Monthly Archives: May 2009


Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 01:55:42 -0700 [03:55:42 AM CDT]
From: sang kip

We and our leaders should resist any attempt to divide Rift Valley as schemed by PNU. The move is geared towards curving Kikuyu areas of the province to create a Kikuyu province in addition to Central as a step towards enabling the Kikuyu rule forever.
If we should accept division of the province, it should be on our terms.

We should never allow division of RVP to take place. But if we have to, boundaries should be drawn by us, the Riftvalleans.
The creation of districts by Kibaki in PNU friendly regions of Kenya has been a move towards the current call for division of provinces.This is meant to favor PNU and future Kikuyu presidential candidates.This bold scheme will, also, cover and destroy historic land grabbing in Rift Valley, first by white settlers and second by Kenyatta.

Rift Valley leaders need to rally Wananchi support in opposition of any move that will make some parts of RVP a Kikuyu tribal province.

This is one scheme we should resist by all means.


From: Tim Kemei
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 11:57:46 PM

I totally agree with you Mwalimu. This nonsense of sub-dividing Rift valley is political gimmick geared towards political divide and rule. Hon. Emilio should thinking wisely before taking the next step on this. There are massive urgent issues that the government should be pursuing seriously for the benefit of Kenyan’s, one being the new constitution.

— On Mon, 5/11/09, Bureti Netebes wrote:

From: Bureti Netebes
Date: Monday, May 11, 2009, 12:27 AM


Demarcating or fragmenting Rift-Valley is in essence a futile effort of attempting to create a hill from the valley. This is one area that Hon. Emilio should tread carefully as the head of State. This is one area that Hon. Emilio needs to listen and listen attentively to what wanainchi are advocating. In Rift-Valley, our vision is consolidation for the benefit of all but not fragmentation to the doom of all. We stand to loose a great deal if we blindly pursue shadows of political ambitions and ignore rays of hope that arise with cohesion of our strengths.

The government should not create confusion but to promote harmony by empowering people, supplying medical services, containing hunger, settling landless, streamlining education facilities, creating jobs by wooing local and foreign investors, hastening the release of a new constitution, drastically reducing the ministries to ease burden on the budget, etc

Finally, Rift-valley should remain intact until after 2012


Revised Agenda For Action

Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 13:09:12 -0700 [03:09:12 PM CDT]
From: jbatec@ . . .
Subject: Revised Agenda For Action


After consulting widely, I have the following information to share with the rest of you. Visiting White House in August is an opportunity of a lifetime. We will make follow-up and further consultations to make sure we have everything we need for our Visitation so we can provide up-dates in time.

Our organization, The Confederation Council Foundation for Africa, is involved in Refugee, Asylee and Traffickers resettlement towards self sufficiency program with other Immigration matters and with legal counseling. The Immigrants are presently known as the New Americans. We strive to make New Americans settle down legally and altogether relax from culture shock of new life environment in America, so to join the rest of Americans and the world in Community Development in the Diversity of Culture and spearhead Sustainable National building.

We also strive to encourage meaningful creation of conducive lasting relationship between American and Kenya while introducing the role of Kenyan Emerging Civil Society and other active NGO networking as active Agents Participants for Community Development with Diaspora and as partners of Development in Education, Socio/economic and for good governance. Together as partners of change initiatives we will nurture relationship between Kenya and United States of America. From here, we intend to encourage sisterhood City mutual relationship for development.

Bad leadership in Kenya and in the rest of Africa, has caused influx of migration away from Kenya. Kenya’s’ democratic system and the Judicial is getting worse by the day and is a stumbling block for Millennium Development Agenda Goals. Kenya fits all determination of a Failed State from lack of security situation and invasion of Migingo, the pirating by the Somalis, coalition Governments’ inability to perform, the National Accord not taken serious with the Constitutional Agenda Reform not carried out with urgency it deserves, extra judicial killings of ordinary citizens, reshuffling of the Police force as Ashton’s recommended has not been carried out, shortage of food, deepening of poverty and unemployment situation is still common place.

Agenda for Plan of Action

As Diasporas we have put together lists of Plan of Action to Change Democracy in Kenya.

We also strive to empower, mentor as well as motivate emerging Civil Society in Kenya and other active NGOs to determine checks and balances from elected leaders with those holding public offices under oath, to provide good Governance in Kenya and altogether Africa.

The structure for active participation is focused in specific areas which includes:

1) Formulating A Productive U.S. Foreign Policy Partnership in Development and Security initiatives together advocating for Majimbo/Federal Governing System in Kenya

2) Strategize programs conducive for New American Immigrants in self-sufficiency and job creation towards resettlement program

3) Organize sustainable investments with Kenya irrespective of the current political and socio/economic crisis

4) How to formulate Unbiased Mutual Bilateral or Multilateral Trade Policy and investment which can substantially boost American Direct Investment to Kenya Incorporating Diaspora Civic Society and Diaspora Motivator Agency including Diversification of Investment and Revolution Funding in (Wall Street) Americas Stock Exchange under Mutual Interest

5) Encourage Partnership with Emerging Civil Societies in Kenya including Faith Based and NGO focusing on Socio/Economic empowerment in Community Development both in Education, Trade and Investment

6) In consensus we need to contribute in the Creation of Honorary Diplomatic appointments in America and other Major metropolitan States

7) Assisting Kenyans to Move Toward a responsible Democracy and the empowering of Emerging Civil Society and active NGOs in Kenya

8) Formulating Structures for Practical and Realistic US Foreign Aids to Kenya for Investment and Partnership Development

9) Applying a multinational efforts to documents and freeze foreign assets and or applying for travel restrictions to politicians and senior government officials who are deemed to be having an unusual personal monetary transactions outside the country and are found wanting to be in corrupt dealings

10) Applying Mutual Interest formulas to Improve Cultural Exchanges and Boost Kenyan Education System in partnership programs from Diaspora networking

11) Boosting Kenyan Tourism Industry through substantial flow of American Tourist to Kenya with conjunction of Diaspora Civic Society Mentor Agency

12) How to voice, monitor and participate in safeguarding National Security Issues in Kenya

13 Follow-up of cases of Nairobi/Tanzania Embassy Bomb Blasts victims including their families compensation report

14)How we can strategically plan on how we should continue to assist in voter recruitment, to participate and get involved in community development programs, volunteering and organizing for America in National Policy debate and strategizing for structural social and economic development Plan of Action for New American Immigrants resettlement program, and chart way-forward for Kenya’s Sustainable and justified good Democratic governance to avoid influx of migration outside Kenya.

I do believe that fellow Kenyan educators in the Diaspora can provide an independent instrumental structure through working group Think Tank approach for purposes of providing consultations and formulate ideas on procedures that can lead to a substantive beneficial dialog with the President. In this vain, state your proposed activities plan of action. These individuals once identified will be committed to discharge responsibility for soliciting ideas and recommendations from the broad spectrum of Kenyan Diaspora as a whole on issues of need assessment and forwarded for action and implementations. An attempt must be made to reach a diverse opinions as possible

We are a united front and have an opportunity of a life time. Kenyans must avoid petty ethnicity and class of wars that are killing our development efforts and political maturity as much as possible. We must agree to respect each other and appreciate that each and everyone has a responsibility to demonstrate potentials for good leadership and provide change we all need to improve Kenya.

Participants must learn to keep their personal bubbles and look at Kenya’s participation in Global outfit instead of focusing and advancing on a narrow personal interest.

The participants at the visitation are Kenyans Diasporas which means those who have taken American Citizens and permanent residence and who live in America.

Lastly, we must agree that although we Kenyan proudly share common heritage with President Obama, Kenya does not exist in a vacuum from the rest of the World in development and respect of Human Rights. What happen in Kenya affects East Africa and the rest of Africa as a whole. My hope is that one of the outcome from this meeting will be a recommendation to the Obama’s Administration to use the same frame work to focus on the rest of African Countries.

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

?AIDS RIGHTS? Action:17 activists protest China Global Fund is being abducted

Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 08:49:40 +0800 [07:49:40 PM CDT]
From: ?? Chang Kun
Subject: ?AIDS RIGHTS? Action:17 activists protest China Global Fund is being abducted

17 activists protest China Global Fund is being abducted

17 activists protest China Global Fund is being abducted . For more information:

The staff of UNAIDS (Chen Zhongdan???) UNICEF(Zhao Xin??) are involved in abductor in the Beijing Program Area of China Gobal Fund Rond 610:52 PM May 6th from web

Gobal Fund has funny Assessment of the views of experts in China:whereas we are very busy before the Spring Festival, PM Apr 30th from web

A protest picture was given to Global Fund Policy and Strategy Committee in China UNAIDS office on April 1st. PM Apr 9th from web

The Global Fund has the responsibility for the relations between China Global Fund Propram and China AIDS community, especially the dign …3:48 PM Mar 31st from web

2006 Protesting Acitons:Global Fund is corrupt! How about this year? It has been used as a tool to force AIDS NGOs to do something!!11:04 PM Mar 23rd from web

Voice of America: China AIDS community is disputing on a retired official abducting the China Global Fund AIDS PM Mar 21st from web

In March, 2009, We are asking a retired officer who is the direct of Beijing program of the sixth round of China Globe Fund Program. Bec …5:13 PM Mar 20th from web

China AIDS Community have been backing up fews years!!! Because the retired offices are controlling the Global Fund!11:16 PM Mar 16th from web

Anonymous letter to threaten me with dire death about my comments on Global Fund Ford Fundation…1:27 PM Mar 2nd from web

?? Chang Kun
Devote my life to AIDS prevention and care work!

