Monthly Archives: October 2009

Re: CHADEMA Na Helikopta

From: Tuse David
Sent: Sunday, 18 October, 2009 10:58:54
Subject: Re: CHADEMA

Kuna baadhi ya watu ambao wanataka tuamini kuwa siku Tanzania ikichukuliwa na wapinzani basi matatizo yote ya Tanzania yatatoweka kama ukungu! Baadhi ya watu hawa, hawaishi kuonesha udhaifu wa chama tawala na serikali yake iliyoko madarakani. Ni watu hawa ambao kwao hakuna jema lolote, na hakuna kitu chochote kizuri ambacho kimewahi kufanywa na serikali iliyoko madarakani. Kwa watu hawa, ili kuweza kuona angalau kitu kizuri basi inabidi utumie darubini!!

> > > > > > wa Yanga wakihamia Simba na wa Simba wakihamia Yanga, bado shabiki

from Hildegarda Kiwasila
date Oct 18, 2009 5:33 AM
subject Re: CHADEMA Na Helikopta

Tuse mimi ni mmoja nisiyeamini kama upinzani utaleta mabadiliko. Toka tumeanza na baba wataifa alitegemea tutabadilika hadi leo bado. Tumesoma bure huko nyuma, tukapata scholarship, study tours ulaya, nchi za kiafrica-bado tupo ndio kwanza tunazama.

Mbona hizo nchi zote hizo ulizotaja ambako wapinzani wamechukua madaraka kumekuwa balaa. Chiluba hakutoka upinzani? Au nimechanganya? Hakuwa mtu wa labour movement akitaka kuboresha hasa? Imani ya wapinzani kufanya vyema sijaipata kwani unaona hapa bongoland nao wanagombana ktk vyama vyao, kufungiana milango etc.

Pili, tunasikia matumizi mabaya ya fedha wanazopewa za ruzuku, malalamiko ya udini na ukabila ndani ya vyama vyao. Vyama vingine unakuta ni cha mahala fulani tu mfano kina wafuasi zaidi Moshi au Pemba au Mwanza kilikoanzishwa kwengine hakina wafuasi wengi au hakuna kabisa. Vitashindaje kwa wingi wa kura na kutawala nchi? Una chama Pemba, ukatawale nchi nzima?

Makosa kama ya CCM yapo. Unakuwa Mbunge una jimbo hujibidiishi kuhamasisha maendeleo ukaonyesha mfano. Upo kuweka vikao na kulaani tu. Wananchi hawaoni unachofanya au si mfano mzuri katika jamii. Sasa helikopta, ni gharama kiasi gani? Kama angejenga visima vya maji, kuanzisha au kutafuta mhisani wa kiwanda kidogo au mashine mfano za kutoa beeswax katika asali na masega kwa wafuga nyuki, ambulance ya wagonjwa kwa zahanati; kununua mizinga ya nyuki kuwapa akina mama na vijana Moshi maana wana miti mingi na wanalinda uoto vizuri. Mzinga mmoja wa kisasa ni 20,000-28,000/= Mtu anajiwekea shamba au nyumbani kama ni zile nyuki zisizouma. Asali ya nyuki zisizouma lita TAS 6-8,000/= organic foods zinatakiwa sana duniani, bibi kizee asingepata fedha akamuona wa maana?

Helikopta si gharama zaidi? Unapita juu, chini watu wanatembeza mgonjwa kwa baiskeli kilomita kadhaa kumpeleka kutibiwa. Nyumba inawaka, mji mzima hauna gari ya zimamoto, watu wanaungua na kupoteza mali, wewe unaleta helikopta ya kuuza maneno ya siasa? Mtu hawi mjinga siku zote, watayapima haya yote. Sijashawishika.

Kingine unaona kama mtu anatoka CCM, anakwenda upinzani, anahamahama vyama kama akikosa cheo mfano kama yule anayehama hama dini. Leo RC, kesho msabato, anahama-AIC; -Kakobe;-Kwera;-last church of Jesus;-Holly Ghost; Mikocheni kwa mama Mbunge mwenye kanisa kubwa, mashule na Mikopo kwa waumini-hapo katua etc kote huko anatafuta Mungu au Yesu??? Hakieleweki na sina imani kama wakipata madaraka, kutakuwa na mabadiliko. Kutakuwa na magomvi ya vyeo.

Mwisho, mentality yetu waafrika ni moja, iwe Kenya, Tanzania, zambia etc. Ukabila, ubinafsi, udugu, uroho umetutawala; ufanisi mdogo kazini, kuabudu vya nje; kutokupenda kusoma na kugundua. Jioni aidha upo unauza utaranta, upo viti virefu au umelala. haupo katika maktaba hata kama ya home, unasoma, unapekua, unaunda, unajaribia unavumvua teknoligia. Twangoja tuletewe hata ferry ya Ukerewe au Kigamboni. Hatuundi!!

Ndio maana ukoloni mambo leo unarudi. wanarudi tena kuchimba madini, mafuta, kuanzisha viwanda, mashamba mpaka ya maua tunaajiriwa na kuyanunua maua daily gharama za ofisi, Kanisa, sherehe. Sio tuyatoe ktk bustani ya serikali karimjee, Magomeni-hizo zote zimekufa. Yanakuja kwa ndege kutoka Arusha agenti anayaleta. Tumeshindwa tumbaku, chai, mahindi, mashamba ya NAFCO ya majaribio ya minazi, ngano na mahindi ya kujaza maghala ya serikali-hata maua ya ofisi bajeti ya GVT? Ni sisi sisi sitegemei mabadiliko kama ndani ya ubongo na mitazamo yetu hatubadiliki. Ndio maana private sector utendaji wake ni kama public sector.

Hilda K

from “dr.augustine rukoma”
date Oct 18, 2009 6:24 AM
subject Re: CHADEMA Na Helikopta

Dada yangu maoni yako ni mazuri lakini naona unaelekea kukata tamaa. kama hali ndo hiyo unayosema toa mawazo au mapendekezo kupingapinga na kulalama si suruhisho. mimi ni mwanasayansi nimeone tatizo watanzania wengi wanang’olewa meno badala ya kuzibwa. sikupendezwa na hali hile nikaamua kufanya utafiti kuona nini sababu hasa ukizingatia meno bandia hayafanyi kazi kama meno halisi nimepata majibu sasa nakamalishi uchapishaji wa utafiti wangu na baadae kutoa elimu kwa umma. nimekwisha toa matokeo ya awali mbele ya watafiti wa kimataifa kule mombasa kenya nitafanya hivyo mwezi wa kumi na moja hapa wanabidii nitawapa nakala.

si nia ya kupinga mawazo yako dada lakini kama umeona tatizo fanyatafiti mapata majibu na toa mapendekezo. kutoa mifano ya akina Chiluba sio sahihi kwanini usitoe mfano wa Ghana?

from Gululi Gululi
date Oct 18, 2009 6:52 AM
subject Re: CHADEMA Na Helikopta

Hilda, nimesoma kwa umakini ujumbe wako, ukweli nimejifunza na kugundua vitu viwili muhimu. moja, ni hali ya kukata tamaa iliyopo miongoni mwa watanzania wengi kama uliyonayo wewe juu ya mabadiriko kama yataleta ufanisi ama laa. pili nimegundua kwamba, watu wengi hatuamini katika mabadiriko.

kifupi ni kwamba, watu wengi hubeza mabadiriko, lakini ni mabadiriko hayohayo ndiyo huleta maendeleo katika jamii yoyote, waingerza wanasema, something we fear, it is fear itself:’ hiyo sipendi kuamini kuwa eti hata wapinzani wakiingia madarakani hawatafanya kitu chochote, hiyo siyo kweli kwani hata chama tawala wenyewe walianza

kwa kuwa wapinzani wa ukoloni kupitia misingi ya TANU.
Ninachoweza kusema, ni mfumo wetu wa siasa hapa nchini ambao ni tatizo na kikwazo kikubwa katika maendeleo ya siasa hapa nchini. kutokana na ukweli kwamba hakuna ushirikiano kwenye mambo yanayohusu maslahi ya nchi, iwe kwa CCM au vyama vya upinzani. kwa upande wa vyama vya upinzani wao wana kitu ambacho kinaitwa ” To oppose, everything, to propose nothing untill the downfall of the government” na kwa upande wa CCM kwa upande wao wanakitu kinachoitwa, ” to reject everything, to agree nothing untill the demise of opposition party”. hiyo ndiyo tatizo katika mfumo wetu wa siasa hapa nchini.

