Monthly Archives: May 2009


Partisan belligerence within government forces only confirms political positioning between the grand parties,ODM and PNU. Ordinary Kenyans are made to believe that Raila Odinga,appears a successful party leader and unofficial reform activist bu a failed Prime Minister. On the other hand, the ODM party is being made to appear as ‘soft on reforms’ that are desperately needed by the entire nation. Even when the maize saga hits the road bouncing the PNU side of goverenment feels that the Prime Minister is only trying to cross the road to pick a fight when leadership comes a forte.

The maize saga and politicization of the civil service are tools being used to portray the Prime Minister as the one lacking a follow-through machinery when it comes to supervising ministries.

Parliament has since made the PM to be remembered principally for his tackling words and never his deeds. His political vanity is curved on the premise that he is single-handedly trying to change the fate of the nation for his own good. The PM’s reform ‘policies’ have been cobbled together only to produce headlines in the newspapers and with a self-biting effect.

Many in government have been made to believe that when the PM pulls a lever here and pushes a button there, his own bureaucratic machinery in government backfires on the head of state as he in turn delivers homegrown points that are accustomed to what the electorate want. This ploy of turnishing the PM’s name is programmed,measured, thoughtful but damaging, to to Raila, but majority of the electorate.

It is also believed that the ODM side of the placebo – controlled coalition government is in the process of planning to bring reforms in government through parliament by mid- next year. It is argued that the current PNU led government has been on power since Kofi Annan brokered talked early last year through coalition government (GCG) and no major reforms seem to have taken place.

Some ODM politicians believe that it is time parliament focused on demanding reforms before the month of July, 2010. This would enable ODM to lead the reform process until when the elections are called in December 2012. Currently, the country has been derailed from key agendas of constitutional reforms secondary to the ongoing tussle between the grand coalition partners. As a party, ODM’s convoluted political journey seems to carry a reformist agenda for the nation. Therefore, the party believes that it is best suited to also lead the nation for two and a half years, from mid-July 2010until when the 2012 presidential contest would be held. This goes by the dictates of the National Accord and Reconciliation Act that institutionalized the 50-50 real power sharing. The proposed transitional process that has since accorded the House speaker Kenneth Otiato Marende, the interim chair of the House Business Committee and suspending the role to be played by the leader of government business, is to be effected by parliament before real power is given back to the people. The application of sections 3 and 4 of the National Accord makes ODM a beneficiary of the position of chairman of the House Business Committee and the Leader of Government Business.

In parliament, backbenchers seem to seek leave to introduce new Standing Orders that would allow the Prime Minister put through the reform agenda in parliament. The first move would be to re-constitutionalize the National Accord and Reconciliation Act of 2008 and the Constitution that the PNU side of government is aligned to. ODM, courtesy of the National Accord see it as the only way the running of government would be put under the control of Kenyans. Now that ordinary Kenyans ‘control’ leadership through parliament and he legislature is only but the primary level of reforming and empowering Kenyans and their systems of running government.

Even as the chances of a middle ground appearing remote between PNU and ODM the three-way PNU, ODM-K and the ODM split though in ‘coalition’, would transform our leadership from a presidential authoritarianism to parliamentary and later to a citizenry democracy. This may appear contrary to the tradition in most of the commonwealth countries but a sure way of making overall leadership accountable to parliament as the ultimate representative of the people.

The white- collar political offense on the side of ODM may be a well calculated onslaught since the inauguration of the 10th parliament. Prior to this move, ODM had felt the need to help unlock parliamentary business. The Orange Democratic Party facilitated the acquisition of the temporary chair of the House Business Committee by the speaker, who came from ODM, to take control of all House Committees and with the help of reform minded back-benchers. Even with the absence of speaker Marende, his deputy speaker Farah Maalim (ODM) would chair the committee while being assisted by ODM’s chief whip Jakowo Midiwo and PNU’s George Thuo. ODM based agenda – setting parliamentary House Business Committee leadership would ensure parliament divorces itself from executive influence while facilitating room for reforms including allowing the National Accord to be entrenched in the constitution and not for it to be seen as a subsidiary legislation. The party appears to re-affirm that the National Accord introduced elements of a parliamentary control to ordinary Kenyans and not for the president to control the House. On the other hand use of frequent parliamentary group meetings would boost the overall performance of parliament and governance. Such appalling aberrations, on the side of ODM, may allow ordinary Kenyans through parliament to participate in budget making and in other reform processes. Even as reforms appear dim for now work on the new constitution is of importance and would put the nation first beyond party interests.

Most importantly ordinary Kenyans yearn to still take leadership from the legislature if in case no major developments would have taken place. The culmination of power take- over by wananchi may depend on the performance of parliament before the next election is called in 2012. Wananchi believe that they have a stake to claim their right to leadership. Although ODM’s contention is that affairs of the country should run in accordance with the standing orders in parliament and the constitution and which it is determined to enforce. The party also evinces its analogy that serious coalition matters ought to be handled by the permanent committee on management of the grand coalition as a way of ending governance wrangles in a country polarized by political instability equal political supremacy between the coalition partners is the most sure-way of ending the current mess in the country. With the Management Committee in place, resolving problems facing the coalition through a wananchi-based legislative agenda would help the coalition government to deliver its promises to Kenyans.

The ODM party and leadership, in the spirit of real power-sharing in the coalition government as enshrined in the National Accord and Reconciliation Act, want Parliament, the Executive and the Judiciary as the three pillars of a democratic government to respect and practice the doctrine of separation of powers. In this case the Executive to include the top coalition partners that, together, formed the coalition government. This two-phased transitional process that would eventually wield power from authoritarian presidency would promote citizenry democracy and bring reforms that ordinary Kenyans have been yearning to have since the end of the Moi dictatorial regime.

The coalition capsule that is ODM and PNU may be a blessing in disguise for now but a recipe for good future leadership for Kenyans though it is upon parliament to trigger the much awaited reforms as a major step in democratizing Kenya through a reform-led and inclusive process.

Some would compare the ODM party to a ‘compressed’ and ‘scored’ tablet that is now ‘bitter’ but still popular in the market. PNU appears to be a ‘coated’ tablet that cannot illustrate its true nature by its appearance. ODM-Kenya, on the other hand is a layered-based tablet with a generic part of PNU. Kenyans, on this political prescription, are ‘disintegrating’ agents that make the ‘singular’ gelatine coalition capsule to literally swell and burst and break up to release the ‘contents’ during campaigns and elections.

The current coalition government being the ‘singular gelatine’ capsule appears indifferent to the eyes of Kenyans. Ordinary Kenyans, it seems, need a ‘liquid based’ soft gelatine capsule that does not define its ‘external’ divisions and differences to the eyes. This coalition politics being administered to Kenyans in its pure, corrosive way to the complex Kenyan delivery system may be a bad political dosage for our growing democracy.

Parliament now seems to be ‘unsure’ but ready to to prepare a formulation designed to maximize the stability and usefulness of the coalition capsule.

Even with varied ODM and PNU code designations Parliament has a challenge of marketing a united proprietary trademark that is the coalition. Come mid-next year chances are that backbenchers are likely to break the capsule at the right time for the sake of ordinary citizens. But not in its current ‘original’ form.

The over-the-counter kind of politics being prescribed by sectarian politicians may partisan influence parliament by creating new laws instead of altering and reforming existing ones that are in a way malnourished.

ODM and PNU idiosyncratic coalition may be good for the ears but with tribalism, cronyism and corruption as adverse reactions. Though the selective nature of ODM and PNU ideologies may have a dependancy effect on their followers due to varied affiliations of a communal and ethnic nature. Secondarily the two giant parties may not be well and fitting receptors as agonists for unity and democracy but could be highly specific in the urgency of the ideology of future leadership.

Parliament as the core pharmacy for legislative and political prescriptions, without the influence of other arms of government, ought to help save the otherwise ailing leadership,citizenry and its economic status.

Mundia Mundia Jnr.

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Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 03:42:29 -0700 [05/20/2009 05:42:29 AM CDT]
From: mundia mundia

Re: The secret

Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 17:16:28 +0300 [05/20/2009 09:16:28 AM CDT]
From: vincent okello
Subject: Re: The secret

I am copying herebelow a factual rebuttal of some of the hype behind
“The Secret”, by Rhonda Byrnes, by Donald S. Whitney, who has been
Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality at The Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary. It is a long post, but be patient enough to read
it to the end. I have posted it on this forum before, but I think it
was long enough ago for most people to have forgotten it.


A Review of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
by Donald S. Whitney

I had never watched an entire episode of Oprah until her program on
The Secret. In the promo for the show, Oprah announced that the
program would present “the secret” to making more money, losing
weight, finding the love of your life, and achieving job success. Who
could resist hearing more about such a claim, especially when it is
made by the most influential woman in America and touted as the key to
all her success? Apparently I wasn’t alone. After the show, Oprah’s
website was overwhelmed, emails poured in, and within hours The Secret
had become the best-selling book in the nation.

A week later, while unpacking in a hotel room, I powered up the TV.
Oprah and two guests from the week before appeared on the screen,
effusive about the transforming power of The Secret. Her website
called the episode, “A follow-up to the show everybody is talking

People are not only talking about The Secret, they are buying it. I am
writing this review in a Barnes & Noble bookstore, and this particular
branch has completely sold out of the book—again. Only two days ago—so
I am told—a storewide announcement assured a horde of anxious shoppers
that another large shipment of the book had arrived and would be
brought to the sales floor momentarily. Readers quickly grabbed every
copy. Almost impossibly, The Secret is even outselling (at this
writing) the final Harry Potter book. And if that weren’t enough, the
audio edition of the book follows these two as the nation’s
number-three seller.

The Australian author of The Secret, Rhonda Byrne, introduces the book
by admitting, “A year ago, my life had collapsed around me” (p. ix).
Through searching for answers in a variety of books new and old, she
began to trace what she believed was a common thread in them all. She
dubbed it the “Great Secret—The Secret to Life” (p. ix).

Byrne became convinced that this was the key to explaining the success
of “the greatest people in history” (p. ix). As she started practicing
this secret, Byrne says that her life immediately began to change in
ways nothing short of miraculous. She decided to make a video called
The Secret to share her discoveries with others. In March of 2006 it
was released on the Internet, but soon went to DVD. By late autumn,
the phenomenal success of the video placed it on two episodes of Larry
King Live. Shortly after, two of the teachers featured on The Secret
were guests on Ellen Degeneres’ daily TV show. Before Christmas, The
Secret DVD had spun off a book by the same title which Oprah Winfrey
catapulted to the top of the charts in February of 2007.

The essence of The Secret is “the law of attraction.” According to
Byrne and the twenty-nine co-contributors whom she quotes extensively,
everything in the Universe (which is always capitalized and usually
synonymous for “God”) vibrates on a particular frequency. When you
think in harmony with the frequency of something, you attract it to
you. If you think about wealth, you will receive wealth. If you think
instead about your debt, you will receive more debt. You attract what
you think about; your thoughts determine your destiny.

Byrne restates the law of attraction in various ways: “Nothing [good
or bad] can come into your experience unless you summon it through
persistent thoughts” (p. 28). “Your thoughts are the primary cause of
everything” (p. 33). “Your current reality or your current life is a
result of the thoughts you have been thinking” (p. 71). According to
the product description on the DVD, “This is The Secret to
everything—the secret to unlimited joy, health, money, relationships,
love, youth: everything you have ever wanted.

Byrne promises with ironclad certainty: “There isn’t a single thing
that you cannot do with this knowledge. . . . The Secret can give you
whatever you want” (p. xi). By it “you will come to know how you can
have, be, or do anything you want” (p. xii).