Office Phone: 010-51917982
??:13810726838 (??)




Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 23:10:37 -0700 [05/09/2009 01:10:37 AM CDT]
From: Leo Odera Omolo

A daunting experienced of an inmate
Writes Leo Odera Omolo
The much talked modernization and reforms in the Prison Services in Kenya remained just cosmetic and still far away from being effectively effected.
Kenyan inmates still goes through harrowing experience. The inmates lives in a very pathetic conditions full of bullying by ever drunken youthful and freshly recruited prison wardens. Conditions in the Kenya Prisons Services remained the same as what it used to be 30years ago.
It is even worse, especially in small prison facilities, which are located in remote out posts in various parts of the country.
This writer recently spent one night inside Migori GK Prison where he was where he was locked up after failing to raise a fine of Kshs 80,000 imposed on him by a Migori Senior Resident Magistrate following a private criminal prosecution instituted by the former Rongo MP George Mbogo Ochillo-Ayacko.
$ayacko had instituted a defamation of character suit against four persons, who included this writer, the Princiupal of Sawagongo Secondary School in Siaya Mr. Kaunda Ogweno, a retired former Telkom Kenya regional engineer Mr. Phillip Makabongo’ and a Kisumu based freelance journalist Mr. Jeff Otieno Aguko.
In the final ruling, Kaunda Ogweno was acquitted of all the three charges of writing ,printing and publishing a defamatory article against the former legislator who had earlier told the court that as the result of the defamatory article he lost his parliamentary seat.
Makabongo was fined Kshs 50,000 or six months imprisonment in default. Jeff Otieno Aguko was also fined 50,00 or six months imprisonment in default, while Leo Odera Omolo was fined 80,000 or nine months imprisonment in default.
Makabong’o and Aguko raised the fines and walked to freedom . I had less money and could not raise sufficient amount in time, so I was whisked away and banged into Migori GK Prison for overnight stay.
The only visible reform is that inmates can now enjoy viewing Television and listening to radio
broadcastings. A TV set is fitted on the wall of the main prison hall. Prisoners spent their
evenings watching , mainly Voice of Kenya , channel one
There is also a remarkable sanitation inside the Prison Hall, but the Hall is congested to capacity with
two prisoners sharing one mattresses.
The most interesting feature of the whole ordeal, was that there was no ready prison uniform that could fit onto my bulky body. A search was conducted in the store, but none was available. I had to contend with my civilian clothes.
The harrowing experience I gained is that inmates are still being subjected to bullying, unprovoked and unjustified beatings by some newly recruited prison wardens, some of who turns up for night duty while under the excessive influence of alcohol” Chang’aa”}.This is an area where the Prisons authorities must ensure is urgently addressed..
On the very night of my arrival, a young prison warden by the name Turuka Turuka Rioba who I was told is of Kuria tribe reported on night duty of guarding prisoners while excessive drunk, and got involve in nasty exchange of provocative words with me His vitriol’s went on for the better part of the night until he felt asleep and slept heavily in a blackout state of drunkardness.
Night prison began with God fearing inmates engaging themselves in long session of preaching the word of gospel and prayers. One of the inmates would turn up to be an evangelist and preaches the word of gospel to his fellow prisoners and this would be followed by prolonged prayers.
This session comes soon immediately after the famous Kava Kava, during which time the prisoners squats together in one corner of the main prison hall for the night counting.
What has gone through the remarkable transformation is the much improved prisoners diet of sukuma wiki, cabbage, beans and ugali and at times beef for change of diet.
Senior prison warden from the ranks of corporal and above are friendly and at times very useful to the inmates.There is also this man who is handling prisoners welfare with professional touches. This particular turns up at noon and conduct session with inmates trying to find out their personal problems, health and also interview the ailing inmates and he recommends for urgent treatment or arranging for the sick inmates to see government doctors or to visit Medicare’s under security escort..
Problems in our prisons, however., lies with youthful and inexperienced prison warden. They are full of bullying and used derogatorily insults against inmates. No wonder there has been a series of violent riots in Kenyan prisons in recent years.
Some of the young prison warden behaves as if they are above the law, using unprintable words while abusing the inmates. Such unpatriotic officers are working contrary to the prison authorities laid down rule of corrective measures and rehabilitation of prisoners characters .Excessive bullying by fellow inmates is no longer there. And inmates in Migori GK Prison are well disciplined lots.
Concerted efforts in maintaining the high standard of hygienic is visible, but only derailed by the excessive congestions in the prisons main hall. All looked well, but the hell broke only after the night duty officers have reported to work with some of them totally drunk.

Each of the drunken warden starts by asking newly arrival inmates some irrelevant questions such as inquiring to know the reasons why they were sent to prison. Failure to provide good answer or keeping silent ends up with a hard slap in the chick of the prisoner. Other drunken prison warden tells their tribesmen to beat up fellow prisoners etc.
Some of the inmates who preferred their names to remain anonymous confided to this writer some of the young prison warden on duties have been spotted smoking bhang while on duty and within the facility. Disciplinary on the part of young officers is wanting
However, senior prison officials are doing excellent job while communicating orders to the inmates in a humane manners devoid of bullying.
While inside Migori GK Prison, this writer discovered that there is a large number of Tanzanians inmates. Most of them people who were arrested inside Kenyan and arraigned to courts and charged with the offences of trespass, unlawfully presence in Kenyan contrary to immigration.
Of course the mass arresting and jailing of Tanzanians in Kenya is contrary to the spirit of regional integration process in which both Tanzanian and Kenyan authorities are the East African Community Treaty and regional integration protocols, which calls for freedom movement of labor and persons.
Kenya-Tanzania borderline is somehow rather cumbersome in that some tribes living across the boundaries are cut by halves with some of their halves in Tanzania and others in Kenya. This is the reason why the controlling the borderline is not an easy task .These are the Luos, Kurias, Maasais, Digos and Pokomos. The borderline stretches from Lake Victoria in Nyatike district to the Coast Province and winds up in Kwale district.
At time the Luos in Tanzania crosses the border to attend the funeral and burial of their relatives in Migori and Nyatike district using what is commonly called ”Panya Routes”,but when they are caught by the forces of reinforcement they usually ended in prison. Of course there were also few cases of hard-core criminal involving in border crossings. But the situation need to be addressed by the two governments.
Some of the Tanzanians languishing in Migori prison are smugglers of goods, petty traders etc
It is imperative for potential criminals to know that prisons is not a luxury hotel and each and every good citizens should maintain good conduct

Says a World Bank and FAO reports
Write3s Leo Odera Omolo
KENYA’s poor will slide further into extreme poverty as the year progressed due to the impact of soaring food prices and the global economic crisis in their low incomes.
This follows a warning by leading international organization that by the end of 2008,one in every six people in the world will become chronically hungry person.
The Food and Agriculture Organization{FAO},A United Nations arm, estimated that an additional 35-90 million people will be trapped in extreme poverty this year due to the worldwide recession.
The numbers, ,the Global Monitoring Report 2009;A Development Emergency {GMR} says, will come from developing countries with more than half of emerging countries expected to experience a rise in the number of their extreme poor in this year.
“This proportion is likely to be higher among low-income countries and mostly countries in sub-Saharan Africa,”the report highlights.
Kenya is in both categories. But its situation is aggravated by the high increase in food prices that averaged 30 per cent in 2008, and that has kept trend by the first four months of 2009.
The result has been an increase in the pace at which Nairobi’s lower income group is sliding towards becoming chronically hungry people by about five percentage points to 376 per cent in March, up from 31.9 per cent in February 2009.
The rate should be much higher in April given that overall inflation rate climbed from 258 per cent in March to 26.1 per cent in April.
In the North Rift, particularly in the semi-arid districts of Northern Kenya hunger devastated.
families have now resorted to feeding on wild fruits.
Deaths as the result of starvation and hunger have of late been reported in Turkana, Baringo and Marakwet districts while the usually rich in food regions have suffered the same fate as the result of prolonged drought and change in weather pattern.
He pastoral communities., which depends entirely on their livestock as the only reliable source of food
have suffered the worse with thousands of their animals being whipped out owing to lack of green
pasture and grazing fields.
“The impact of drought in the first quarter of this year is the major factor behind higher food prices and
therefore high inflation..”
“A decline in food prices and overall inflation with the largely dependant on weather ,i.e onset of
adequate rains, and availability of major imports bridge the shortfall in domestic production,’ reads
the recently released Central Bank of Kenya analysts.
The fear is that the global recession will break the sustained growth in developing countries identified
as essential to reducing the high poverty incidence
The main problem is food affordability particularly. for poor people, whose incomes will be reduced by
the recession,” a report by the World Bank warns.
In Kenya for example under its vision 2030,the government had estimated that to attain a middle
income level, the country’s economy needed to grow by at a rat of at least 10 per cent over the next 2o
The vision is now at risk with the termination of the high growth rate in 2007 with the country recording
a meager 2.1 per cent growth in 2008 and a projected 2 per cent in the current y4ear.

