the day. Zitto and the call to recant the usage of “hovyo hovyo” (whatever it means) yet another master piece drama (in their own standards) intended to sway everybody away from the critical issues raised and project the MP as a villain or a black sheep. And do we need to conduct a research to find how instantly this has worked for CCM? Just consider our own subject/headline “ZITTO ALIKOROGA BUNGE TENA” If this has been one of the survival tactics all these years, then surely its days are numbered.

If questioning the fundamentals and challenging the status quo is what may take to crucify (kumumaliza kisiasa) Hon. Zitto, then we do not need a messiah to prophesy that we are in the process of making of political saints in Tanzania in people like Hon. Zitto, Dr Slaa, madam Kilango and my own kinsman – the late Chacha Wangwe (May God rest his soul in eternal peace). Their bold and relentless effort against this unprecedented high-handedness of the selfish few bestowed with the privilege to manage our country is surely making a mark in the history of our politics.

John Wanyancha

—–Original Message—–
From: Khadija AbdulRazak
Sent: 24 June 2009 19:35


Kuna kila haja ya kuongeza idadi ya wabunge mahiri Bungeni kutoka
kambi ya upinzani. Zitto I salute you on this.Pale inahitaji kila mbunge mwenye mapenzi akisimama anamkoma nyani bila huruma, na anamwaga point mwishowe wangeachia, ila bunge bado ni butu sana, kwani wanaomkoma nyani ki ukweli ni wawili tu Dr. Slaa na Zitto.

wengine ni wa msimu na kutegemea upepo wa chama chao ukoje.

Maendeleo ya Tanzania na kushughulikia maswala ya ufisadi hususani wa Meremeta , tanggold, Deep green nk na wizi mwingie na ufisadi unaibuka kila siku kama hii EPA mpya ya Jk kunahitaji wabunge wa upinzani wasomi, werevu wajasiri na wenye mapenzi ya kweli na nchi. Sasa upinzani kwa kuanzia inabidi hata wabunge wa kuteuliwa ambao vyama vinapewa nafasi ya kufanya hivyo wachaguliwe wenye mapenzi na nchi na uelewa wa kutosha na elimu pambanishi. Sioni sababu ya mbunge wa upinzani anamaliza miaka mitano hakuna alilofanya zaidi ya kupiga makofi, najua uchache wetu lakini lazima wabunge wetu wawe ndio chachu ya maendeleo na mijadala ya kitaifa na ukombozi kutoka mikononi mwa chama chenye mafisadi na kinachozalisha ufisadi.

Zitto kwenye hansard yako umeweka point ya msingi sana kwamba asilimia 44 ni vijana chini ya miaka 20. Hawa ndio wapiga kura wa 2010/2015. Ni Kazi ya wabunge vijana wa upinzani kuanza kufikia hiki kizazi kipya cha kuhusisha maisha yao na utawala dhalimu wa CCM. Miundo mbinu mibovu, elimu duni ukosefu wa ajira vifo vya wapenzi wao wakijifungua, na watoto wao wachanga, ajali za barabarani zinazouwa kila kukicha kwa mfumo mbaya wa polisi na barabara mbovu, magari mabovu ni mengi sana yanaruhusiwa kubeba abiria na mizigo, hayana takwimu za matengenezo, matairi ya kanjanja kutoka china, break pads na drums mbovu, chasiss zilizopinda nk. Polisi wa usalama barabarani hawafanyi kazi kwani magari ni ya wahemiwa. haya yote taratibu yakiingia akilini nchi itakuwa nchi. 2010 tutakuwa na wabunge 100+ na 2015 tutakuwa na majority, hapo tutamkoma nyani kwa kwenda mbele.

