The land of scandals: Why Heads Must Roll at the Ministry of Education
Odhiambo Oketch
Today it is the Ministry of Education. As we write this, Ministry of Agriculture is on the spot of Maize scandal of Kshs 24B according to the World Bank [to the extent that Kenyans are buying maize at the highest price anywhere in the world].
Yesterday, it was the Ministry of Finance with figures intentionally not adding up. If not, it is the Ministry of Internal Security with Defense procurement that cannot stand any audit tests. Or, it is money for Kazi kwa Vijana going to Wazee instead… And the scandals are everywhere, in almost all ministries.
That is how the government runs, and soon, a Commission will be formed, just like we have witnessed several times. Do not mind that we were told that corruption will cease to be a way of life in Kenya. History confirms the reverse.
We had the Goldenberg Commission, the Anglo Leasing Commission, The Ndungu Commissions, and several other Commissions that time has conveniently shielded from our memory. And the results have been the same; no action.
Yet, cases where we have had arrests, prosecution and judgement that nails a culprit, powers of mercy on the presidential clemency have come to play; remember Ms Margaret Gachara?
Yet, the perpetrators of those major scandals are now regrouping and saying that they want to ensure that their unholy union is the last revolution that will bring good governance to Kenya! That they want to save us from their scandals!
I really get sick with this. But I am happy that I am not alone. We are many who will not take this cabal of scandal inventing team as our saviors from the rot that they occasioned on us.
Or, given that these are their scandals, they know how best to bring them to an end?
I really doubt.
Oto Octavian
— On Sun, 12/20/09, Elijah Kombo
I pray the men leave that office immediately. Prof Ongeri’s allocating a bigger share to schools in his constituency is a clear sign of corruption. And if he quits, then others involved in the Maize scandal should follow suit. I am seeing Kibaki sacking both Ongeri and Karega!
Kombo Elijah
— On Sun, 12/20/09, Okiya Omtatah Okoiti
Why Heads Must Roll at the Ministry of Education
The scandal of looting education funds is a disgrace to Kenyans and the world! It is an abomination for anyone to help themselves to the baby’s food in any culture. Moreover, the place of education in society as a social equaliser cannot be gainsaid. It is a critical tool for lifting the masses out of poverty, leading to equality and development, which are the most common goals pursued by any responsible government in the world. Education is the means through which any country’s foundations and future are built.
Kenyans are utterly shocked at the ravenous greed recently exposed in the inordinate and gross misuse and abuse of public funds, regardless of concern for the future of Kenyan children and that of the nation. The inefficiency and ineptness of overall administration and management in the Ministry of Education and its agencies is abhorring and unacceptable in modern times and age. The serious lack of accountability, transparency and responsibility in the management of funds in a programme aimed at ensuring that Kenyan children, especially those from poor families, access basic education is criminal.
The extent of the pillage shows a total failure of administrative authority and lack of concern for the education needs of the nation. Clearly government affairs were not conducted according to laid down processes and law. Supervision organs at all levels failed in their oversight on how ministry departments and individuals exercised their powers, performed their duties, and on whether they strictly followed working procedures. Supervision organs failed to carry out their role of control and appear to have been complicit in the outrageous plunder.
The abomination stinks to high heaven when we factor in the fact that the thieves belong to a class that usually patronises private academies meaning, that unlike the poor who depend entirely on the programme for the education of their children, they do not need the Free Primary Education project.
Kenyans will NOT and must NOT allow anybody to play with the future of our children and country. The officials in charge of discipline supervision, including Education Minister Prof. Sam Ongeri and Permanent Secretary Prof. Karega Mutahi, who failed to spot and stop the wrongdoing must, therefore, be dealt with for dereliction of duty. Prof. Ongeri and Prof Mutahi must lead the pack in resigning to facilitate thorough investigations, especially if they believe that their hands are clean. President Kibaki should sack them with immediate effect, should they fail to resign.
We are alarmed that nobody has been arrested, nor recorded statements with the police. To assuage public concerns on the management of public funds decisive action is required in this matter. The anti-corruption campaign must become high-handed. There must be visible fierce bites from the President rather than his usual loud barks. President Kibaki must make an example of this case by acting in a resolute manner that will leave no doubts in our minds that we can rely on him to combat corruption, and to build a clean government, that will provide a solid guarantee for economic development and the realization of social justice.