About the author’;
Leo Odera Omolo is a veteran Kenyan journalist operating mainly in the Western part of the country. He
is also a frequent visitor to the neighbouring Tanzania and Uganda.. He can be reached via Telephone
Numbers 0722 486181 and 0734 509215 or though his mail address at P.O.BOX 833, KISUMU, Kenya

Re: Michuki for President: FACTS OR FANTACIES

Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 03:19:58 -0700 [05:19:58 AM CDT]
From: George Ngige
Subject: Re: Michuki for President: FACTS OR FANTACIES

you should also think before you argue fullishly, i agree twith the gentle man michuki ought to be the president, to me he never meant michuki,its his approach he was refering to. kenya does not need amummies lalaby for that matter, adictator can u call ua self babu meaning “guka” read between the lines.

michuki rule the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
— On Fri, 5/8/09, Steve Babu wrote:

From: Steve Babu
Subject: Re: Michuki for President: FACTS OR FANTACIES
Date: Friday, May 8, 2009, 1:13 AM


I don’t quite agree with you that Mr. Michuki is the right kind of leader Kenyans would want to have at this point in time. Much as I respect others point of views, I do not share the same same view. What is it that makes Muchuki more special than other leaders?

Perhaps I should first of try to help you out of this apparent sceptism. Michuki, we all know too advantage of the lawlessness that existed in the transport sector to enrich himself under the pretext that he was out to create sanity in the industry. Ask Kenyans who were the first people to bring into the country the first consgments of speed governors and seat belts? Let help you here. It was Muckuki and his close freinds, sons and daughters included.

Before you can forget, Muchuki has been accused of innocent Kenyans in name of getting rid of Mungiki ngang, which he himself was responsible for its creation. In fact, it is being said that in Muranga, where he comes from, so many youth have killed, to the extent that there is going to be a generation gap. Also during Michuki tenure as the minister for internal security, so many Kenyans died following orders from Michuki. Remember shootings in Mombasa and Kisumu during the referendum campaigns. Who gave the orders? Michuki. What about the killings in Nyanza and Rift Valley Provinces following the disputed results of DEC. 2007elections? Who gave the “shoot to kill” orders? These are some of the atrocities commited by Michuki, if don’t know.

I would’nt mind whether Michuki is your brother or uncle. Save us your dreams, or you wait until you go to hell with your Michuki. Shame on you to even that Michuki is fit for present. May be he could a president for mt. Kenya… and not The Republic of Kenya.

Perhaps a little advice would do for you: think before you talk.

Ndoto njema

On Wed, 5/6/09, John Mwangi wrote:

From: John Mwangi
Subject: Re: Michuki for President
Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 6:25 AM

I agree with Anne. we need young blood. we got 2\3 yrs to election, let’s not give up so early there is still time. The old guards need to go. That’s one of the reasons unemployment rate is so high. To make matters worse they even adjusted the retirement age upwards!!!!

I appreciate what michuki has done. However i believe we can get someone better.


On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 10:57 AM, anne karuga wrote:

I say we need young blood…I was born almost 40 years ago and this guys were in politics/power…this is 2009 and also the 21st century and they are still in politics… I think it’s time for a real change….some young blood please…someone who GETS IT!!! we don’t need 19th-20th century politics in the 21st century…we need someone who is in the century- 21st CENTURY!!!!….

— On Wed, 4/22/09, jane karuga wrote:

From: jane karuga
Subject: Re: Michuki for President
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 1:54 PM


I agree with you, but on the other hand i think that Michuki is the only guy within the cabinet that can deliver results.

Remember the days of Matatu matata? and now the noise pollution thing, when was the last time you heard loud hooting within the city center? ama those touts screaming their heads off?

I support Penny 100%


— On Wed, 4/22/09, Suleiman Angulu wrote:

From: Suleiman Angulu
Subject: Re: Michuki for President
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 2:17 AM


Michuki is one of Kibaki’s kitchen cabinet you can imagine what they are advising the Mr President.


— On Tue, 4/21/09, Penny Njuguna wrote:

From: Penny Njuguna
Subject: Michuki for President
Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 11:52 PM

Hi All!I have thought, thought and thought hard and I have come to a conclusion thatthis country needs a real leader, one who is ready to work not just sit andenjoy the facilities of State House.I think Michuki can do the job.What are your thots?

Next AU President

I was amazed! Astonished and loved the show! From the north to the south, from the east to the west of Africa, we have fe heroes. Only men. But one name that cam up was the Liberian President! Madan Johnson! Memories awaken, bitterness of the war, the present was brought to reality. Africa – we need more women in leadership!

Imagine President Bush, the airforce one flying over the beautiful land of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda etc and makes a stop over in Liberia! Think of Rice looking at a woman who challenge her until she decided to visit Mwai Kibaki and Raila of Kenya when Bush was dancing salsa wit the first lady of Liberia. Any Liberian around? They will tell you the oath, the swearing that they will never have a man president until their land is safe and secure?

Laughable. Isnt? The sex boycott was news everywhere because Kenyan women are know worldwide. They know how to sample the rejects, the rotten, the despodents and make them somebodies in Kenya! How long will a Kenyan woman pinch, bleach and become an Arab sort of yellow, whitish sort of SA maize and mould the eyes better than a gorilla?

The fact is: African men are proud and dont want anything to do with women when they are thinking of something else: kitchen, food, bedroom! Now the G10 made history. A desperate man seeking attention goes to court. Yes, i love her and the G10 caused damage when i had already swallowed viagra, tembe ya muratina, dawa ni miti, Enzoy…she curled her leg, arms folded and dead as a log. I couldnt basically other than take cold water and think about Muhindi job in Industrial Area.

Basically, men of Africa have tsken the show to another level. Clumsy! Zuma Jacob takes Zama’s daughter and molests her. Money talks. The chief industrialsit realises tht he posses a lot of money and concorts a strategy: i wanna be a DJ and get those young lads – otherwise you will get cured of AIDS if you have sex with teenagers. Hence DJ CK should bom and give instructions through the mass media. God!

Now comes a new concept: Masters of Sexgomony. Pathgnomic Syndrome is a condition that inhibits some symptoms like sweeling, panting, repetitions and hibernation. Its responsible for ROTTEN continent. Its incurable but controllable. G10 Kenya’s wonderladies had the medicine. Try it out lest yu file a court case even the judge will be ashamed to adjudicate. Judges require practicals. Evidence adduced. So show the photos that you were at home all the 7 days and your wife was actually there…no maid.

If you understand what am saying then get a good day of rest….i will continue and conclude..


– – –
Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 23:04:15 +0300 [03:04:15 PM CDT]
From: Kombo Ogaro
Subject: Next AU President

Re: Fw: Funeral Announcement

The Ogolla’s family announces with profound regret and sadness the untimely death of Veronica Ogolla at the age of 19. This sad event occurred on Friday, May 1st in Germany after a short illness. Veronica was a loving daughter to Pamela Ogolla(kenya) and a niece to Mike and Terry Ogolla of PA.
At this moment, we are humbly inviting friends, relatives and all well wishers to join us in prayer and financial support so that we can give Vero a warm send off to her last resting place in Kenya.
The fundraising drive will be held on Saturday, May 9th at 2549 Brader st, Bethlehem PA 18020.
for further information contact :
Mike Ogolla 6107512691
Terry Ogolla 4843301561
Doc Odotte 7322139699
Benbo 6313987133
Ben Odotte 7324217233

– – –
Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 14:46:32 -0700 [04:46:32 PM CDT]
From: Bernard Oguche
Subject: Re: Fw: Funeral Announcement

Poverty in Luo Nyanza

Poverty in Luo Nyanza 9th May 2009

As we salute Jacob Zuma on his inauguration as the 3rd Democratically elected President of South Africa, we must be all agreed that poverty is very rampant in Luo Nyanza. Is it not time enough we looked at the genesis of this poverty, the calibre of leadership that we have had since Independence, and chat the way forward? For development, is it not time we interrogated our leadership?

If we decide to be honest in tackling this issue, as it is said in the Good Book, truth shall set us free. I bet it is time the people of Luo Nyanza faced the hard facts and lived with it.

Just slightly before Independence, the Luo were marshaled for creation of an economic block under the aegis of Luo Thrift and Trading Company. The drive was a big success, not for the Luo, but for those who moved the agenda of Luo Thrift and Trading Company. That was slightly before and after Independence.

In the early nineties, again, the Luo were moved under the aegis of some company that was fronting to buy the then moribund Molasses Plant. Again, like the Luo Thrift, this became a venture that put business, big business into the hands of the movers of this agenda. The drive was a big success, not for the Luo, but for those that moved this agenda.

In the two cases, the Luo as a community was used as a door mat to enrich a cartel. The masses remained poor.

Back to the period just before Independence, the British asked the Late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga to form government. He refused on grounds that the late Jomo was the light of Kenya and no leadership would be given to none other than Jomo Kenyatta. Mzee Kenyatta went on to become the first Prime Minister and later the first President of Kenya.