On Jun 24, 5:18 pm, mchuzi Bamia wrote:

Hata cku moja ucje ukaruhusu ndege kujenga kiota juu ya kichwa chako …… ZITTO uamuzi ulio amua ni mzuri sana na nipo pamoja na wewee bega kwa bega,ccm wanatabia ya kulindana mauozo yao … wataficha /kulindana mpaka lini???? kwani wote walizaliwa tumbo moja na mama mmoja???? kila mtu kaja kivyake na ataondoka kivyake…. ,so ZITTO umeteuliwa na wananchi na upo kutetea maslahi ya wananchi kwa ujumla achana na hao wapuuz wasio jua nini maana ya *Chama cha Demokrasia na maendeleo* …..,wapo hapo bungeni kuuza sura zao tuuu na si kingine kile wakikosa ubunge watazeeka vibaya sana,

On 2009/6/24 ananilea nkya wrote:

Kijana Zitto,

Songa mbele. Madhara ya ufisadi unapokolea nchini ni kwamba wenye haki ni wale tu walio karibu na watawala. Lakini tuache iendelee mpaka lini? Si nchi hii ni yetu sote? Si kanuni/sheria ni lazima lindinde usawa? Hakika tukiendelea kama taifa kukumbatia ubinafsi na uchama, tutajimaliza.

Ananilea Nkya
Executive Director
Tanzania Media Women’s Association (TAMWA)
P. O. Box 8981, Sinza-Mori
Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA
Tel: +255-22 2772681 Fax +255 22 2772681 E-mail:ananilea_n…

— On *Wed, 6/24/09, Leila Abdul * wrote:

From: Leila Abdul
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 1:41 PM

Mh. Zitto Zuberi Kabwe, Usiombe msamaha, hawa watu wanadhihaka sana!

aswa wabunge wa CCM. Mbona Selelii akuonywa, Mbona Mudhihiri na matusi yake ya kishahiri hakuonywa? Wewe kusema ukweli umegusa kichwa cha jipu. Wewe bonyeza jipu lipasuke tupo wote. Kwanini wakuandame wewe unayetetea wananchi na wasiandame wanaokataa kujadili Tangold na meremeta? Au wasitumie hiyo nguvu nyingi kumsaka KAGODA?

BRAVO Zitto kaza buti

On Jun 24, 1:20 pm, Juma Mzuri wrote

A controvesial CHADEMA MP from Kigoma North constituency has once again tested the wrath of Union Parliament today, after refusing to detract his ownstatement that ” majibu aliyotoa waziri Sumari kwa Mh Slaa ni ya HOVYOHOVYO…” pamoja na pressure ya wazi toka kwa two CCM MPs wakiomba mwongozo wa Mwenyekiti, Zitto aligoma katakata kufuta kauli yake na kudai kwamba wabunge kadhaa (nadhani akimaanisha wa CCM), wameshaongea kauli za kutatanisha katika bunge hili lakini hakuna hatua zilizochukuliwa..alimalizia kwa kusema “NIPO TAYARI KWA LOLOTE” kabla hajendelea kuchangia mjadala wa budget..

Re: ”ZULU Alert” Declared in the Kenya Army

Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 12:36:14 +0300
Subject: Re: ”ZULU Alert” Declared in the Kenya Army

This reports confirm to you the seriousness at which the Government is taking on Militia. Yona’s Reporting confirms that Kenya does have more tanks than those that were reported by Western think Tanks when Uganda Invaded Migingo. Anyway, it might be very hard to avert military action against the Militia at this moment and the consequences!! The truth is that Al- Shabaab cannot put up any meaningful fight against Kenya. The group can only pull one surprise in hitting one Building but confronting Kenyan Force is very remote.

The outcomes of such war might see massive arrests of Somalis and already signs of tough time for Somalis are evdident in Eastleigh.

Hapana watoto Kuvaa ” Slippers” na Kubeba Bunduki wakijidai hapa!! Al shabaab haina jingine ila kukoma kutoa Vitisho.

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Yona F Maro wrote:

Kenya Army units have been put on stand by to counter any Al Shabaab insurgency spill over from Somalia.This follows the meeting of the country’s top Security council which was chaired by President Kibaki and right Hon Raila Odinga on Tuesday.

Internal sources confirm that the Kenya Army is prepared to go into deep Somalia to counter the insurgency.Over 13000 Personnel have now been stationed in the border with reports that more are being dropped in by Army Helicopters.