In the final analysis, The Secret is nothing more than Name It-Claim
It, Positive-Confession, Prosperity Theology (without God and the
Bible), built on a foundation of New Age self-deification. In other
words, the book is just another version of what some TV preachers have
taught for decades, namely, if you will sustain the right thoughts,
words, and feelings, you will receive whatever you want. But The
Secret adds this important twist: your thoughts can bring anything
into your life because you are god.

Books that promise health and wealth for their practitioners are
published every day. But few associate such promises with Byrne’s
breathtaking audacity. She proclaims to her readers,

You are God in a physical body. You are Spirit in the flesh. You are
Eternal Life expressing itself as You. You are a cosmic being. You are
all power. You are all wisdom. You are all intelligence. You are
perfection. You are magnificence. You are the creator, and you are
creating the creation of You on this planet (p. 164).

If that weren’t blasphemous enough, realize that the book your
neighbors and coworkers are reading more than any other also tells

The earth turns on its orbit for You. The oceans ebb and flow for You.
The birds sing for You. The sun rises and it sets for You. The stars
come out for You. Every beautiful thing you see, every wondrous thing
you experience, is all there for You. Take a look around. None of it
can exist, without You. No matter who you thought you were, now you
know the Truth of Who You Really Are. You are the master of the
Universe. You are the heir to the kingdom. You are the perfection of
Life. And now you know The Secret (p. 183).

This would be beautiful if it were addressed to the God of Heaven. But
as Byrne thinks this is what we should say to the person in the
mirror, it is the heresy of heresies. Her “Secret” is nothing less
than Satan’s original lie in the Garden of Eden, “You will be like
God” (Gen. 3:5).

It is no exaggeration to say that this book implicitly (and sometimes
explicitly) denies virtually every major doctrine in the Bible. For
starters, the authority of Scripture is undermined in The Secret,
because the Bible apparently has value only insofar as it (according
to Byrne) teaches The Secret.

Moreover, the Bible is neither unique nor supremely authoritative, for
Byrne maintains that the holy book of every religious tradition
contains The Secret. Thus Byrne’s teaching is eclectic, that is, she
believes that all religions and their scriptures are equally valid in
their authority and basically teach the same thing.

Without mentioning Jesus, she quotes Him in Matthew 21:22 and Mark
11:24, claiming that the teaching to ask, believe, and receive in
prayer is the way to “create what you want in three simple steps” (p.
47). And of course, it is not God we’re to ask, but “the Universe.”
Thus The Secret is pantheistic, that is, it teaches that God is not a
Person; rather He is to be equated with the totality of everything.

Despite this brief nod to the Bible, Byrne’s book is marketed upon the
implication that readers probably would never discover The Secret on
their own. “It has been passed down through the ages, highly-coveted,
hidden, lost, stolen, and bought for vast sums of money. . . . Now The
Secret is being revealed to the world” (from the back cover). Thus the
book is Gnostic, that is, it makes you dependent upon a small, elite
group (namely, Rhonda Byrne and her panel of enlightened experts,
“avatars,” and relatively obscure historical sources) to tell you what
you need to know. In fact, in true Gnostic style, Byrne and her
illuminati expressly refer to what we need to know as a secret—”the
Great Secret.” And of course, you must pay—in this case, the price of
the book or the DVD—to learn The Secret.

There’s no mention of sin in The Secret. The cause of all the problems
in the world and in our individual lives is merely bad thinking,
specifically the failure to recognize and appropriately use the law of
attraction. Therefore the solution to everything lies within us. And
that, of course, eliminates the need for a Savior, a Substitute, or a
Sacrifice. The cross and resurrection of Jesus become irrelevant.

Curiously, there’s not a single reference to death or the afterlife in
the book. Apparently this is a non-issue for contributors to The
Secret, for one of them assures us, “no one will stand in judgment of
[your life], now or ever” (p. 177). Another, when questioned about
this on Oprah’s second show on the book, suggested that Heaven and
Hell were present experiences, not future destinations.

So as with nearly all false teaching, the flaws of The Secret are most
visible when you examine what it has to say about the Bible and Jesus.

If I had to commend something about The Secret, I would mention its
emphasis on gratitude and the importance of the thought life. Byrne
devotes several pages to “The Powerful Process of Gratitude” (pp.
74-80). Though she does not base it on the Bible, Byrne nevertheless
encourages just what the Bible teaches in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “in
everything give thanks.” She says that regardless of the situations
awaiting her, “By the time I am ready for the day, I have said ‘Thank
you’ hundreds of times” (p. 76). Remarkably, she never says to whom
thanks should be given. Nor is her motivation kindred to the one
stated in the verse above: “this is God’s will for you in Christ

Regarding the thought life, The Secret reminds us that there is a
powerful connection between our thoughts and our actions. While the
thoughts Byrne wants us to repeat are typically contrary to Scripture,
she rightly observes that the thoughts we constantly affirm influence
our feelings and our behavior. This conforms to the declaration of
Scripture that Christians are “transformed by the renewing of your
mind” (Romans 12:2). For us to live for the glory of God and in
increasing conformity to Christ requires not only that we grow in our
knowledge of God’s Word, but also that we constantly reaffirm specific
truths of Scripture, despite feelings or circumstances that contradict

The problem with The Secret is that it focuses our hope selfward and
not Godward. It is all about self-empowerment, self-fulfillment, and
getting whatever we want. But Jesus warned, “For what will it profit a
man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” (Matthew
16:26). The Secret disregards the fact that God has a Law and we have
broken it (James 2:10). What Byrne fails to realize about her law of
attraction is that our sinful hearts deceive us (Jeremiah 17:9) and
attract not only more sin and guilt, but ultimately, the wrath of God.

However, God in His mercy sent His Son to receive this wrath as a
Substitute for all who will repent of their selfishness and believe in
Him. And “through the true knowledge of Him”—not Rhonda Byrne’s
book—”His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life
and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3).

“The Secret to everything” (to use Byrne’s term) is God Himself. And
God, the “Great Secret,” has been revealed in Jesus Christ, “in whom
are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians
2:3). God has freely told us in the Bible everything we need to know
about discovering the unlimited “treasures of wisdom and knowledge”
found in Christ. And He remains an unknown Secret only to those who
will not look for Him there.

The Price of African Democracy

Find attached artical for posting in the jaluo blog/web.
Oriko Douglas Majwala,

The Price of African Democracy
by Douglas Majwala

Do wars and confilcts in lovely Africa mean evolution or revolution? Or do they meen second independance struggle?
. . .
Read or d/l document.

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Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 14:23:29 +0000 [05/20/2009 09:23:29 AM CDT]
From: douglas majwala

Re: KCDN Peace Run/Walk

Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 00:07:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: odhiambo okecth
Subject: Re: KCDN Peace Run/Walk

Thanks for the compliments brother.

I hope this will fire many more to be in the service of humanity, as you would say.

Action speaks more louder. We have chosen to do something about our situation at KCDN;

Together, we will move the wheels.

Odhiambo T Oketch,
CEO KCDN Nairobi.
Tel; 0735 529 126, 0724 365 557,

— On Mon, 5/18/09, orina Nyamwamu <> wrote:

From: orina Nyamwamu <>
Subject: Re: KCDN Peace Run/Walk
Date: Monday, May 18, 2009, 11:51 PM


God is using you to reach others,

Thanks for the great work you are doing.Sometimes when only a few people come to the KCDN activities; sometimes when I fail you; Do not be discouraged.

Because of the power of your example I see that Roza is encouraged, inspired to help others. May God bless you Odhis. And May Roza be strengthened in spirit to call on all the support, ideas and resources she may need to serve the needy. That is the only turly valuable thing that a human being can receive from God- the gift of serving others.The spirit of Love.

God’s blessings to all of you who remain true to the decency of the human society and God’s creation;

Cyprian Orina Nyamwamu

— On Tue, 5/19/09, odhiambo okecth <> wrote:

From: odhiambo okecth <>
Subject: Re: KCDN Peace Run/Walk
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 7:40 AM

Hi Roza,

We have just talked.

Our motivation was that we were engaging in too much talk without action. We hence decided at KCDN that as we engage in topical issues, we also do something that can bring about the kind of change that we so much desire.

You have all our blessings and just like we have agreed, we will share our thought process and move the wheels.

It is only when we such engage will we slay the dreaded dragon of tribalism which is often dragged down our throats to enable thievery go on unabated in official circles.

We are often kept talking about corruption while the real thing goes on elsewhere; theft of public funds.

I would encourage more people to get engaged in such programmes to help alleviate the pain and suffering we have amongst our people. This is the only sure way of us spreading the gospel of Peace, National Healing and Reconciliation amongst Kenyans.

In the meantime, we welcome you to the 2nd Edition of the KCDN Peace Run/Walk on 13th June 2009.

Catch more about us here; http://kcdnkomarock swatch.blogspot. . com

Odhiambo T Oketch,
CEO KCDN Nairobi

— On Mon, 5/18/09, Roza Kamau <> wrote:

From: Roza Kamau <>
Subject: Re: KCDN Peace Run/Walk
Date: Monday, May 18, 2009, 5:32 AM

Dear Mr. Oketch,

I have been following up on your activities at KCDN and i must give my kudos for the good job you are doing with the kids.

I live in Langata and daily we have many children from kibera in the estates asking for food, money,books and etc.

In light of this, i would be very interested to open up a shelter within the area for orphaned, abandoned and hiv+ children.

I must confess that i have no idea how to achieve this but i have hope that it can be done.

With this regard, i would appreciate your guidance on how to go about this since you seem more in this field than i am- (I am a 28 year old female working in the IT industry in the private sector).

I was thinking about renting one of the main houses within the estate to use for this purpose and i am researching on a budget for acquiring beds,beddings + other furniture, as well as daily food expenses.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Roza Kamau.

0722 7394 09


From: odhiambo okecth <>
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 2:40:57 PM
Subject: KCDN Peace Run/Walk

On 13th June 2009, we will be hosting the 2nd Edition of the KCDN Peace Run/Walk at the Montana/Calvary Grounds as from 8am. We have invited the DC Nairobi East District to come and flag the Run/Walk. We have also invited the participation of church and local leaders.

The Key Note speach on Peace will b delivered by Bishop Dr Julius Mbagaya of the Baptist Convention.

We have mobilized enough participation from parents and pupils alike. They will come in big numbers to show solidarity with other Kenyans on the need for Peace, National Healing and Reconciliation in Kenya.

At KCDN, we are doing something for our children who are either orphans or vulnerable. We have been mobilizing people of goodwill to help these children have books, stationery and uniforms. We have documented all that we do at our blogspot for ease of reference; http://kcdnkomarock swatch.blogspot. . com We are now focused on the parents to display the kind of unity and love that children display.

By this intro, we are inviting your participation and support to this course. We need Tents, Chairs, PA System, Water, Course Van, Course Security, T-Shirts, Paper Caps, Banners, Posters, Manila Papers, Felt-Marker Pens, and as many volunteers for the day.

We are encouraging participants to come with their own peace posters so that this relations and involvement in the KCDN Peace Run.Walk becomes personal and self involving.

Only throgh personal involvement will we achieve a lasting peace amongs us.

We kindly invite your support for this course.