Fast forward to 2002, Kenyans were ready and willing to remove Mzee Daniel arap Moi from leadership and the time was ripe for change. Hon Raila Odinga, son of Jaramogi, against all odds proclaimed Mzee Kibaki as Tosha. Mzee Kibaki went on to become the 3rd President of Kenya.

Like Jaramogi was shunted from leadership only two years after Independence, Raila was also shunted from leadership only two years into the presidency of Mzee Mwai Kibaki. Like father, like son. They had their chances to lead Kenya, and they all shied away from leadership then the people they fronted, chased them away from leadership.

Come to 2007, Kenyans overwhelmingly voted for Raila Odinga to be President of Kenya. The elections were kind of interfered with and Mzee Kibaki was declared the President and within 15 minutes, he was being sworn in at dusk. The irony was that many people seem to have been assembled to witness the swearing in ceremony. It means that it was planned.

The people revolted and the world came to our rescue and gave Raila 50% of this government. He refused to take it and chose to leave the people behind as he went to government alone. He left his troops and moved into enemy territory. They terrorized him so ruthlessly that when he got some breather, he remembered the people. When he had the chance to move with the people, he chose to move alone. When things became elephant for him, he remembers the people.

No. It is not done like this. Which honest General will forget his troops when food is on the table? You then think of your troops when you have eaten your fill and have nothing to give them? No. That is not leadership. That is puking on our shoes.

With the afore going, can we as a Luo community look at the factors that are obtaining and come up with a clear approach to politics.

I think we have been used. And I think the poverty in Nyanza is induced.

Since Independence we have been religiously electing leaders every 5 years. What have these leaders done to help the Luo?

With the biggest fresh water lake in the world bordering the Luo, what initiatives have our leaders made to empower the common man with the lake? What efforts have our leaders, since Independence, made to make fishing beneficial to our people? How can we harvest fish in Lake Victoria and transport the same all the way to Thika for processing?

Do we need to blame the government for the ineptness of the leadership that we elect by ourselves? How come it is so easy to marshal the Luo to contribute to personal outfits like the Luo Thrift and Trading Company, and again for the purchase of Molasses Plant? But when institutions like Kenya Breweries and Kicomi are closed in Kisumu, the Luo are not marshaled to raise a voice! When the rice irrigation scheme at Ahero collapses, the Luo are not being marshaled to have it reinforced!

No. Poverty is being used to subjugate our people. We are being fed on hot air as our leaders scramble for food. The Luo are being kept perpetually on political rallies at the expense of development.

What efforts have our leaders made to open the infrastructure around the lake? What initiatives have our leaders made on irrigation? What efforts have our leaders made to marshal the people into co-operative societies? What efforts have our leaders made on education? What efforts have our leaders made to bring Rural Electrification around Luo Nyanza? What efforts have our leaders made to have enough hospitals built in Nyanza?

I want to believe that time has come for the Luo to self liberate and partake of the National Cake. Our leaders have been eating on our behalf and they have eaten for so long that they have forgotten that we are out waiting. For how long will our leaders use the Luo as trading and bargaining chips?

The Luo have had three wasted chances all begging for National Leadership and the people we fronted did not rise to the occasion. They chose the easy way out.

If we can have two centres of power at the National Front, we can have the same at the Regional Front as well.

If leadership means doing nothing for your people, then the Luo have a very long way to go. And do not blame it on Kenyatta, Moi, Kibaki or the government. Kikulacho ki nguoni mwako. [Garbage in, garbage out].

Odhiambo T Oketch,

Komarock Nairobi.

– – –
Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 10:06:15 -0700 [12:06:15 PM CDT]
From: odhiambo okecth
Subject: Poverty in Luo Nyanza

27th Press Statement by Bishop Dr. Washington Ogonyo Ngede


April 27, 2009

The political goings- on in the Country now needs urgent attention by the two Principles who signed the National Accord so as to prevent the Country form eminent chaos and Political Confusion destined to divide the Country

As Such leaders we feel we are duty pound to point out to our leaders that the discontent between the P.N.U and O.D.M. over the issues that were agreed in the National accord is now hurting the Country due to Non Commitment over the agreement. Kenyans will agree that the O.D.M has in several occasions backed down for the Country’s interest, a move that their colleagues in the P.N. U seemingly have taken as a weakness on their coalition partners.

The Stalemate over who to control the House business committee between Prime Minster Eng. Raila Odinga and the Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka is un called for. This is because World over, a political party with majority Member of Parliament controls the National Assembly and we wonder why P.N.U is politicizing the issue.

It is on this note there fore that we urge President Kibaki to rise above Party Politics and lead the Country towards the right direction and in line with the National accord that they signed before the former .U.N Chief Koffi Annan. We know that the Accord overrides some of the previous issues before the coalition government came into place and that includes how the HBC leader is to be found for the National assembly.

The O.D.M. therefore should stick to their grounds in ensuring that Prime Minister Raila Odinga becomes the house Business committee leader through their numerical strength in Parliament. Should the P.N.U. try to confuse the confusion tomorrow, then it is the house speaker Hon Kenneth Marende that Kenyans will be turning to for a right ruling.

“It illogical for a Party with less than fifteen members of Parliament to lead another party with over one hundred Members of Parliament and it is on this note therefore that we ask President Kibaki to rescind his decision if he is serious n the National healing process in the Country”.

We also want to fault P.N.U leaders for insinuating that Prime Minister Raila Odigna wants to install himself as the leader of government business in parliament while it is clear that he merits the position as the leader of a party with majority members in parliament. It is unfortunate to hear reckless and unnecessary statement from some MPs attacking the RT. Hon. Prime minister Eng. Raila Odinga claiming that he is planning a coup in the August House.

The National Accord is clear on the separation of the executive powers between the P.M and the President and it is important that the two strictly follow what they signed without involving some of their allies who have immensely contributed to the current Political stalemate in the Country. Kenyans are eagerly waiting to hear President Kibaki’s stand over the Country’s territorial Boundaries including the Migingo Island, Turkana and Pokot areas.

Kenyans will recall a statement made by former president Daniel Arap Moi when he was in the office by dismissing a group of Politicians that were surrounding him as not being fit to lead the Country. In fact it is the clique of leaders that are now causing confusions and they are all in the P.N.U side of coalition.

Sign by :-

Bishop Dr. Washington Ogonyo Ngede
– – –
Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 00:22:11 -0700 [02:22:11 AM CDT]
From: “Bishop Dr. Washington Ogonyo Ngede
Subject: 27th Press Statement by Bishop Dr. Washington Ogonyo Ngede




The Chief Executive of Kenya Sugar Board Rose Mkok is on the spot light over a staggering Ksh 1 billion earmarked for fertilizer purchase.

A group of farmers led by Tom Otieno Onyango from the larger southern Nyanza Sugar belt growing region have already written to all government agencies including the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission to promptly take all the necessary action to avert what they described as ‘day light theft’ by the Kenya Sugar Board.

The Board recently placed an advert in the local dailies inviting bidders and the bidding period is slated to close on 26th /5/2009. According to the enraged farmers, the board has no mandate what so ever to import the said fertilizer.

They further took issue with the Ministry of agriculture for siding with the board over the impending dubious purchase.

“The money should be used to develop farms and improve cash strapped factories which are heavily indebted,” they argued in a terse statement.”

“Some of the factories like Chemelil Sugar Company in Nyando District have not done maintenance for ages yet the board is sitting on the money,” they noted.

The group went on to allege that Kenya Sugar Board has already conspired with a clique of powerful Politicians in the Sugar belt areas to defraud farmers through the ‘illegal’ fertilizer purchase.

“Mkok is just a pawn of a powerful clique,” Onyango thundered.

Inside sources within Kenya Sugar Board confided to the press how the impending ‘fictitious’ purchase has divided the board with one divide saying the purchase is justified while the other is emphatic that the whole thing is just but a scheme to line the pockets of a few money hungry individuals.

Last week when the Board met to deliberate on the issue, a clique of members who are not for the purchase were allegedly intimidated with suspensions in a bid to cow them in order to succumb to pressure.

The farmers further urged the CEO to run the body professionally instead of operating as a political activist.

– – –
Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 23:32:26 -0700 [01:32:26 AM CDT]
From: JEFF

Labour Day, Labour rights and the Kenyan worker!

Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 15:20:51 -0700 [05:20:51 PM CDT]
From: George Nyongesa
Subject: Labour Day, Labour rights and the Kenyan worker!

Dear Comrades,

On Saturday, May 2, 2009 on Uhaki program -a weekly grass root human rights education program (aired on 99.9 Pamoja FM), we discussed: Labour Day, Labour rights and the Kenyan worker. Please find below, I have reproduced the talk show material:

Labour Day, Labour rights and the Kenyan worker!

History of Labour Day:

– 1st May, 2009 is the day traditionally marked around the world as the annual workers’ day, celebrating economic and social achievements of workers.

– It has its origins in the activities of the “Eight Hour Day” movement which during the Industrial Revolution in Britain campaigned against the long hours and poor working conditions in factories under the slogan “Eight hours Labour, Eight hours recreation, Eight hours rest”.

– The International Labour Organisation was formed in 1919 as part of the then League of Nations (today’s United Nations) to protect workers’ rights.

– The UN Declaration of Human Rights includes:

a) Article 23 of the UDHR which provides that:

1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.

