Monthly Archives: May 2009


Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 19:33:55 +0300 [11:33:55 AM CDT]
From: Dere South

A couple of Points i think you should consider here my friend.
(1)Operation Iron fist is simply a total FAILURE.Why is Kony still a threat to the Kampala Regime?Operation Safe haven was even worse,led by a mere boy who has no skill in conducting warfare,simply because he is the son of the King.Why did the operation cause some heat from the generals of the army as to who should led the entire operation.N wonder Kony managed to hide and still shoot down your stone age MiG 21 fishbeds.
(2)CMI could be making ‘covert’ operations inside Kenya.Is Kenya’s NSIS sleeping?
(3)You say that that Kenyan Military is highly tribal,have you asked yourself why inside UPDF,most of the low rank and file are men from the North and the people up the Ladder come from south western Uganda and those at the top come from the Bahima clan of the banyankole?
(4)Is Runyankole the lingua franca inside PGD(Formerly PGB)?
(5).The reason as to why Ug appear to have won the War in Congo is because of some simple plain reasons as i will put them
-They had support from Local militia groups
-Armies from Kinshasa,Namibia,Angola and others had to cross the huge rain forest to face off the UPDF and RPF.This significantly reduced their fighting capablities.What did UPDF have to encounter to diminish their output?

On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 8:37 PM, kamya andre wrote:

Comrades long time.
i didnt take your hostile responses to my submissions personally cz unlike y pretenders to democracy i believe in free expression however shallow.
anyway i have got some classfied intelligence info from Ugandas intelligence community i wld like to share with y, it evalutates kenyas military capabilities in case of war with Uganda, and how kenya is likely to be in 12yrs and what Uganda shd do to influence evernts there, but am sorry am going to edit it.
1.The report considers kenya a failed state, with tribalism thatS going to affect its basic state functions, economy, and civil society for at least a decade whatever the out come of any “democratic process” It suggests that Uganda shd increase its covet operations to take advantage of the unstable climate to influence evernts in its strategic farvour.
The report puts kenyas military balance at approx 24,120 men, the navy 1620, airforce personnel 2500, with a paramilitary whose nber isnt certain the combat man power is approx 29,000 which is only 2 divisons of the Uganda UPDF{ which has 50,000 troops tht are battle harden, and highly trained}. kenyas amry recruits mainly officer cadet on ethic considerations which undermines cohesion and displine in case of war like it was the case with Amins army while Uganda has a policy a regional balance in recruitment, traing and promotion tht has created a highly motivated and displined force. while both armies possess more or less the same military hardware with kenya having an edge, kenya lucks experiance in command and control, rapid deployment, actual warfare and unlike Tanzania it doesnt subject its force in refresher courses and war games. Uganda has the best example of using fewer resources to wage war like in congo where it held off a combined attack
of angola and other countries.
kenya has air superiority with planes like 11 hughe 500 MD attack choppers, 11 SA 330 specialsed transport choppers, and a nber of MiGs but Uganda whose doctrine is Air Defence has Anti aircraft systems tht can put all the above planes down, note Uganda put down a nbr of planes during the congo war and the sudan war. Uganda 4th and 5th divisons numbering 20,000 r considered to be the best infantry troops in subsaharan africa {read janes sentinel security assessment{JSSA}, anyway dont waste yr time coz Uganda usd those divisons 2 fight 2 wars at the same time, Operation Iron Fist against Sudan and the LRA, and Operation Safe Haven in congo.
3. The intelligence report says that while the possibilty of war bn Ug and Kenya is remote a very unstale kenya tht is being inflitrated by Ug covet operations can disrupt or close its border with Ug and cause the collaspe of Ugs economy, it suggests tht Ug shd consider seriously and urgently the southern corridor to the indian ocean via TZ.
CONCLUSION OF THE REPORT IN SUMMARY- A RELATIVELY UNSTABLE KENYA IS GOOD 4 UGANDAS LONGTERM STRATEGIC INTRESTS – viz creating a friendly regime that will give Uganda a competitive advantage in East africa federation negiotiations MUSEVENIS DREAM.[REPORT IS FROM KYAKWAZI POLITICAL SCHOOL]


— On Mon, 4/20/09, Isaac Ochola wrote:

From: Isaac Ochola
Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 10:28 AM

You seem to have a pretty small brain and I would not want
to waste my time in any sort of exchange with you, but I
feel compelled to say the following.

To compare UG with Israel is laughable and to say
“you” cant allow …..anyone to be president is
hilarious to say the least. Who are you to determine who the
President of Kenya or any other country for that matter
other than UG is ? The fact that you hate Swahili is your
business,but also sounds stupid coming from an East African.
Anyway who cares what you hate or like ?
I love Ugandans in general and Im glad I dont have the
burden of hating anyone or anything for no reason at all.
You must be a bigot, tribalist, etc… who suffers from a
superiority complex and all I can do is pray for your
deliverance from this myopic, backward/primitive way of
The rest I will not even bother to talk about. You seem so
one track minded that it is not worth my time.
As for Migingo, all I can say is that it belongs to its
rightful owner no matter what you or anyone else says or
I wish you the best in your aggression/expansionist policy

kind regds


— On Sun, 4/19/09, kamya andre wrote:

From: kamya andre
WAR ……………..
Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 5:31 AM

i am Ugandan and i have read y desperate calls for war
with Uganda plz dont be fooled you leaders know wt happened
to Angola, Chad, Zimbabwe,Congo and Rwanda whn they tried to
wage war against Uganda whn it occupied Kisangani. its only
the security council tht forced the mighty UPDF to withdraw.
forget abt amin his force was forght by a combined force tht
included many ugandans not to mention Museven, the TZ force
wldnt have otherwise managed revise y history.
migongo is Ugandan bt even if if its not we can fight for
it!!!!, we r small tht why like isreal we have to be
aggressive to survive.
its our policy to creat spheres of influence like in
southern sudan where we defeated the arabs by supportg SPLA,
in Congo and Rwanda. and we cant allow Oginga to be
president of kenya coz its against our strategic intrests
hate swahili and who believe a superior militarily and have
proved it 4 and can prove against kenya.

— On Thu, 4/16/09, otieno sungu wrote:

From: otieno sungu
Subject: RE: migingo
Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009, 11:29 PM

Have you really been around or you just arrived? How
many times have delegations from Kenya and Uganda met and
agreed on certain measure only for Uganda to add more troops
on the Island?

Did you hear that Kibaki met Museveni over the same in
Zambia and it was agreed the flag of Uganda be
lowered, the troops removed and the ownership determined when is is
still treated as neautral territory. What did Musevini do
the next day? Send in more troops, a helicopter and patrol
boats. You must be Mahatma Gandhi himself if you still think
Museveni will dialogue. The message he is sending is clear,
“:if you want Migingo, come and fight for it”.

Brother, open your eyes. About the hurt to the common
man, which war has even been fought without losses? It is
called collateral damage, the suffering some have to go for
the good of the nation.

The allies lost hundreds of thousands of troops to
subdue Hitler, was it worth it? Yes, very much!!!


— On Thu, 4/16/09, Anthony Wangondu wrote:

From: Anthony Wangondu
Subject: RE: migingo
Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009, 6:13 AM

Actually, uprooting the railway line at Kibera will
also hurt Kenyans. This is certainly the wrong approach.
Professionals should advocate and support dialogue not
violence – violence has never and will never resolve
Kenya is still reeling from the senseless violence
after the 2007 elections and no one (apart from the
benefitted from that; in fact things are generally
worse than they could have.
We must shun violence; it should have no place in our
language and in our actions

From: otieno sungu
Sent: 15 April 2009 18:27
Subject: Re: migingo

Very true, and the blockade of the goods to Uganda is
yet to begin, Kenyans will do what Kibaki has failed to
do, and Museveni will surrender in less that 2 weeks.

For Museveni, you cannot defeat a people’s
resolve, for
Kibaki, you cannot procrastinate forever.

Viva Kenya!!