We reject, as empty pious rhetoric, his recent order that the matter be investigated. Year in, year out, ever since he assumed office, the President has said the same thing but taken no or negligible action whenever such scandals are unearthed. And year in year out new scandals read like they were copy-pasted from earlier ones with minor variations and adjustments. It is no wonder that many audit reports on these scandals seem to have become valuable guidebooks on how to steal taxpayers’ money and get away with.
The misuse and abuse of public funds is an act of treason against the Republic, and its people. The inefficiency and ineptness of government administration and management of public finances is also treachery. Time has come when we must upgrade the looting of public coffers to the status of other very serious crimes like treason and treat it as such. We must stop punishing backyard chicken thieves harsher than we do plunderers of public funds, whose actions kill many, and deny many more an opportunity for leading quality lives.
Corruption is a heinous crime and betrayal of Kenyan society. We cannot continue to treat those facing corruption charges, those who have stolen billions of tax-payers money, more leniently than we do petty chicken thieves. To do so demoralises law-abiding citizens who obediently pay their taxes and see the money wasted through open plunder. Corruption harms democracy and social justice; it disturbs rule of law and hampers economic development; it is one of humankind’s worst enemies.
As a matter of urgent necessity, we demand that those implicated in the looting of FPE funds must refund all the money they stole, and be subjected to the sternest punishment the law accords such a crime. Criminals MUST face the law with little mercy accorded to them. Those who betray public trust by engaging in corruption, by raping the nation, don’t deserve to be spared the appropriate punishment. Every effort must be made to ensure that we rid our government of corruption. We say this because a government by corrupt elements, by thieves, no matter how intelligent and efficient they may be in other respects, is just as dangerous as a government by a foreign occupation army of looters.
Accordingly, in the spirit of our National Anthem, we call upon all Kenyans to defend our country against these saboteurs. We must stand up for our children and for our future.
Neto Agostinho
National Convener
Kenyans for Justice and Development
Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009.
Kashfa ya uporaji wa hazina ya elimu ya msingi bila malipo ni aibu kwa Wakenya na ulimwengu kwa jumla. Katika utamaduni wowote, ni laana kwa yeyote kula chakula cha mtoto. Mchango wa elimu katika kusawazisha watu katika jamii hauwezi kupuuzwa. Elimu ni silaha murua ya kuondoa wengi katika umaskini na kupalilia usawa na maendeleo, ambayo ni malengo yanayozingatiwa na serikali yoyote inayojali. Elimu ni chombo ambacho nchi yoyote hujenga misingi yake ya siku zijazo.
Wakenya wamestaajabishwa na ufichuaji wa juzi wa kiwango cha ulafi wa mali ya umma, bila kujali hatima ya watoto wa Kenya na Taifa zima. Utendaji kazi duni na usimamizi mbaya katika Wizara ya Elimu na mashirika yake unakera na unafaai kupingwa katika enzi hii ya kisasa. Ni uhalifu mkubwa kwamba hakuna uwazi na uwajibikaji katika hazina yenye wajibu wa kusimamia fedha hizo za kuhakikisha watoto wa Kenya hasa kutoka familia maskini wanapata elimu ya msingi.
Uporaji wa ahli ya juu ni ishara ya wasimamizi kushindwa na kutojali mahitaji ya elimu ya Taifa. Ni dhahiri kuwa masuala ya serikali hayakutekelezwa kuambatana na taratibu rasmi na sheria. Vyombo vya usimamizi katika viwango vyote havikuendeleza wajibu wake ipasavyo. Vyombo vya usimamizi vilipuuza wajibu wao na kuonekana kushiriki katika uporaji huo.
Kashfa hii inaudhi ikikumbukwa kwamba wafujaji ni wanaopata elimu katika shule maarufu za kibinafsi za wanaojiweza, kumaanisha wao si maskini wanaotegemea mpango wa elimu bila malipo.