2. Everyone, without discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work

3. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.

4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

b) Article 24 of the UDHR further provides that everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Labour Rights:

– Labour Unions have over the years continued to agitate for what are collectively known as Labours Rights.

Meaning of labour rights

– Labour rights (also known as workers’ rights) are defined as a group of legal rights and claimed human rights that have to do with labour relations between workers and their employers and that are usually obtained under labour and employment law.

– These rights originally centred on workers’ right to organise under unions, but have over the years evolved to include rights related to, amongst others:

a) workers’ remuneration

b) workers’ benefits

c) safe working conditions

d) combating child labour

e) regulating minimum wages

f) combating discrimination

g) combating sexual harassment

h) ensuring workers compensation for work injuries.

Labour day 2009

a) Global context:

– The ongoing global financial recession has impacted workers in various ways including through lay-offs, redundancies and retrenchments at the office level, in addition to decreased purchasing power in inflated economies at personal levels.

– Workers globally continue to demand that their governments cushion them, for instance, create necessary protective measures against harsh elements of economic recession.

– However, irresponsible leadership and people-insensitive governments have failed to do listen to their citizenry and the hungry and angry are not taking it lying down, for example: in Turkey, Greece, France and Germany, workers marked Labour Day, 2009 by staging demonstrations that turned into running battles with policemen.

b) Kenyan context:

– In Kenya, the national celebrations were marked at Uhuru Park, Nairobi.

– Unlike past events, the President Mwai Kibaki did not attend but sent his speech through the Minister for Labour, Mr. John Munyes.

– The Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka likewise were missing in action.

– The celebrations ended abruptly when the workers walked off in dissatisfaction and pelted the dais with stones in the middle of the reading of the president’s speech by Minister Munyes and despite the playing national anthem.

– Kenya’s current unemployment rate is estimated at 49%.

– With the tough economic times, there have been over 8000 lay-offs in the past year alone.

– 1500 are expected to lose jobs on the closure of Pan Paper.

– 30,000 jobs have already been lost at Webuye Paper Mills.

– 20,000 jobs have been lost in the tourism industry.

– Upto 50,000 jobs have been lost in the tea industry.

New Kenyan Labour law:

– Recently, the Kenyan labour law regime was overhauled with the introduction of various pieces of legislation:

a) Employment Act 2007

b) Labour Institutions Act 2007

c) Labour Relations Act 2007

d) Occupational Safety and Health Act 2007

e) Work Injury Benefits Act 2007
– However, there have been hitches in the implementation of these statutes.
For example:

a) the Law Society of Kenya were recently awarded a ruling that declared various provisions of the Work Injury Benefits Act void for being unconstitutional

b) the Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) has not been entirely receptive of the new Employment Law regime citing non-consultation and impracticality

c) the Association of Kenya Insurers is no longer providing the necessary class of insurance as they await the court ruling’s effect to be interpreted

The result has been that employees have not fully benefited from the protection of their rights that was envisaged by the new laws. The Ministry of Labour is looking to the Attorney General to appeal the court ruling so that the relevant Act can remain in force.

– The Central Organisation of Trade Unions (COTU) has not articulated workers issues to FKE save for long and empty speeches given at Labour Day celebrations. This year, 2009, COTU Secretary General, Mr Francis Atwoli, in a not so innocent manner zeroed in supermarket chain Nakumatt Ltd for poor workers’ pay, spoke against foreign investors that oppress workers, decried the continued privatisation and grabbing of public property and utilities e.g. the naming rights of the Nyayo National Stadium and called for the unionisation of police and army officers. It is for the workers to judge whether this attack was about his or workers’ interest?

– Despite the foregoing background the only change made by government was towards the minimum wage, which had not been revised since 2006. The 11% average (about K.Shs. 735) increase of minimum wages was as follows:

a) Agricultural sector wages – K.Shs 3043/=

b) General wages (Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu towns) – K.Shs. 6130/=

c) Municipalities (including Mavoko, Ruiru and Limuru) wages – K.Shs. 5655/=

d) All other areas in the country – K.Shs. 3270/=
– Although, Minister John Munyes termed this the highest increase ever awarded by the government, workers have termed it inadequate in the current economy, especially for Kenyans who have always been in recession- the poor.

For example:

a) Over 50% of Kenyans live on less than K.Shs. 76/= per day (i.e. below a dollar), not mentioning that millions of households in hard core poverty are on skip –a- meal program.

b) An average Kenyan town family requires at least K.Shs. 20,000/= per month for minimum necessities. The increase does not match the inflation rate, prices of basic commodities and therefore workers’ purchasing power is still disadvantaged.

c) What is to happen to construction workers who are paid meagre wages on a daily basis?

d) Workers must live in poor housing and sanitary conditions because they cannot afford better.

e) There are very many workers on minimum wage that have high school children to pay fees for.

Kenyan workers’ plight

Even as Kenya’s 2009 national Labour Day celebrations were held at Uhuru Park, most workers felt that there was nothing to celebrate about and were only impatient to hear whether this year the Government had heard their plight.

Even as they felt disrespected by the no-show of the Kibaki, Raila and Kalonzo and forgotten by those they voted for-legislators, workers’ greatest labour concerns remain job security and proper remuneration.

The big questions that all of us, as a society must contemplate actively are: why should some Kenyans work so hard: from sun-up in the morning till sun-down in the evening and not afford food, housing and shelter for their families; healthcare for themselves, proper education for their children, and never liberate their generation from poverty cycle? In addition, why should we, the Kenyan workers celebrate Labour Day?

The Government of Kenya does not appear to be doing anything to cushion Kenyan workers against the impact of the economic recession. Opinion polls in our media show that 94% Kenyans are dissatisfied with the way the Government is handling workers’ plight.

George Nyongesa,
Bunge la Mwananchi
T: +254 720 451 235

Re: Nabutola has been arrested

Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 10:06:51 -0700 [12:06:51 PM CDT]
From: maurice oduor
Subject: Re: Nabutola has been arrested

Nabutola is a well respected lady who has always conducted herself with honour and decorum and has served very professionally in senior positions in the government.

I believe these charges are trumped up and will not be upheld by any court of law.

Do I smell PNU/ODM conflict here?


— On Thu, 5/7/09, Opara Ouma wrote:

From: Opara Ouma
Subject: Re: Nabutola has been arrested
Received: Thursday, May 7, 2009, 12:25 PM
She should be hanged!

On 5/7/09, Malcolm Boy Oteh
This is just the usual
government PR and hoodwink. We have seen it before and it
will end just like the others. Has she resigned/stepped
aside in the meantime?

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 2:33 PM,
Albert Bandura

That is
news! I do not know what happens to leaders. Why cant
they be above reproach! Work hard and get some good money
out of your hard work instead of this shameful acts.
Again, I want the due process to take place and will not
cast a stone until the bear facts are tabled.

Thanks Robert for that update

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 2:00 PM,
Robert Alai


Tourism PS has been arrested because of the corruption in
regards to that Kibaki’s tour of Maasai Mara where phony
companies earned money they didnt work for


Re: Lokichoggio – Illegal Arms Centre!

Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 18:56:13 +0300 [10:56:13 AM CDT]
From: Kombo Ogaro
Subject: Re: Lokichoggio – Illegal Arms Centre!


Thanks for giving me the inside i didnt know. But do you think can be done practically? – Kombo

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Carl Mullwoh wrote:

kenya, Sudan and Uganda for you . However, you have passed there, some of us have lived and operated in both sides of that boarder. You don’t need to interview anybody in Turkana, pokot or Marakwet to know that they have guns. Everyone has a gun period! if you have cattle, you must have a gun. You either buy one or the government must give you one. Otherwise you and your family are “dead meat”. Their neighbours, Karamojongs, Murles,Toposas, Dongiros etc are all armed.

Secondly, it is mutual “diplomatic” respect between Kenya and SPLM to allow some of these senior officers to move around Loki with their guns, only that they don’t use them. After all they do all their shopping in Loki, and have to get back to their camps or homes via Toposa Land where, for them there is no escort coz they are their own escort. The officers cannot sell their guns.

The people who bring guns into kenya from sudan don’t use the main road from Kapoeta to Loki. The Turkana worriors who go for cattle raids inside sudan have so many routes and when they go for the raids, guns are some also targets for the raiders. Ofcourse there maybe afew cases of guns exchanging hands, but…

The picture of guns being easy to get on the Sudan side is not really here nor there. Guns are precious among some of these communities, infact, some of the parents ask for it as part of dowry. Some years ago Agencies(NGOs) engaged in disarmament in some areas in Sudan, were even offering more than the $100 to get the guns, but could not not, except for defective ones.
Some of these reports written by travellers make it appear like guns are manufactured in Sudan. It’s not that easy for someone to sell his gun, because even SPLM have to buy guns and ammunition.

Well, what you observe on the road, while passing may not be a true representation of reality.