Lakini siyo kweli , kwamba hata wapinzani wakiingia madarakani hawatafanya kitu. kwani huwezi kukosoa kitu kama ni kibaya, wakati hujakipa dhamana ya kuongoza. Mwanazuoni moja aliwahi kusema kwamba, “we are the change we wish to see”

from Hildegarda Kiwasila
date Oct 18, 2009 12:25 PM
subject Re: CHADEMA Na Helikopta

Thanks Gululi,

Hayo ni mawazo yangu tu na wasi wasi wangu. Ila angalia kitu kinachoendelea, onyesha indicator ya kule ambako kuna mbunge wa upinzani ambaye ni tajiri ana mahelikopta, viwanda ameleta mabadiliko yanayoonekana katika jimbo lake au kata yake anapoishi ikawa inawika tukaisikia kuwa ya mfano. Ninawaomba wao wafanye tathimini na watoe makala za vitabu watuonyeshe hayo na vigezo.

Kingine ni pale mimi ninapoona migogoro vyamani mwao kama CCM. pamoja na kuwa chama kipo eneo fulani tu-Pemba, Mwanza, Bukoba kwingine hakuna au finyu. pamoja na haya unakuta kama usemavyo ni kupinga kupinga, kupingua kwa mifano no-kama ule waraka unaosema-wao wamesoma sana, wana mahospitali-wewe husomi why?

Mwisho ni pale, inapofuka kutuoa mgombea-kila mmoja anataka nkugombea yeye awe Rais. hawatoi mgombea mmoja, wanaliona chaguzi zote, wanatawanya kura, CCM inachukua nafasi, wanaanza tena kubwata kupinga na bila kupingua. wengine wapo vile vile kama hivyo CCM waisemayo-wanagombea, wanaafya mbaya, wanaumwa, hawaachii wengine na wanawafungia nje? demokrasia itakuja kweli. Nyerere alisema kweli-hakuna chama tena kama CCM, wengine wote wana matatizo, ikarabatini CCM ipo hapa kudumu. na kweli itadumu. wanavyochomeana nyumba, kumwagiana kinyesi, ukabila, udini uliwazi-watu watasema., mmmmh bora jini likujualo. Tunatishwa?

Ktk Vyama vyote, si uongo nikisema hata kama si mwanachama wao-Ninaimani na Chadema tu. lakini bado ninawasiwasi mwingi. Sina haja ya kujaza karatasi. hata kama ni mchumba anayehangaika-si mpaka atoe mahari ndio uone ni kweli. Na uongo-mpaka muingie kanisani au msikitini yaani aonyeshe mfano ndio uamini.

Thank you.


From: Leo Odera Omolo
Date: Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:48 AM

Writes Leo Odera Omolo In Kisumu City.

The Summit of the African Union, which is scheduled to take off in the Ugandan capital tomorrow {Monday} has already generated a lot of controversy, with the human right groups calling on the Ugandan government to arrest the Sudan President, Omar al Bashir and hand him over to the ICC, so that he can stand trial on charges of cruelty against humanity.

The Amnesty International has expressed dismay at President Yoweri Museveni’s invitation to Sudanese President, Omar al Bashir, to attend the special African Union {AU} conference on refugees, returnees and internally displaced persons in Africa, schedule to begin tomorrow {Monday}.

The summit, which is said to have attracted 19 heads of states, and governments, is scheduled to open tomorrow in Kampala.

Museveni, during a press conference at State House, Entebbe, last Wednesday, made categorically clear that Bashir would not be arrested and surrendered to the ICC upon his arrival in Uganda.

“President Omar al Bashir is a fugitive from International Criminal Court of Justice-charged with responsibility for crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur” , Mr Christopher Keith Hall, the legal adviser with the London based Amnesty International is widely quoted to have stated this in a statement issued at the organization’s headquarters.

It is a page one leading story in the SUNDAY edition of the NEWVISION. But top Ugandan government officials argue that Bashir’s personal attendance at the Summit is most essential, taking into account that out of 155,440 refugees now living in camps in the country, over 70 percent of them came from the Sudan, while a small portion came from the Democratic Republic of Congo {DRC}.

“The Uganda government has an obligation to arrest President Omar al Bashir and hand him over to the ICC should he enter Ugandan territory”, says the statement.

An arrest warrant for President Bashir was issued by the International Criminal Court of Justice based at the Hague in Netherlands in March 4.

Uganda as a state is a party to the treaty that had established the ICC, and as such is obliged to cooperate with the court and ,”arrest and surrender anyone named in arrest warrant to the ICC”, the human right group said..

Íf it fails to do so, the ICC can refer that clear case of violations of Uganda’s obligation to the Assembly of States, which is the ICC oversight body.

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2nd Edition KCDN Child Support Initiative

From: odhiambo okecth
Date: Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 5:36 AM
Subject: Fw: 2nd Edition KCDN Child Support Initiative

Dear Friends,

On 4th December 2009, we will be giving out educational material to 1950 Orphans and Vulnerable Children.

This is a calling for our time and we know, we have many people of goodwill who are willing to support these children.

Kindly buy for us any of the following items;


Items needed

Cost in Kshs



Exercise Book-Ruled/Square @ 30.65




Loose Leaf Pads- Ruled/Square @ 40.00




Fountain Pens @ 25.00




Ink Pelican 30ml @ 75.40




Pencils Pelicans @ 7.50




Pelican rubbers @ 15.00




Kamusi Ya Kiswahili @ 645.00




Good News Bible @ 495.00




Mathematical sets Oxford @116.00




Rulers Aim Brand @ 11.60




Pencil sharpener @ 7.00




School uniforms, ties, pullovers, PE kits @




Pairs of shoes and socks @ 1,250.00




Or, you may make a cheque donation and address the same to;
1] Text Book Centre Ltd,
2] Uniform Distributors Ltd, or

3] Komarocks Community Development Network.

We are looking forward to all of us working together in support of these children.

Peace, blessings and love,

Odhiambo T Oketch,
CEO KCDN Nairobi.
Tel; 0735 529 126, 0724 365 557,

Re: Why is the African continent poor?

On Aug 24, 12:46 pm, Kessy wrote:

Kessy saw this story on the BBC News website and thought you should see it.

** Why is the African continent poor? **
The BBC’s Mark Doyle travels Africa to try and answer the question, “Why is Africa poor?”

On Aug 26, 5:21 pm, Rehema Kikwete wrote:

If you look closely, you would notice that smaller African countries are actually doing really well when you consider what they have to work with. Countries like Benin Republic, Ghana, Ivory Coast (even with their mini civil war) are all able to provide constant electricity, access to water and decent education to their populous. However, if you look closely, the so called African Giants, such as Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo (is it even a Democratic nation? Lies!), and Sudan are all in terrible state of affairs. In fact, the only big African nation in sub-saharen Africa that is not a complete failure is South Africa.

Now, we can all come up with reason as to why this is so, but I think we can all agree that sensible measures must be taken to relieve the fears of internal domination that lead these “Giants” to act in ways that are against the interests of the nation as a whole. Take for instance Nigeria, ethnic clashes (religious issues are very closely related to this) over control of resources, are in the short term interest of the ethnic group on the offensive, but in the long run, both the aggressor and the victim suffer for it.

From: Abdalah Hamis
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 3:26:56 PM
Subject: Re: BBC E-mail: Why is the African continent poor?

Africa is developing _____ Unfortunately, they are developing Europe.

Europeans got rich from Africa, African labor and African innovation.

And this continues. In trade and merchandise and even in human beings. Europe gets all the good ones from Africa, those with half a brain run away and get out of Africa. So there is the brain drain.

At the same time Europe refuses to share with Africa.

Modern technology is generally not shared with Africa.

Africa is forced to sell generally only RAW GOODS to Europe.

Nigeria gives out oil and then must buy back refined.

Raw goods are the low end of the process. So Europe pays pennies for what they will make billions off of.

Africa’s got the goods. Europeans make the money.

If any African nation tries to leave this system, he will have sanctions put on him and thus effectively block him from the refining and processing of the higher priced goods and selling them to Europe.

Europe continues to force African countries and all third world countries to bow to this system.

Europeans play one third world country against the other.

If some African country refuses to give banana’s, Europe says so what, I will get them from South American country.

If some African country says, my banana’s must be sold for higher price. Europeans say, nope. We will just get them cheaper from south American country or Asian country.

If Africans say the Kwacha is worth more than this amount, the Europeans say: You take our price for your money, or we will not let your money enter our system.

Europeans control the total and complete economic and thus the development of Africa.

Whether you want to believe that the guy at the store or the politicians at the top are Black.

Those who really control Africa are white and sitting in a nice bank or business in Europe/America.

from Charles Makakala Jr
date Aug 26, 2009 1:56 PM
subject Re: Why is the African continent poor?

Please let us not play jokes with serious questions!

‘Europeans got rich because of African labor and African innovation’! Really, and what made Africans fail to become rich themselves even though they possessed such prestigious innovative minds and labor?

Let us not flatter ourselves- in all fields of human endevour, from Biology to Mathematics, Architecture to Astronomy, one can observe many great contributions from all great civilizations: Chinese, Indian, Arabic/Islamic, Greek, Roman, European, etc- EXCEPT Africa and Americas. Barring some isolated achievements by the Mayans and Incas, the rest of America and Africa was one big blackout in the flow of history, before colonialism and even after colonialism.