Wakenya HAWATAKUBALI na HAWAPASWI kukubali yeyote kucheza na hatima ya watoto wetu na Taifa letu. Maafisa wasimamizi wanaohusika akiwemo Waziri wa Elimu Profesa Sam Ongeri na Katibu Mkuu Profesa Karega Mutahi, waliokosa kutambua na kukomesha uhalifu huo, wanastahili kuadhibiwa, kwa kupuuza wajibu wao. Muhimu ni Prof Ongeri na Prof Mutahi kuongoza kundi hilo kujiuzulu ili kutoa nafasi kwa uchunguzi, ikiwa wanaamini hawana hatia. na Rais Kibaki awafute kazi mara moja iwapo watakaidi pendekezo hili.
Tuna hofu kuwa kufikia sasa hakuna ambaye amekamatwa wala kuandikisha taarifa kwa polisi. Ili kudumisha imani ya wananchi kuhusu usimamizi wa mali ya umma, uamuzi thabiti unatakikana kuchukuliwa. Kampeni za kupambana na ufisadi zinoe makali. Rais achukue hatua badala ya mtindo wake wa kubweka tu. Rais anatakikana kuonyesha mfano kwa kuchukua hatua ya kuwafanya wananchi kuamini wanaweza kumtegemea kudhibiti ufisadi na kujenga serikali safi itakayothibitisha ustawi wa uchumi na haki katika jamii.
Tunakataa matamashi yake matupu ya juzi kuwa kashfa hiyo itachunguzwa. Tangu achukue mamlaka, Rais amesema yale yale lakini hakuna hatua au hatua duni imechukuliwa kashfa kama hizi zikifichuliwa. Kila mwaka kashfa nyingi zinazokaribiana na za awali zinaibuka. Haishangazi kuwa ripoti zozote kuhusiana na hizo kashfa zinaelekea kuwa miongozo ya kuiba mali ya umma bila kukamatwa.
Visa vya ufujaji na matumizi mabaya ya pesa za umma ni kitendo cha uhaini dhidi ya Jamhuri na wananchi wake. Tena, utendaji kazi duni na ulegevu wa utawala wa serikali na usimamizi wa pesa za umma pia una kasoro. Wakati umewadia wa kuweka uporaji wa mali ya umma katika kundi moja na makosa mengine makubwa kama uhaini. Tunapaswa kukoma kuwapa hukumu kali wezi wa kuku kuliko waporaji wa hazina za umma, ambao mienendo yao inaua wengi na kuwanyima zaidi nafsi ya kuboresha maisha yao .
Ufisadi ni kosa la uhaini na usaliti kwa jamii ya Wakenya. Hatuwezi kuendelea kuwapa adhabu ndogo wanaoiba mabilioni ya pesa za walipa ushuru. kuliko wezii wa kuku. Kufanya hivyo kunawavunja moyo wananchi wanaojitolea kulipa ushuru na kushuhudia pesa zao zikiporwa hadharani. Ufisadi unaumiza demokrasia na haki katika jamii, unaathiri utawala na kutatiza ustawi wa uchumi. Ni miongoni mwa adui wakuu wa binadamu.
Tunataka wote waliotajwa katika uporaji wa hazina ya mpango wa elimu ya msingi bila malipo kuchukuliwa hatua kali, haraka iwezekanavyo, kuambatana na sheria. Wahalifu LAZIMA wafikishwe mbele ya sheria bila huruma. Wanaosaliti imani ya wananchi kwa kujihusisha katika ufisadi, kwa kupora nchi, hawastahili msamaha. Kila jitihada zinatakikana kutekelezwa kuhakikisha ufisadi serikalini unaangamizwa. Tunasema hili kwa kuwa serikali yenye wafisadi, yenye wezi, bila kujali ikiwa wao ni watalamu katika nyanja zingine, ni hatari na inafanana na jeshi la kigeni linalotuibia.
Hivyo, kwa mwito wa Wimbo wa Taifa, tunawaomba Wakenya wote tujitokeze kuilinda nchi yetu kwa kuwapinga vita hawa waslaiti. Lazima tuipiganie watoto wetu na hatima yetu.
Neto Agostinho
Mshirikishi wa Kitaifa
Tarehe: Jumapili Desemba 20, 2009