Odhiambo T Oketch
Tel; 0735 529 126, 0724 365 557,
http://kcdnkomarock swatch.blogspot. com


Kama wewe ni mtembeleaji wa mitandao sana haswa kama unatafuta marafiki au kama unataka kukutana na watu mbali mbali umeshakisikia kitu kinaitwa SOCIAL NETWORKS – MITANDAO JAMII hii ni mitandao unayoweza kukutana na watu mbali mbali au jamii za watu mbali waliokuwa na sifa ambazo wewe unazihitaji wa kutoka sehemu mbali mbali duniani wengine huwa wanaweka picha zao na mambo kama hayo

Miaka 10 iliyopita watu wengi walikuwa wanatafuta marafiki wa mtandao epals wengine wanaita penpals kwa kutembelea tovuti maalumu ambazo watu walikuwa wanajiandikisha kwa ajili ya huduma hii wengine walikuwa wanalipia huduma hii , ila kwa miaka ya sasa kuna tovuti nyingi sana zimekuja ambazo zimeziba kabisa nafasi ya mitandao ya kirafiki hiyo ya penpals au inayofanana na hiyo

Kwa sasa huduma ya MITANDAO JAMII ndio iko juu zaidi moja ya mitandao hii mikubwa ni FACEBOOK tembelea ukijiunga na facebook unaweza kutafuta marafiki wengi sana na unaweza kuwasiliana nao wakati wowote unapotaka hata kwa kutumia simu yako ya mkononi yenye huduma ya mtandao , unaweza kubadilishana picha na mambo mengine mengi sana hata unaweza kuchat ( bonga ) na mtu papo kwa hapo

Watu wengi haswa wa nchi za magharibi wanatumia mtandao huu kwa ajili ya kupashana habari nyingi sana haswa watalii ambao wanasafiri sehemu mbali mbali duniani , hata mashiriki makubwa ya kijasusi na kipelelezi yanatumia sana mitandao hii kwa ajili ya kupata taarifa za baadhi ya watu na mienendo yao kwa karibu zaidi .

Pia mitandao hii inaingizia sana mapato serikali ambapo mitandao hii imesajiliwa kwa sababu kampuni nyingi sana zinatumia mitandao hii kwa wingi kutangaza bidhaa zao na taarifa zingine zaidi ya tovuti kama yahoo au hotmail kwa sasa mitandao jamii inakuja juu sana haswa hiyo facebook

Mfano ukiingia katika andika neno Fisadi Dagaa , majibu yatakuja kama kweli kama kuna mtu mwenye jina hilo pamoja na maelezo yake mengine ya ziada zaidi utaweza kuona rafiki zake wengine anaowasiliana nao kwenye mtandao huo au ambao amewahi kuwasiliana nao ingawa ni ngumu kujua mtu huyo anawasiliana kutokea wapi kutokana na wengine kujisajili na taarifa za uwongo .

…………………………… …………………


Unapojiunga katika mitandao hiyo mingi huwa inatuma mialiko ( invitation ) kwenda katika anuani zako zote kama ni yahoo au gmail au hata hotmail bila idhini yako wewe , hii inaanisha kama mtu akipata mwaliko ule na kuwezi kujiunga atakuwa rafiki yako na ataweza kuona unawasiliana na wakina nani zaidi .

Wengine huwa wanaweka picha zao katika mitandao hii , mitandao hii haina sheria kali kuhusu picha zinazohifadhiwa mule hata kama ni za uwongo kama sio za matusi basi zinaachwa zikae hapo hapo , wengine huwa wanachukuwa picha katika tovuti hizo nakwenda kuzitumia katika maeneo mengine ya kazi zao au za kidhalilishaji zaidi

Mfano katika mtandao wa zeutamu kuna wanafunzi wengi sana wa IFM walikuwa wanapeleka picha kule ambapo zilitolewa facebook na hi5 au tagged wakaziedit kidogo kisha kuzituma zeutamu kwa faida zao wenyewe , wengi picha hizi wanazitumia katika magezeti na vijarida vyao bila idhini ya mfano facebook au hi5 hili ni suala la kisheria zaidi mimi sio mtaalamu wa sheria hata hivyo .

Kwa kuwa mitandao hii inavutia sana vijana wahalifu hutumia sana mitandao hii kwa ajili ya shuguli zao za kutafuta watu wa kuwasaidia kufanya uhalifu wao sehemu mbali mbali duniani , mfano unaona picha ya msichana mrembo sana katika mtandao , wewe unafikiria kuwasiliana nae ndio utawasiliana nae haswa walio nchi za mbali anaweza kukuomba umtumie pesa ili aweze kuja hapo ulipo wewe, ukishatuma pesa ndio unaweza usimwone tena na mawasiliano yakatike unakuta kuna watu zaidi ya alfu 2 wameona picha hiyo na wamependa kuwasiliana nae ( unaweza kuhisi anatengeneza pesa kiasi gani mtu huyo ?)

Wengine wanaona picha hizo haswa za wasichana walio katika nchi masikini wanawaahidi ajira nchi za ngambo wakienda kule ni kuuzwa kwenye madanguro pamoja na sehemu zingine za anasa utashangaa mbona ndugu yako harudi nyumbani wala hawasiliani kwanini ??

Hayo ndio mambo yaliyo katika mtandao jamii hii ingawa kuna wengine wanafanikiwa kufaidika sana na mitandao hii kwa kupata watu waaminifu wa kuwasiliana nao hata wengine kuowana na kufanya biashara ila wengi zaidi ndio wahanga wa matukio mengi ya kihalifu yanayoendeshwa kwa njia ya mtandao

Kwahiyo kijana mwenzangu unapotumia mitandao hii uwe makini sana kama hujui uliza upate uzoefu wa wenzako wanafanyaje kuweza kuhimili vishindo hivi vipya vya mitandao usiingie kichwa kichwa

Mwisho kama nilivyosema hapo juu mashirika mengi ya kijasusi na kipepelezi yanatumia mitandao hii kusaka wahalifu hata kutafuta wafanyakazi wapya basi hata hapa Tanzania vyombo vyetu vya usalama viwe makini sana katika kufuatilia mitandao hii pamoja na wanachama wake kwa faida zao na wengine



Yona Fares Maro
I.T. Specialist and Digital Security Consultant

– – –
Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 10:58:47 -0700
From: Yona Fares Maro


Mr. President read Kenya Nation paper (5/12/09) to see what Musevini’s true feelings about Migingo Island no matter what he has told in you in private Mr. President history of this country will not be kind to you if you let Migingo occupation stand as Musevini has decided to take this Island away from Kenya… because he thinks it only belong to Luos. Your predecessors: Kenyatta, Moi and the Colonial government left Kenya borders intact and Migingo Island on Kenyan column..why should you concede this Island to Uganda now?.

For all Kenya politicians, you must now speak with one voice on Migingo. Uganda aggression on this Island is NOT only Lake region politicians problem but Kenyan national interest issue. If you cannot come together and defend this Kenya territory soon or later you will not have a country to be MPS in. This is the one time you Kenya MPS must put off your tribal affiliations and party politics aside to defend your country that has benefited you more than any (wanainchi) in this country!. If you let Migingo go, your accumulated wealth will not be save for long..other country will be emboldened to claim Kenya territory in piece meal fashion. The public is urging Kenya MPS and Mr. President at least for now to put off internal/provincial political boundaries to focus on efforts to solve Migingo Island dispute with Uganda. Yes, the public is being told that the map makers/surveyors are working on this issue but this is only delay tactic by Uganda .Musevini has spoken on this issue regardless of what the map makers will come out with!.

Mr. President the public is not asking you to lower your self by calling Musevini names! as he is now calling your people!. It is incumbent on you to tell your people and this country where you stand on this issue. Musevini is NOT the President of this country and Kenya people should not rely on him to tell them the status of Migingo Island..this is your job Sir. Mr. Musevini has now spoken by calling a segment of your country people names and we don’t expect you to resort to name calling in this dispute. Let name calling to the public they will come up with some “good names” for Musevini and his country. Mr President we urge you to stand up..speak up directly on this issue now Musevini has spoken and calling your people out!. Memo to Musevini although Kenya President and Politicians will NOT call you names.. soon or later Kenya people will find out something about you and your tribe in Uganda!. The name calling messages are on the way for your lack of vocabulary and judgment in singling out Luo people by names in this dispute. For your information Luos are more than fishermen in Kenya and world wide!

JD Brown

– – –
Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 17:21:24 -0400
From: Dan Orao


—– Forwarded message from kipjsang@ . . . —–
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 07:30:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: sang kip

I am still trying to make sense out of the sentence handed to Tom Cholmondoley.The man recklessly shoots and instantly kills one Mr Njoya whom he claims was a trespasser.He’s arrested after some protest from the victim’s acquaintances.

Claim upon claim is voiced within and without the court that the suspect was known for violence. In fact evidence proved the suspect shot to kill rather than scare away the victim.

Having all eyewitnesses testifying to the fact that Cholmondoley was intent on killing was summed up in handing the accused a sentense of eight months that led Mr Tobiko Keriako, Director of Public Prosecution, to register protest that the sentence was too lenient.

I have thought much about the sentence and have never stopped asking myself many questions whether justice was done. While thinking, I can’t help but bring Vick, the American footballer, who was incarcerated for six months for masterminding dog fights. Vick led dogs to fight and none of the dogs died.Cholmondoley shot and killed a human being.Both Vick and Cholmondoley were sentenced to serve jail terms for almost the same periods of time. Does this imply Njoya’s life in Kenya equals that of a dog in the USA?

The accused was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt and as such deserved a steeper penalty but somehow the presiding judge gave much wait to the other issues that he claimed were mitigating circumstances that favored a lighter sentense.The ruled in favor of the confessed killer exposed Kenyan legal system to ridicule.If the defendant were black would he have suffered the same sentense as Cholmondoley? It’s very clear the killer escaped what he deserved and once again, as always is the case, the poor victim lost.

Cholmondoley went to jail smiling having escaped the hangman’s noose. Precedence has been created- “kill and defend yourself like Cholmondoley and you’ll live to kill again because you’ll not spend much time in prison”. This is a classic case of a poor man versus a rich man. The have and the have-not. Justice is for the rich and famous and injustice is for the poor and the unknown.

Our courts have spoken loud and clear that poor man’s life is too cheap- cheap to an extend that the principle of retribution never applies when it’s snapped by the rich!

Those who known Roysambu farm where Njoya’slife was cut shot tell tales about Cholmondoley’s brutality and while they expected justice to be served, they got the surprise of the year when the accused went to jail smiling and thus rubbing pepper on their raw wounds!

Even if defendant were not found guilty for manslaughter, evidence showed he carelessly used a fire arm and that alone would have earned him longer time in prison.

Cholmondoley showed no remorse and the short term sentense will most likely serve nothing to deter him from killing again or encouraging others to kill.When summed up in a simple sentense, the sentense is mockery of justice.

One wonders how many Njoyas have died, are dying and will die before justice is allowed to serve its course. How long o God will the courts realize that all men are equal before the law?


From: Michael Maiyo
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 3:45:36 AM
Subject: Re: Kiambaa Monument in Eldoret

I see it’s not dawned on kyuks yet that the issue of land is not a wishy washy in the making, it’s real the land of our forefathers cannot be used to build monuments of such kind. Those monuments if erected will not stand the test of time, why build monuments before you correct land issue.Monuments should be build for Sachangwan and Nakumatt victims, Kiambaa monuments and police stations is temporary for the end of Kibaki rule, until tribalism is crashed from top bottom, I do not think we going too far, look at the recent supplementary budget which had errors worth billions yet the Treasury is flooded with kyuks, believe me this people we just contemplating on stealing billions for 2012 or other Kyuks scams. Do not fool Kenyans, if those were error how comes that all figures were short than the approved figures, at least some figures would have been excess of what was approved in the Treasury before being presented to Parliament.Kibaki rule is coming to an end soon…….Watch this space!!!

— Vincent Kiprotich wrote:

I followed yesterday’s events in Eldoret with utter shock when it was decided that a monument will be erected in order to commemorate those who died in the church.

Wouldn’t it be wise to forget such a thing that was brought by Kibaki stealing the vote? If it is very necessary that it must be built then we also need monuments everywhere including Kibera, Kondele, Naivasha, Kericho, Kimumu and all the spots that bore the brunt of police brutality.

I want to believe that this is not in anyway going to promote the national healing that we so much need.

I want to laud all the Rift Valley MPs who snubbed the event.


Museveni’s phobia for strong Leaders-John Garang, Raila Odinga!!