— On Wed, 4/15/09, toprank899 wrote:

From: toprank899
Subject: migingo
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 8:44 AM

is it tru that railway has been uprooted in kibera in
solidarity with
migingo kenyans and plans are underway to do the same
in western and
nyanza provinces so as to make UG surrendor migingo on


Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 08:18:36 -0700 [10:18:36 AM CDT]
From: Leo Odera Omolo
Business Report by Leo Odera Omolo
The East African Community is scheduled to lunch the Kenya-Tanzania section of a regional road project running from Tanzania to Sudan was lunched last week.
The Arusha-Namanga-Athi River road will link Eastern African countries of Kenya, Uganda, Sudan and Ethiopia. It was lunched jointly by President Mwai Kibaki of Kenya and Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania.Three other presidents Paul Kagame of Rwanda ,Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and the Burundi president also witnessed the colorful occasion.
The project touted to be the a major boost to the regions economies, will cost more than Ksh 12 billion (USD 150 million)
The two heads of state first attended the 10th ordinary summit of the Heads of State of the East African Community in Arusha.
The Arusha-Namanga Athi River road is a collaborative effort between the EAC, partner states and donors targeting projects in the regions transport sector. It seeks to ease traffic from Zambia, through Tanzania, Kenya to Ethiopia and Uganda up to Sudan.
Dr. Wilfred Machage, Tanzania’s Dr. Maua Daftari Deputy Minister Communication, Service and Technology and Julius Onen EAC Deputy Secretary General (Project and Programmes)
“The road is strategic to the region and forms part of the priority corridor No. 5 of the EAC regional road network from Tunduna southern Tanzania to Mayale in Northern Kenya, an on word to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia”, read the statement issued after the meeting
This multi-billion dollar project is being co-financed bt the African Development Bank for the Kenya component and the Japanese International Co-operation Agency for the Tanzania component providing jointly a loan totaling USD 156.3 million
A&DB gave Kenya a USD 93.1 million loan for 135 km stretch between Athi River and Namanga while Tanzania received Ksh 5 million (USD 62.5 million) form JICA for the 105 km bring Arusha-Namanga section.
The Kenya project started in November 2007 and is expected to the completed by the end of next year, while work on the Tanzanian link began last year and is expected to last three years.
Ms Bihiya said secretarial colonial also witnessed the signing of the contract on the study for the EAC Transport Strategy and Regional Roads Development Programme between the EAC secretariat and African Ltd.
“The objective of the transport strategy to identify regional strategic and resources for transport sector development and operational needs for the medium term inline with EAC development goals,” she said

The strategy will be the EAC’s Key planning document guiding the regional policies and investments in the transport sector for the next ten years beginning next year.
The EAC Transport strategy is in the overall context of the East African Trade and Transport Facilitation Project, which is a regional project aimed at facilitating transportation and flow of goods across the boarders EAC estimate that transport lost in the region constitute about 30 per cent of the value of exports and imports. This has in the turn made the region less competitive.
It is against the background that the world Bank approved preparation of the project to reduce transport costs in the region. It will also enhance import and export traffic from the port of Mombasa, which is the more convenient port for Northern Tanzania on account of distance.
It is also part of the tourist circuit serving the national park of Amboseli and Tsavo in Kenya and Manyara, Ngorongoro and Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
The Arusha-Namanga section in Tanzania is 105km long and traverses flat coloring terrain, including theLioliondo game control area
It was constructed to bitumen standard in 1967. The road is narrow (about 5.5 meter) and deformed. Average speed is about 70kph traffic on the Arusha side is estimated at about 2,800 vehicles per day and decreases to 450 vehicles per day towards Namanga.
The road has exceeded its design life and is urgently due for reconstruction.
The Namanga Athi River section in Kenya is 135km long in rolling terrain. Having received recent intervention (Re-carpeting in 1995), the section is in better condition, but still characterized by deformations and potholes.
The section sustains quite heavy loading from the cement manufacturing and building industries in Athi River and Nairobi.
The development of the transport sector strategy involves consulting services, experts meetings and stakeholders’ consultations/workshops to assess in detail all modes of transport in their regional dimension.
The strategy will be the EAC key planning document grinding the regional policies and investment in the transport sector for 10year period (2010-2020)


We Need to Make a Mass Flooding into Political Parties for Our Own Sake as a Nation

Listening and seeing what we are turning ourselves into, as 2012 elections (or before) draws ever nearer, I’m forced to react to try and argue for sanity. Am particularly irked by the name dropping for potential presidents, which has been going on. This to me shows we are yet to learn vital lessons about leadership selection. After all wasn’t the current president name dropped and adopted without scrutiny? So I want to give my view on the where I think we are going wrong hoping it would inspire some positive response. I also know a lot of us love to look at someone’s reasoning just to find some slight fault with it and use that as an attack on it instead of reinforcement so it will not surprise me one bit if this turn out to be controversial.

We all know we have a leadership problem in Kenya. And it surprises that we can say this after nine elections span over 46 years and with a major opportunity to change course in 1978 when Mzee Jomo Kenyatta passed away in office. We fell for the Nyayo zake Kenyatta gospel spread by Moi. We now realize those fuata nyayo were not what we wanted.

For me this significantly clarifies what our problem is. Our problem is systemic. We have allowed the proliferation of system less or negative systems that masquerade as political parties to select for us leadership. Nay, we cheer them on by feigning helplessness. Our society has this laziness of sitting through a problem to a point that they can clearly see the right solution and implementing that. And the sad thing is our politicians know this and use it to the maximum for their advantage.

The constitution will not resolve our leadership selection crisis. Not as long as it remains a document and its spirit is ignored. First of all it must pass the hands of the same politicians. The movers and shakers in the political divide have all declared interest to occupy the much converted position of president. How then do we expect then to allow the position to be diluted? And second, we are the ones who do the election/selection of leadership and not some document called the constitution. We are the ones who give the constitution life. We have done poor in that so far, as even the current constitution has not respected. So what is that devil cheating us that the new one will be respected if and when it appears? It’s a smoke screen and should it appear, please look at the details for the devil and I promise you as long as this clique is calling the shots, it will bear their hall marks, bad clauses and articles, hidden.

This leads me to the next issue, so what is the solution according to me? First I want to issue a disclaimer. I do not have the monopoly of rightness in any issue, but I put this up as one way we can look at our problem and effectively deal with it in our leadership selection troubles.

We love to make reference to the US president Barack Obama. After hundred days of Obama presidency at least we are more sober and can look at it from a more objective standpoint. We only love to look at such references when we feel they favour our argument, usually Young people arguing for youthful leadership. Obama is a system. For me, the person Barack Obama happened because there is a well established and credible system of leadership selection, first in the Democratic Party and finally in the US through campaigns and finally elections. Obama had to be put into a telescope for more than four years, most of them as a potential Democratic party Flag bearer and finally as the potential president. he was subjected to more than 4 years of interrogation, participated in almost 30 debates, answered thousands of questions, responded to hundreds of quarries and faced millions of voters and had to beat a fields of over 100 potential candidates at the very beginning of the race before finally being installed as president.

Our problem is systemic and must be resolved by refining the system. We need institutional leadership not personality leadership. We have been duped that there is a messiah out there. Take the example of a Manchester United football Club, or Arsenal Football Club. There was George Best, Eric Cantona, David Beckham, and now there is Cristiano Renaldo. In Arsenal there was once Tony Adams, Martin Kewon, Patrick Vieira, Thierry Hendy Dennis Bergkamp, and now Cesc Fabregas. Though out there career these players were at their prime in their teams but at times they got injuries and could not be brought in, in many instances they have moved and left the teams where they had a talismanic association with, but that never stopped Man United from being Man United or Arsenal from Being Arsenal. In fact even when a string team is fielded it will still be the representation of the team in question. Tells you where the messiah comes through, within a set of specific mechanisms, not without.

There is an institutional culture created and sustained where the hierarchy is the country, the Organization and finally the individual in many world class political organizations. For the sake of keeping the organization going, the individual is not indispensable. In fact, dispensability is a sure avenue to the highest levels of heroism in such organizations. Mandela is an example of such sacrifice. He could have denounced ANC to get his freedom but refused to do so and insisted his release will be unconditional. Many a times such sacrifice is recognized. In fact such leaders are trained to spot of new leadership and help nurture it to take over for purposes of continuity. If such talent proves to be more talented than the current leaders, giving way to this new leadership is a natural course of action. John Kerry spotted Obama and handed him the Platform in the 2004 National Democratic Convention. Just four years later Obama is President. And he (Obama) did not have to reward Kerry by making him his vice president or some powerful guy in his government as would have been here! By that action, Kerry was looking beyond his campaign win or loose. The Conservative Party has just 350,000 members in a nation of 100 million. These 350,000 come up with policy positions based on their shared ideology, ideals and objectives and sell them to the public who support them by voting.

We have an easier more controllable recourse that is more closed to abuse of reforming this country yet we overlook it capacity to deliver us to Canaan. We should agree that at least 5Million vote holders should resolve to join an existing political party and become active members in such parties or form new more progressive ones. We must agree to get there and lay down the rules, mechanisms and processes of leadership selection in those vital souls of leadership selection and control that we have ignored for so long, to our detriment. The Political parties are such great vessels as they can be controlled by the members of the party, making the political leaders accountable to the members of the party and by extension, the members of the public. There are about 40 parties. That means 125,000 members per party. This is a number that they can fund all party activities should each member part with Kenya Shillings 100 annually.

Once we have in place reform inspired rules and regulations in these organizations we can be sure that leaders selected will be taken through some high level interrogation processes to test their suitability to hold public office based on our shared national values.

By taking over all the parties in the country and forming others that are reform minded, we can guarantee ourselves good leadership without breaking a sweat. We will block bad leadership from the root and ensure that we can control political reform. Don’t be fooled that for you to be active participant in apolitical party means you have to go to rallies and demonstrations. You can support a party from the background by giving ideas and memoranda to express you positions. Again do not be lied to that politics is a dirty game. It is painted dirty so that you and I, who consider ourselves clean, may not dare engage in it. That reduces competition for the status quo tremendously. Again do not be cheated that to go for political office you must have finances to match. The example above tells us that the public can effortlessly fund our political activities as long as they are inspired enough. The fundamental institution in the country is the political party institution which begets the president and the parliament. Once we have good hygienic political processes going on here, it follows that we will have good hygienic political engagement in the country. And by the way it is not youth, men, women, elderly, this or that tribe. Such are products that a good political party system will point at.