Its also believed that about 500 officers have gone 10 KM into Somalia to secure an important bridge which the Al Shabaab had threatened to blow up in order to stop the movement of the Kenyan Millitary. Over 130 Tanks are now on the border with several Fighter and Transport Helicopters on stand by in Moyale,Isiolo,Nanyuki and Moi Air Base in Nairobi


Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 09:31:01 -0500 [09:31:01 CDT]
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 09:31:01 -0500 [09:31:01 CDT]

Writes Leo Odera Omolo In Kisumu City.

The Municipal Council of Siaya had budge6ted for Kshs 2.2 million for the purpose of purchasing a double-cabin pick up van. Instead a Nissan Saloon car suspected to have been purchased from street vehicles vendors in Nairobi was procured at an estimated Kshs 700,000.

Strangely enough, even the person who had won the tender to supply the Council with a vehicle of their specification was sidelined, and the saloon car sourced from unknown

According to the information availed to this writer, the vehicle was later impounded by the police after it was rejected by the Councilors. This issue comes hot in the wake of the forthcoming Mayoral election.scheduled to be held early next month.

The incumbent Mayor Coun Obiero Otare, who was at one time a boda boda bicyle taxi man is facing the stiffest challenge in his life by a nominated Councilor Nicholas Owino Rajula, a businessman-cum-politician , who is the right hand man of the Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.

The outgoing Mayor, the sources further revealed, is enjoying the backing of the Alego-Usonga MP Edwin Ochieng Yinda, the legislator who was recently reported in the press as being one of those MPs who rarely utter any word in the August House. Yinda is yet to make his maiden speech in the August House, though he is said to be actively working on the ground.

By rallying his forces behind the outgoing Mayor, Yinda is heading for a direct head-collusion with the Prime Minister, and the residents of Siaya are keen watching the unfolding political scenario.

Yinda, who is for many years was a KANU operative, and had changed and abandoned his party only at eleventh hours to secure the controversial ODM nomination during the party preliminaries in 2007, which enabled him to win the seat, had unsuccessfully contested three times previously. He is said not to be getting well with ODM followers within the constituency.

The MPs support for the unpopular Mayor is seen as an act of defiance against the ODM norms and code of conduct. It remains to be seen whether the civic leaders in Siaya will revolt against Raila Odinga’s reported choice of the town’s Mayor and re-elect Obiero. Otare.

The rumor that is commonly making the round within Siaya Municipality is that the residents now want to have an intellectual Mayor and not the semi-illiterate Boda Boda
bicyle taxi rider whom they view to be a liability rather than being an asset to the fast growing town in the Luo heartland.

The outgoing Mayor performance in the past year is wanting. The Council has no chief officers at the moment. The Town Clerk and the Town Treasurer went away under suspicious circumstances, suspected to be related to frustration they were getting from the Mayor and Civic leaders in the town.

Another major issue, which is likely to resurface and feature prominently during the Mayoral campaign is the controversial purchase of the Council vehicle, which we are informed, has since been impounded by the police after its rejection by the Council.

Some of he civic leaders have called upon the government, through the Ministry of Local government, to send sleuths of the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission urgently to go and investigate the circumstances surround the purchase of the Council vehicle, which has elicited a lot of controversies. The Council has strongly disputed the sell price and also the source of supply of the vehicle, its value and price. They want the matter probed urgently, and also the alleged misuse of LATF funds by the Council.

MP Yinda could not be reached for his immediate comment, but Coun Owino Rajula stated that the time was ripe for a change of stewardship within the Siaya Municipality. “We need new and fresh blood in order to be able to effect some radical changes”. He was confidence that the civic leaders would pick and settle on him as next month.

Coun Owino Rajula, who hails from Kogelo Nyang’oma is a relative of the US President Barrack Obama Jnr. During the Obama’s swearing in Washington in January this year, he led a delegation of close to 20 members of the Kogelo sub-clan who traveled to the US for the purpose. He had to deep his hand into his pocket and footed the air ticket cost of some of the delegation.