There seems to be a likehood that Museveni frets strong leaders in East Africa, going by what happened to the Late John Demabior Garang(RIP Pan Africanist!!) and now the phobia he shows towards Raila Amolo Odinga.

Museveni wants meek leaders and docile ones whom he can manipulate and intimidate so that he can be the President of East Africa, a tall order even though this has been his pet dream.

This is why he wants to project himself as strong, able, dependable,and decisive. On the other hand, his antics, like with Kibaki now, are meant to potray Kibaki as meek and a weakling who cannot be entrusted with the EAC leadership.

Because he cannot try this kind of nonsense and monkey tricks with Jakaya Kikwete, a former army General himself, he has turned to our “General Kigwoya” and it is really working for him.

Otieno Sungu.
Juba-Southern Sudan

– – –
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 05:03:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: otieno sungu
Subject: Museveni’s phobia for strong Leaders-John Garang, Raila Odinga!!


News Anaalysis By Leo Odera Omolo

It is indeed the common belief and saying as well as popular opinion m aking the rond inside Luo-Nyanza that the current crop of MPs from the region might ends up empty handed without delivering the goods to the electorate.

The region is endowed with alot of mineral resources, fertile and asreable land,some parts of the area has good soil for cotton production , while other areas are suitable for sugar cane growint. The region is also capable of producing sufficient food grains afor domestic consump-tion and cash crops for incpme generating.

But the contributions of its elected legislators towards these noble goal is totally negative.Like in other regions of Kenya the residents of Nyanza Province are currently experiencing acute shortage of foodstuff., and some areas even urgently needs the government delivery of relief food.BVut the area MPs are keeping mum.

In Kasipul-Kabondo, where the colonialist used to exploit gold at Awuoro Mines, which were located south east of Oyugis Town in Kokal area, experts still maintgains that there is plenty of gold worth exploration.Gold is also said to be in abundance in an area, which is known as Rian Valley, which stretches from Kamwango area of Kamagambo down to Kabuoch areas, but nobody seemed to care about the existence of this mineral wealth.

Kuja and Migori rivers are full of alluvial gold. The colonialist had established commercial gold mines at Kitere near Rongo and also gold and copper mines at Macalder [Nyatike}.The two big mines closed dolwn their buisin ess in 1962 when the foreign investors and their white managers hurriedly closed down the mines in anticipation that Kenya would plunger herself into tribal bloodshed and wars. But forty years down the line, the independent governments appeared to have totally ignored these source of wealth.

Gold is also said to be plenty and in abundance in Ngiga and Asembo areas of Bondo district where the Wanbanchi are said to bve still prospecting indivually, but in much smaller and uneconomic scales.Why can’t the Luo MPs pressurize or persuade the government to invite foreign gold prospectors to come and exploit the important and wealth generating minerals for commercial purposes. Some parts of Gwassi Hills, Ruri area are also said to be rich in uranium mand materials for cment productions. Uranium is a highly valued mineral whose substance is used in atomic energies both for making weapons and power generatioin

Te Luo MPs seemd to have no idear about how to empower their people economically.And wonder why the lucrative fishing industry has noiw been taken over bvy Somalis, Kikuyus and non-Luos wo are reportedly rakes in millions of shillings.Kenya is earning close to Kshs 8 billion an nually from its fish exports to the Eu member countries, Japan, Middle East and the US bringing in millions of the scarce foreign exchange. All the fish processing firm, located in Kisumu, Homa-Bay and Migoritowns are own by non-Luos.This is a case of total neglegence.

The lucrative sugar industry, which is the main stay of the region’s economy is limping, has since been baptised as the “milking coiw” full of massive thefts of government owned public companies involved in sugar manufacturiung and maketiung. It suffering from poor internal marketing system and exhorbitant cost of production, which cannot allow Kenyan manufactured white sugar to trade competitively and profitably with sugar from the Comesa region, most of it government sdubsidized.

However, the credit should be given where it is due and appropriate. Two MPs from Nyanza, all of them new comerrs or first tgimes, have initiated vibrant economic projects in their respective constituencies, which when fully exploited to the muximum could bear the fruits.

The two are Eng James K. Rege[Karachuonyo}amnd Dick Omondi Anyanga {Nyatike] The two have already initiated to separate ,but viable economic projects in their respective constituencies, which when fully implemented will benefit their coinstituents.

Rege working in collaboration with an American multinational company has sourced a dozen of tractors,which are being hired oput to the farmers, especially cotton growers for ploughing and cultivation of the cooton fields. In the same schedme, cotton farmers are being supplied with top quality seedling for planting. The farmers only jobs is weeding and harvesting and delivery of the same toi the nearby buying centres. Payment will be prompt and on spot upon the delivery of the cotton at an atractive 30/- per kg of cotton. There is a prospect of the prices going upward, but this mwilldepend on the success of the schme.

Karachuonyo for many years was the lrgest cotton producing areas, but its production declined immediately after independence in 1963 when Famers Primary Co-operative Societies took over the ginneries and squandered millions of shillings meant for farmers payment.In some areas, the farmers were never paid for their sweats, and this grossly discouraged the cotton growiung in the region .

But with the new scheme initiated early this yeasr by Eng. Rege what the farmer need to do is to registered his farm’s acreage, had it ploughed on credit.The services provided on credit line will be paid for with the deduction of farmers proceeds after the delivery of cotton. The comany has also eamrked the plans ohire the extension staff who in turn will advice and work with the farmers in the field.

Eng.Rege told this writer that the local CDF fund disbursing coimmitee was coinsidering the possibilityof sourcing more tgractors using CDF moiney to supplplement the work. The scheme is popular in that a group of local politicians who had tried in vain to distort its shot and long term mutual benefits as part of the concerted efforts for poverty eradication have failed mand esdaped thed wrath of ther Waanchi.

HGon Omodi Anyanga has also initiated similar project in Nyatike, where farmers were now enjoying ploughing and cultivation oin credit or for free on condition thatg they only pay for the tractors fuel. The two schemes is also expected to redouble the production of food grains in the two respective constituencies. NBdhiwa MP Joshua Orwa Ojode whois credited for having sperheaded the creastioin of more administrative districts is also working on plans to initiate the tractor programmes in his Ndhiwa.constituency, which is arguably ahead of other constituencies in terms of development activities.

Opinion leadsers, though memberrs of the ODM have also welcomed the reported PNU politicians plans to sub-divide the existing eight Provinces to a totalof 19. The popular opinion is that Nyanza should not be only sdub-divided into two adminisdtrative Provinces, but three with the Kisisiregion to be given its own Province. The regiuon has ten parliamentary constuendies, but with 13 administrative districts.
Geographically and poipulation wise Kisii region needs its own Province. Ther third Province should include ten administrative district in the greater Southern Nyanbza plus two district of Kuria East and Kuria West to be included in Southern Nyanza Province, with its headquarters either at Rongo or Homa-Bay.

The Luo MPs must be ashamed due to the fact that there is not even one singlke manufacturing industry is functioning. Kisumu town therefore is the only City with now factory or any industriel outlets that could employ more than 50 workers. SAll the undustries went burst a couple of years ago.

The giant Kisumu Cotton Mills Ltd, closed its door many years ago, thoiugh has its knitting machine idle and rotting. Its closure threw close to 2500 workers out of their jobs. The Kenya Breweries plant in Kisumu is noiw the distributing store for Brookelyn Milk. It was close a decade ago pushing out close to 2000 workers. Kibos Industries also closed down its shop some years back.

The only functioning and operationl industries in Kisumu are the two milling giants, the Swann Industries and the United Millers of Kisumu. But the two failities have very limited number of workers.

A foreign investor visiting recently remarked thst the Boda Boda Bicyoe Taxis, and the Motor Bilke and Tuktuk taxis are the only industry in Kisumu, which has absorbed many youths.

he time, is therefore ripefor the currernt MPs to start thinking about the resuscitation of all means of production and creation of employmen of youths. They must stop the bad habit of drugging and using the youth as mercenaries for stone throwing against their perceived political opponents either real or imginary.The MP must abandon the outmoded policy of hero warshipping and come oout of sleep.


– – –
Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 22:45:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: Leo Odera Omolo

Re: God answers Prayers!!!

Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 09:43:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Absalom Bira
Subject: Re: God answers Prayers!!!

Sister Janet,

Thanks for this testimony. It has spoken to my heart. As much as it’s possible, continue sharing your faith. I thank the man of Galilee for what He has done in your life. That is why I have always loved Him and will continue to.

Pr Birai

— On Tue, 5/19/09, Janet mafunga wrote:

From: Janet mafunga
Subject: Re: God answers Prayers!!!
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 7:41 AM

I agree,

Thanks for sharing. I remember about 5 years ago while working on short term contracts (those who know the UN system will attest to this). I used to get 3 months, 1 month, 6 months, 6 weeks, etc. It was frustrating. You could not even get a residence permit as the swiss mission would say by the time you get the permit your contract will be over. so you just chill and say.. welll what to do? Then one day, I went for prayers and my prayer topic was “Permanency” and in my mind was my job situation. Then at the end of that contract, i actually got an 11 month contract and I thought well…. He heard me! Then in January 2005 my main prayer topic was “No more mock interviews” (This was because I had applied for so many jobs in-house and been called for interviews but never go the jobs. and most of the time you could see that the person who was chosen was 1) the one who had always been there 2) qualification wise I was way ahead esp when they took foreign languages into consideration as they insisted on the vacancy notice). I told God, the next interview I go for, I am GETTING the job. Come April I got an email to go for a written test and i remember telling God “Remember my prayers in January?”. Well I got that job and it was a Fixed term Post (2 years). 3 years while i was home in Dec for holidays, one day i log onto my office email with the intention of sending my boss an email saying that i will extend my leave by another 2 weeks. I see an email email inviting for to sit a written test at the Global Fund so that meant i am on the flight back to Geneva. And I told God again “Remember that prayer Lord”. long story short… I got the job, started 1 May and I am enjoying it. And it is a lifetime contract till i get to 65. And I also remember sowing a seed one day when we had a visiting pastor in our church. I just said to God before putting the envelop in the basket that it was for the job interview I was going for the following day. I remember praying (maybe a little selfish prayer ) that when i got into the interview room, the panel would forget everyone else they had interviewed before and after me. that they would forget their faces and that I may have a lasting impression on them in my answers and my whole demeanor.

And two days ago while having coffee with one of the people who were on the panel, he told me that the thing that stuck in their minds most was the questions I asked at the end of the interview.

And I encourage those going for interviews, I know you have heard this a thousand times before but be prepared, take time to pray about it… Take time to read about the organization and when they ask you at the end, do you have any questions, don’t just concentrate on questions like, how much is my salary going to be, what are the benefits, when I can hear from you etc. In as much as these are important too, Ask questions that relate to the organization or your future boss too. Show interest in the two. I am sure there are HR specialists here who could give tips and advice on how to present and answer questions during an interview. And ask yourself “Would you hire yourself if you were sitting at the other end of the table?” Would you?

Jeanette M. Khaoya

— On Tue, 5/19/09, Norah Matheka wrote:

From: Norah Matheka
Subject: God answers Prayers!!!
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 2:31 PM

Answered Prayers.

There are many answered prayers in my life. I will just highlight some of them.

1. God provided for my fees when I was in Daystar. My parents struggled to get that money and I agonized in prayer concerning that. I remember that I shared this request with my prayer partners in my church and I just cried seeing the struggle my parents were going through to ensure that I got a degree. Praise be to God I did.

2. Just before clearing Daystar in my last year my mind went blank as to what to do next and it was scary. I committed to the Lord my future and to cut the story short I got to be amongst a group of young people who went to UK for one year on volunteer basis all paid for and allowances given during that year. It was a memorable, treasurable year.