It is not Europe that underdeveloped Africa. George Hegel observed early on in his book in the time before colonialism took pace in Africa: Africa has had nothing to contribute in world history- Africa has been covered by one dark mantle…! As outrageous as this may sound: I agree!

Understanding the source of your weakness is a major step towards eliminating it. Africa is not weak because the rest of the world is strong. For those of you who have had the pleasure of travelling around the world you have probably witnessed what other peoples did in ancient times. Great civilizations, great centres of learning, great architecture, etc. What does Africa has to show?

I really wish Egypt was not there to cloud Africans’ thinking- even the most prominent black scholars are not sure whether the Pyramids were built under black rulers. The first certain Black Pharaoh is a Nubian king, several centuries after the pyramids were built. I will gladly accept the fact that some Semitic, or any other race initiated the rise of Egypt so that the rest of Africa can clearly see its history: one big blank of time.

One can go home today and enjoy Sun Tzu’s Art of War. What is the African equivalent? Even 1000 years after its publication- if Africans had anything worthwhile to write, they couldn’t- because they didn’t know how to write.

I am sorry for hurting anybody’s feelings, let me stick to the question: why is Africa poor? That is a million dollars question. But one can say that this schizophrenic, paranoic culture of denial of responsibility is a point that one can start to find the real answer… (I read another post where the contributor even questions whether Africa is really poor because no African country has zero or negative GDP growth! And we wonder why we are poor when we cannot even trust our eyes?)


from: Mimi Mwenyewe
date Aug 26, 2009 4:43 PM
subject Re: Why is the African continent poor?


you may need to do a little bit more research as to your historical facts. That africans did not contribute to world civilization is so outdated that I am surprised someone is still insuniating that.

To start off; Africans had a writng system’ it was called hyerogliphics. The Ford foundation has funded Dr. Jack Habib Sy to work on the manuscripts at Timbuktu in West Africa; one of the oldest libraries .Egypt has been proven beyond a doubt that it was an African civilization; Read Cheik anta Diop’s reseach.

Read Dr. Ivan sertimas excellent research on “They came before Columbus”…. and it goes on and on and on.

hegel???? Please the man constructed race and racism.

Study and understand my brother so you do not become a victim of your own self hate and destruction.

peace be still,


On Aug 26, 5:29 pm, Ulanga Ally wrote:

Unless there is one village in the middle of the antartic called africa, this question does not make sense.

Not this Africa that I’m in. Equatorial Guinea just became the second richest country per capita. nigeria now manufactures its own brand of computers, south africa, Egypt, Tunisia and Senegal are leaping forward with economic, technological and social development so I’m not aware of the Africa you all are refering to.

How many African countries have a growth rate of zero or a negative figure?

Maybe your question was meant to be “why hasn’t Africa caught up to the level of development of the rest of the world?”

from: Khadija AbdulRazak
date Aug 28, 2009 3:58 AM
subject Re: Why is the African continent poor?

Ivory-Coast and Ghana are number one and two in the world in production of cocoa. In fact, 75% of the world cocoa comes from West Africa. Meanwhile, a tiny country such as Switzerland which doesn’t produce cocoa, has the “best” chocolate in the world and has a multinational packaged food company like Nestlé.

One of the biggest problem Africa has, is the general lack of know-how to create wealth, produced manufactured goods, and export. Part of the problem comes fromt the fact that most of the smartest Africans, those with the qualifications and skills to make a huge difference, work in the West for Western Corporations and institutions. The finest African professors are either in Belgium, France, Britain, Canada or USA etc. and so are the best doctors and engineers etc.

There’s a brain drain of the African continent and all the Africans are tempted by the high paying jobs the West has to offer. So if you add in the corrupted African government factors, you get an idea and the results we know. Doctors in Congo make $300 to $800 per month while anywhere in the West, they would make that much money in a week.

Africa is just a continent of paradox. You have the richest continent as far as natural ressources and minerals is concerned, but where the poorest people on earth live. France has no oil, but it’s economy is larger than the entire continent. Angola and Nigeria have plenty of oil, but their not as rich as Poland

When you have 15 million Dutch that can produce nearly as much wealth as an entire continent composed of 900 million people, we have a serious problem

On Aug 28, 11:14 am, Juma Mzuri wrote:

Well unfortunately the African continent is behind Europe,Asia,South America,North America and Oceania.But i see North Africa (Marocco,Tunisia, Egypt) and South Africa has potential.North african countries have huge advantage comparing to Middle African Countries,because they are on the border to Europe and sharing the Mediterranean Sea with them.Because of this geostrategic location they attract western tourists and can do trade over the mediterran sea with european countries.And also North africans are arabs.Rich gulf states (which are also arabs) like Dubai investing there a lot and building there mega projects.But South Africa is the best example to be developed without having rich neighbours and a good geostrategic location.South Africa is using his natural resources (gold),but i
don´t understand how a country like NIGERA (which has big oil reserves ) , Tanzania with Minerals can´t use this advantage, Or Tanzania with Minerals .The problem is first their leaders and second their uneducated population.Uneducation is the biggest problem in Africa.Without Know- How,knowledge,education a country can´t produce anything to export.Japan has one of the most educated population of the word,so they can handle HIGH-TEC.The same with West Europe like United Kingdom, France and Germany.They produce industrial stuff (High-Tec) like machines, cars, planes, electronics etc.

60 Years ago only West Europe was rich (especially United Kingdom, France, Germany). Countries like Spain,Greece,Portugal and whole East Europe were poor.The reason why all these countries developed themselves is the EUROPEN UNION.Countries like Spain,Greece joined the European Union.This means : Western European countries have given these countries money for free.They all joined a common economical market.With western european money countries like Spain, Greece, Portugal could develop their infrastructure,

from: Fakhi Karume
date Oct 17, 2009 2:32 PM
subject Why is the African continent poor?

There are no simple solutions to Africa’s problems. But a few clear themes stand out. Africans must continue to strive to improve the quality of their political governance. The industrial countries can help with increased aid and debt relief but they cannot create the preconditions for growth unless African governments offer the rule of law, good regulation, and reasonable stability. The impact of China on world trade and commodity prices offers African countries a far more benign environment for improving terms of trade and bolstering growth than at any time during the past half century. In fact, the IMF is projecting 5.8% output growth in Africa during 2006, the highest level in over 30 years.

But the commodity boom can only produce a cyclical opportunity for growth. Africa’s truly unique position is the fact that it will have the world’s youngest population during the21st Century and a potentially much lower tax burden than Europe, Asia or North America. The challenge will be to match an abundance of youth and raw materials with coherent and credible policies to create the high quality of political governance which has eluded Africa since independence.

gowuru kura ni lawrence owino

From: catherine winking
Date: Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 1:11 PM

joluo duto gi osiepeu asayowu mondo urang

asayowu mondo uduto ugochni wuoy miluongo ni Lawrence

owino.please vote for him .

abende akiaye to lakini an campainer mare.klick ne uru

mondo oyud chance mar university no.

unyalo klick di piero e odiechien`g .

mogenowu Cathy

– – –
Subject: gowuru kura ni lawrence owino

Why the “House of Mumbi” Must Climb Down

From: Christine Baraza
Date: Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 7:21 PM


This is a letter to the ‘‘House of Mumbi’’, those of the GEMA community. I address you as the son of a ‘‘Mau Mau hustler’’.I have three thoughts from my late father. When I was a boy, he gave me stories about a guy called Gikuyu and his girl, Mumbi. The two founded the tribe. They had nine girls or something like that. No son. And they lived happily there after. But I had questions about this romantic relationship. As a boy, I asked my father, who married the nine girls?

He kept quiet. Then I asked him; if they got children, who was their father? How was the tribe created? He got violent. In fact, he gave me a beating for asking questions ‘‘… without legs’’. But then later, I figured that may be he had no answer. Or may be there was a hidden secret in the tribe. I became curious. And so I began my boyish inquiry. If the only man in the tribe was Gikuyu, did he have children with his daughters?

This thought was appalling beyond. My father would have killed me for thinking so. I had to settle on a more acceptable deduction. That is: If Gikuyu had nine daughters, their children must have been fathered by other tribes. That is the Maasai, Ndorobo, Luo, Luhya, and all. But even this, my father would not accept. I had to rest my case. Allow me now to interpret my boyish deductions. To reproduce your GEMA tribe, you have only two choices.. One, you can choose the path of incest. This is the path of in-breeding and sin. Although shameful, it is the path you chose in 2007. And the results are obvious: Political incest can only produce mongoloids.
This is what you have in the coalition government.