– – –




Saturday, JUNE 27TH 2009

We are saddened to announce the death of Professor Peter Francis Kenya of Kenyatta University,Kenya. The Late Professor Kenya was shot dead by gangsters on June 17th, 2009 outside his gate at Nairobi’s Kamiti area. He was husband to Mrs. Roseline A. Kenya; Father to Tom Kenya, Russell Kenya & Lulu Kottonya of Arlington TX; Jim Kenya (Australia), Barbara Kenya & Ted Kenya. His body is at Kenyatta University Funeral Home. He will be laid to rest at his home, Kaswanga Village – Rusinga Island – on July 5th 2009.

Please join the family & friends as we continue to meet for prayers, moral support & funeral arrangements at:
6204 Valley Forge Ct, Arlington TX 76002.

The family & The Funeral organizing committee invite relatives, friends, church members & well wishers to a funeral fund raiser with respect to funeral related expenses. His family in the US intend to travel and lay their dear Father to rest.

VENUE: All Nations SDA Church, 3618 Roosevelt Dr, Arlington TX 76016

We look forward to your moral & financial support towards the funeral expenses. (From out of town, please bank funds to Bank Of America A/C # 004782166462 -Tom Kenya)Please remember this family in your prayers during this time of grief.

For further information, please contact:

Wycliffe Ikobe 817-903-5970 Eld. Sam Omullo 214-243-8908 Eld. George Osano 817-690-6749

Steve Aseno 214-883-7716 Eunice Ogana 817-692-5408 Hezron Ogoye 817-903-1276

Hebron Mosomi 214-994-8443 David Masese 972-670-7600 Risper Abrams 469—360-0009

Tom Kenya 817-219-6835 Lulu Kottonya 469-648-7108 Russell Kenya 817-500-8792

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Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 11:54:38 -0700 [01:54:38 PM CDT]
From: Steve Aseno

Kenya lands the Sullivan Conference for 2010. Kibaki coming to Washington, DC in August to celebrate

Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 17:26:15 -0500 [17:26:15 CDT]

Kenyas president Mwai Kibaki is scheduled to make an important visit to Washington, DC towards the end of August this year. The president is scheduled to give a key note address to the Leon H. Sullivan Summit Awards Celebration on the evening of August 27, 2009 at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts to celebrate Kenya’s winning of next year’s Sullivan Summit to held in Nairobi between July 19 – 23, 2010.
Mr. Kibaki, who was one of about a dozen African presidents in Arusha, Tanzania last year during the Leon H. Sullivan Summit of 2008, must be happy indeed to have landed next year’s conference for Kenya at a time when Kenya is in dire need of foreign dollars. The Summit in Tanzania brought about 3000 African American business people, actors, professional athletes, clergy and politicians who each spent an average of $2000 in the country.

It is expected that next year’s Summit may bring many more delegates than the Tanzanian conference because of the desire of African Americans to visit the ancestral home of the first black American president, Mr. Barack Obama. America is also home to many Diaspora Kenyans in the USA who may also want to take the opportunity to visit their ancestral home.

President Kibaki’s government is fully aware that anything can still go wrong with this deal, resulting in the Summit being re-awarded to another country. The general lack of security in the country , the recent political assassinations of human rights activists, politicians and academicians, the war in neighboring Somalia, the corruption and nepotism in the government, the friction of Ugand’s president Museveni with the Luos ; all these may force the USA government to persuade the Summit organizers to defer holding the 2010 Summit in Nairobi.

Political indications in Nairobi would seem to suggest that the Kibaki government is in overdrive, trying to seem to be doing something about a new constitution, and setting up a tribunal for trying the 2007 post election violence suspects. Whether these gestures from Nairobi will be enough to even gain Mr. Kibaki an audience with president Obama during his visit to the USA, or stop the imminent protests by the Diaspora Kenyan activists in the USA remains to be seen..

jaluo press

subject: Kenya lands the Sullivan Conference for 2010. Kibaki coming to Washington, DC in August to celebrate



Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 19:01:35 -0700 (PDT)
Writes Leo Odera Omolo In Kisumu City

As one way of defusing charged political temperature and tension and restoring sanity in the Horn of Africa region, Kenya is proposing for the establishment of a joint trans-boundary management commission with Ethiopia to avoid misunderstanding over any project that may affect Lake Turkana ecosystem.