For your information, the insecurity between Loki and Nadapal is not from “rebels”, no sir. These are mostly the same young men you meet in Loki, and others from the Toposas on the Sudan side who target drivers using the route, they are robbers, not rebels. Their time or day of striking is not known. They move on foot through the shrub land, and mts they are normally 5 or less in number. The Loki youngmen are the same doing this between Loki and Kakuma. The stretch of 4-10km outside Loki is so dangerous you don’t know. Then, another stretch from Lokichar..there, when the pokots decide, even a DC or police or GSU is not spared. It’s like the robberies in Nairobi or Mungiki menace.
Deploying our men to guard the entry point is just guarding the main road, the “known” entry point. They are not on the footpaths and bushes stretching hundreds of kilometres away from that main entry point. On the other hand even levels of secrecy among these communities is excellent, such that even major cattle raid can be planned by your friends and you don’t know about it, till you hear that they were short dead some 400kms inside sudan or inside pokot land or Karamoja.

As I have said in this forum before, this is an area that you cannot give prescriptions from a journalists point of view. Or from an office. It’s too complex.
It’s a mixture of the peoples cultures, Lifestyle and attitudes, the terrain and distance of the boarder under consideration, personnel numbers and equipment.. etc. Besides on boarders and communities, there is no line or fence in the forests, mts and shrubland which can shows one that now, this is it for Toposas, now you are in Turkana. Nothing to stop cattle from crossing one side to the other. These are people who even look alike and speak almost similar languages. their settlements are scattered and not permanent (forget what you see around Loki) beyond the town in the interior, life is different.

For somali side, it’s a totally different story which cannot be compared to the Sudan side. The somalis have direct access to arms manufacturing countries in the East, thus the flow of arms is not droplets, it is streaming.
The best way to handle this would have been to disarm all these communities over a period of time. But one country cannot do it while the other is unable or is unwilling.
It would be like tethering a goat and then lettling the hyena loose.


Cholmondley VS Njoya, Historical injustices continues?

Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 04:48:56 -0700 [06:48:56 AM CDT]
From: otieno sungu
Subject: Cholmondley VS Njoya, Historical injustices continues?


And this shamba of Cholmondley, is it not part of historical injustices?

Could it have been that the man killed in that farm was struggling to feed a family where grabbed land squeezed them into a corner to try and fend for themselves yet a man wileding a gun and owning thousands of acres of land not his by culture, tradition history or otherwise hunts game for fun while Njoya was hunting the sdame game for survival?


— On Thu, 5/7/09, Albert Bandura wrote:

From: Albert Bandura
Subject: Re: Cholmondley is Guilty of Manslaughter. I agree
Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009, 6:19 AM

Fred, God knows why you are not a judge. Perhaps you would have caused more harm. What was this man doing in someone’s shamba? He knows the boundary and they keep on trespassing despite all the warnings. I guess you do allow people into your house or shamba without permission and you have reported to the authorities and nothing seems to be done and the harm continues. Let us be rational and not emotive. Look at both sides of the issue and stop being too judgemental. I still respect your views, Fred.


On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 1:53 PM, fred omondi wrote:

Hi Robert,

Cholmondley should not be set free he was supposed to be charged with murder case. I think what he has done to Kenyans need a serious trial, imagine the widow is left without a husband no one to care for the children this is a sad story. I wish I was the judge.

P.O BOX 4562-40100
P.O BOX 177-40109
Mobile:+254 723 519 532
Skype Name:folewe-eh

— On Thu, 5/7/09, Robert Alai wrote:

From: Robert Alai
Subject: Cholmondley is Guilty of Manslaughter. I agree
Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009, 3:35 AM

Justice Muga has found Cholmondley guilty of mansslaughter instead of Murder

On 5/7/09, Albert Bandura wrote:

With all respect I beg to take this soberly. I believe none of us knows what happened from the genesis of the incident to date. It would be quite unfair for us to judge when we do not have all the facts. One thing that we as Kenyans need to learn is not to be too greedy. The fact that Lord Delamare had a big piece of land does not meant hat we go trespassing in it with impunity. I still want to maintain here with experience that Kenyans have no respect for other people’s property and feel that the injustices that we experience is to be blamed on any person who seems to have something. That is why we are still mugged right and left to the extent that you feel insecure even in broad daylight. The Delamares have efficiently used the shamba thay posses, producing food in the middle of dry land. We know of people who have huge chunks of land that are lying fallow but because they are black kenyans nobody disturbs them. Is that fair? The people who border the said farm are very well aware of the boundaries but still use excuses of poverty, deprivement and landlessness to encroach on it. They interfer with the operations of the farm and even go there to poach animals. As much as that is true, I do not condone any killing at all but say we need to prove our cases in court and not be too emotive, just because the victim is a poor man and a black African. That is what has been doing the rounds that a Mzungu has killed a black Kenyan. Do we ever think of the losses and the inconvenience the latter do to estate owners? No, we just become emotive and demand justice that is one sided and not think of the motive behind any deed. Those are my thoughts.

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Robert Alai wrote:


It looks like Justice Apondi will set Cholmondley free. The killer is likely to walk free as he is buying his way through.

Police has already said his rifle was not used and the assesors says that Tom didnt kill. But Justice APondi will deliver a ruling today.

If he is set free, it so sad that a killer will be set free just coz he is child of a “LORD”.


Nyando – – constituency won by mediocres

Nyando is a constituency that has been won by mediocres. At one time we had an Onyango Midika who turned out to be a felon followed by many other folks whose names vanished with the wind that whisked them into the limelight. No Nyando MP has ever made an impact into Kenyan national politics. To date I still wonder who is the king maker in Nyando and does Nyando care about leadership. Do names like Otieno Odongo and Dr. Okeyo Owuor mean anything to Nyando people.

Now we have a former Canada barrister who seem to be an interlectual but fails in being a people person. Arrogant, unpredictable, unapproachable and cruel, he seems to be engrossed in PanAfricanism that means all to him but nothing to Nyando people. Sure I am young but history of my age has not failed me. I remember when we used to ran with twigs praising people like Ogalo Ogada, Kitoto Adel and others hoping for manner from above only to realize that the so called savious were indeed crying to be save. They were mere job seekers just like the Canadian barrister. It is a jungle out there.

Now I am fourty, looking for leadership and what do I get, Fredrick Outa. Waw! Fredrick Outa? Who is this guy? and Where did he come from? No one is an island and I dare not underestimate a creation of God but still Nyamgondho and Lwanda Magere only existed in the luo short story books. I may be wrong but you have to to prove that Lwanda Magere indeed was a luo warrior. None of such can neither be created nor get destroyed in our minds but the hard unrefurbished fact is that the existance of Nyamgondho or Lwanda is wanting when subjected to the tests of time, date and age.

And my point is, it is time for Nyando to stop fumbling in choosing their leaders. It is time to be careful. There is no Abra Cadabra the magic man. You cannot expect anything from parlierment or government if your MP is a whimp. If your MP does not have the legs to walk in the corridors of power and crack a whip of his own, his message will sink in the dugneon of absolute darkness and ultimate death that is actually a commonality in parlierment. His idea will be rubished and burried in the valley of death. An MP must have a command of language and an an awe of a king if you know what I mean. He must not be a bootlicker either. I will tell Nyando people this, Outa cannot even get an appointment with the PM. His position is inconsequential, his contribution is immaterial. Nyando is full of great leaders and it is time they choose one. They must stop electing mediocres.

I will not make suggestions, but the time has come to choose soldiers not followers.
Dr. Barack Abonyo

– – –
Date: 7 May 2009 00:18:56 -0700 [02:18:56 AM CDT]
From: barack abonyo
Subject : Nyando – – constituency won by mediocres

Re: PNU Paralyzing Reforms

Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 23:34:01 -0700 [01:34:01 AM CDT]
From: henry ouma
Subject: Re: PNU Paralyzing Reforms


I think ODM must NOT relent in its quest for reforms.

More specifically, ODM must demand through parliament, that police force related reforms that are not constitutional are undertaken immediately—–this could be achieved through a private members motion to seeking re-organization of police force. Unless this is done, the police “could” be abused to help rig 2012 elections.Such a motion can be accorded the neccessary urgency.It should NOT matter whether police related issues are within the ambit of the executive arm of govt—-the executive is NOT above the law.Legislature must seek to trim useless imperial powers vested in the executive.

Where it appears that Hon. Mutula is not moving with neccessary speed on the reform agenda ,ODM can still use the parliamentary committee on constitution review to expedite constitutional change and engender constitutionalism. Constitution is for kenya and not Mutula Kilonzo. ODM can mobilize the best lawyers, civil society,Kenyans and the international community to orchestrate demands for an acceptable draft constitution before December 2009.

The HBC (Parliamentary house business committee) in which ODM has eleven out of the 21 members is onother critical avenue for spearheading the reform agenda.ODM can demand that no other parliamentary business goes on unless and until new constitution is accorded all priority.ODM has the numbers to steer parliament in this direction.

Another critical area is the leadership of govt business in parliament-The PM must NOT relent in his quest for this.Its either him or Speaker retains it till the legal demise of the 10th parliament. But also since the PM supervises all govt affairs including those of ministries, he should choose to keep the ministry of justice and constitutional affairs on its toes-since delivery of new constitution and reforms inherent are priority number one.

Kenyans should also demand that the teams of experts reviewing the constitution openly inform the public on challenges facing their work—-the revelations yetserday that the team lack sufficient resources to continue their work is a BIG insult to the intelligency of Kenyan tax payers.If govt cannot support such a team working on such a worthy cause then such govt had better resign.And if NOT then perhaps this time around, the mens association should call for a nother boycott as the G10 did.