The second choice is the one taken by Gikuyu and Mumbi. They sent their daughters to breed with others. This is how the tribe survived. Your survival, therefore, depends on others; the Maasai, Ndorobo, Luo, Luhya and all. And, on this, the alternatives are zero. My father’s second thought was given when I got circumcised. But not explicitly. He had a telephone at home; what you would call an antique today. As a way of controlling it, he locked it using a padlock from the government. He always carried the key. One day, he came home for lunch. He needed to call his boss badly.

Unfortunately, he had forgotten the key at the office. The man was disparate. And from the ‘‘kindness’’ of our hearts, my brother Peter and I decided to help. We tapped the phone for him. He watched in amazement as we handed the receiver for him to talk to the boss. When he finished his call, he stared at us with a ‘‘kali sana’’ face. But instead of punishing us, he decided to remove the padlock for good. He knew we were smarter now. After all, we had just gotten circumcised. And this is how he gave us the second thought about the tribe. Explaining his frustration with the phone call, he told us that the Gikuyu had two categories of people; the ‘‘ahoi’’ and the ‘‘athomi’’. The ‘‘ahoi’’ were the poor..

In rural areas they walk around without shoes, their feet all cracked up. And in urban areas, they are the ‘‘shamba boys’’, the drivers and the cooks. As a driver, he told us he was in the urban group of ‘‘ahoi’’. The ‘‘athomi’’ were the educated and propertied. They were also arrogant, insensitive and ruthless. This is why he needed to make the phone call; he had to drop their children somewhere. His point? The ‘‘athomi’’ did not think much of the ‘‘ahoi’’. They saw them as slaves of sorts. And this is how you must understand President Kibaki. Most of you follow him blindly. In fact, because you are in the ‘‘ahoi’’ group, he expects you to.

Unfortunately, and together with the ‘‘athomi’’, he dragged you into a state of civil war. They used you.. And since the ‘‘athomi’’ are untouchable, you bore the brunt of the violence. Where are your IDPs today? In the meantime, you think the presidency is yours. Zero. It belongs to the ‘‘athomi’’. Allow me to describe your position as ‘‘ahoi’’ using a story. A man set out on a journey through a thick forest full of thorns and rocks. Suddenly, an elephant appeared and gave him chase. He took off and went to hide in a well. To his horror, he saw a huge snake at the bottom of the well.

He had to cling to a thorny creeper that was growing around it. Looking up, he saw two mice chewing the creeper he was hanging on. But just as he was contemplating his next move, he saw a bee hive next to his mouth. Occasional drops of honey were trickling from the hive. And this man tested the honey. He got confused. Although a kind man offered to help him out of his trouble, he refused. He wanted to be excused until he had enjoyed himself to the full. Not clever. Good people, you are behaving like this man. You have seen a bee hive dripping with honey.
And although you are hanging on a thin creeper between an angry elephant and a snake, you don’t care. You want to enjoy the honey, the presidency.

Unfortunately, the creeper will snap and you will have to deal with the snake at the bottom of the well. On this, the choice is yours. The third thought regards Mungiki. When my father joined Mau Mau, they called it a Mungiki-type movement. Yet it was a group of restless young people whose ‘‘wazees’’ had lost direction. I want to put it to you that you have no leadership. The ‘‘wazees’’ in your ranks have reached intellectual menopause. And in this state, they have exhibited unnecessary arrogance towards others. As a shareholder in your tribe, I submit that you need new leadership. A leadership that will cause you to climb down in the interest of the country. One that is not beholden to the ‘‘athomi’’ and one that will respect the other communities.
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Subject: Why the “House of Mumbi” Must Climb Down


From: Francis Tome
Date: Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 12:18 PM

Dear Sir/Madam,

Going by the recent bits and pieces from a section of the clergy it becomes abundantly clear that the most surreal aspect of our great constitutional debate is the Beltway credence given to the ravings of the seemingly apolitical and unrepentant religious blunderers. They have made it their sole business to constantly erect road blocks by way of rushing to court to emasculate us in our collective efforts to midwife a new constitutional order. And now they have the audacity to imperiously and tardily demand for minimum constitutional reforms rather than the constitutional overhaul that the country is in dire need of!

If my mind serves me right the same clergy was and has been in the forefront in clamoring for a total overhaul of the constitution. And now they have seen the light, and changed from Paul to Saul. It cannot be the other way round. That is why the pulpy clergy are harping from the pulpit and in many other available forums; “No to comprehensive constitutional reforms! We want minimum constitutional reforms” This is extremely ridiculous. I am convinced that behind this facade are certain political big wigs who are deeply anti-reformists. The question that bothers many people is why this section of the clergy continues to harbor extremely cynical views of the Kenyan electorate. Why unashamedly engage in political ping pong with the constitution making process? It is not difficult to explain their sudden change of heart.

They all along hoped that by engaging in all manner of antics, they will force the Committee of Experts (CoE) into a last minute, cut-and-paste exercise that will favour their political disposition. Their collective actions and inactions are not only embarrassing them as leaders but also the church as a whole. They must be reminded that the church is not a political party that demands that all its members must take a similar political view on an issue. So whose interests are they representing? Theirs would be a lousy way to run even a chicken farm. It’s an unconscionable way to run the church. But then this was not entirely unexpected since most of these clergy manage their churches just like a Stock Exchange. I would love to think that there might be someone out there who would at long last put that case loud and clear to the this pretentious lot before they get more opportunity to peddle their deeply depressing opinion.

If left unchecked they will adamantly and deliberately refuse to see that failure in adopting a new constitution poses adverse monumental and multilateral effects for this country. They will continue to lay blame at the feet of the two principals and resort to using all manner of whimsical and unconventional adjectives to convey their powerful rush of emotions. They will call them “moribund and ineffective” but at the same time engage in impious antics to deny the nation that which is central to its stability.



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from: Yona Maro
date Oct 16, 2009 12:45 PM


As you are aware, Tanzania had been practicing a communal land policy where all titles to land belonged to the state and by extension, the President who has the right to grant usage of land for whatever purpose. The country has made strides in allowing private ownership of land but the laws discriminate against foreigners and will not allow foreigners to own land.

Foreigners in TZ

When TZ refers to foreigners, they mainly refer to Kenyans who are currently the biggest foreign investors in the country. They treat Kenyans with suspicion with the general feeling that Kenyans are benefitting more from the EAC than them. They also claim that Kenyans have had a liberalized economy for longer thus are used to competition unlike them and hence they need to protect themselves from being outdone by their Kenyan counterparts in their own country.

However, many foreigners own land in TZ and the government is aware of that. The government knows these are investors who need land to put up investments that will create employment. The hardest part is acquiring the land but after you have it and put in an investment, nobody cares anymore where you come from as they are happy you are creating jobs.

Political Support for Foreign Investments

I stayed in a hotel in their political capital, Dodoma where the politicians come for a drink after their sessions. A Kenyan I met there told me whenever he teases the MPs he wants to pack his bags and return to Kenya after seeing heated debates in parliament of the increasing stronghold of foreigners in their economy, they always play down the debate as nothing more than that. They also admit they can never hinder foreigners investing there in land or whatever since the locals are getting jobs. In one instance, a minister defended foreign investors in TZ saying its common knowledge they work harder and create jobs than their fellows and dared any MPs in the chamber who thinks otherwise to say so, obviously, no one challenged that observation.

How They Do It

What most foreigners do is enter into a partnership with a local citizen. They have lawyers draft agreements of their shares in the property. When you buy land and invest in it, the title reads the Tanzanian while the investments could be jointly owned or yours. Your assurance is the fact that the lawyer recognizes you won the land but again its risky as the government recognizes your partner only in the records. However, this arrangement has worked for thousands who have such an arrangement and reaped from their investments.

Land Value

The value of land is fairly cheap. In a bid to help citizens acquire bank loans, the central bank of TZ recently put the value of an acre of land at US$200 (KES15,000). However, the prices vary depending on the location.

1. Dar- es Salaam, Arusha and Mwanza- These are more developed towns with enterprising people. Land goes for between TZ SHS. 3M to 9M. if you have a TZ guy negotiate on your behalf as if he/ she is buying for himself/ herself, the price will be cheaper by as much as a half if you did it yourself.

I remember I had an offer for an acre in Bagamoyo, a tourist resort town, which is 60km from Dar for TZ SHS 3M. Its on a tarmac road and next to a beach surrounded by top tourist hotels. You won’t get such bargains in Kenya.

2. Dodoma, Morogoro- An acre is between TZSHS.150,000 to 200,000. When there, there was land at Morogoro, which is 150km from Dar going for TZSHS 150,000 per acre and it’s a hilly rainy area with elec.

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Re: Efficient Justice

From: odhiambo okecth
Subject: Efficient Justice
To: “Kenya Community”
Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 9:59 PM

Justice GBM Kariuki was arrested last year on allegations that he had stabbed a motorist, Mr. Robert Karori Kamau on 18th October 2008.

He was arraigned in court, given bail, and by yesterday, his case had been dealt with; by the Judiciary!