This process has allowed Americans to be sure that this was the man/woman that their situation called for at that moment in time. They have the right information about what he and his family owns, they are certain that he pays his taxes and they can rest easy that in the event that he is not what they thought he was, they can always impeach him/her. Still they took a whole 72 days to swear him in just to be sure nothing was amiss, through an elaborate process planned to the minute.

Stop this name dropping and start registering as members of political parties. You will help this country more from that station. Individuals may change and abandon promises but well ran institutions will not run away from principled positions. So if you are whining and you do not belong to any political party, you are our first problem. Shut up and let us build our country.

– – –
Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 01:38:25 -0700 [03:38:25 AM CDT]
From: nicholas oyoo
Subject: . We Need to Make a Mass Flooding into Political Parties for Our Own Sake as a Nation

Re: BREAKING NEWS: Mutula Kilonzo is the new Minister for Constitutional affairs

Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 08:27:42 +0300 [12:27:42 AM CDT]
From: Lee Makwiny
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Mutula Kilonzo is the new Minister for Constitutional affairs

Kibaki never consulted Raila to appoint Mutula. He had to choose a hawk (like raila would do) after loosing Karua. Wetangula want to be the president of the republic, there is no way he could have been given that powerful ministry. We also knew that Githae was to get a ministry to neutralize Karua’s influence. Nothing more. Trying to lump Raila with everything “not” good for Kenya by Kibaki is wrong. I am waiting for the steps Mutula is going to make, since something tells me that soon, with his egos, he will start a small “war” with the VP.

Kibaki and Raila met to discuss the issue of government business and as usual they failed to agree.

On 5/4/09, Kuria-Mwangi wrote:
As some people have stated before, it would be better if you didnt use CAPS otherwise
you are said to be shouting when you use caps. Your points are well taken. I do agree with
you that some of people complaining about Mutula would have kept quiet if he was in their party.
In terms of credentials, no one can say that he is not qualified and one can only talk of his present
association with Kibaki/Kalonzo axis and his past association with Moi. I have not seen anybody in
ODM give him credit for the work he did when he is was in ODM (was it ODM-K?).

The position had to go to PNU and his name was being mentioned long after our Martha resigned.
Kibaki had few choices left. Njeru, Wetangula and may be another time for Murungi. It was obvious
that Mutula had the best shot based on his credentials.

Wacera is asking a very important question. Other than Mutula, who else? May be it is true that
Kibaki consulted Raila this time (
and so they came up with Mutula’s name. He has not be tested in this arena and so dont see why
we should be complaining. He has not said anything which runs counter to the need for constitutional
reforms or has he?


On 5/4/09, BERNARD MURIITHI wrote:



On 5/4/09, leah wangari wrote:

He cant be he has to be an mp check ur facts wel Regards,

Leah Wangari Mwangi

Ralph W. Sockman:

The test of courage comes when we are in the minority.
The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority

— On Mon, 5/4/09, Eng. Thomas Senaji wrote:

From: Eng. Thomas Senaji
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Mutula Kilonzo is the new Minister for Constitutional affairs
Date: Monday, May 4, 2009, 4:35 AM
Dear Nd Alai,

Such hardliners will just complicate matters; I wonder
what other supporters of PNU from other ethnic communities
are doing in that tribal outfit


On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 12:23 PM,
Robert Alai

B R E A K I N G – N E W S!

Edwing Okong’o is the People’s Voice Winner at the Webby Awards! with his documentary “Kenya: Sweet Home, Obama” which played a significant role in Obama’s victory.
Edwin, bravo. Onwards and upwards to you commoner!

Joram Ragem
wuod Ndinya, wuod Onam, wuod Amolo, wuod Owuoth, wuod Oganyo, wuod Mumbe, wuod Odongo, wuod Olwande, wuod Adhaya, wuod Ojuodhi, wuod Ragem! (Are you my relative?)

– – –
Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 09:01:44 -0400 [08:01:44 AM CDT]
From: Joram Ragem
Subject: B R E A K I N G – N E W S!

Foundation Invests in 81 Unconventional Global Health Research Projects

May 4, 2009

Foundation Invests in 81 Unconventional Global Health Research Projects

$100,000 grants will explore how unique approaches, including the use of tomatoes, cows and magnets, can be used to prevent infectious disease

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Phone: +1.206.709.3400

SEATTLE — The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced 81 grants of US$100,000 each to explore bold and largely unproven ways to improve health in developing countries. The grants were awarded to researchers in 17 countries through the foundation’s Grand Challenges Explorations initiative, which aims to develop a pipeline of creative ideas that could change the face of global heath.

The projects focus on novel approaches to prevent and treat infectious diseases, such as HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and diarrheal diseases. The first round of 104 Grand Challenges Explorations grants was announced in October 2008.

“Investments in global health research are already paying big dividends. An incredible number of new vaccines, drugs, and other tools are becoming available to improve health in developing countries,” said Dr. Tachi Yamada, president of the Gates Foundation’s Global Health Program. “Grand Challenges Explorations is our way to help inspire the bold ideas that could one day help transform global health.”

The 81 funded researchers will explore a wide range of new ideas, including giving mosquitoes a “head cold” to prevent them from detecting and biting humans; developing a tomato to deliver antiviral drugs; and using a laser to enhance the effect of vaccines.

One of the new grants was awarded to Dr. Bikul Das of Stanford University Medical School, who has studied cancer stem cell biology for the last decade but maintains an interest in infectious diseases due to clinical training in India and Bhutan. The new grant will enable him to explore the potential role of stem cells in latent TB infection.

“I am so excited to have this opportunity to join the war against infectious diseases,” said Dr. Das, who read about Grand Challenges Explorations on a plane after speaking at a cancer stem cell conference. “I hope my expertise on cancer and stem cell biology can help enhance the field and relieve suffering.”

Examples of other funded projects include:

New tools to diagnose and treat diseases:

– Luke Savage and Dave Newman of the University of Exeter in the U.K. will attempt to build an inexpensive, battery-powered instrument to diagnose malaria by using magnets to detect the waste products of the malaria parasite in human blood samples.

– Boitumelo Semete at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa will attempt to develop “sticky nanoparticles” that attach to tuberculosis-infected cells and slowly release anti-TB drugs. The new therapy could shorten treatment time and reduce side effects, using existing medications.

– Eric Lam at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey in the U.S. will work to develop a tomato that delivers antiviral drugs when eaten.

– Erich Cerny of Wissenschaftlicher Fonds Onkologie in Switzerland, along with his brother Thomas, will test whether inducing antibodies against anti-malarial drugs can significantly prolong the half-life of those drugs in the body, extending their effects.

Creative ways to prevent mosquitoes from infecting humans:

– Fredros Okumu of Ifakara Health Institute in Tanzania will attempt to design a network of outdoor mosquito traps to help reduce malaria transmission in rural areas.

– Thomas Baker at Pennsylvania State University in the U.S. will examine the potential to infect malaria-carrying mosquitoes with a fungus that-like a head cold-suppresses their sense of smell and their ability to find human hosts.

– Jefferson Vaughan at the University of North Dakota in the U.S. seeks to immunize cattle against mosquitoes. Mosquitoes that bite an immunized cow might then die or have reduced ability to reproduce.

More efficient and effective vaccines:

– Lucia Lopalco of the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Italy will seek ways to generate “self-targeting antibodies” that attack a receptor protein on human immune cells-potentially blocking the HIV virus from entering cells and preventing HIV infection.

– Fass? Coulibaly at Monash University in Australia will test whether protein crystals produced by insect viruses can be used as a new way to deliver vaccines. These “MicroCube” protein particles are stable, could be used against multiple diseases, and may not require refrigeration.

– Mei Wu at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in the U.S. will explore whether illuminating skin with a targeted laser before administering a vaccine can enhance immune response.

Applicants were selected from more than 3,000 proposals in the second round. All levels of scientists are represented-from veteran researchers to young post-graduate investigators-as are a range of disciplines, such as neurobiology, immunology, and polymer science. The grantees are based at universities, research institutes, nonprofit organizations, and private companies in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and North America.

Learn more about the complete list of Grand Challenges funded projects at

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to reduce inequities and improve lives around the world. In developing countries, it focuses on improving health, reducing extreme poverty, and increasing access to technology in public libraries. In the United States, the foundation seeks to ensure that all people have access to a great education and to technology in public libraries. In its local region, it focuses on improving the lives of low-income families. Based in Seattle, the foundation is led by CEO Jeff Raikes and Co-chairs William H. Gates Sr., Bill Gates, and Melinda French Gates.