According to the Kenya team that is currently in Ethiopia on a fact finding mission to learn more about the construction of an hydro-electric power plant on River Omo, it was feared the project could impact negatively on Lake Turkana.

Kenya insist that she must be consulted on further water use or development of projects on River Omo inside Ethiopia that may risk the free flow of water into the lake from upstream.

The move followed the protest by Non-Governmental Organizations {NGO} against the construction of the dam, saying it would affect and cause the death of Lake Turkana, and the lower ecosystem of the Omo River.

Following the protests by the NGOs, the World Bank and the European Investment Bank, on whom the Ethiopian government had banked for financial support, have changed their minds and refused to get involved.

The latest report from Addis Ababa says that the state-owned Ethiopia Electric Power Corporation, which has been championing the project, has received government funding and is now looking to the African Development Bank for further financial support.

The project, dubbed Gibe 111, with only 32 per cent covered, require nearly USD 2 billion. When completed, it will generate 1,670 MW, which will be more than enough for Ethiopia?s domestic consumption with the extra power being sold to the neighboring countries.

The proposed joint commission would be charged with the responsibility of ensuring the common interests of the two neighboring states are taken care of..

Kenya?s director of water resources, Mr John Nyaoro has been widely quoted by the EASTAFRICAN, a Nairobi weekly, as saying the Kenyan team that visited Ethiopia were made to understand that Gibe 11 hydroelectric power dam project does not affect the natural water flow towards Lake Turkana.

The director was further quoted as saying that the project, unlike irrigation where water is drawn for use without returning it to the river, would not be a cause of worry for the survival of Lake Turkana, as the water used for running the electric generator turbines are returned back to the river to complete their flow into lake Turkana.

The bigger part of Lake Turkana is on the Kenyan side of the border with a small section spreading into the Ethiopian side of the border.

There has always been very cordial diplomatic relations between Nairobi and Addis Ababa ever since Kenya attained her political independence in 1963. It blossomed mostly during the reign of power of the late Emperor Haile Selassie and the founding President of Kenya, the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.

The Kenya delegation had asked that an out fit to be put in place to monitor the on-going Gibe 111 power dam project periodically in order to ensure that the project is implemented according to the environmental impact assessment recommendations.

The Kenya team made an extensive tour of Omo River, the site of Gibe 11 hydro power dam, which is to be completed in the next one month time and the site of the controversial Gibe 111 dam, which is the only second biggest dam in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The team included 14 officials and hydraulic experts who are expected to submit a report to the Kenyan government before the end of this month [June 2009] Foreign Ministers. The two countries will thereafter meet and discuss the proposal.

On his part, the Ethiopian Minister for Water Resources Asfaw Dingamo blamed “outsiders” for allegedly trying to spoil the Kenya-Ethiopia relationship and development plans. “As far as we are concerned, we do not need outsiders to remind us on what do. We are responsible custodians of the environment and out natural resources”, he said in a remark viewed as directed at the NGO groups opposed to the project. It was these groups, which had alerted the Kenya government when they expressed fears that the project may in the long run force Lake Turkana to dry up.. Most water of River Omo flow into Lake Turkana.


About the author;.
Leo Odera Omolo is a veteran Kenyan journalist operating in Western Kenya and northern and western Tanzania and at times in Uganda. He has a wealthy experience and journalistic prowess running to over 30 years. But now he is in semi retirement and working as a freelance writer on topical issues and subjects. He is widely traveled in Africa, Europe and Asia.

He can be reached on a land line phone Number 957 2500827 or Mobiles 0722 486181 and 0734 509212. His postal address is P.O. BOX 833, KISUMU- Kenya.

RE: Medo gero weche ei

Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 07:34:02 -0500 [07:34:02 CDT]
—– Forwarded message from okothnogo@ . . . —–
From: Dher Goro
Subject: RE: Medo gero weche ei

Kuom Jagoro,

Agoyo erokamano ni jagoro gi joweteni kuom tich

maduong’ magisetimo ka giloso weche oganda.