He was acquited for lack of compelling evidence. This was indeed very commendable. The Judiciary handled his case with such efficiencey that they had to release him with speed. How many Kenyans whose cases were taken to court at the same time have been given such efficient Justice?

This is the irony of the Judiciary and again, Kenyans must stand up and be counted on Judicial Reforms. We all need such efficient dispensation of Justice, not just because you are Justice GBM Kariuki, but because Justice delayed is Justice denied.

In the meantime, who stabbed Mr. Robert Karori Kamau?

Odhiambo T Oketch

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From: Jectone Ndunya
Subject: Re: Efficient Justice
Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 12:45 AM

This shoild not surprise you since they were dealing with one of their own, cant you remember the Judge whose Credit card backfired vs Kenya Commercial Bank? now my suggestion would be that as we review the constitution and as we clammier for judges and magistrates to sign those contracts, we need to have time lines included in the constitution so that its well in black and white how long one should take to dispose of a case and should it go beyond then it will be declared time barred hence dismissed. that way they will all be racing against time, we can then use that to evaluate who is sleeping on the job.

My piece

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From: odhiambo okecth
Date: Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: Efficient Justice

I hear you Brother.

Just be tuned. Soon and very soon.


From: Leo Odera Omolo
Date: Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 8:21 PM

Writes Leo Odera.

Delegates, including 19 heads of state and senior government officials are expected to attend a special African Union Summit on refugees, returnees and Internally displaced persons in the Ugandan capital, Kampala from next Monday.

By Thursday evening, top officials at the Ugandan Ministry of Foreign Affairs were still tight lipped and could not immediately identify the leaders expected in the City for the meeting which starts on Monday, October 19-23.

A source in government circles within Kampala, however confirmed that President Yoweri Museveni had extended an invitation to the Sudanese President, Omar Bashir ,despite the still floating warrant for his arrest, which was issued last year by the Hague based international Court of Criminal Justice.

Bashir, however, is ye to confirm his attendance, although political talks that dominate the Kampala air is that his personal attendance in such a meeting is very much essential, taking into account that Sudan accounts for almost 155,440 refugees living in Uganda.

Foreign Ministries and relief and disaster preparedness personnel are also expected to attend the Summit.

Notable among the high profile participants will be Graca Michel, the wife of the former South African President Nelson Mandela. The former first lady-turned diplomat has been actively taking part in serious issues affecting the continent, such as armed conflicts and polls dispute related violence, such as the ones witnessed recently in Kenya and Zimbabwe.

Meanwhile, President Museveni has called for multi-model system of managing refugees and internally displaced people, according to a statement released from State house on Thursday.

“Urban integration is better than horizontal involvement of refugees in rural areas”, he was quoted as telling the officials who were briefing him about the preparation for the next week’s summit at State House, Entebbe.

The Ugandan Head of State said access to land had increasingly become an issue, especially with high population growth, adding that the relevant Ministries should plan for industrial training of skills outside agriculture.

“Rural settlement have potential for conflicts with local communities. Refugees must be supported to learn new skills to avoid conflicts with locals over agriculture land,” said Museveni.

He added, “in this way refugees could play a major role when they return tothe9ir countries.”

The Kampala Summit will culminate in a declaration that will tackle the root causes and problems of the African continent’s 17 million refugees and internally displaced people.

“The African leaders are also expected to tackle what will help the continent eliminate the phenomenon of large scale displacement of population caused by human indicated conflicts and natural disasters, “said Museveni.

Uganda alone has 155,440 refugees, most of them from the neighboring countries of Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

President Museveni said access to land had particularly become an issue, especially with high population growth, adding that keeping people in camps is not an African tradition way of life. “Why can’t we think of refugees outside agriculture?”, he posed.

The Kampala summit will also look into ways of helping displaced population begin courses like how to rebuild their communities. Prevention and mitigation of the impact of natural calamities will also feature on the summit agendas.

The Heads of State will also identify ways of preventing forced displacement, the Ugandan Minister for Relief and Disaster Preparedness, Tarsis Kabweyegire told journalist at the Kampala’s Media Centre

“Wars arising from mismanagement of state and natural calamities have continued to be the major problem caused by the population displacement. “said the Minister.

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From: Francis Tome
Date: Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:33 PM

Dear Sir,

Kenya is confronted with an escalating epidemic of teenage pregnancies. In spite of the Government upping its efforts in attaining gender parity in education and in spite of the increased levels of knowledge about modern methods of contraception, rates of teenage pregnancy remain unacceptably high. Note that I deliberately use the term “epidemic” because unsafe sex results not only in unwanted pregnancies but also in HIV/AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases not to mention the gruesome dark alley abortions that quite often lead to the death of the vulnerable teenagers. Studies carried out in Kenya (Njau and Radney, 1995) indicated that as many as 285,000 pregnancies occurred in Kenya among teenagers aged between 15 to 19 years old. That was then. Today, the figure has of course doubled. Why? Because poverty has over the years more than doubled. In other words, teenage pregnancy and poverty have a positive correlation. In other words, as poverty bites so do we see the increase in teenage pregnancies in the country.

Dr. Saadhna Panday, etal, in their study titled “Teenage Pregnancy in South Africa with specific reference to school going Teenagers” found that a larger percentage of teenage pregnancy is the result of a complex set of varied and inter-connected factors that are quite often related to the environment under which teenagers grow. I cannot agree more. This is because when teenagers grow up in informal settlements and other residential settlements where poverty is deeply entrenched they will hardly resist the lure of the fallen seraphim often from the leafy suburbs. What follows is reciprocity of sex in exchange for material goods. In such instances there is absolutely no freedom for the teenager to negotiate safe sex thus the risk of pregnancy is increased. Sex education knowledge is rendered meaningless by a starving teenager who discovers that by peddling her ‘wares’ she can see the day through. Does it surprise us that teenage pregnancies are much higher in schools that are located in poor neighborhoods?

Ojwang and Magwa (1991) opine that the teenager`s urge to temporarily eschew poverty initiates a trajectory of lifetime poverty. She becomes pregnant. Later, the teenager is expelled or excluded from school and will quite often lack material and social support besides the physiological harm. Furthermore, the children of teenage mothers are at greater risk of lower intellectual and academic achievement, health complications, social behavior problems and problems of self-control than are children of older mothers, primarily due to the effects of single parenthood and lower maternal education.. And the vicious circle of poverty continues.

Besides poverty, another predisposing factor is the mass media that has sunk to unimaginable low levels in their blind aping of westernization which is unfortunately a euphemism for moral decadence. In their book titled “Facts in Brief: Teen Sex and Pregnancy,” The Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1996 states that teenagers are constantly bombarded left, right and centre with perversion.. Talk of sex fills the airwaves; teenagers are portrayed as sex objects; and sex is used to sell everything from clothing to news. Yet we all pretend to be shocked at the rising numbers of teens who become pregnant!

From the foregoing, if we are truly concerned about the welfare of teenage pregnancies, we must move beyond the moral panic and denial that has often distorted the discussion. Designing effective solutions will require the thoughtful separation of fact, assumption and wishful thinking and an honest acknowledgment that concerted efforts are required in mitigating against the debilitating teenage pregnancy.

What is evident though is that a magic bullet for teenage pregnancy does not exist. Given the multiple levels of predisposing factors on teenage sex and pregnancy, single intervention strategies by single sectors will not solve teenage pregnancy. What is required is a comprehensive approach that incorporates the home, the school, the community, the healthcare setting as well as change at a structural level.


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City Shops easy targets for thieves

From: odhiambo okecth
Date: Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 1:39 AM

Cases of thieves walking into your offices, stealing from you and walking out are again becoming a feature in Nairobi.

Yesterday, the nation reports that Mr. Anil Patel was robbed in this manner along Biashara Street, and immediately the thieves walked out, the police walked in to inquire how much loot had been taken. Remember, NOBODY called them.

I had such an experience some years back. I was with my wife at Mitsumi in Westlands when thieves walked in and robbed the premises at gun point. Immediately they left, the police came in a peugeot 504 and asked us how much had been stolen. Again in this case, NOBODY had called them.

Is it by any coincidence that the police know of such theft cases without being called? Or are they part of this problem?

The sad thing is that they come to ask how much had been stolen.

Tough call for action to Mr Jonathan Koskei with Police Reforms.

Odhiambo T Oketch
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Subject: City Shops easy targets for thieves


From: Dorothy Agwa-Otieno
Date: Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 2:58 PM

Life Source Church for all Nations invites you to its First Friendship Connection Gospel Music Concert to be held on 1st November, 2009.

Please come join us in fellowship.

1. Nathaniel Nyagol, a gifted gospel singer from Kisumu Kenya who echoes the words of worship for the Lord in the likeness of Jim Reeves gospel songs. He has produced 7 CDs.

2. Derrick Thompson a performing artist from Amherst Virginia , USA and a graduate student of music from Morgan State university. He has performed in several countries including South Africa.