– – –
Date: 04 May 2009 12:35:29 -0700 [05/04/2009 02:35:29 PM CDT]
From: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Subject: Foundation Invests in 81 Unconventional Global Health Research Projects


News Analysis by Leo Odera Omolo
Reports emerging from Dar-Es-Salaam says Tanzania has thrown the issue on the table by proposing the theme “Coalition Government Democracy in dilemma as one of the main topics to be discussed at the next Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference to be held in Arusha from September 28th to 6th October.
Traditionally the host country picks a topic for discussion at one of the workshops during the conference , and Tanzania chose coalition government given the recent political development following the disputed elections in Kenya and Zimbabwe.
The common wealth parliamentary association is an annual political gathering and an open forum of commonwealth parliamentary association composed of parliaments and legislators of 52 of the 53 commonwealth nations and their overseas territories.
It has a membership of more than 16,000 members of national state, provincial and territorial assemblies. The Queen of England. is traditionally the head of the Commonwealth.
Political analysts say coalition governments are increasingly becoming an African way of reconciling the defeated and the winners in an election but with an alternate comprising of democracy expansion which is of high importance in accountability and good governance systems.
In coalition governance systems, the governance systems, the merger between the opposition and the ruling party tends to water down the effectiveness and presence of the former which is meant to provide for the check and balance for the system and this leaves the new governance system undefined without effective opposition.
Kenya and Zimbabwe are the best examples of an African political landscape being touted as a solution for disputed elections that turned violent, according to a recent analytical article in the Nairobi based Weekly,theEAST AFRICAN.
The CPA current president and Tanzanian National Assembly Speaker Samuel Sitta was quoted by EAST AFRICAN as saying the organizing committee will set the agenda of political issues to be discussed at the 55th Common Wealth Parliamentary Conference.
The agenda will include the 29th small Branches Conference, a meeting of parliamentarians from more than 30 Common Wealth National States, Provinces and territories with a population of up to 500,000 people.
At the 54th Common Wealth Parliamentary Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in August last year, the main topic was “Credible Elections and challenge of Democratic Election” discussed in connection with the current political development in many countries in the world.
The need for fully independent Electoral Commissions and their essential role in the democratic process was over stressed.
Kenya will take over Common Wealth Parliamentary Association Presidency which rotates among Parliamentarians from the Common Wealth of Nations consisting mainly former British colonies and protectorate and Dominion from Tanzania at the Arusha meeting this year and will host 56th CPA Conference in 210
The two coalition governments within the Common Wealth, namely Kenya and Zimbabwe are presently facing crisis of confidence. Both Governments are unstable and full of political intrigues.

– – –
Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 08:18:36 -0700 [10:18:36 AM CDT]
From: Leo Odera Omolo

A L I C E T H A N K S, Y O U R M E S S A G E D R E W R A I L A C L O S E R T O G O D.

Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 20:58:25 -0400 [07:58:25 PM CDT]
From: Joram Ragem
Subject: A L I C E T H A N K S, Y O U R M E S S A G E D R E W R A I L A C L O S E R T O G O D.


Raila listents to ordinary people. Alice asked me to pass Agwambo a message. I did. It Touched him.
Here is the message:


How are you sir? You don’t know me. My name is Alice Okello. I once read an article you wrote to Bidii Africa. One of the things you said in that article is that you are one of the people who advices Hon. Raila Odinga. Based on that I assume you are close to him. I have a request. I beg you to pass this message on to our Prime Minister. Ask him to lead this nation back to God. Ask him to be true to the words he spoke in Nakuru. The destiny of this nation depends on it. I dont believe am asking for much. I know he probably has alot to deal with right now especially with issues concerning The HBC in parliament. I beg you in the Name of the Lord….do not ignore this. Raila is still the leader endorsed by God. Please do it.

Thank you for your time and attention and Nyasaye ogwedhi!!

Alice Okello.”

It is such ordinary simple, common people that move our leaders. Not necessarily partisan pharesees.

Again, I did what you asked Alice, and I am glad Raila listened. Nyasacha Bahaola bende Ogwedhwa waduto.

See picture attached. Picture Credits:Prime Minister Raila Odinga (centre) after being baptised by Prophet David Owuor (left), of the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness in Nairobi, on Monday. [PHOTO: PMPS/STANDARD]

Joram Ragem
wuod Ndinya, wuod Onam, wuod Amolo, wuod Owuoth, wuod Oganyo, wuod Mumbe, wuod Odongo, wuod Olwande, wuod Adhaya, wuod Ojuodhi, wuod Ragem! (Are you my relative?)


By Leo Odera Omolo In Karungu Bay

East African Community Council of Ministers has adopted a proposal by experts to strengthen the East African Court of Justice.

This move, according to legal experts, will enhance its jurisdiction to cover human rights to promote constitutionalism, good governance and rule of law in member states.

Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi however have until December to examine the proposal that will promote the countries to the level of European Court of Human Rights with original jurisdiction on human rights, especially to determine how the envisaged protocol will impact on their national court systems.
At the same time the council of minister, which had a busy schedule last week before the one day summit which brought together presidents of Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda ,Uganda and Burundi adopted other expert proposals turning the inter-Universities Council of East Africa (IUCEA) into a corporate body with legal power to regulate and penalize Universities in the region.

The IUCEA has also been authorized to penalized universities demanding higher fees for foreign students from within the East African Community (EAC)

And the minister’s in-charge of EAC integration masters in-charge from the five countries have also adopted a draft frame work proposing the Bureau of speakers as one of the community newest organs. It is besides business and professional institutions, a separate export frame work to enable member state taster joint partnership to fight corruption transnational crime, entrench democracy, good governance and human rights in the member states.

The Arusha based East African Court of Justice has united to ensuring adherance to the EAC treaty

It was during the last weeks EAC summit that presidents Mwai Kibaki of Kenya and the Ugandan counter parts president Yoweri Musevenin struck a deal that would resolve the volatile Migingo Island dispute.

Agreement was reached between the two presidents on the sideline of the East African Community Heads of states summit to ended in Arusha last Wednesday

Head of police forces in both Kenya and Uganda Maj-Gen Hussein Ali and Inspector General of police Kale Kayihura, will keep in timely “to ensure that law and order is maintained,” said the report that is silent on the presence of Uganda marine police and military forces on the Island joint communiqué issued after 30 minutes discussion committed the two leaders and nations to resolve the row “amicably” and in the spirit of East African Solidarity and partnership.

But Kenyans and Ugandans may wait for two more months to know the result of joint demarcation that will draw border.

It urges the joint commission to “conclude its work expeditiously and in ay case not later than 60 days from the date of this communiqué.

It further read: Pending the completion of the joint boundary survey exercise, the Ugandan flag on Migingo shall remain lowered.

On Thursday last week Ugandan authority lowered its national flag which hosted on Migingo Island. Some of Ugandan Soldiers has parked them bags out left in one book which took them to Bugiri ldistrict in Uganda to the delight of Kenyan fishermen operating on the Island. This was only a day after the Arusha meeting between Kibaki and Museveni

The Arusha communiqué further read “The joint boundary team will rely on the British order of council of 1926, Kenyan independence constitution and Ugandas 1995 charter to draw the international frontiers

Kenyan fisherman, however, were surprised the only aday after the lowering of the Ugandan flag on Migingo, Ugandan has allegedly sent 13 soldiers to the Island and tightened security on surrounding beaches.

Fisherman and religious leaders’ criticized the new turn of extents, Nyanza National council of churches of Kenya Chairman Joshua Koyo said: They have replaced the flag with more soldiers. This to unfortunate.

Although it was not reflected in the statement sources at the Arusha meeting said the two presidents discussed the recent ban of Uganda milk imports into Kenya and resolved to resume trade.

Former President Daniel Moi has called for quick resolution of re-dispute and said the tribute undermined Kenya’s territorial in 2005.

The situation remained pathetic as ever before with Ugandan security personnel still playing the leading role in unilaterally patrolling the Island to the chagrins of Kenyans fishermen and local politicians MPs included.

– – –
Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 08:53:26 -0700 [05/02/2009 10:53:26 AM CDT]
From: Leo Odera Omolo

Re: Without Politics, Kenyan Media is Kaput

Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 08:42:53 -0700 [05/01/2009 10:42:53 AM CDT]
From: Asaph
Subject: Re: Without Politics, Kenyan Media is Kaput


Someone said jus before you that businessmen sell what the market is
ready to buy. But in regards to news, in as much as this is true – I
also believe in wat King Solomon advised – As a man thinketh, so is

If we keep highlighting our faults we act like the parent who only saw
the wrongs of his son. And so the son grew knowing he cannot amount to
anything. But i we highlight the actual happenings, we gonna see the
MPs competing for media space – mainly by seeking to do or show good
stuff they’ve done. For me its a welcome change

Can i honestly say that i hv not followed news in the last six or so
weeks. I was actually caught by surprise concerning the sex boycott.
But i see i havent missed much – Kenyan leaders still make statements
that are not thot thru’ – stil make statements that reduce their


On Apr 28, 1:37=A0am, Judy Miriga wrote:

Hahahahahahaha……….so funny………wanasema macho haina pazia……=

….sorry, you couldnt help seing that…………its not your mistake…..= ……

[Hide Quoted Text]

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

— On Mon, 4/27/09, Robert Alai wrote:

From: Robert Alai
Subject: Re: Without Politics, Kenyan Media is Kaput
Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 8:18 AM


I am sure that if I said it in the context of Kibaki showing us his naked=

ness with his wife who came out not even wearing Bra that day, you would no= t support what you have just said


On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Matthew Ruigu wrot=


I do not think your assesment is fair.