3. The jobs that I have received have been answered prayers and miracles since I have just had people call me for the jobs. I was in one job for a very long time until it got time to move. The move was abrupt and it was not my decision but the employer. It was a shock but prior to that I believe God had prepared me for it. You see what happened is that I had a feeling or sense of death which drove me to give my friends Christmas cards in the month of November though I did not want to die! I did not know the death was the end of my job which I had enjoyed doing for a long time. The job ended before that month of November.

4. I was out of a job for like 3 months, which were very busy months for me since I was involved with some groups that needed work to be done. I got another job via my former boss introducing me to my current employer. God answers prayers!

5. I had for a long time together with my mum prayed for a house for them, that is for my mum and dad. I do not think one year ended my dad purchased a house after renting for sometime after retiring! And to date I do not think he got a loan to purchase it! It is a wonderful house oh praises God!

6. For a long time my mum suffered with a lot of pain not knowing what was wrong but some 5years ago we discovered she was ailing from osteoporosis and she had to undergo two surgeries. To get blood donors was another answered prayer.

7. I desired and saved for like one year to go to a driving school. Eventually I did (AA) and went for my second driving test. I passed with the hand brake half way through the test!!! That day I remember I bought a sumptuous lunch of fish to celebrate!!! Answered prayer. Then I trusted God for a car and I got one!!! (Those who are looking to get a driving license and a car do not give up! You might just get a job that takes you to a driving school and gives you a car!).

8. When I moved to my current job the salary was not marched but trusted God to sustain me even as I kept using the car-though at some point left it at home. So far the car has been running well, I have taken it to the garage for maintenance and repair. People who get the car to maintain and those who drive in it comment that the car has been well maintained. God is in all of this. I have been involved with several mishaps lakini God is always watching over me. Many answered prayer concerning the car’s activities (stories for another day maybe!)

9. For the houses I have lived in since I moved out of parents home has been a blessing. Actually I have had to move from those houses out of circumstances and not wanting to move. For the last house I prayed and requested my prayer partners to join me in prayer. I got the desire of my house. It is my castle!!, I always look forward to going home and try to get at least a whole weekend at home to enjoy it. Incidentally it is in Rongai which is far and causes me to get out of the house before 6 am on a working day yet I do not want to move. For those looking for houses trust God to provide, you will be writing in this forum to tell us of what God has done.

10. I can go on and on and on and on… about answered prayers but let me end it here. Still trusting God for so many things e.g. a good God fearing husband, a house, healing for my brother from alcohol, continued healing for my mum, spouses for my friends, visa for a friend, jobs for friends, fees for loved ones, training to be aerobics instructor etc.

God bless you all. I hope this is an encouragement to you. If you want me to stand with you in prayer let me know.

Norah Matheka, 0721-725672.



A war of words in Kenya Sugar Board has gone a notch higher with key stake holders in the sector threatening to go to court soon to block the impending purchase of fertilizer worth Ksh.1billion.

A group of farmers led by Tom Otieno Onyango are arguing that the move by Kenya Sugar Board is illegal and tantamount to fraud ever witnessed in the history of the sector.

The over 10 farmers representatives drawn from various zones among them Nyando and Homa-Bay Districts described the move as blatant theft and urged President Mwai Kibaki to promptly intervene to salvage the farmers from the shackles of the cartel.

The group recalled with rage how Rosemary Mkok who was in the year 2000 Company Secretary but currently the Chief Executive bought huge tones of fertilizer and had nowhere to take them because they had no storage facilities thus ended up dumping them.

“We will not entertain old tricks to defraud the farmers under the pretext of reforms,” the group thundered.

Early this week the CEO Rosemary Mkok in a section of the press singled out sugar millers to be the greatest impediments to reforms in the sector, a claim which the umbrella body (KESMA) Kenya Sugar Manufacturers Association through its Chairman Evans Kidero dismissed as ‘blatant lie’.

Speaking to this journalist on telephone Dr. Evans Kedero who is also the Managing Director of Mumias Sugar company described Mkok’s assertions as unfortunate and misleading.

“As far as I’m concerned buying of fertilizer isn’t the mandate or priority of the board” Kidero said.

“We expect the players in the sector to be more serious in tackling the envisaged reformes to make the fraternity more vibrant and competitive instead of viewing things parochially and personalizing issues,” he continued.

“Nzoia Sugar Company have got canes of between 48 – 60 months while Sony Sugar shoulders canes of about 60 months yet cane should take about 18 months normally where are we heading to sincerely,” he quipped.

Since she took over the mantle of leadership, Mkok has had tensed and moisty ties with some of her Directors who accuse her to be operating in isolation and with high handedness without consulting other stake holders.

They’re further alleging that Mkok seems to be having personal scores to settle with a clique of Directors who she feels were behind the ouster of her husband as the receiver Manager of the financially crippled Muhoroni sugar Company a couple of years ago.

The Directors are further alleging that Mkok’s entrenched enmity is due to the fact that they have refused to back her schemes in abid to reinstate her husband back to Muhoroni Sugar Company as the receiver Manager.


– – –
Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 05:41:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: JEFF


Commentary By Leo Odera Omolo

Thousands of residents of Migo poured themselves into the streets of the tiny frontier town demonstrations, during which time, they castigated Uganda President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni over his recent outburst and slur on members of the Kenyan Luo community and his stance on the disputed Migingo Island.

Waving placards, the more than 3,000 protesters led by civic leaders marched through the busy border town streets last Saturday while chanting anti-Museveni songs.

The demonstrators demanded an apology from the Ugandan President over his coined word” Mad Jaluos” slur saying his comments on the Luo amounted to an affront on Kenyans.

Many Luos in Kenya, particularly the intellectuals and political elite say they were not only puzzled, but also shocked by what they terms Museveni anti Luo sentiments.But most of those interviewed within Kisumu city and its environs, but were quick in reminding the Ugandan dictator not to forget so soon the hospitality of the Luos who hosted
in him in Kisumu. This is what happened about 25 years ago.

Yoweri Museveni was secretly hosted in a secret hideout in Kisumu amd Nairobi by his Luo friends when the then President Milton Obote of Uganda ordered his security agents to” seek an destroy him”.He had remained holed in secret hideouts in Nyalenda and Milamani peri-urban areas of Kisumu during the full length of the his insurgency war
against Obote by his rug-rug NRA bush fighters.

Museveni had taken refuge in Kisumu, and this is a known fact. And finally Kenyans, articularily the Luos have been able to see for themselves the political machinations and man oeuvres of the mad genocidal man who has presided over Uganda for nearly a quarter of a century now.

It is now wonder and ironic when the former secret guest of the Kenyan Luos issues a libelous statement in Tanzania against an entire ethnic people-the Luos of Kenya has also been elevated since the chaotic elections hoping that he will find many Bantus tribal allies among Kikjuyus, Kambas and other Kenyans.

And of course this has turned to be not only gross miscalculation, but contemptuous underestimation of the intelligence of Kenyans. Kenyans should not allow themselves to be deceived into destroying their prevailing hard won unity and political stability.

At some point it’s worthy burying the hatchet and dealing with a common threat. I am glad our Ugandan brothers and sisters know what he is doing. The dictator is simply diverting attention of the disgusted and excessively oppressed and suppressed Ugandans.

His is the man who had demonized the Acholis in Northen Uganda who are cousins of the Kenyans Luos under the guise of fighting Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army
{LRA}, and the strategy sustained his despotism for years. But now he can’t use that strategy in Uganda because all then groups now knows that he is the Ugandans main problem.Museveni won’t take chances with the elections in his backyard coming up in that country in 2011..The Kenyan crisis is an excellent diversion.

Ugandan dictator’s remarks disparaging Kenyans as reported by the BBC., with the audio clearly available stems from dispute over the Kenyan Island of Migingo on Lake Victoria, which he has quickly disowned and retracted, but only after serious damage is done. Kenyan parliamentarians, did a wonderful job by setting aside their political party’s differences and proscribing the dictator the sweetest dossier which he needed. Our MPs had acted maturely and in unity despite of tribal and party differences and this is how Kenyans should behave no matter which community is unfairly being provoked.

The instant debate is focused on whether the tiny fishing island belongs to Kenya or not, it has always been Kenyan territory until 2004 when Ugandan despotic ruler decided to try and annex it.

Yet Museveni’s real intention goes is not the tiny island as such.

His true aims and objective is to exacerbate internal animosity between the Luos and the kikuyus in Kenya after all there were credible reports that he was fuelling some of the ethnic violence that accompanied and followed the disputed Kenyan presidential election.
Overwhelming evidence is that the presidential votes was stolen in favor of one candidate. It was rigged by the disbanded ECK against Raila Odinga in favor of President Mwai Kibaki.

A shaky grand coalition government now runs Kenya, with Kibaki a Kikuyu as the President and Raila Odinga a Luo as the Prime Minister,but I am in agreement with the recent sentiment expressed by the retired President Dr Daniel Arap Moi that Kenyan should not
expect much from this coalition government which is full of political intrigues and indiscipline on the part of Ministers and Permanent Secretaries.The animosity remained and Ugandan dictator wants to light a match and throw in more fuel.

Museveni is obviously the most unhappy man after his stage managed mediation efforts was out rightly rejected by Kenyans, particularly the ODM which suspected it to be mischievous, biased and deceitful. Uganda leader thrives on chaos and massacres in surrounding countries ;that is the best way to distract from growing domestic problem,
arising from his genocidal dictatorship at home.

Kenyans of goodwill should be aware of his machinations and maneuvers.. This man is not shy when it comes to massive bloodshed. Let us read the chronicle, of Museveni.We should all recall that he seized power in Uganda through violent insurgency after his NRM party
lost the elections in 1980 elections badly. Uganda’s famous Lwero Triangle become a killing field as his insurgents fought protracted bush war with President Milton Obote’s army..

Later, the skulls of the dead tens of thousands of Ugandans were displayed, and Museveni himself claimed all these people were all victims of Obote’s alleged ruthless army. Yet.skulls can’t speak ;so how could observers know which ones were victims of his own
ruthlessness? If there was doubt about hius propensity for blood, his Rwanda intervention put matters to rest.

Museveni later allowed part of his Ugandan army to invade Rwanda on October 1,1990, they were led by the alleged US-CIA trained Ugandan military officers including the current President of Rwanda Paul Kagame, who was then chief of the military intelligence.

Massacres against Hutus were committed from 1990 to 1994.Then in 1994, the Uganda seized an opportunity. Rwanda’s President Juvenal Habyarimana was returning home from a meeting in Tanzania to conclude a peace pact with the Ugandan army- by now called the Rwanda Patriotic Front- which, with CIA backing had pushed Habyarimana’s back against
the wall.

Habyarimana never landed in Kigali on that fateful April day. His light plane was shot and hi from the sky, according to some new accounts by a missile allegedly provided by Ugandan army..

And of course the Ugandan dictator knew what would be the outcome of the death of Habyarimana and the Burundi president who was also aboard the same plane. All the two leaders perished in the planer crash that occurred and whose cause has remained a mystery to -date.

The outcome of the air-crash desired by the belligerent Ugandan leader materialized. An orgy of killings erupted, the Rwanda government, and whole ethnic people,Hutus, were discredited and destroyed. Again this time around the skulls were displayed; they are still being displayed.

And who could really tell whether some of those skulls were not imported from Luwero?

From there the Ugandan turned to what was then Zaire; the ouster of dictator Joseph Desire Mobutu was popular throughout Africa. Bu t then the Uganda eyed Congo’s great mineral riches. When Laurent Kabila resisted, very soon he was six foot under.

Meanwhile another terrible massacres were committed –indeed genocide-in eastern Congo by Uganda’s trained militias .In 2005, the International Court of Justices found Uganda liable for the crimes against humanity, including massacres, pillage, burning of homes and
mass rapes. The court ordered USD 10 million in compensation; not even one cent has been paid so far. Is this the type of a man Kenya would like to entrust with their security? Is this man worth negotiating with over Migingo saga? In my view he is not, and Kenyans
should guard against their hard earned unity of purpose and prepared to defend their country to the last drop of blood.