3. Doris Atanga & Prisca Benita recording & performing artists from Cameroun . Both sing Gospel music with the real African idiom.

4. James Perlie Jr, (-Dances & sings;); Rev. Carol L. Perlie – anointed singer ; & Gyrone Stokes -(dedicated semiprofessional singer, song writer and producer). All from Baltimore, MD.






NOVEMBER 1, 2009


FROM 2:00 P.M. TO 5:00 P.M.


Pastor Peter Osano (301-693-3371)
George Oyieno (443) 824 6316
Omullo Okowa (410) 971 0521
Fred Waga (443) 825 2758
Ben Okowa (410)687 3484
George Anyumba (443) 600 2284
Ken Agwa (301) 996 5775

George Anyumba
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From: Leo Odera Omolo
Date: Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:54 PM

Reports Leo Odera Omolo In Kisumu City.

AGGRAVATED homosexuality will in the near future be punished by death, according to a new Bill, which was tabled in Uganda Parliament on Wednesday this week.

This is contained in the private members Bill that was table in the House on Wednesday this week by a member of the ruling NRM for Ndorwa West, Honorable David Bahati. The bill received a thunderous applause from both the government and the opposition sides.

It further states that a person who commits aggravated homosexuality, when his victim is a person with disability or below the age of 18 or when the offender is HIV positive will face death or life imprisonment penalty.

The Bill thus equate aggravated homosexuality to aggravated defilement among people of different sexes, which also carries the death sentence..

A news report given prominence in today’s edition of the NEWVISION daily states ,among other things, that the Bill, entitled the Anti –Homosexuality Bill 2009, states that anyone who commits the offense of homosexuality will be liable to life imprisonment.

Thus was already the case under the current Penal Code Act. However, the proposed Bill now gives a broad definition of the offense of homosexuality.

A person charged with this offense will have to undergo a mandatory medical examination to ascertain his or her HIV status..

The new law further states that anybody who “attempts to commit the offense” is liable to imprisonment for seven years in jail.

The same applies to anybody who aids, abets, counsels or procure another to engage in acts of homosexuality or anybody who keeps a house, lodge or rooms for the same purpose of homosexuality.

The Bill also proposes stiff sentence for people promoting homosexuality. They risk a fine of Ushs 100 million or prison sentence of up to seven years.

The same applies to people who produce, publish or distribute pornographic materials for the purposes of promoting homosexuality, fund or sponsor homosexuality.

When the offender is a businessman, or NGO, its certificate of registration will be canceled and withdrawn, and directors of such business or organization would be liable to seven years imprisonment.

Failure to disclose the offense within 24 hours of knowledge makes somebody liable to a maximum fine of Ushs 5 million or imprisonment of up to three years.

Provisions, according to the Bill are meant to “protect the traditional family way of life by prohibiting any form of sexual relations between persons of the same sexes.”

These provisions are also meant to prohibit the “promotion or recognition of such sexual relations in public institutions and other places through or with the support of any government or NGO entity”.

The bill aims at protecting children and youth who are “made vulnerable to sexual abuse and deviation as result of cultural changes, increased information technologies, and increased attempt by homosexuals to raise children by homosexuals relationship through adoption or foster parenthood care

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from Leo Odera Omolo
Oct 15, 2009 9:21 AM

EAC Headquarters, Arusha, 15 October 2009: The Secretariat of the East African Community has released the provisional programme of the activities planned for the 10th EAC Anniversary which will be observed in November this year, marking 10 years since the Signing of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community in November 1999.

The details of the activities are contained in a Programme and Action Plan and aim at yielding maximum publicity and promotion of the East African Community. The objectives of the Observance are to record the achievements of the EAC during the 1st decade of its operations; showcase the achievements that the EAC has made in the past 10 years; recognize the roles and contributions of the key players and actors and the broad spectrum of stakeholders in the EAC integration process; and, in this way, encourage them and others to embrace robust integration effort in the subsequent stage where the EAC is moving.

The Observance will provide opportunity for the EAC to identify the challenges that the EAC faced during the 1st decade of its operations (1999-2009); focus the EAC operations into the 2nd decade (2010-2020), how is the EAC to reinvent itself in light of the new challenges; and resolve into a truly effective and visibly achieving regional organization.

The Observance is also intended to stage a celebratory moment, considering that, while the first EAC, which was established in 1967, collapsed on its 10th Anniversary in 1977, the new EAC that was established in 1999 is resurgent, enlarged and full of promise and prospects as it marks its 10th Anniversary. The Secretary General of the East African Community, Ambassador Juma Mwapachu has said the EAC 10th Anniversary celebrations intend to reinforce the spirit of unity, pride, good feeling and hope among the people of East Africa about their Community; and galvanize a passionate, visionary and broad participation in the EAC integration process.

The climax of the Anniversary Observance will be the EAC Summit on 20th November 2009 when the Protocol on the Establishment of the EAC Common Market will be signed by the EAC Heads of State. The Signing of the EAC Common Market Protocol is significant at a time also that the process towards the attainment of Monetary Union has gathered momentum. The Secretary General said the Signing of the East African Community Common Market Protocol will be one of the most definitive milestones in the concretization and actualization of the Community and, as such, deserves a great celebration, and stimulation of broad support for regional integration and development. The laying of the foundation stone for the new EAC Headquarters construction will also be performed on the occasion, among other commemorative events.

The theme of the EAC 10th Anniversary Observance is EAC: Ten Years of Integration: One People, One Destiny. The EAC 10th Anniversary Observance will reflect the basic principle of a people-centered and private sector-led regional integration. The observance will involve wide participation among the East African people across the entire East African region. East Africans in the Diaspora will also be involved in the Observance, particularly through the Activities that will be held in the EAC Diplomatic Missions abroad. The EAC region’s civil society, professional associations, business community, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community based organizations (CBOs), will take the lead in the EAC 10th Anniversary Observance.

The key players and actors in the EAC Anniversary Observance will mobilize voluntary contributions and corporate sponsorship of elaborate cultural and sporting activities such as the East African Cultural Festival, Billboards and other displays that are among the Activities that are proposed for the Anniversary celebrations. The Secretary General said it was important not only to make the private sector and civil society aware of the activities of the East African Community but also to get them interested and involved in these activities which are being undertaken for their benefit and that of the region as a whole. In particular, the East African Business Council should be fully involved in the planned activities. To this extent, the East African Business Council, the private sector at large and indeed the non-governmental and civil society organizations are expected to be a major source of resources, both financial and other support, towards the success of the celebrations.

The role of the Ministries of EAC Affairs is considered critical in involving the Media, Civil Society and the Business Community in various Activities of celebrating, creating wide awareness and popularizing the EAC among the East African people. On the whole, there should be deep involvement and sensitization of the people throughout the East African region on the projects and programmes of the Community towards a new awakening to the regional integration Agenda.

The Secretary General expressed confidence of the successful outcome of the EAC Observance, with working closely in collaboration of all the key players and actors, and a determination to stage the most memorable and inspirational Observance of the EAC 10th Anniversary. He said the observance should bear maximum impact across the East African region and reinvigorate the spirit of East African unity and development. The state of play with regard to the activities planned for the EAC 10th Anniversary Observance is as follows:-

EAC Anniversary Website, has been established which will be constantly updated to provide dynamic, interactive communications with the public about the EAC during this period. The key players and actors as well as members of the public are encouraged to access the Website for regular updates and source of reference for publicity and promotion of the Anniversary observance.

An EAC Infopak is being prepared by the Secretariat. The Infopak will include information and data sheets about the projects and programmes of the EAC Organs and Institutions. The Infopak will also contain general information about the EAC 10th Anniversary. EAC Organs and Institutions will contribute data sheets for compiling into the Infopak.

Special EAC 10th Anniversary Publications will be produced, specifically: The EAC Anniversary Brochure, (by the Secretariat); EAC 10th Anniversary Symposium Book (Report of the deliberations of the EAC 10th Anniversary Symposium, (self-financing that will be published by leading international publisher, First Magazine of London, UK); and Ten Years of EAC Integration (EAC Official Publication being prepared by the Secretariat with inputs from EAC Organs and Institutions).

EAC 10th Anniversary Logo, Posters, Billboards and memorabilia: The EAC Anniversary Logo has been designed and distributed to the key players and actors for use in the Anniversary publicity. The logo will be used in relevant EAC publicity and preparation of various promotional items, such as the Anniversary Website and various memorabilia. The Secretariat has engaged reputed media firm, Mediapix to produce posters that will be widely displayed in the region. The Secretariat is also working on Billboards that will be similarly displayed throughout the region through corporate sponsorships.

Secretariat is producing various memorabilia/promotional items, including T-shirts, caps, neck ties and scarves, car stickers, wheel covers, EAC paper flags and table flags, lapel pins, pens, key holders, gift bags and document wallets which will be made available to the key players and actors for use in their promotional activities.