Politics is indeed news, loos, red carpets…the full enchilada!! It may =

not be the kind of news you want but is still news.

That said though, it is true there are plenty of other areas the Kenyan m=

edia can and should source for news articles. They may even skew their news= from the current angle that leaves a reader in utter despair. But we canno=
t this bunch of leaders go scot free, it would be immoral of the media! If =
a whole PM, a man of such supposed stature and calibre can trivilialise him=
self, the situation and his office to that extent why on earth should the m=
edia spare him?

What would you rather see in the media?

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Robert Alai wrot=



I am just thinking that we dont have much of a problem in the country.

We have a media which has failed to mature up and look for other sources =

of News. They want the easisest and always magnifies even the small useless= stuff like a politicians loos and red carpets.

I think that Kenyan problem is the media which cant mature up



By Leo Odera Omolo

A new waves of violence robberies have hit Awendo Town and its environs causing fear among the business community and member of the public alike.

These robbery by heavily armed thugs normally target lone motor bike taxi riders on remote and isolate feeder and accesses roads traversing sugar cane farming villages.

The robbers are said to be armed with hand guns and at time the concealed AK 47 riffles appear to be forgetting motor bike taxi, riders.

The areas in which these 8ncidents normally occurs include Awendo Moriwa road and Rapogi-Road in Rongo and the newly created Uriri districts

These thugs are known to be using unorthodox method and tactics of using pretty young girls as their baits. Your beautiful girls usually turns up, approach of motor bike taxi riders, make the deal requesting to be taken to a certain destination. or a nieghbouring school and some places

The girls, according to our informer pays handsomely to the motor bike taxi man. But upon reaching some place, the girl tactfully excusing herself by ordering the motor bike taxi rider to stop the bike in one place so that she could talk to a motorist. A conduit vehicles, mostly reported to have been stolen cars are used for this business..

As the motorbike rider obliges and stop his machine heavily armed emerges from inside the vehicle and grab the motor bike taxi man at gun point. One of the passengers emerged from the vehicles and take charge of the motor bike, while the taxi man is forced into the vehicles bout and locked in. The vehicles drivers away and the girl who had hired the motor bike taxi man suddenly vanished in the thin air.

Soon after this the motor bike taxi man is driven to a remote section of the road, and then
ordered out of the car bout and told to find his own way home. These thugs ensures that
the place is far away from the main road or to any nearby police station. And by the
time the taxi man come into contact with other motorist or local people, these thugs had
gone very far and even crossed the Kenya-Tanzania border.
Presumably remote areas in the sugar cane field. Though the victim is released unmolested, the thugs usually make it a path that it would take him several hour to wake back to the main road to communicate with anybody.

If the motor bike had a mobile phone this is also confiscated plus his money after his pockets are turned up side down money taken forcefully taken;
Close to a dozen motor bike taxis have been seized in this manner, and the victims says they suspected these thugs as c oming from Migori Town, which is close to the Kenya-Tanzania border.

An incident occurred last week in which a motor bike taximan was robbed of his mach9ne on thre Rapogi Uriri road. After he had delivcered his passenger at Uriri, the same passenger told him that he had forgotten an important parcel and wanted to be taken back to Rapogi, but somewhere imn between Rapogi and Uriri centre a white car emerged and his bike was taken away at gun poinmt.

A few days later the same motor bike was spotted at Rapogi centre as it was driven by a stranger. A dozen of taxi men at Rapogi ganged up and gave a chase. And while they were chasing the stranger suspected to be riding a stole motor bike, one of the taxi man was heard issuing a warning to the man that he was being pursued by a large number of bike riders.

The man vanished and the taxi men settled on the mobile phone user. It was established that he had been in contact with the thief for more than ten times within a day. His colleagues settle on him with kicks and all kinds of missiles. He was rescued by the Administration policemen from the Rapogi DO office, who took him to hospital and to police custody..The suspect was beaten unconscious and is still receiving treatment undr the watchful eyes of the police. town.

These robber are targeting mostly the newly purchased motor bikes without number plates. The motor make tax men in Awendo and within town have new appealed to the police in the region to come to their rescue.


– – –
Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 08:02:56 -0700 [05/02/2009 10:02:56 AM CDT]
From: Leo Odera Omolo


Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 22:40:53 -0700 [05/02/2009 12:40:53 AM CDT]
From: jimmy kamau

Dear all,

The family of Bantu Mwaura, represented by Dauti Kahora and Wakanyote Njuguna, has asked me to forward the following messages to you:

PRESS RELEASE – Monday, April 27, 2009

The family of Bantu Mwaura wishes to confirm that his body was found close to his residence in Langata this morning. There were no visible bodily injuries, and the police are investigating the matter. A postmortem has been planned for tomorrow morning at the City Mortuary, after which further information will be availed.

Family and friends are meeting at the Wasanii Restaurant at the Kenya National Theatre, opposite the Norfolk Hotel daily from 7.00pm. Another meeting will be held at his residence in Langata View Estate opposite Langata Women’s Prison.

For any further inquiries, please contact:

Dauti Kahura Ndung’u Wakanyote Njuguna

Brother Friend

Tel No. 0720 793577 0734 577203



The family wishes to confirm that a post mortem was done by Dr. Ndegwa with a representative from Independent Medico-Legal Unit (IMLU) present. The findings were that Bantu Mwaura Ndung’u died of chemical poisoning. The Kenya Police Criminal Investigation Department are conducting further investigations in relation and complimentary to the government pathologist report.

The family further wishes to thank all Bantu’s friends and sympathizers for all their support during this period and continue to ask for your patience as the police go on with their work.

There will be a fund-raising at the Kenya National Theatre opposite the Norfolk Hotel, on Thursday 30th April 2009 from 7p.m. An artistic celebrative memorial will be held at the Kenya National Theatre 1st May 2009, from 2 pm to 6 pm.

The funeral will be held on Saturday May 2.The cortege leaves Chiromo Funeral Home at 9a.m. followed by the service and burial at Langata Cemetery.

Family and friends are meeting at the Wasanii Restaurant at the Kenya National Theatre, opposite the Norfolk Hotel daily from 7.00pm and at his residence in Langata View Estate opposite Langata Women’s Prison from 4:00pm.

For any further inquiries, please contact:

Dauti Kahura Ndung’u Wakanyote Njuguna

Brother Friend

Tel No. 0720 793577 0734 577203

Please note that these two were nominated spoke persons for the family, and will respond to any matters relating BAntu’s death.




Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 09:58:12 -0700 [11:58:12 AM CDT]
From: Leo Odera Omolo

— On Sun, 5/3/09, Magaga Alot <> wrote:

From: Magaga Alot
Date: Sunday, May 3, 2009, 2:58 AM

Please find as attached herewith Condolence Message
by the EAC Secretary General to H.E. President Jakaya Kikwete
on the Bomb explosions in Dar es


Communications Expert, EAC

read or d/l document
CONDOLENCES – (1) DAR BOMB EXPLOSIONS 010509.doc [application/msword] 269 KB

Re: we are our own enemies.

Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 14:41:25 +0000 [04/30/2009 09:41:25 AM CDT]
From: Victoria Kioko
Subject: Re: we are our own enemies.

Hi Francis,

Probably what I could do is to point out to you and to others that Kenya is currently flooded with deep destructive tribalism, and so is Kenya flooded with deceit, corruption, backstabbing, injustice, poverty, hopelessness, stinking rich but filthy and immoral fellows etc.

So long as these vices exist in society, the powerful will take advantage to mint their own selfish ends!


Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 02:22:38 -0700
From: franklinm3@ . . .
Subject: we are our own enemies.

I have been thinking about this for a very long time….its true that our leaders say there is tribalism in our country….i would like to differ and before you start throwing stones, let me explain;

jana i was having a discussion with some many young professionals here in the office and the issue of tribalism was brought. This is my theory……Kenyans are not tribal…..our leaders use this weakness just to protect themselves and there wealth. think abt it, before the post election….many people had lived together for more than 15 years!!!! without a conflict ….all over sudden, our leaders promise us heaven and we turn aganist each other and you never ask yourself why they do it….

Do you honestly guys think that the real change people have been willing and yearning for will be brought by the current crop of leaders??….my answear isa very big bold NO!!!!!….they will always want to rule you and the only easy trick they can use is that one word TRIBALISM….devide you as much as possible so that you cant see the real pressing issues like ;

1. Unemplyment
2. poor infrustructure
3. lack of basic needs and many more.

the day we shall realize that the buch we have today is just a cocone of selfish leaders …thats when we shall have a real revolution….even if its Madagascer way.

Look at this guyz….do you ask yourself why the politicians kids will always have a degree….not even one and not the hardway?….do you know how young the kids start driving and not just cars…real cars…like a Range Rover …my friends…..some daugther the other day lost 2 million shiliings to a mboch….yes 2million…and that is petty cash…..

Do the kids even know where Muthurua is ???…..come on guyz…..lets wake up and realize that we are our own enemies….