— On Wed, 5/6/09, Kennedy Oduor wrote:

From: Kennedy Oduor
Subject: PNU Paralyzing Reforms
Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 8:55 PM

This is from Nation Newspapers: Now you know who is against Reforms in Kenya:

A day after the ice-breaking meeting of the two principals on Monday, the ODM leadership accused PNU of snubbing all their efforts to meet and agree on a structure of managing the coalition in and out of Parliament.ODM joint secretary to the permanent Grand Coalition Government management committee, Mr Miguna Miguna, told the Nation that he had written to, among others, the Head of Public Service Francis Muthaura to help fast-track the facilitation of a joint secretariat but that he has not received any replies.

“Even Mr Odinga has written letters calling for the permanent committee meeting to resolve the stalemate, but the PNU side are adamant and have no courtesy of replying the letters. Our counterparts are not interested in the reforms and smooth running of the coalition government,” Mr Miguna said. He said that even the appointment of Mbooni MP Mutula Kilonzo as minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs against the advise of Mr Odinga showed that President Kibaki was not treating his counterpart with respect.

“When consulted, Mr Odinga told him that the slot left vacant by the resignation of Gichugu MP Martha Karua was a PNU position and whoever was to be appointed ought to be reform-oriented, but to our surprise the appointment was fixed at the same time with a swearing in ceremony,” he added.

Symbolic position
As regards the post of the Leader of Government Business, the PNU side insists they must take it and make Mr Odinga chairman of House Business Committee, the official said.
“The leader of Government Business is a symbolic position that makes the two principals to be seen to be sharing power and Mr Odinga cannot work under Mr Musyoka as a mere chairman of HBC,” he added.

Mr Miguna said they were more than willing to meet and set structures of managing the coalition government, but even the funds to set up a secretariat are not being released. He added that proposals forwarded to the PNU side for comments had not been acted upon.
“I can assure you that our counterparts are not interested in reforms and there will be none if such a mentality continues. Our letters are not being replied to, all dates we proposed for the meeting were not responded to and our suggestion that they come back to us when they are ready have not yielded any fruit,” Mr Miguna added.

Sources revealed on Tuesday that President Kibaki proposed that the two key slots in Parliament be held by different leaders, one from the PNU coalition and the other from ODM. However, it was said that Mr Odinga rejected the President’s proposal that would have seen Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka continue as the Leader of Government Business.

These were among the details of a brief session of consultation at Harambee House on Monday between the President and the PM before they headed to Kona Baridi in Ngong to launch a tree-planting drive.Sources familiar with the proceedings said that Mr Odinga was opposed to the proposal to have Mr Musyoka as the Leader of Government Business, insisting that it was his preserve because as the PM, he was accountable to Parliament for all government affairs and operations.The Presidential Press Services (PPS), in a statement after the meeting, only indicated that President Kibaki and Mr Odinga had began consultations on the controversial issue of the LGB and HBC.

— On Wed, 6/5/09, Robert Alai wrote:

From: Robert Alai
Subject: Re: whats with companies that dont pay
Date: Wednesday, 6 May, 2009, 9:46 AM


On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 3:48 PM, monicah kogi wrote:
I am really angry at entreprenuers who come up in the name of ceos and they never pay their members of staff come end months and they go missing.shame on them there is a particular one called Optimum Securities where the employees go hungry and without transport just because a certain son of a gun just decided not to pay and when he does he pays in bits.SHAME SHAME SHAME ON THEM………………..


By Leo Odera Omolo

Foreigners visiting the Nyang’oma home of Mama Sarah Obama the step grand mother of US President Barrack Obama have alleged that there is massive extortions by security personnel planning the gate to the home are soliciting bribes.
A team of Baptist Missionaries who cames from Marryland and Washington in the United States had a nasty experience with security officers manning the gate to Mama Sarah Obama homestead.
Their leader alleged that the security personnel were soliciting bribes before allowing anybody access to the home to see the grand old lady.
The incident occasioned a heated argument during which time the visitors vowed to cancel their goodwill visits.
The five white missionaries were in the company of their host Pastor Hezron Cheruiyot who has strongly condemned the practice and called on Provincial Administration or whoever is in charge of the security personnel manning Sarah’s home to withdraw the current team and replace them by a dedicated group who can work with patriotism attitude as the current team has tainted the name of Kenya by way of begging alms.
Pastor Cheruyot said the practice were tainting image of Kenya the name a country which is prone to corruption in every aspect of life Moreover President Obama has his ancestral root in this country, and as such our people should be extremely proud that our own son is now the head of state in the most powerful nation on earth.
Pastor Cheruyot said the practice is bad especially when visitors from the US a country, which is under President Obama administration whose election campaign theme was the change.
“Many tourists and even individuals from all over the world wanted to come and visit Western Kenya where the president’s family root id based. The government must vent the character of personnel it is sending to guard Mama Sarah’s home, ”says Paster Cheruiyot who is operating in Kipkellion and Kericho districts. This home has become an important institution in this country, and many Aerican would loike to visit Mama Sarah, but they can only do so if such visits are devoid of harassment.
It has,however, been established by our reporter that the security men at Mama Sarah’s home have now imposed an embargo on visitors even stopping them from taking them from taking photographs of certain items of interest even against Mama Sarah’s wishes.
At the same time it is being alleged the family members have placed the 86 years old grand mother pressure strictly not to grant any kind of interviews to newsmen unless such contacts are sanctioned and arranged by themselves. Because such interviews could be distorted.
A young man by the name Sadig who is the grand son of Mama Sarah has self styled himself as her spokesman saying anyone wishing to ask the old lady any question concerning the Obama family must first channel such questions through him.
The man, it is being alleged has been noting down the phone numbers of visitors and later phoning them asking for financial favour, so that he could arrange for an interview with Mama Sarah ,And foreign and local journalists who are known to be working on books about the lives of the Obama family have been asked to declare what would be the relatives stakes in such publications or payment in advance of any information released to them.
In the case of policemen, they have been telling the visitors,especially journalists to obtain permission from the Provincial Administration at Siaya first before conducting any interview with the old mama. But at the same allowing few selected newsmen who talk well’ the Nigeria style of bureaucratic red-carpet. This, the journalist sees as an infringement into Mama Sarah’s freedom of speech. After all she is not a prison nor is she in detention camp. But a free citizen of this country with full right of speeches and expression.
As one approached the gates to the home, the policemen would waste the visitors time talking about the famine and the hardship they are feeling .But for visitors who”talk good” the entry is gained instantly. What has emerged is that the old lady is living under heavy pressure from both her family the security guards who have pitched tents inside her homestead. At time the policemen insist that each and every conversation between Mama Sarah and her visitors is transilated directly to them in English and Kiswahili.
And those who had the opportunity to visit Mama Sarah’s quiet Nyang’oma home have found her am jovial and highly intelligent old lady who is also very eloquent in her conversation with her visitors and as such does not need any spokesman or a guidance of some sort. Let her security guards only guard her safety property, but not to curtail her freedom of speech because that is tantamount to human rights violaetion.

The habit of phoning those who had just visited the home asking for favour translating to corruption the same with asking for favour of whatever kind before any visitor talked to
her just is also corruption.
Mama Sarah is not a prison or living under the bandage of police man at the gate. The officer have only one mission in the home to ensure the safety of the old lady and her property. But not to act as her spokesmen or supervise in any conversion are not only to have with her visitors that only avoiding to infringe on her freedom of association.

– – –
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 07:35:11 -0700 [05/06/2009 09:35:11 AM CDT]
From: Leo Odera Omolo

Re: Mutula is the Worst Sycophant in Kenya Today…

Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 19:55:08 +0300 [11:55:08 AM CDT]
From: “Eng. Thomas Senaji”
Subject: Re: Mutula is the Worst Sycophant in Kenya Today…


I hope you are all fine

Just some thoughts, what is it with the constitution that it should take up to August next year? It appears to me to be some scheme to delay it. Is a new constitutional dispensation critical and urgent? if it is, then there is need to speed it up; even through popular demand because it is not the executive to prescribe when to deliver at their convenience.

Best regards


On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 12:28 PM, kiama kaara wrote:

Who isn’t????? It doesn’t matter whether you are the number one sycophant or the last. At the Sycophants Academy, i would rather you were number one. It has more benefits and practice has shown.

Come on man, what we are dealing with is a systemic issuse that needs a broader analysis and work towards a paradigm shift.

Otherwise, we just change one set for others.

Million dollar question….How far do we think we can go with this???