EAC 10th Anniversary Symposium will be held in Arusha on 13-14 November 2009. The Symposium will involve the participation of estimated 100 participants drawn from Government, Civil Society, Academia, Business Community and Media of the East African region. High level presenters and discussants will lead discussions on the topics: Pan Africanism and the Challenges of EAC Integration; Science and Technology as Strategic Driver of EAC Development ; Climate Change and Its Implications to Development in the EAC Region; and Role of Non-State Actors in Deepening EAC Integration, under the broad EAC 10th Anniversary theme, EAC Ten Years of Integration: One People. One Destiny.

The Symposium will be an occasion for reflection, self evaluation and evaluation by others; and learning process for the EAC, focusing on the future of more effective approaches to regional integration. The proceedings of the Symposium will be compiled and published in a book.

The respective key players and actors, including the EAC diplomatic missions abroad will hold additional similar symposia of their own on topics of their choice under the broad theme of the Symposium. The EAC Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA), for instance, will hold a symposium on the theme, Aviation – Linking EAC and the World Safely and Efficiently in Arusha on 22 October 2009 under the EAC 10th Anniversary Observance programme. The Inter-University Council for East Africa will also hold a separate Symposium.

EAC Video Documentary will be produced of 15-20 minutes length. The documentary’s treatment/outline is being developed, including historical footage, selected project coverage; and interviews with Heads of EAC Organs and Institutions and other stakeholders. The Video will be ready during 2010. In the meantime, a leading international broadcasting agency has been engaged to produce a promotional and publicity Video for the EAC 10th Anniversary that will include the Main Events of 20th November 2009 for regional and worldwide dissemination. The Ministries of EAC Affairs will produce and place promotional radio jingles and TV spots.

EAC Media Summit: The 3rd EAC Media Summit was held in Kampala on 21-22 August 2009 with focus on promotion of publicity of the EAC 10th Anniversary. The Media Summit was organized by EAC with EABC collaboration. EAC Media Awards was launched at the Media Summit. Winners (EA Media Houses and individual journalists), will be awarded under various categories during the Main Events of 20th November 2009.

Essay Competition will be organized for the youth of the EAC region ( within 16-20 years age bracket) on the topic, “Relevance of EAC to the aspirations of the people of East Africa- Discuss”.

East African Universities Seminars: East African universities (both private and public) , members of the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) , will set aside occasions, within their regular academic and outreach programmes, during October-November 2009 for Seminars on EAC regional integration. The University of Dar-es-Salaam Faculty of Law has in September 2009 held its seminar on EA regional integration. The University of Dar-es-Salaam has also introduced LLM and PhD degree programmes on EAC Law. University of Makerere Department of Political Science has also introduced an Undergraduate programme on EAC integration.

EAC Weeks: These will be staged in the Partner States and Diplomatic Missions to reach the East African people at the grassroots with the message of the EAC 10th Anniversary Observance. The Ministries of EAC Affairs of the Partner States will take the lead in staging the EAC Weeks, promoting public rallies, road shows, sports events; and intensive media publicity, including Radio/TV Talk Shows; and newspaper supplements and organizing EAC Open Days during October–November 2009. The Partner States will also organize East African Music Co-operation Festivals at national levels and choose the best song about EAC from each Partner State to perform at the Main Event and the East African Cultural Festival in Arusha.

In this regard, the Ministries of EAC Affairs will form National Committees for EAC 10th Anniversary to organize the public activities, involving Members of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) , National MPs and Provincial/Local Administrations, Civil Society, popular artistes and other cultural performers. Uganda has planned to hold its EAC Week on 30 October – 6 November 2009. Other Partners States will organize their EAC Weeks during the same time for harmonization purposes but otherwise, during any other period within the observance timeframe according to their convenience.

Activities in the EAC Partner States’ Diplomatic Missions: The EAC Partner States’ Diplomatic Missions will hold EAC 10th Anniversary observance/activities. The activities will be held jointly by the EAC diplomatic missions at the various diplomatic stations around the world; and involve East Africans living abroad.

East African Cultural Festival: Cultural groups and entertainment bands will be invited/encouraged to perform (on corporate sponsorship basis) at a three-day East African Cultural Festival in Arusha in November 2009. Ministries of EAC Affairs of the Partner States will mobilize the cultural groups and other participants and promote corporate sponsorship in the East African Cultural Festival which, as in the first one held in 1999, is expected to be elaborate and vibrant , including poetry, music, dance, drama, art, traditional East African dishes, fashion shows, handicrafts, artifacts and photographic exhibitions.

EAC Sports Tournament: EAC Football Tournament will be staged in Arusha between the National Assemblies Football Teams of the EAC Partner States and the EALA/EAC Football Team. Corporate sponsors would be approached to sponsor the costs of the tournament such as trophies and sports gear.

Partner States’ Ministries of EAC Affairs, through the National Committees for EAC 10th Anniversary Celebrations and sports associations will organize any other sports activities/ competitions, such as Netball, Volleyball, Motor Rallies, Mountain Climbing, etc at National Levels. Already, at EAC system-wide level, the East African Military Games were held in Kigali 15-22 June 2009 and promoted as an EAC 10th Anniversary event.

EAC Jua Kali Exhibition: The EAC Jua Kali Exhibition will be held in Arusha at the Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium on 18-21 November on the theme of the EAC 10th Anniversary. EAC Organs and Institutions as well as Ministries of EAC Affairs will establish information/exhibition stands within the Jua Kali Exhibition area.
One Laptop per Child campaign: The One Laptop per Child campaign will be launched by the Heads of State during the 10th Anniversary Public Rally at the Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium in Arusha on 20th November 2009. With the launch of the programme, the One Laptop per Child Association has pledged to contribute a laptop for each laptop contributed from regional sources at the subsidized rate of $100 per laptop. To this extent, the Secretary General has launched appeal for contributions, starting with Staff of the EAC Organs and Institutions to regional corporate sponsors and international philanthropic organizations.
EAC Peace and Security Conference: A High-level EAC Peace and Security Conference will be held in Kampala on 5-7 October and billed as an EAC 10th Anniversary event.

Special Session of East African Legislative Assembly: The EALA will hold a special on the EAC 10th Anniversary on 19 November 2009 in Arusha which will feature a debate on the achievements, challenges and prospects of the East African Community.
EAC 10th Anniversary Programme and Invitations: The climax of the activities will be 20th November 2009, including the 10th Anniversary Summit; and Main Event at the Sheikh Amri Abeid Stadium in Arusha. A detailed programme of the activities will be published in due course. Invitations to the Main Events will be sent out to UN, AU, regional and international organizations, development partners and other foreign and local dignitaries.

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Mwapachu congratulate President Obama

from:Leo Odera Omolo
Oct 14, 2009 11:32 AM

Our Ref: ADM/30

Date: 12 October 2009

H.E. Excellency Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
Washington D.C.

On behalf of the East African Community and on my own behalf, I extend to your Excellency warm congratulations on your being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009. The award, in recognition of your extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation among peoples, is rightly deserved.

Your steadfast determination to promote international peace and strengthen institutions of democracy and good governance has touched a deep chord around the world, across generational, racial, geopolitical and ideological divides. You have stood up with courage, conviction and reasoned dialogue in building bridges between and among all the members of human society.

You represent a forward march of civilization that, if joined, will propel our world to a new order, of global reign of peace and security, human rights and rule of law, economic and social security for all, within a healthy and secure world environment that we all cherish and value. Indeed, you have claimed for yourself an honoured place in the annals of the history of mankind.

We wish your Excellency good health, happiness and success in your great mission. We look forward to the period ahead of strengthened relations and mutually beneficial interactions between the East African Community and your great country and people.

Accept, your Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration.


Amb. Juma V. MwapachuS
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subject Mwapachu congratulate President Obama

Conflicts of economic interests are ruining secondary schools in Nyanza Province

From: Leo Odera Omolo
Date: Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 6:48 AM


Commentary By Leo Odera Omolo In Kisumu City.

CONFLICTS of economic interests are the main cause of tensions between the Parents Teachers Associations {PTAs}, the Boards of Governors{BOGs} , head principals and head teachers in various schools in Nyanza Province.

In most schools, the principals and head teachers, the Parents Teachers Association and the Boards of Governors are always at war of attrition over petty issues such as the supplies of food-stuff, detergents, hardware and building materials.

It is even worse, particularly when the money involved is disbursed from the government evolving funds such as CDF and school bursary cash. It is always a big scramble as each and every group want to have a cut in the money.

Other contentious issues which the Government must step into to ensure they are resolved amicably is the question of head teachers importing their relatives and friends from their back home and employing them as members of non-teaching and backup manual laborers in the schools which they head, to the chagrins of the local communities.

In some schools, the greedy head teachers have imported their own kin and engaged them on petty work at the facilities such as grass clearing, cleaners, sweepers ,cooks, drivers at the expense of the locals.