I remember once the total man said he can do all in his power to protect his wealth ……..just guess what they can do to divide you until you cant think anymore…….we shud realize that we have a group of few rich wealthy leaders who will always want to freeeze you more and more..

PEACE out and lets unite and make sure that in ten years time…we have good leaders not for us coz we are already ruined but for our kids kids….its not abt kibaki cant do this and someone cant ….they are all together in this……just wake up!!!!


?AIDS RIGHTS? Fwd: ???:1906? HIV and Human Rights in China

Remarks by Joanne Csete at launching of Asia Catalyst’s report I Will Fight to My Last Breath: Barriers to AIDS Treatment in China on April 28, 2009.

I would like to offer these remarks in honor of our colleague Mr Hu Jia who is currently in a Chinese prison partly because he exercised his freedom of speech in the form of bold advocacy on behalf of people living with HIV in China. I am also deeply honored to be in the presence of Mr Li Dan and Ms. Shen Tingting and to acknowledge their pioneering work on behalf of people living with HIV.

I congratulate Asia Catalyst on the hard work that went into the production of this very useful report and especially for reminding us that addressing HIV in any population means addressing a wide range of human rights and human rights abuses.

We are in a moment in the global health world when there are many powerful interests making the case that the world has focused too much on HIV, that HIV has been treated as too “special” and has received too much money and attention, and that we need to make our response to HIV more like the response to other health problems. My reaction when I hear this is that this line of argument opens the door for those who would push us back to the time when all global health problems were horribly underfunded and neglected. Why are we not all pushing for every health problem and for health systems challenges to attract the kind of funding that HIV/AIDS has attracted, rather than for HIV to be pushed back into the “normalcy” of other problems?

In any case, this report reminds us of several ways in which HIV, whatever might be said about the response to it, really is special as a health problem. The very fact that its transmission is related to sex and drugs has meant from the beginning – and even now – that HIV is associated in the public mind with drug injection, sexual promiscuity, sex work, and homosexuality. In many societies, people who turn up with HIV, no matter who they are, are readily assumed to be promiscuous or unfaithful or secretly gay or clandestine drug addicts. Thus a central challenge for HIV responses everywhere has been how to mount programs in an environment of stigma, blame and social exclusion because sex and drugs is the context.

In many countries, the only “innocent” or “blameless” “victims” of HIV in public and too often policy-level thinking are people who acquired HIV through a blood transfusion like the eponymous Ryan White in the US (for whom domestic AIDS legislation in this country is named) and children who got the disease by the simple fact of being born to someone living with HIV. You would think, then, that children would be a policy priority, but, as this report shows, the stigma and moral judgmentalness and blame associated with HIV is so strong that children are still tarred with it in spite of their “innocence” with respect to transmission.

And at this point we run up against a second aspect of HIV that is special, compared at least to other infectious disease pandemics. Most such diseases preferentially target young children and the elderly – they are immunologically and in other ways most vulnerable. But HIV claims the lives of adults in the prime of life, many of whom are parents, and many of those are parents of young children. This means that those people who are the most effective advocates for getting children’s problems onto the political agenda – namely their parents – are in the case of HIV often struggling just to survive, are sick, dying or dead.

In China, advocacy on behalf of anyone – child or adult – affected by HIV is further complicated by a factor special to the country (as Meg explained), which is that the government has consistently sought to suppress the history of massive HIV infection through state-run blood plasma collections, of which we are likely never to know the true scale and the true cost in lives. This history has made HIV even more taboo in public discourse, as though sex and drugs didn’t make it taboo enough.

In addition to all of these factors, it must be said that it is shocking that China, which has in recent years been so widely praised for accelerating its AIDS response, has apparently done so little on educating the public about the basics of HIV transmission that there is still widespread belief that HIV is spread through casual contact. And that belief is one of the most effective ways to reinforce fear and discrimination against people living with the disease, including children.

So in this context, we begin perhaps to imagine how difficult it is to advance any human rights-based policy responses to HIV, including an assurance of pediatric treatment, an assurance that China certainly has the resources to make. This report is an excellent example of using human rights commitments, of which China remarkably has made many with respect to international human rights treaties, to advocate for universal access to basic services for children and, further, to assert that services should reflect respect for the inherent dignity of these children, their family and all people affected by HIV. The detailed descriptions in the report of how the lack of access to basic care further impoverishes already poor people, and adds insult to the injury of HIV-based stigma and exclusion, provide important fodder for continued advocacy.

The report calls on China to meet the need for treating children at least partly by making use of compulsory licensing, which means issuing a temporary license to produce a drug that is under patent without the consent of the patent-holder but with some level of compensation to the patent-holder. This is a measure allowed by the World Trade Organization rules in cases of meeting a public health need. It’s a good recommendation, and something that should be tried.

In addition, though, we might note that there is growing dissatisfaction with the difficulties of using compulsory licensing for life-saving medicines under the terms of the WTO rules. These difficulties have led many experts and organizations to suggest that the next major battle in access to medicines is finding measures that are not outgrowths of the global patent system (like compulsory licensing) but rather fundamental alternatives to conventional patents. Thus we have a new global discussion about things like patent pooling, which is what it sounds like – an arrangement for the collective management of patent rights, which usually involves a group of patent-holders cross-licensing their patents to others, and which could, for example, be managed by a non-profit entity in a non-profit way. This idea was raised with respect to life-saving medicines in the World Health Assembly’s 2008 statement on intellectual property and health, and it has been endorsed by UNITAID, which is a non-profit agency created with monies from a small tax on airline tickets in Europe that is meant to be a large-scale purchaser of medicines for use in developing countries.

In addition to patent pools, many groups are calling for a global system of one-time prizes for innovations in the area of medicines that would provide compensation for discoverers of new drugs but would not be associated with the 20-year monopolies associated with patents that inevitably drive up prices and restrict access. I am sure that we will all have opportunities in the coming months and years to educate ourselves on these alternatives and to support structural changes in global intellectual property regulation that could facilitate access to life-saving medicines in ways that the current patent system fails to do.

All of which is to say that while the victories that have led to dramatic declines in the prices of life-saving medicines, which are largely due to AIDS activists asserting the human right of all people to affordable care, these victories are really only the beginning. There is much more to be done, and China’s actions and those of Chinese activists and their supporters will be important in this struggle.

Finally let me say that this report is a tribute to the courage of people affected by HIV and their advocates in China. It has been hard enough in places where human rights are enshrined in national law to achieve the victories of rights-based advocacy in national responses to HIV – that is, progress on the affordability of treatment; and progress (though never enough) in reducing stigma; progress in ensuring any level of protection for the human rights of those most affected by HIV – including children, people who use illicit drugs, people in the sex trade, gay and bisexual men, women facing domestic violence and other forms of subordination; and, eventually, ensuring that the voices of all those people are heard in policy and program decision-making. Indeed hard enough in those places where there is some tradition of strong human rights mechanisms, but enormously difficult in China. That there has been any progress whatsoever in these areas in China – and there has – is a testament to astonishingly brave activists who have faced abuse, imprisonment and repression to assert the rights of those affected by and vulnerable to HIV.

So this report and this event, I hope, are reminders that we need to do everything we can to support organizations like Asia Catalyst that are basing their AIDS advocacy on the proven idea that acting to safeguard the human rights of those affected by and vulnerable to HIV must be a central public health strategy with respect to this disease. I congratulate Asia Catalyst again on this work and add my thanks to all of you for being here.

?? Chang Kun

– – –
Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 02:39:03 +0800 [01:39:03 PM CDT]
From: ?? Chang Kun
Subject: ?AIDS RIGHTS? Fwd: ???:1906? HIV and Human Rights in China

Re: Why Raila must equally take blame!!

Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 11:55:37 +0300 [03:55:37 AM CDT]
From: Betty Otieno
Subject: Re: Why Raila must equally take blame!!

Sungu you are not being fair or serious. Kenya had to move on and we assess ourselves a year later just as Obama has done 100 days later.

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 12:28 AM, otieno sungu wrote:

Raila Amolo Odinga assured Kenyans for close to a year that the coalition was working when he knew very well that he was not being consulted as the Accord requires.

This was a great deception to the people of Kenya and absconding duty that gave Kibaki the lull that he was the de facto President.

Raila should have raised hell immediately he smelled a rat on consultations and let Kenyans know and judge Kibaki alone. By carrying us along with this lie, he stands accused just as the man who imagines stealing elections is one way of earning legitimacy.

Raila cannot come out one year later when the National Accord that saved us has been raped, dragged through the mud and cast aside.

For this, I hold him accountable, for the rest of the failures in government, I hold the man who stole our legitimate right to elect a leader who could solve our problems.

No wonder he cares less what happens to us, we did not elect him and thus he is not answerable to us.


Re: Will Kenya ever learn!

My devotion this evening took me to two portions of Scriptures! Here they are:

Judges 17:6, “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.”

Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

On finishing reading, I found myself asking this million dollar question, “Will Kenya ever learn? Why such a question! Here is why!