— On Tue, 5/5/09, Kennedy Oduor wrote:

From: Kennedy Oduor
Subject: Mutula is the Worst Sycophant in Kenya Today…
Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 6:23 AM

Mutula Kilonzo is the worst sycophant in Kenya today. He the
one who represented Moi the dictator for quite a long time
while Kenyans were suffering under the same dictator-NOW
TURNED REFORMER..REFORMER..Really..Kenyans lets not have any
hope in this man but lets hope that parliament together with
MP and the experts wil give us a new constitution…

List of the best sycophants in Kenya today:
1.Mutula Kilonzo
2.Alfred Mutua
3.Kalonzo Musyoka
4.Johnstone Muthama
5.Samuel Kivuitu

In the first Kibaki Administration-Top Five sycophants
1.Kivutha Kibwana
2.Mukhisa Kituyi
3.Kiraitu Murungi
4.Martha Karua
5.Danson Mungatana

— On Mon, 4/5/09, Panda wrote:
From: Panda
Subject: Can Mutula justify his claims that karua failed.
Date: Monday, 4 May, 2009, 2:40 PM
I have just watched todays 21:00hrs Ktn news…i was lost
of words when i saw Mutula takin up office of justice n
constitution…with a
wide grin he tweng’ that people were waiting 4 him and
he wont fail like the predecessor Karua….sincererly we know Mutula n
who he represents,who was waiting 4 him anyway and did Martha
kutuchezea akili….cn he sort out IDP’S kwanza then we
as wakenya
start having hope in him,then spear head Constitutiön rfms
in less than 101 days…whats ur take wanabidii

RE: Raila Has Nothing to do with Mutula’s Appointment

Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 11:44:23 -0700 [01:44:23 PM CDT]
From: maurice oduor
Subject: RE: Raila Has Nothing to do with Mutula’s Appointment

Unfortunately, a guy like Lewis Nguyai was endorsed at the last general elections by his peers, the good residents of Kabete constituency. Somebody should have brought up these concerns during the elections.

The horse has left the barn.

Maurice CPE etc.

— On Tue, 5/5/09, John Otieno wrote:

[Hide Quoted Text]
From: John Otieno
Subject: RE: Raila Has Nothing to do with Mutula’s Appointment
Received: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 10:24 AM

why does raila keep quiet when he is being clearly
misused. kibaki does not need to consult him when appointing
a PNU minister like sycophant kilonzo. this are not the
cosultations odm expects. he is being used to sanitise these
backward move yet he just keeps quiet. he wont escape blame
when kilonzo fails to deliver. he must state his stand now.
on another note doesnt kibaki check the backgrounds of the
people he appoints or these posts serve no purpose. take
lewis nguyai- this is the man who swindled kenyans, his
workers and kenyan hospitals through his mediplus company
and fled to south africa with millions of our money.this is
a man who should have been arrested at the airport when he
came back from south africa. instead he is appointed an
assistant minister. this shows how kibaki views leadership
and no wonder africa is moving backwards as the rest of the
world moves forwards. could such a crook have been given a
position of responsibility in the usa or europe-no. i also
dont understand why our journalists and our newspapers
cannot expose such characters and the people who
appoint them. it is really sad when we have such a lazy
myopic fourth estate.

dr. kowino j. o

— On Tue, 5/5/09, Shaibu, John S
From: Shaibu, John S
Subject: RE: Raila Has Nothing to do with Mutula’s Appointment
Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 4:38 AM


On a different note. Would any body help, I need
information on overseas
students enorlment in Kenyan’s top university’s/
colleges i.e Students
from Malawi/Southern Africa region, on cost including
full boarding and
the process on how to apply for a place – please reply
to me ASAP.


Thanks and regards,



—–Original Message—–
From: aoriri1234@ . . .
Sent: 05 May 2009 12:42
Subject: Re: Raila Has Nothing to do with Mutula’s Appointment

Why are you evading the truth? You know very well who
messing the
country and I believe that the key should be the
people of
central kenya
telling kibaki N0!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

—–Original Message—–
From: “Simon Kangethe Mwangi”

Date: Tue, 05 May 2009 12:26:40
Subject: Re: Raila Has Nothing to do with Mutula’s

It does not really matter whether these guys consulted
not. The good
thing for the two old men to do is to resign and give
leadership of
this country to guys below the retirement age. I
that if we had
leaders with more years to live after hading over
leadership, they would
take care of the country- even if- it is for sake of
presidential era.

5/4/2009 9:57 pm >>> Kibaki can only appoint Ministers on PNU side while

does the ODM
PPU stated that Raila was consulted. It is up to Raila
deny that
since we were not in the meeting held this morning
Raila and
The consultation could have been in the form of
letting Raila
that he had decided to get Mutula K for the position
previously held
Martha K, the same way Raila may have informed Kibaki
his previous


On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 11:45 AM, veronica musymi

True. But Kibaki is the President of Kenya and
only him who has
to appoint ministers, or not so? Plus Mutula
replacing our dear
Martha who was from PNU,,,

2009/5/4 Kennedy Oduor
Sometime you read statements by

PNU and just want to laugh. The
appointment of Constitutional Minister was

squarely on Kibaki’s side and to

now cheat Kenyans that the PM was consulted
is a
big lie.. Does it
mean that
this is when the PM was consulted while in
appointments and
issues he is not consulted? Why was he not
consulted in the appointment of
Leader of Government Business and chairman
House Bussiness
Committee? PNU
knows that Kenyans are tired of their tribal
and now want to
tap into
the goodwill that the PM has with
hamta toboa..wezi

PNU stop lying to have lost
goodwill and you have
this country astray..You have became selfish
continue sinking
beautiful country to a failed state..Mutula
Kilonzo is the Biggest sycophant
in Kenya today and will not engineer any new
constitution..He has been
appointed to sabotage the New
Mwai Kibaki has
he has
TRIBALISM..Second he made Kenya a FAILED
and three he drove
into a post election war and death after
the election and
now he is
SABOTAGING the new constitution…

— On *Mon, 4/5/09, Lee Makwiny *


From: Lee Makwiny
Subject: Re: No new Katiba as Mutula takes
Date: Monday, 4 May, 2009, 9:47 AM


I highly doubt whether Raila and Kibaki
on this issue.
Kibaki make a silly appointment, where ODm
make noise, his
must always has something to do with “after
consultation with the PM”, when
he re-appointed Muhoho, why couldn’t he do
same? When he
appoints ambassadors like Sunkuli, why can’t
say the same?

What we want is action. We want someone who
affect reforms in
Ministry, not Mutula. And by the way, where
Uhuru Kenyatta? Gone
since the massacre.

On 5/4/09, Kombo Ogaro


Mutula Kilonzo, a compromised minister
and dined with
Moi. He is a know minister who has
seen the State House to
compromised. He is in the same category
Martin Shikuku and
others who
have been bought in the past. Kilonzo, as
minister for the metro
wanted a
VIP lane for the President and PM after
first ever appointment
to the
cabinet. Resentment from the public made
coo like a pigeon and
we have
never heard from him except the normal
outburst to defend the Kalonzo
Musyoka axis and accuse the ODM wing of
The tribal die hard,
a scare
crow is now the man to leade us get the
constitution! Kibaki
and Raila
consulted over a glass of wine, i think,
give Kenyan Mutula
Kilonzo as
constitutional minister!
The sex boycott made both leaders wake up
reality, But Kalonzo
is the VP. What we need is a public
why we should resort
desperate measures always. Can Kenyan be
from anxiety and be
what is good. Few people reading this and
that of Oketch’s posting
– should
re-post and congratulate G10 women who
themselves to the
corridors of
sex boycotting.
The shock is that we will not have the
constitution any sooner. Can we
forget this for the moment. Tactics,
politically never end – they keep
shocking us. Mutula Kilonzo wasnt in the
category of the people we needed to

champion any change.

Kombo Elijah


Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 08:18:36 -0700 [10:18:36 AM CDT]
From: Leo Odera Omolo
Business Report by Leo Odera Omolo
Tourism investors from ten countries last week held a crucial meeting in the Tanzanian Capital, Dar Es salaam where they discussed means and ways how to promote eco-system tourism.
Eco-tourism makes ups 70 per cent of the countries tourism industry according to an early statement by the managing directors of Tanzania Tourist Board Mr. Peter Mwenguo.
“If we do not conserve the environment we will not get anything to sell in the future,” he said.
The two days conference brought together 130 tourist stakeholder from Zambia, Malawi Mozambique, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa Norway, Netherland and host Tanzana.
The participant sponsored by Freds Korpset, a Norwegian development institution and coordinated by the Tanzania media women Association is part of global initiative to conserver the environment moment against human activities and climate change.
Participants snored and learn how to source and promotion of tourism industry.
Mr. Mwenguo had earlier urged the local operators to use gathering to market their products and make contact with player in other countries.
The delegates also learnt the latest development in tourism industry and climate change and how to cope with the latter effects
The participants also discussed how to utilize sustainable tourism as a source of income generation.
In many developing countries, tourism is one of the biggest foreign exchange earners.
In the host Tanzania itself, the sector contributes about 17.2 per cent of the gross domestic product and more than 25 per cent of foreign currency earning s
Tourism industries is catalyst for the growth of other sectors such as construction, manufacturing transport, education, textiles, agriculture, fishing and handcrafts.
But Tanzania is wary of expanding its tourist infrastructure to meet the increasing demand
Proposal to expand Tanzania’s hotel inventory include the development of luxury tented camps and 5-stars resorts and luxury urban hotels targeting business travelers drawn by the country’s growing energy agricultural, chemical and mining sectors.
The Tourism Ministry is also actively working on iniatives by encouraging existing hotels to upgrade to international standards and grade them under the East Africa hotel grading harmonization approach
The proposal SADC unillisa of which Tanzania will be a port, is expected to operate as the European Schengen visa system, which is by far considered the best model, however,