It can be remembered that districts, nationals etc were established after independence in 1963. The school were established through the sweats and sacrifices of the local communities, and the government only moved in and took over the management of the schools. These people {Members of the local communities} feel bitter about seeing strangers employed on petty jobs, which could easily be filled with their own sons and daughters.

It makes no sense for a head teacher who hails from Seme in Kisumu West district, but heading a secondary school in a rural Migori or Nyatike districts, to import his or her relatives . All kinds of workers could easily be sourced from within the locality. But this is the common practice with the head teachers inside Luo-Nyanza.

And when cornered, the head teachers resort to dirty tricks and tactics of inciting students to street demonstrations and name calling protests against the PTA members perceived to be enraged over these matters.

My investigations has revealed that as soon as the new head of a secondary school is transferred to a new station of work, such teachers begin their work by weeding out all key staff who were serving his predecessor, such as bursar, clerks, messengers, day and night watchmen. The staffers are mostly the locals, and the new head teachers want to create employment opportunities for their kin and friends..

Other head teachers have adopted the bad habit of making themselves the suppliers of all the essential supplies to their schools. Such supplies are purchased with the monies from the school’s own coffers through the proxies, just for the purpose of minting more profits from the schools funds.

A case in point is that of a head teacher, who is alleged to be using the school money for purchasing beef cattle, to be slaughtered at the nearby butchery. The meat of poor quality, taken out of the cow, are feed to the students, while the best part is sold to the public for huge profits.

Another area of open abuse of offices, is the practice by the head teachers of misusing school buses, which are serving their relatives when ferrying them to funerals almost on weekly basis to the homes of their dead relatives. This is in total disregard of the bus’s wear and tear and the expenses involved. The school buses are insured exclusively for the use of students and teachers, and strictly not outsiders. This practice must come to a stop.

There is also a clear evidence of inefficiency and incompetence in terms of secondary school supervision in Nyanza Province. Non-performing head teachers, who have overstayed in one station of work, and become wealthy by engaging in illicit trades and supplies of material to their own school, are usually allegedly dishing out money to their supervisors, against any possibility of them being transferred to other schools.

This pathetic situation calls for overhauling of schools management in the entire Province, and radical changes put in place. Such changes must include the tendering system for the supplies to that school, which must be done at a central place for all schools in order to avoid corruptive practices by the principals and head teachers.

It does not make sense for a head teacher to engage his kin, who is a not a local person, as painter or a carpenter, maintaining woodworks at the school, and yet this categories of workers are so much in abundance within the locality. All these kinds of nepotism and clanism must come to an immediate end if the schools in the region are to maintain high standard of education and good performance at the national exams. Non-performing teachers who have stayed in one school for more than eight years should be reshuffled, particularly in those schools which do not score sufficient marks for the university entry points.

The Luo MPs are silent over these contentious issues. Why? The e issues need to be addressed as a matter of to priority and the high level of school management restored.


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Subject: Conflicts of economic interests are ruining secondary schools in Nyanza Province

Justice delayed…..

From: odhiambo okecth
Date: Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:01 AM

The Judiciary and the police have once more been brought to public scrutiny.

Mr. Moses Washika and his wife, Rinah Washika were arrestedly shortly after their 5 daughters were found killed on 18th December 2005.

They have been in remand for the last 4 years until the courts set them free for luck of evidence recently. And our sympathies alone cannot reconcile the waste years behind bars.

How many Kenyans suffer such? And what happens to the police officers who arrested them without gathering enough evidence before the arrests were made? What happens to the Judicial officer who sat on the case for all those 4 years?

Many Kenyans are victims of such incompetence from the Police and at the Judiciary. They are arrested on flimsy charges, kept in remand homes for as long at takes without intervention from the Judiciary, and such are the cases that should compel the public to insist on the Police and Judiciary being placed on performance contracts.

Such accountability will make one who is offended to seek redress and counter sue the officers for wrongful arrests. It will minimize cases of witch hunt and incompetence. We have officers who arrest innocent Kenyans just to settle scores. They lock you in for as long as it takes because they know that by the time you are set free by the courts for luck of evidence, your time shall have been wasted and you will then have come down to zero.

Kenyans need to become assertive and demand that Judicial Officers and the Police are held accountable in a manner that indicates output on a daily basis.

Odhiambo T Oketch
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Subject: Justice delayed…..

Ugandan newspaper is fined USHS 100 million over alleged Gadhafi sex scandal

From: Leo Odera Omolo
Date: Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 10:53 AM


Reports Leo Odera Omolo In Kisumu City.

THE Disciplinary Committee of the Media Council of Uganda has imposed a heavy fine of USD 50,million {Ushs 100 million}on the Red Pepper, a local tabloid, for defaming the Libyan strongman Col Muamor El-Gadhafi for alleged involving himself in love affair between him and the Queen Mother of Toro Bes Kemigisa.

The disciplinary Committee also ordered the local tabloid to pay Gadhafi USD 50,000 million {Ushs 95 million} and another USD 5 million to the Libyan Arab Peoples Bureau, with the same prominence as the contentious article before November 30th this year.

The Libyan Embassy in Kqmpala had lodged the complaints to the Media Council of Uganda regarding about 10 series of articles published between February 5 and 19 this year, detailing an alleged love affair between the two dignitaries, the NEWVISIO reported in its news items posted to its website online this morning

The Embassy had asked the Media Council to suspend the practicing license of the Red Pepper editor, accusing it of acting unprofessionally and maliciously for selfish gain.

The articles in question, the complaints said, injured Col Gadhafi’s reputation and angered Libyans, thereby endangering relations between Uganda and Libya.

“The publications were false, malicious and have caused injury to the name of Libyan Head of State,Col Gadhafi”, the Libyan Ambassador to Uganda Mr.Abdullah Bunjeldin said.

They portrayed the Libyan head of state as morally corrupt. The articles were intended to portray Gadhafi as a morally bankrupt person who is promiscuous and middles in people’s affairs.

The Libyana envoy said Red Pepper publications was widely circulated in Uganda and across the world via Internet. As a result, the articles were also picked up by the BBC radio and television and Radio France for their world wide broadcasting network.

The NEWVISION says in its online report that these articles had disturbed Gadhafi to such an extent that he called his Ugandan counterpart, President Museveni, to complain, the Libyan envoy said, adding that the stories had undermined the hitherto warm and cordial Ugandan-Libyan diplomatic ties

The articles also threatened the USD 500 million Libyan investment in Uganda. The investment include Tamoil Uganda,Oil Libya, Uganda Telecom, National Housing and Construction Corporation, Lake Victoria Hotel and the Tripoli Bank.

The Ambassador denied that Gadhafi gave the Toro Queen Mother a plane, saying the Libyan laws do not allow him{Gadhafi} giving public property as gifts. He said the Red Pepper doctored photographs to suit the paper’s malicious intentions.

The Red Pepper did not bring any witnesses. Their lawyer, Mr Maxim Matibingwa only made oral submissions, stating “it is impossible for anyone to know the relations between two people”.

In its ruling, the Disciplinary Committee wondered how the Red Pepper so authoritatively publish articles when it has admitted it could not establish the truth.

The Disciplinary Committee Secretary, Mr. Paul Mukasa said the Ugandan constitution guaranteed the freedom of the press. but these should not prejudice the public interest.

He Committee ruled that th articles that he tabloid engaged in “gross indiscipline” and caused injury to Gadhafi..

The Rd Pepper did not attend the ruling session.


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Subject: Ugandan newspaper is fined USHS 100 million over alleged Gadhafi sex scandal


From: JEFF
Date: Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 4:19 AM

By Jeff Otieno

KANU National Vice chairman Gideon Moi has re-scheduled his visit to Nyanza Province until next week.

Gedion whose meeting was slated for (tomorrow) Thursday this week confided to this journalist that he has decided to hold the crucial meeting next week due to what he termed as “inevitable official pressing issues”.

All the 21 KANU branch officials had been summoned to Kisumu by the patron Tom Alila to brain storm on issues bedeviling the former ruling party and to also finalize plans to welcome the guest.

During the marathon 6 hours meeting yesterday, inside sources confided to the press that tension was high and the party officials were sharply divided and at one time had to be restrained from going physical with each other.

A camp allied to finance minister and KANU chairman Uhuru Kenyatta read mischief in the whole arrangement to host the resilient Gedion Moi.

Gedions camp however down played the sharp division and instead urged party members to be more focused on reviving the party instead of jostling for cheap publicity and supremacy.

Kisumu KANU branch office is said to be at the centre of controversy with a clique of officials sympathetic to other rival parties being accused of benefiting from the party’s properties (modern rental kiosks) which generates close to Kshs.400,000/= instead of committed and genuine officials.

Gedion who is also the son of former president Daniel Arap Moi has also declared his presidential ambitions come 2012.

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