– – –
Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 23:04:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: Leo Odera Omolo

RE: Dual Citizenship

Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 11:08:01 -0700 [01:08:01 PM CDT]
From: Duncan Nyabilo
Subject: RE: Dual Citizenship

The opinion advanced both by proponents and opponents in this debate somehow leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

There is a need for real objectivity based on material facts and it is my understanding there is always two side to a coin.My position may sound harsh to some but I owe no apology for this.

We may be attempting to simplify facts, but that does not mean we have to be economic with facts. One may have travelled to all continents in the world, but that does not give one the advantage of knowing all for the travels are for various reasons that may be very personal.

Before a country enacts dual citizenship laws, the so called loop holes are sealed and it can insert caveats that protect against such abuses.

Second, investment is not just walking into a market place and buying whatever one wants epecially if it is either large or involving foreign money.

For that matter, let us not regress back to the eighties when one had to apply even for foreign exchange when gopuing out of the country.Remember one Waruru Kanja who was jailed for not declaring some change when he came back to kenya.

The world has become a global village, freedom of movement is what is in now, let us step up to the plate and show some civilization.



Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 13:03:39 +0000
From: katexjohn@ . . .
Subject: RE: Dual Citizenship

There are five year visas and renewable. Why can’t you make use of this in the meantime if you want to invest back in Kenya? Or better still why can’t you retain Kenya citizenship and maintain a long term renewable visa in your destination country?

Kenyans have for long been unproud of their country so whenever they get a chance to go out they denounce their citizenship so fast. What’s wrong with negotiating with the Rwandese govt to give you a ten year renewable visa if they want you to remain in their country instead of adopting Rwandese natinalization?

As Kenyan immigration I would have a problem with someone who is too willing to adopt another citizenship? Now that you have it good why do you want to come back? You couldn’t stick with me when things were thick, why not remain where you thought was good for you then?

— On Sat, 16/5/09, Peter Otieno wrote:

From: Peter Otieno
Subject: RE: Dual Citizenship
Date: Saturday, 16 May, 2009, 2:29 PM


Thank you for your contribution.I think you may have been abit harsh on your judgement that people who oppose dual citizenship are guys who have never moved outside their homes- but I am proud to say that I have travelled widely to many countries and 3 continents to be specific.

What we are saying here is that the reasons being advanced by the proponents of Dual citizenship are far-fetched and ill- advised to say the least.You dont have to hold two passports to invest in your mother land.What is it that is hindering you from investing now in Kenya ? Because you are holding a foreign passport?Far from it, you can still invest because Kenya will offer you a resident VISA but if you feel that you need the Kenyan passport then just revoke your foreign one brother- your loyalty cannnot be shared.

Let us not create loopholes for foreigners to get free citizenship especially if they intend to hold on to the other one.

Can you give us facts why dual citizenship is necessary???

Ayuaya Masira
Shanghai China.

— On Fri, 5/15/09, Duncan Nyabilo wrote:

From: Duncan Nyabilo
Subject: RE: Dual Citizenship
Date: Friday, May 15, 2009, 2:20 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This thread has brought the beast in a lot of people. A lot of the contributions here are selfish, illreasoned and boarders absurdity. That one has not been priviledged to travel outside their home should not be a reason for one to opose the truth just because one has access to a computer and so must be seen to be saying something , however let us assume that this enacted or not, what would the people opposing it gain anyway.

To get to the point, dual citizenship is required for alot of reasons, investing is the minutest of them.

The purpose is to facilitate free , unhindered movement. Once people can move freely, commerce follows in stride. Thus, the call for dual citizenship.

I wonder where the people opposing dual citizenship were when even getting a passport had to be cleared by the govenment before it is granted to one. Let us not regress into the medevial era and think like the stone age people.After all, the world has become a global village, those advocating for isolatoionism should look at what is called the EU passport, the ECOWAS passport among many others.

I rest my case.


Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 10:07:54 +0300
Subject: Re: Dual Citizenship
From: lyneira2007@ . , , \\

I have read your Peter!
But take is that you left for UK or US on a green card…Yu have gotten enough wealth you truely feel yu need to invest at yur own Country,here comes sunctions( paper work) you go thru affidafty and processes inorder to invest in yur own country. Too absurd yet the Western pple yu see around are given free access to their country despite the years they stay in Africa…only East Africa haswa Kenya is rigid to Dual citizenship…West Africa is practising it an is working pretty well.

Here yu ave left Kenya 4 Rwanda and the Govnt of Rwanda give a MUST to be a Rwandeese…what will yu do? will yu die hard to be a kenyan and loose the job or yu be one?

To me I still maintain that (having 2 passports isnt a crime so long as they rightfully acquired).

This will improve the Economy period!

What is the point of dying a kenyan…a poor kenya in the name of being a partriot? chukua passport ingine na uchape kazi yu acquire the wealth yu bring it to Kenya…



On 5/15/09, Peter Otieno wrote:

I think it is a misconception that when dual citizenship is allowed in Kenya then more people will start investing in Kenya.Who are these people that we are talking about? Kenyans who cannot invest now because they are citizens of another country? Foreigners who want to cash on the confusion to become kenyans in order to have acess to two passports?

I think , the thought is misplaced.If you are a KENYAN but you are not investing back in your country because you fear something- The answer is that you ought to choose where you want to be associated with ( either your original mother land or your current host country BUT NOT BOTH).

Can you people imagine the confusion that may occur for example during international games ?

Do I have to run for my current host country or for my motherland Kenya?

Let us not confuse ourselves – Choose where you want to be ( KENYA OR OTHERWISE ) and pledge your loyalty to that single nation .

Let us not create loopholes for crooks to come and fleece us then they run away like the TRITON BOSS because they have an alternative ” SAFE HEAVEN “.If I want to stay in china forever, for example, then I should not think of retaining my Kenyan Citizenship.

My take,
Ayuaya Masira.
ShangHai China.

— On Thu, 5/14/09, lyne ira wrote:

From: lyne ira
Subject: Re: Dual Citizenship
Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 3:17 AM

I fully support dual citizenship…that only can rivive Kenyan’s Economy at length.


Children of destiny do not die…are you one of them?

On 5/14/09, Martin owino wrote:

Your view on dual citizenship is wrong. Where it has been enacted into law, there are overwhelming development by the natives investing in their own villages and towns.This is eveident in West African Countries.

By the way, those who are fleceeing our resources are in the government not outsiders. Let’s back our opinions on these issues with facts/statistics and observations on what is hapening in other countries and not by feelings and unfounded fears.

Let’s say YES to dual citizenship so that natives abroad and their children can invest home without reservation. Let’s have some vision and lonterm projections. With technology developing very fast, the world is soon becoming a global village that such measures will not only fail but will be like shooting yourself on your on foot….or cutting a tree branch on which you are sitting.

I know a lot of Kenyan-American who are waiting for that bill to go thru so that they can initiate businesses without going thru work-visa ill-process that treats Kenyans abroad even worse than actual foreigners (sic)

There are more to gain by enacting Dual Citizenship into law than to loose. Let’s Vote Yes on that one


Martin Owino, MPH, President
African Health Foundation
P.O. Box 1774
Framingham MA 01702

” A Hands Up, Not a Handout Organization”

Re: PEV Healing, Kiambaa vs other Vicitims!!

Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 20:34:59 +0300 [12:34:59 PM CDT]
From: Carl Mullwoh
Subject: Re: PEV Healing, Kiambaa vs other Vicitims!!

Bro Will,
Did you read what Sungu wrote? Did you listen/watch the news or read the newspapers the next day? If that was a memorial to you, then there is a word called a “Reverie”.. this applies to what you seem to have seen and heard. In this “memorial” in your reverie, there were coffins brother, coffins of 14people, kenyans brutally murdered in broad daylight..

In the attendance register, Mr. President.. present sir!, Mr. PM..absent sir!, mr. area mp.. absent sir! ODM..all absent sir! Mr PNU..most present sir..!

You don’t don’t need to analyse some things, you just see them in black and white.. this country sometime is full off pretence and and hypocrisy.. lets not be part of it.
You are doing exactly what you are telling the rest not to do my brother… analyzing and “getting heated up” to defend some side in total ignorance of facts…
I recommend you look for these resounding words; “It was better while we waited. Now we have nothing to look forward to. We have killed our past and are busy killing our future…”.

“Wake up men… it is time to go”(found in the same book) out of PNU and ODM and be kenyan.. look at truth independent of kabila


On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Will Keku wrote:


I agree with you, however I think the issue should not be looked at from the angle you have choosen. The idea that some people persive that Kiambaa victims are the only victims is immoral to even concieve. One community desided to have a memorial organised. Why do the other people not do the same? Why doesnt someone organise a memorial for Naivasha, for Kisumu and many other areas.? What good reason can ODM have for refusing to attend a memorial service? What good reason do they have for not organising memorial service for other areas? Why do we look at every action as PNU or ODM?
Please note, reconciliation will only be seen to happen if we stop this non-sense of analysing any action as ODM and PNU. Can someone organise a memorial service for other victims and see whether Kenyans will attend. I say Kenyans because both ODM and PNU and others are KENYANS.

Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 05:45:12 -0700 [05/16/2009 07:45:12 AM CDT]
From: odhiambo okecth
Subject: Re: PEV Healing, Kiambaa vs other Vicitims!!

For true peace, national healing and reconciliation to take root, we must stop being more clever than our neighbours.

We must engage in constant dialogue and do things above board.

It must start with the President. If the Rt Hon Raila Odinga was tear gassed during the mass service for the people who were killed in Kibera in February last year, why must the President think that Kenyans will give him accolades for going to bury the people who died in that church 17 months ago?

If the President kept silent as the people of Nyanza, Western, Nairobi, Rift Valley, Coast, Eastern and North Eastern buried their many deads, killed by police in defense of Kibaki, what makes the President think that Kenyans will give him accolades for going to bury the people who died 17 months ago?

The many Kenyans who were killed in the Post Election Violence were buried long time ago. We were in the process of healing the wounds when the President himself officiates to have them ripped off. It is painful.

The Kalenjins lost many people. The Luhya lost many people. The Luo lost many people. The Kisii lost many people. The Kikuyu lost many people. And we all burried our dead, then.

What wisdom was it to keep others for this long and only spring a surprise state burial now?

This is coming at a time when PNU is pushing to have our Provinces sub-divided for their convenience. Surely, why cant our leaders leave the Kikuyu alone to work in harmony with all other Kenyans?

Why are the Kikuyu leadership hell bent on antagonizing the Kikuyu with other Kenyans. The Kikuyu must rise up and put a stop to this. You are as Kenyan as all other Kenyans.

And you must not be set against your colleagues in Kenya. We are all awake to the shenanigans these people are playing with power and we must resist it.

The Kikuyus must be left alone to intergrate with all other Kenyans. This includes voting for other Kenyans, including for the Presidency.

Odhiambo T Oketch,
Komarock Nairobi.

— On Sat, 5/16/09, Kombo Ogaro wrote:

From: Kombo Ogaro
Subject: Re: PEV Healing, Kiambaa vs other Vicitims!!
Date: Saturday, May 16, 2009, 4:17 AM


Well illustrated. The Rwanda genocide thought many people numerous lessons:

1. An evil foeign regime was being imposed on them after the hineous death of their president. Even your friend can betray you to the worst enemy

2. Both innocent and the perpetrators suffered the consequences during and after the war

3. Chidlren and women fell victims of the highest order.

4. It was a case of arms, supply of weapons from outside, different faction with different intentions.

5. True healing started after recognising that a nation will be swept and taken over by worms.

President Kagame, victorious tunred the table upside down and become the President. Ahe embarked on reconciliatin rather than accusations and counter accusation. Different from our true tatse of the Molo Massacre during the Moi era, several tribal clashes were evident everywhere. Leaders capitalised on the recent violence and blamed largely political leaders. the politician later too turned to blame church leader for not taking a good position.