-It wasn’t long ago since Kenya went on fire with unthinkable loss of lives and property.
-It seems as if all leaders are on holiday. People are suffering with very little to eat, no jobs,poverty is on the rise and yet nothing seems to bother the leaders of our nation.
-It seems as if so many want to be president at the same time and by force.
-It looks as if the Government does not care about her employer-the people of Kenya.
-It seems as if the system has failed to appoint that everyone is doing what they think is fit.
-For how long shall we depend on International countries to help us sort out our differences!
-Has any of the leaders ever thought of sacrificing for the sake of the people?
-What will it take the leaders to realize that things are falling apart?

Just disappointed with the bickering of the Kenyan leaders!

Pr Birai

– – –
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 22:46:21 -0700 [04/27/2009 12:46:21 AM CDT]
From: Absalom Birai
Subject: Re: Will Kenya ever learn!

Re: Envoys Slight Kalonzo/PNU as Foolish

Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 10:48:43 -0700 [12:48:43 PM CDT]
From: Joash Malawa
Subject: Re: Envoys Slight Kalonzo/PNU as Foolish

I wonder what kind of ‘a lawyer’ Kalonzo is or purport to be in life if he cant even inter prate what even a lay man can who never went into a law class.I wish he went a head to file a case of interpretation in a constitutional court to prove his irelevance futher.
He should read the writtings on the wall.I belive the Mr.8% is futher from being the president of this country even new comers like Karua could defeat him if elections were called now.Let him go and nurse his wounds in his consituency and stop confussing the public.


— On Thu, 4/30/09, martin otieno wrote:

From: martin otieno
Subject: Re: Envoys Slight Kalonzo/PNU as Foolish
Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009, 8:24 AM

Wana bidii let us not even include Kalonzo (ka-lost) in the National accord arrangement, for he has never been part of it!

When the Accord was being discussed kalonzo being the Vulture that he is, was no where but sitting comfortably waiting to get what is left behind (mabakio) and then have the audacity to claim to be the saviour of the country! hence the ignorance on what the national accord is and it’s interpretation.and to add insult to injury the guy is a Lawyer or claims to be one! Let us separate passengers from drivers

Matters of such national importance demands the foresight,intellect and the love for Kenya which I think the Speaker Hon. Marende possess.
Kenya needs more Marendes in positions of Leadership if the country is to move forward and realise it’s full potential.

Martin Otieno.

— On Wed, 29/4/09, owili nyatawo wrote:

From: owili nyatawo
Subject: Re: Envoys Slight Kalonzo/PNU as Foolish
Date: Wednesday, 29 April, 2009, 6:06 PM

The likes of Kalonzo and Uhuru are living in cloud cuckoo land. I wonder why it never occurred to them to seek legal interpretation of the Accord if they were not sure about the full extent of its meaning and implication. The country cannot move forward on the back of such absurdity. Marende’s ruling was insightful, measured and brought some element of sanity to these stinking political theatrics. The country cannot be held hostage by a president who see nothing and do nothing and it was time the speaker restored sanity to this whole stinking episode.

The nation is hurting and listing badly like a ship without a captain. If Kibaki cannot manage a simple coalition by regularly having conversation with his partners, how on earth can we expect him to run a government and deliver on the promises which can bring hope to the multitude of the dispossessed that make the majority of us? Such professional and political ineptitude is what has brought this great country to its knees. No wonder Mungiki is having a field day. The people are dieing and starving and nobody cares or gives attention to their numbing pains and bleeding wounds as they hopelessly fight for dear life as if we do not have a government. This is the greatest shameful act that can befall a country.

Well done Bwana Speaker sir!

From: Kennedy Oduor
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 3:50:01 PM
Subject: Envoys Slight Kalonzo/PNU as Foolish

Reading the envoys reactions to Marende Ruling, one would only see that they view PNU/Kalonzo as foolish especially the view that Kalonzo uttered that PNU will go to court for the interpretation of the National Accord and the Constitution. Anyone who ever went to school will easily agree with Marende’s ruling that things have changed. Its not business as usual and the Grand Coalition cannot operate anymore as the Kibaki administration betweem 2002-2007. PNU is yet to see this reality. They are still selfish..corrupt..power hungry not even acknowledging that they stole the 2007 General elections.

Kenyans must be honest and stop the foolishness of blaming both PNU and ODM. Its very clear for anyone with a well functioning brain that Mwai Kibaki is the problem. You dont entertain useless arguments just to accommodate foolish people but you should entertain constructive arguments just as the envoys intimated about Marende’s ruling. Kalonzo must know that he received 8 percent of the total votes and only became a VP after betraying millions of Kenyans for his personal gains and ambition. Kenyans must match forward and leave tribalists and sycophants aside. This blaming everybody must stop and the blame must be put where it belongs. Now everyone knows that Raila was always RIGHT when complaining about PNU and one General Kiguoya from Othaya, who is a moribund President who is taking us back to 1920s..We must shun the devil and build this beautiful country.

Re: Marende Tames a Wayward President and a Reckless PM!

Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:28:49 -0700 [02:28:49 PM CDT]
From: Jairus K’Onyiego
Subject: Re: Marende Tames a Wayward President and a Reckless PM!

Reading through these political mails, one forms the picture of a plan that a certain group haveput in place in disenfranchizing the Citizens of their future political Leadership.

It is obvious that a certain group of people are so hell bent on stopping Raila from applying his leadership skills to turn around the Kenyan Nation to prosperity, that they have since laid down a mechanism that is crafty, corrupt and to say the least silly. But it has been done in such a manner that, if you are not bright, you may never read through it.

For a long time now Raila Odinga has chosen to lie low like an envelope. This he did in order that the country might go through healing and reconciliation. But his gesture has been misread by the coalition partners to mean that he is weak. Top of this they have come up with this nasty plan whereby the Presedent will oppose all that Odinga does, and in addition send his top leutinants to do very many negative things against the citizens, then portray Odinga as the one making such unpopular decisions.

What surprises me is why they foolishly believe that the public will buy this, while the truth is that they never consult Odinga on these issues? Many leutinants have been recruited solely for one purpose, to stop Odinga. They are so hell bent on this to a point they cannot think clearly as to what are the needs of the Country. These people operate even right here in the Biddii Africa forum by constantly submitting articles which portray Odinga as having failed in Governing. But how can Odinga faile when all his plans have been opposed of plainly destryoyed by his coalition parners. THis plans which favor the rule of law and the Citizenry have been scutled by thos who are close to Kibaki. The blame is then heaped on Odinga by those appointed by Kibaki, through the likes a Steven Maina and many others who have been instructed, by the “Raila Character Destruction Group” to write bad things against Raila, showing that Raila after all has failed just like Kibaki. In this way, they believe that many people will buy the Idea, and come 2012, there will be very little interest by the citizen to elect Raila if at all he will choose to stand for elections.

These are the reasons why Kalonzo, a man without Ideas of his own and a vision for this Nation, would go to lengths to defy the laws that brought this coalition into existence, for he knows that, if they follow then law, then, he and the Gang will loose and Raila and the citizens will be the winners.
So wanabidii watch thesecharacters trying so hard to say that Raila Odinga is no good just in the same manner as Kibaki. Tell you what, this is a big lie, It is what they want to sell to you, it is what they would love you to believe. But you would be a big fool to believe it, for if you do, then you will have given the Group led by Kibaki himself and Musyoka, Muthaura etc to pee on your heads as Kenyan people.

Ask yourself this; “Are Raila’s Leadership styles similar to those of Kibaki, that all of a sudden they now do things in the same manner and as such have collectively failed Kenyans? When was it that Raila was given a chance to implement what he believes is right for the Citizens of the Nation? If he is the Prime Minister, how else would a Junior Government Spoksman like Mutua Katuku, completely defy and ignore him? And how about being treated with utmost disrespect by the secretary to the Cabinet, Muthaura in deed and words. Is this how the coalition was meant to work with people behaving like they are in an open and free “Village Vegetable Market in Karatina, or Kutus, or Kondele or in Busia border or in Bisil or Bul Bul, or Sio Port where sellers can shout obsenes against one another without respect and no rules to follow. If this is the way the President preferes to operate his Government, and then, asks his leutinants, to blame it all on Raila, then there is something very wrong with his Leadership and those who sorround him. For they are slowly but surely destroying their chance of bringing change to the country.

Or is it that they just lark ideas and skills of true Leaders??????


— On Wed, 4/29/09, Steven Maina wrote:

From: Steven Maina
Subject: Re: Marende Tames a Wayward President and a Reckless PM!
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 7:54 AM

Read my e-mail again and to the very end.

We need to move away from thinking that Raila is an angel, and look at the issues as they stand. Are you suggesting that he is being petulant because he was not consulted? He would have gone along if he has been asked? How do we even know that he wasn’t?
Members on this forum love taking that position that you are hiding behind – Raila is the angel and anyone who even tries to defend or support the President is wrong!
Please keep in mind that people were killed and displaced (many still in IDP camps) by ODM chanting thugs, called onto the streets daily by Raila.

Going back to soberness: We do not need these 2 people (even all 3, i daresay the whole lot) and we should be thinking of getting rid of all of them, including the ‘saintly’ Raila!