Katakamano akwayo kama: Aneno ka kuom weche

mang’eny mindiko kaka “news” ji nenore ni ohero

somo kendo dwoko weche mag ngima gi dak. Aneno

ke ji mang’eny ahinya odwoko nyadendi miluongi ni

Joyce Withaka kaluwore gi barupe mopenjogo ni “Why

go after my husband?”. Donge unyalo kawo “column”

moro machielo mar weche machal gi mag Joyce ma

iluongo kata ni “Weche Mag Dak”mondo weche moko

mag dongruok kod siasa obed kargi kendgi?

An Mogeni,

Dher Goro

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Wawinjo wachni jatelo, kendo wabiro timo hamano.
Awino Rayier
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


News Analysis By Leo Odera Omolo

Egyptian and Sudanese government have jointly disowned the agreement signed last month in Kinshasa, DR Congo by country members of the Nile Basin Commission.

The two nations have written a joint protest note to other Nile Basin countries, saying that the original agreement that gave the downstream countries superior rights over the use of River Nile waters were still binding on all, despite the recent adoption of legislation opposed to the agreements in the colonial era.

The protest note from Egypt and Sudan means that the two countries have hastily backed down from the recent decision taken by Nile Basin countries at a meeting of the Nile Council of Ministers {Nile Com}in Kinshasa, DR Congo, to go ahead and sign a new agreement to govern the use of River Nile waters, while temporarily shelving a controversial article that has delayed signing of the pact for years.

The two countries described the decision to go ahead with a new agreement as ” A violations of the consensus” principles which has been the basis of the Nile COM decisions all along and would undoubtedly ignore and disregard all joint efforts that the Nile Basin countries exerted on the issue for more than ten years.”

The two downstream countries have instead asked Nile Basin countries to return to the negotiation table and resolve pending issues in the draft Nile pact before signing.

The letter signed by the Egyptian Minister for Water Resources and Irrigation Mohamed Nasr El-din Allam and the Sudanese Minister for Irrigation and Water Resources Kamal Ali Mohamed reads in parts; “Egypt and Sudan invite the seven upstream Nile Basin countries to return to the negotiation table to resolve all pending issues including article 14 and the other articles concerning prior notification and consensus.

However, Egypt and Sudan reserve their rights based on principles and norms of public international law, in particular their rights based on the “existing agreements” which are by their nature binding to all Nile Basin countries”.

The new agreement would have paved the way for the establishment of a permanent river-basin commission whose first and foremost task will be to resolve the pending articles that addresses the sensitive matter of water security.

Individually, it emerged that Egypt and Sudan have divergent views on alternatives to dealing with issues pending resolution in the agreement after Sudan wrote another letter to the chairman of the Nile Com, Jose Endundo of DR Congo opposing Egypt’s proposal to form an independent committee with limited constitution to resolve the issue of water security rights. Egypt is going back to the very foundations of their position to have the new pact acknowledge current uses and rights of River Nile waters,.reasoning that the old agreements meant well for countries like Egypt that relied on the river as the only sources of water.

The Sudan delegation had left the Kinshasa meeting prematurely, leaving Egypt in a weak negotiating position against a popular view of the other states, that they should sign the new pact, and reserve controversial issues for later resolution.

The other Nile Basin countries are Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda DR. Congo, Uganda and Ethiopia. In order to strike a compromise, Egypt had earlier suggested that an independent committee including itself and Sudan be constituted to deal with the pending issue on water security rather than leaving it to the new Commission when established.

But interestingly, Sudan opposed this move in a separate letter it wrote to Mr Endundo. It reads as follows;”The government of Sudan does not agree to the formation of a committee of ministers from the eastern Nile, the Equatorial lake region, Egypt and Sudan and one or two experts from international organizations to formulate an acceptable text as proposed by Egypt.”

The Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat was preparing to send documents to respective governments for reviewing ahead of commencement of signing next month, when Egypt and Sudan all of a sudden sent their letter.

It could not be immediately established whether Mr. Endundo had replied to the letters, by the time of writing this article.

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Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 23:30:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Leo Odera Omolo