Now the game is never ending we keep talking until our President a ‘book to read and a movie to watch’. We shed crocodile tears when we see justice being delayed and denied. The funders of the genocide are t large in comfort of thei zones just liek President Bashir is escaping the Darfur genocide. The same guys are occupying ministerial positions.

What we needed was a nullfication of the elections – entire and nothing less. ITS BETTER TO SPEND EXTRA TO MAKE THINGS WORK. Buy cheap buy twice! We are paying double now: a floated divisive cabinet that will continue to grample and wanton like MPs who will be bought to defeat the casue of justice, and suffering millions Kenyans with escalating incidences of mini corruption and grand corruptions.

Unlike Rwanda which has almost eradicated corruptions, the Kenyan face is that of Robert Mugabe, who has ruined the country and brought it to its knees. Slowly Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s wanton style of leadership is a case study of a liberator slowly becoming the Mobutu. He will loose respect and no more legacy will be left.

Africa is in a verge of a new wave – stealing election, and geting into colations – having same dictators in power! Kenya sets the string straight, we are thinking differently and sooner our citizen wont cry the same cry like before. New leadership is waiting 2012 or sooner and soon we will be matching a grand match to the parley gates of state house to separate the chaff from the grains. We will evoke memories of great poets like Okot Bitek and enumerate great men like Nelson Mandela. We dismantle the bitter cry and instal the sweet sounds of wailing mothers praising the new born century. The end of our misery will be the begginign of God given wealth, riches and good governance and democracy. Our children and grand children will admire the pillars created, the possession of our land, and the freedom with good moral values and principles.

As a citadel, Kenya will extend its borders of good governance to the rest of AFRICA and the World. Once we get rid of the chaff in the juduciary, treasury, govenrment office – we would have ensured that we have a mentorship approach destroying the mornachial system currently we are in. Freedom of the press, association, guarantedd free provison of health to all, regulated financial markets, investor confidence, free education for all – Kenya stand as a citadel!

Kombo Eijah

On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 9:45 AM, otieno sungu wrote:
Given that this country needs to heal and move on, and given that communities that were affected by the PEV need to be brought together in a true healing process, it is instructive to note that all ODM MPs kept away from the mass burial of the Kiambaa victims.

The question that begs answers is, are we really on the path to healing? Is political gain and/or losses played out in the whole issue?

While it is all good to accord the all the PEV victims a decent and dignified send off, it should be across the board.

What is coming out is that one side of the devide wishes to project the Kiambaa PEV fire victims as the “only” victims of PEV. There were those who were burnt in Naivasha by youths perceived to be PNU just as the Kiambaa ones are perceived to have been torched by ODM youths.Then there were the youths killed in Kisumu, hundreds of them by police, are some “more Kenyan” than others or the pedigree matters here?

Giving prominence to one groups and behaving like the others do not deserve recognition as PEV victims only breeds resentment.

As things stand, we are right back to December 2007 and nothing has changed, only a lull before another storm.

True reconciliation is like the Rwanda type, where honesty and truth guides the process, not political expidiency and a “we are te victims” attitude. Both sides committed attrocities and this must be acknowledged by both sides in a true healing process.

Recognition should be accorded to all PEV victims and compensation chanelled to all affected groups. As long as when one side of government mean PNU supporters only when they talk PEV, nothing will change and even those who have moved back to their homes will not be at ease with their neigbours.THis has been the scenario when compensating IDPs too.

Let us start being honest with each other and resolve this issue of reconciliation,not aggravate things.

We must remember that the “victims” from all sides will keep being victims if we do not exorcise the ghost of PEV properly.

Otieno Sungu.
Juba-Southern Sudan.

Death Announcement and Funeral Arrangements for Paul Orinda Mboya

Dear All,

It is with grieving hearts and sorrowful minds that the Orinda Family announces the untimely death of Paul Mboya Orinda on May 10, 2009 in Tampa, Florida.

“Paulie,” as he was known to his family and friends, was born on May 9, 1980. He attended and graduated from University of Tampa.

Tentative Funeral Arrangements are as follows:

1. A Wake will be held at the Scarborough & Hargett Funeral home in Durham, NC on Saturday May 23, 2009 from 3PM- 5pm.
2. This will be followed by a Fundraiser at The Palace in Durham, NC at 7PM.
3. There will be a brief viewing on Sunday May 24th at 1PM-2PM followed=2 0by a home-going service from 2PM.

We estimate the funeral expenses and costs to fly Paulie’s body to his final resting place in Kenya will be well over $20,000. Your financial support will be crucial in helping us meet this goal, and greatly appreciated by the family.
No amount is too small or too big so, we invite you to come and celebrate Paulie’s life and help us give him a great send-off.

If you are unable to attend the Fundraiser in person, please feel free to send your contributions to the account that has been set up for Paul’s Memorial Fund at Bank of America, in Durham, NC. Checks should be written to Paul Orinda Memorial fund. Please feel free to share this email with others in your circle.

The Routing # is 540560107 and the Account # is 237008108531

Please feel free to contact any of the following people for further assistance:

· Josie Orinda – 919/358-1291
· Joe Gaya – 919/451-7568
· C aren Ocholla – 919/599-2508
· George Odero – 919/308-8040
· Fred Osewe -=2 0919/567-0331
· Juma Ojuok – 919/271-6657
· Dorothy Tolo – 919/622-1407
· Eva Deya – 919/271-9966

Thank you in advance for all your support and encouragement.

– – –
From: Evelyn A. Deya
Sent: Sat, 16 May 2009 5:04 am
Subject: Death Announcement and Funeral Arrangements for Paul Orinda Mboya

Re: Global Crisis: what is your take

Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 13:14:32 +0000 [05/16/2009 08:14:32 AM CDT]
From: katex john
Subject: Re: Global Crisis: what is your take

Am not an expert on global financial systems but I think Africa has a skewed balance of trade on the global arena. May be it’s time we came up with stronger financial blocks and systems within the continent and traded among ourselves more (South – South relationships) instead of North-South.. For instance we rely on the dollar, Euro, Japanese yen. Do we have any common currency for Africa either as North Africa, West Africa, East Africa or even Southern Africa? What has prevented us from fronting one currency e.g the Kenyan shilling, Moroccan money, Nigerian cidi or South African rand and adopting it widely across Africa? It is illogical to have Zimbabweans adopt the American dollar in the face of their weakening currency. This is one way where African economists have failed.. If there was one we would have adopted it like yesterday and we wouldn’t be suffering the ripple effects of a suffocating dollar or Euro. See how the Sterling pound is behaving at the moment. What if we were relying on it for our transactions?

— On Sat, 16/5/09, Kombo Ogaro wrote:

From: Kombo Ogaro
Subject: Global Crisis: what is your take
Date: Saturday, 16 May, 2009, 3:05 PM

The gloabl crisis has hard hit many countries, and most developing coutries like Kenya are experiencing tha aftermath. can some tell me what can we do as Africans to ensure wea re safe from other future such crisis. Robert Mugabeof Zimbambwe was responsible for the Zimbambwe crisis, Daniel arap Moi initiated the down trend of our economy – as a finance minister what will be your take ifinvited to address the Congress in a weeks time on the global crisis?

Kombo Elijah


Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 21:37:15 +0300 [05/16/2009 01:37:15 PM CDT]
From: Kombo OgaroRe:

We respect SONU and the government should not meddle with SONU elections. Students suffer the worst: friends killed on broad daylight, guns planted in their hostels etc….the government should NOT touch on University politics NOW!

Kombo Elijah

On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 12:52 PM, IGNATIUS SIMIYUH wrote:

The campaigns in the students Board of University of Nairobi are in the Top Gear and Now Than Ever a lot of Political and Administrative Muscles are being Exercised in this Largest Single students Organization in Africa.

Will PNU, ODM or Administration take the Day!!

What is Your take on this Events!!



From the voices of lake region people want to take this opportunity to give THUMPS UP!..
To:. MP. Kahalwale, MP. Ethuro, MP. Duale, MP. Mungatana, MP. Mbadi, MP. Odhiambo, MP. Anyanga, MP Musila, MP. Munyes, MP. Khaniri, MP. Ethuro and MP. Musyimi

These MPs may be “Back Benchers” in this parliament but for lake region people you are ” Front Benchers ” on taking Migingo dispute in patriotic way with Museni Uganda. Thank you for putting tribal and party politics in addressing down Musevini on occupation of Migingo Island and his verbal attack on segment of Kenya population on this dispute. History of preserving the borders of this border/ territorial integrity will judge you kindly. It is refreshing to see MPS from different tribal group, region and political parties coming together to defend this country for a change! Where Musevini see Migingo as “majaluo/wajaluo” issue, you see Migingo issue as Kenya problem and you should be commended by every body in this country.

Other Kenya leaders and politicians who are still hiding behind the curtains of diplomacy will one day follow your lead. If they don’t they will come to regret it when this country is devyvied up in peace meal by the so- called friendly neighbors!. Musevini and his spokes people who are free to lie on how his words words were taken out contest by BBC reporters. In other words Musevini did “hear the voices” of wajaluo to call them names!. BLAME THE REPORTER FROM FOR YOUR DAMN ANSWERING..the reporter made me do it defense..only an African leader make lame excuse like this and people will believe him!

For those people who don’t follow politics or “political speak” as some of us do, any time you hear politician saying that “his words/statements were taken out context” this means his/her first statements were true!. Politicians only claim their statements ” taken out contest” when they feel heat after expressing their true feelings from the original statements. Musevini is now backtracking to cover his “ass” and to please Kenya politicians who are still insisting on diplomatic avenue to solve this issue. It is pathetic to see a President of a country picking a fight underling politician from another country in this case demanding that Mr. Orengo of Kenya to apologise to Uganda making derogatory remarks on this issue. In this case if Mr. Orengo cannot apologize to Musevini then he will not apologize to Luos!. One must wonder who is “small” in this exchange?.. when did Mr. Orengo became Msevini’s equal in Kenya or in “Luo nation”? .We are now asking Mr. Kibaki to demand apology from Uganda Co-operation Minister who said “Kenya would loose if they go to war over Migingo… Uganda is the food basket for Kenya” Does this means that Mr. Kibaki his government has sold Migingo Island for Uganda for food supply???????. To be fetiosous, lake region people should now demand a large share of the Migingo/Uganda food transaction because they are the one who will be loosing the island to Uganda!.

On serious note, here is my free advice to African politicians like Musevini. When speaking in public or making political statements,… when you are asked a question by reporter you have the right to say simple word ” no comment”. If you don’t want to answer a question or tell lies..just answer the question that has not been asked!. In other words you have full control of what want or don’t want to say to the reporter(s). For the brave Kenya MPS who have forward to defend this country on Migingo issue, I say to you don’t waste your time on demanding Musevini’s apology he is not your President. You should focus and put pressure on your President to bring Migingo dispute to just closure to the people of Kenya. You can NEVER substitute Kenya national interest with petty tribal or party politics in this country when our borders are violated by Musevini Uganda!

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Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 13:47:49 -0400 [05/15/2009 12:47:49 PM CDT]
From: Dan Orao


News Analysis By Leo Odera Omolo

The summit of the heads of stat of the East African Community members states held in the northern Tanzanian town of Arushafailed to see through the signing of theommon arket Protocol and the regional integration process.

The thre contentiouis issues, which prevented the signing of the protocol for the second time include;access to land, thew right of establishment and permanent residence and the use of the nationmal identity cards as the official tavel documents.

Sharp differences had emerged pitting Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi on one hand , and Tanzania on the other, overe the three key provisions of the Common Market Protocol.

The Arusha Summit which was held on April 29 had directed that the pending issues in the Common Market protocol be agreed on as soon as possible so that thr pact can be signed in November.