— On Wed, 29/4/09, Lee Makwiny wrote:

From: Lee Makwiny
Subject: Re: Marende Tames a Wayward President and a Reckless PM!
Date: Wednesday, 29 April, 2009, 8:32 AM

Kalonzo promised to pass between Raila andn Kibaki. This is the problem, he has passed Kibaki, but Raila is blocking him. He is the worse leader Kenya ever produced, if there is any.

Kibaki must deal with Kalonzo once and for all. Or Kenyans will make life difficult for him. I promise, very soon, life will be difficult for this Mr. 8% man.

On 4/29/09, Will Keku wrote:

Charles, Charles, Charles, the reason Kibaki and Raila do not consult each other is the same reason you can not see any sense that Maina has put though. Everyone is too busy thumping their chest even when there is nothing to thump. We have clumsy short sighted politicians, we have a weak consitution and we Kenyans can not continue blaming our leaders, when we can not even agree on the basics. We still see ourselves as ODM/PNU or others rather than Kenyans with a common goal.

— On Wed, 4/29/09, charles warria wrote:

From: charles warria
Subject: Re: Marende Tames a Wayward President and a Reckless PM!
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 11:57 AM

Maina, Maina, Maina, when will your likes see that the sole cause of problems in the coalition government is Kibaki and his PNU team? open your eyes my friend, be sober! If Kibaki even called Raila and discussed his option of appointing Kalonzo to lead HBC, could there have been a tussle? If Kibaki consulted with Raila on government appointments and protocols, could there have been a problem? You see, people of your like tend to demonize Raila, yet you cannot point out (while interpreting the National Accord), what is it that you seem to think he does wrong, and kibaki does right.

Why cant your likes be sober and look back to the dark moment Kenya just came from? Are your likes even remotely aware of the magnitude of hatred that is currently building toward the Mt. kenya ethnic group that will possibly culminate into genocide worse than Rwanda? This country belongs to all of us!!

From: Steven Maina
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 9:00:20 AM
Subject: Re: Marende Tames a Wayward President and a Reckless PM!

Whether we like it or not, whether it favours our preferred man or not, the law has to be followed and both the Accord and the Constitution have to be followed!
Both the PM and the President have NOT shown maturity and wisdom and we MUST NOT re-elect them ever again – a lesson to the power consumed individuals in this country.

Let’s not be blind to the fact that though Mr Kibaki has been a very poor leader, this crisis is being brought on, quite unnecessarily I dare say, by Raila. He is not the innocent that this forum tries to potray him to be.

We must also be sure that supporting the President or supporting the PM is not wrong and we must learn to respect divergent points of view – name calling (sycophants, primitive, etc etc) is really immature and should not be part of this forum.
I am convinced that both sides have compelling arguments and also very fundamental flaws and only through discussion can these be overcome.

In the meantime, we must pledge to sweep out all these bickering power hungry individuals from the political landscape, whether the elections are called today or 2012. Tht’s the powe we have. Let’s not lose it to one individual who really does nothing for us.

From: Kennedy Oduor
Sent: Tuesday, 28 April, 2009 23:33:16
Subject: Marende Tames a Wayward President

Speaker Marende today made an important attempt to tame the wayward President that Kenya has had since January 2008. He also made it clear that this government was solely formed under the National Accord and Reconcilliation Act. The Constitution that Mutula Kilonzo and his co-sycophants keep on quoting failed to give us a government on december 2007. PNU is the party causing animosity in this country because of selfishness and lack of leadership within its ranks. Parliament told the Executive that we know what government means under the national accord and we shall honor a letter naming the Leader of Government Business according to the National Accord.

This is a huge for ODM in this Round One. This tassle may end up in Court as things stand for Kibaki even fears consulting Raila Odinga. One wonders why? For this country to move forward, we should fast track the Constitutional Review and head to the elections before 2012. Now that Marende was help endorse the Electoral Commission.. they should get down to serious work for elections may come anytime before they even know it…Congrats Marende for taming a wayward President who thinks that he was elected President-Kenyans know that no-one elected Mwai Kibaki as President of this country.

— On Fri, 13/3/09, Solomon Mburu wrote:

From: Solomon Mburu
Subject: A Poem Dedicated to GPO and King’ara
Date: Friday, 13 March, 2009, 9:47 AM

Dear All,

I have been following the discussions on the burial of GPO and King’ara and I’m really impressed by the comments coming in.

In regards to this, I have written a poem dedicated to these two selfless gentlemen, though I personally never met them..

However, with the pain of losing such hopeful activists, I want to share with you my sentiments on this issue.


Solomon Mburu

Man is a gregarious animal and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all the same way to the side of a hill!


Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 17:12:48 +0000 [12:12:48 PM CDT]
From: charles oduor


I beg to state that FIDA’s ‘sex ban’ though well intentioned may, and I say may, potray a wrong impression.

Firstly, sex ideally is not a weapon, though theoretically its been used as one. (remember the biblical samson and delila….. pastor birai correct if am wrong)

so whats my fear- please fox, ladies and gentlemen, There may be a likelyhood of women being considered as sex objects, and believe me it is not trivialising the matter, but if you can ‘buy favours’ once, then surely you can buy it a second time.

secondly, i beg to know what the christians think about it and indeed what our muslim brothers think about it. what about our our traditionalist brothers and is there a chance that those who married traditionally but are deprived off sex (as a result of the request of G 10) may batter their wives, or marry a second?

What does it say about the long fought for equality between men and women and what may happen if a ‘fathers right’ movement in Kenya tells men to boycott sex? I do believe we can use our sexuality positively, for example the famous women’s match in france.

Sex is a gift from God


Is this request applicable to commercial sex workers as well? point is clear, leader

— On Thu, 30/4/09, joseph nyongesa wrote:

From: joseph nyongesa Subject: Re: FIDA AND SEX?
Date: Thursday, 30 April, 2009, 10:06 AM
I would say
Fida women et al, are right in being concerned about the
situation in the country. It is their own “small way” of
provoking men who are the leaders and therefore accountable
to rise to reality. They are obviously wrong in their manner
of bringing this about- more so considering that most of
them are not even married and their manner of portrayal of
women as sex objects – which it can be said is and was an
open secret and “leans” more to the truth side… in as
much as women will protest to the contrary.

One can therefore safely say
that they have their own shoe in the mouth!
At least they have stolen
the headlines.

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:47 AM,
Sam Odera wrote:

Apparently all the FIDA leaders advising
other women to deny us sex are themselves single. So the
boycott would not have meaning. Let the women married
women shun it.


— On Wed, 4/29/09, Peter kahiro wrote:

From: Peter kahiro
Subject: FIDA AND SEX?
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 10:19 PM

Whoever advised FIDA was intelligent but, the one who
conveyed the message did it wrongly. If we go by their
directive of wifes denying their husbands sex then, we
expect more wrangles within families. The message should
have been for all kenyans to “FAST” in form of
denying ourselves sex as a Nation. If we did so then God
would inturn hear our cry and am sure he would respond by
taming our leaders in a mighty way(In the bible:He tamed
lions to spare Daniel). Remember its not families that have
political problems its different fanctions within the
political divide

Kahiro M.P.-Kipipiri.

— On Wed, 4/29/09, otieno sungu wrote:

From: otieno sungu
Subject: Re: FIDA AND SEX?
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 9:44 AM


Whoever gave these FIDA women such an idea should
apologise to women. It has potrayed women as sex objects who
are only good for the bed and nothing else. Does it mean
women have to blackmail men into discussing issues?

Must women use what is between their legs to get men
listening other than what is between their ears?

I find this very insulting to women. For FIDA to
construe womenfolk as men’s sex toys is to say the
least, worrisome. No wonder they always are keen on matters
to do with a man and a women in their bedroom, they pick
such cases like hot cake.

Women must come out and denounce this kind of crap to
which they are subjected, ati abstain from sex?

What if the men call for a one month abstinance???
They should know that “simba akikosa nyama, hata lala
njaa, atakula nyasi….” this is fermentating a crisis
in homes for there are men who will go blind with desire and
homes will break down,maids may be in danger and promisquity
may just go anotch higher.

For and On behalf of all men who are blackmailed. If
this happens, get in touch with me, I shal declare a one
month abstinance in retaliation.


— On Wed, 4/29/09, Intelligent Kimilili wrote:

From: Intelligent Kimilili
Subject: FIDA AND SEX?
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 9:52 AM

Women of goodwill should not listen to such nonsense.
Does it mean mean cannot leave without sex. Such ideas can
only originate from the sexually starved women looking for
company. What does having sex with my wife or the lack of it
have to do with Mungiki. Women be warned
…………………….. withhold it at your own risk
because there is planty of it out there.


From: Irene Wangui
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 3:02:27 PM
Subject: RE: please confirm

Trust me they did. I think they need to look for a catchy
tag line that will

sell. You bet it will. As for how many women will do that.
I don’t know. I
think instead of asking the whole country to go on sex
strike, they should
have asked the wives of all parliamentarians to do that as
the husbands

directly involved. That way it will make sense.

—–Original Message—–
From: muthoni njuguna
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:16 PM

Subject: please confirm

Is it true that FIDA has asked women to abstain from sex
for a week in
the name of politics? Because if it is, then its too