According to the integration process calendar, the Common Market, which is the second phase of regional integration after the Customs Union,will come into force by January next year.

However,the signing of the ommon arket protocol has had to be postponed twice due to delays in negotiation,. Initially, the signing was originally planned for November last year.This was later pushed to last month {April 2009}, which also never materialised.

At the end of the heads of state summit in Arusha last month,the Secretary General,Ambassador Juma Mwapachu,alluded to the community’s possible application of variable geometry.”if there is no consensus on the other pending issues by November,chances are high that the EAC secretariat might invoke the variable geometry principle, leading to the signing of the porootocol,”he added.

But legal experts, led by tyhe East African Law Society, have wqarned that such flexibility, which is mainly used as apolitical tool, should be applied with great care so that, it does not end up being counter-productive.

Earlier the East African Court of Justice has delivered judgement saying that there is nothing wrong with some member countries moving faster than others on regional integration.

This means that the EAC Common Market might come into force much earlier than anticipated, without “pending issues” necessarily being resolved first.

In a ruling on application by the East African Community’s Council of Ministers through the Community’s counsel, the First Instance Division of the Council said such flexibility is coinsistent with the Treaty on the establishment of the EAC.

The Council comprises member countrry Ministers iuncharge of the East African Affdairs from Kenya, Rwanda,Tanzania,Uganda and Burundi.

It had formerly sought the court’s opinion on whether the operational princpole of variable geometry, which is provided for in the Treaty on the Establishment of the EAC, countries the requirement that decision of the EAC organs should be by consensus.

Variable geometry is a principle in regional integration whereby some community members can move faster than other on some matters.

Inb an opinion delivered the principal judge of the First instance Division,Justice Johnsoin Busengye of Rwanda,the East African Coiurt of Justice said the operational principle of variable geometry is in harmony with the requirement of consensus in decision making.

The court also said the princple of variable geometry can guide the regional integration process, the requirement of coinsensus in decision making noitwith standing.

The court said in part,”consensus is simply a decision-making mechanism, whilke variable geometry is a strategy for implementation.”

They, however, warned ther partner states thsat variable geometry should be the exception rather thsan the rule.

The court’s ruling come at a time when there are differences, between Kenya, Uganda,Rwanda and Burundi on one hand, and Tanzania on the other, over three key provisions of the Common Market protocol.

These are access to land, the right of establishment and permanent residence and the use of the nationmal identity cards as travel documents withiun the EAC member states.


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Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 07:20:36 -0700 [05/15/2009 09:20:36 AM CDT]
From: Leo Odera Omolo
Subject: News Analysis By Leo Odera Omolo

The summit of the heads of stat of the East African Community members states held in the northern Tanzanian town of Arushafailed to see through the signing of theommon arket Protocol and the regional integration process.

The thre contentiouis issues, which prevented the signing of the protocol for the second time include;access to land, thew right of establishment and permanent residence and the use of the nationmal identity cards as the official tavel documents.

Sharp differences had emerged pitting Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi on one hand , and Tanzania on the other, overe the three key provisions of the Common Market Protocol.

The Arusha Summit which was held on April 29 had directed that the pending issues in the Common Market protocol be agreed on as soon as possible so that thr pact can be signed in November.

According to the integration process calendar, the Common Market, which is the second phase of regional integration after the Customs Union,will come into force by January next year.

However,the signing of the ommon arket protocol has had to be postponed twice due to delays in negotiation,. Initially, the signing was originally planned for November last year.This was later pushed to last month {April 2009}, which also never materialised.

At the end of the heads of state summit in Arusha last month,the Secretary General,Ambassador Juma Mwapachu,alluded to the community’s possible application of variable geometry.”if there is no consensus on the other pending issues by November,chances are high that the EAC secretariat might invoke the variable geometry principle, leading to the signing of the porootocol,”he added.

But legal experts, led by tyhe East African Law Society, have wqarned that such flexibility, which is mainly used as apolitical tool, should be applied with great care so that, it does not end up being counter-productive.

Earlier the East African Court of Justice has delivered judgement saying that there is nothing wrong with some member countries moving faster than others on regional integration.

This means that the EAC Common Market might come into force much earlier than anticipated, without “pending issues” necessarily being resolved first.

In a ruling on application by the East African Community’s Council of Ministers through the Community’s counsel, the First Instance Division of the Council said such flexibility is coinsistent with the Treaty on the establishment of the EAC.

The Council comprises member countrry Ministers iuncharge of the East African Affdairs from Kenya, Rwanda,Tanzania,Uganda and Burundi.

It had formerly sought the court’s opinion on whether the operational princpole of variable geometry, which is provided for in the Treaty on the Establishment of the EAC, countries the requirement that decision of the EAC organs should be by consensus.

Variable geometry is a principle in regional integration whereby some community members can move faster than other on some matters.

Inb an opinion delivered the principal judge of the First instance Division,Justice Johnsoin Busengye of Rwanda,the East African Coiurt of Justice said the operational principle of variable geometry is in harmony with the requirement of consensus in decision making.

The court also said the princple of variable geometry can guide the regional integration process, the requirement of coinsensus in decision making noitwith standing.

The court said in part,”consensus is simply a decision-making mechanism, whilke variable geometry is a strategy for implementation.”

They, however, warned ther partner states thsat variable geometry should be the exception rather thsan the rule.

The court’s ruling come at a time when there are differences, between Kenya, Uganda,Rwanda and Burundi on one hand, and Tanzania on the other, over three key provisions of the Common Market protocol.

These are access to land, the right of establishment and permanent residence and the use of the nationmal identity cards as travel documents withiun the EAC member states.

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Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 07:20:36 -0700 [05/15/2009 09:20:36 AM CDT]
From: Leo Odera Omolo

Uganda’s Genocidal President Eyes Kenya

By Milton Allimadi

So finally Kenyans have been able to see for themselves the machinations of the mad genocidal man who has presided over Uganda for nearly a quarter century now. Isn’t it wonderful and ironic when a mad man issues a libelous statement against an entire ethnic people–the Luos of Kenya, by referring to them as “mad”? Yet, at the same time, since he knows that ethnic tension in Kenya has also been elevated since the chaotic elections there he is hoping that he will find many allies among Kikuyus and other Kenyans.

Kenyans should not allow themselves to be deceived into destroying their own country. At some point it’s worth burying the hatchet and dealing with a common threat. The Ugandan knows what he’s doing.

He demonized Acholis in Uganda and the strategy sustained his despotism for years. Now he can’t use that strategy in Uganda because all ethnic groups now know that he is Uganda’s problem. He won’t take chances with elections coming up in 2011; so the Kenya crisis is a convenient diversion.

The Ugandan dictator’s remarks, disparaging Kenyans, as reported in the BBC, with the audio clearly available, stems from the dispute over the Kenyan island of Migingo, on Lake Victoria.

The instant debate is focused on whether the fishing island belongs to Kenya or not; it has always been Kenyan until the Uganda despot decided to try and annex it. Yet his real goal is not Migingo, the tiny rock island. His true goal is to exacerbate animosity between Luos and the Kikuyus in Kenya. After all, there were credible reports that he was fueling some of the ethnic violence that accompanied and followed the disputed Kenyan elections; overwhelming evidence is that the vote was stolen by Mwai Kibaki.

A shaky coalition government now runs Kenya, with Kibaki, a Kikuyu, as president and Raila Odinga, a Luo, as prime minister. Animosity remains; the Uganda dictator wants to light a match and throw in more fuel.

The Ugandan thrives on chaos and massacres in surrounding countries; that’s the best way to distract from growing domestic problems, arising from his genocidal dictatorship at home.

Kenyans should beware. The man is not shy when it comes to massive bloodshed. Recall that he seized power in Uganda through violent insurgency after his party lost the 1980 elections badly. Uganda’s Luwero Triangle became a Killing Field as his insurgents fought with Milton Obote’s army.

Later, the skulls of tens of thousands were displayed–he claimed they were all victims of Obote’s ruthless army. Yet, skulls can’t speak; so how could observers know which ones were victims of his own ruthlessness?

If there was doubt about his propensity for blood, his Rwanda intervention put matters to rest. He allowed part of his army to invade Rwanda on October 1, 1990; they were led by U.S. trained Uganda military officers including Paul Kagame, who was chief of Uganda’s military intelligence.

Massacres against Hutus were committed from 1990 to 1994. Then in 1994, the Uganda seized an opportunity. Rwanda’s president Juvenal Habyarimana was returning from a meeting in Tanzania to conclude a peace pact with the Ugandan army –by now called the Rwanda Patriotic Front– which, with U.S.-backing had pushed Habyarimana’s back against the wall; Habyarimana never landed on that fateful April day. His plane was shot from the sky, according to some news accounts by a missile provided by Uganda.

The Ugandan dictator knew what would be the outcome of the death of Habyarimana and the Burundi president who was also on the plane. Imagine, if Pakistan were to sponsor a predominantly Muslim invasion of India, and later, if these forces were to shoot down a plane carrying India’s Hindu president, what would happen to Muslims in India?

The outcome desired by the Ugandan president materialized. An orgy of killings erupted; the Rwanda government, and a whole ethnic people, Hutus, were discredited and destroyed.
Again the skulls were displayed; they are still being displayed. And who could really tell whether some of those skulls were not imported from Luwero?

begin quote

From there the Ugandan turned to what was then Zaire: the ouster of dictator Mobuttu was popular throughout Africa.

end quote

But then the Ugandan eyed Congo’s great riches. When Laurent Kabila resisted, very soon he was six foot under. Meanwhile terrible massacres were committed –indeed genocide– in eastern Congo by Uganda’s army and Uganda trained militia. In 2005, the International Court of Justice found Uganda liable for the crimes against humanity, including massacres, pillage, burning of homes and mass rapes. The court ordered $10 billion in compensation; not a dime has been paid.

Please see:

More critically, the Wall Street Journal on June 8, 2006 reported that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is also investigating Uganda on the Congo war crimes. The seriousness of the matter cannot be underplayed. The Journal reported that Museveni tried to get the UN to block the investigation. The Journal wrote: ?President Museveni of Uganda asked U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan to block the Congo investigation, according to one person familiar with the matter. Mr. Annan replied that he had no power to interfere with the court, this person said.?

So, conceivably a cell may await Museveni at the Hague. Domestically, his hatred for the Acholi, who are also Luo, caused him to herd the whole population of 2 million into concentration camps, under the guise of “protecting” them from the violence of Joseph Kony and his vicious rebels.

In 2005, the World Health Organization reported that up to 1,000 Ugandan civilians were dying in those camps –there were more than 200– as a result of hunger, dehydration, and treatable diseases. There were also reports of targeted rapes, including by government soldiers known to be HIV-positive.

At 1,000 excess deaths per week, that’s at least 52,000 deaths per year. Since some of the camps have been in existence for more than 20 years, we are talking about the possible deaths of more than 1 million Luos, under Museveni’s policy of slow-motion genocide.

Even Joseph Kony must marvel at the number of people Museveni has managed to annihilate and not face an ICC indictment; not yet, anyway.

So now; it’s on to Kenya.

What has Kenya not learned from the Ugandan despot’s excesses in Uganda, in Rwanda, and in Congo?

If he is willing to exterminate other Ugandans –since he sees Acholis as mere “Luos” — why should Kenyans be surprised that he seems determined to import his modus operandus, to Kenya?

If Kenyans are serious about their survival, they should help publicize the genocide now being committed against Ugandans who happen to be Acholis (Luos); and also join the citizens of the Congo in their demands that the ICC take action for the genocide in eastern Congo.

After all, the ICJ has already rendered its verdict in the civil case. Guilty as charged.

Please send your comments to

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Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 07:59:15 -0500 [07:59:15 CDT]
Subject: Uganda’s Genocidal President Eyes Kenya