Monthly Archives: May 2009

Kenya court jails Delamere kin for eight months

Lord Delamere’s heir Tom Cholmondeley has been sentenced to eight months imprisonment for killing stonemason Robert Njoya.

High Court Judge Muga Apondi handed down the light sentence on Thursday, two days after hearing final submissions from both the prosecution and defence.

“In view of the total circumstances of the case and the guiding principles to sentencing, I hereby wish to impose a light sentence on the accused to allow him reflect on his life and change to an appropriate direction,” said Judge Apondi.

“The upshot is that I hereby sentence the accused to 8 months imprisonment.”

The judge said the fact that Mr Cholmondeley has ” been held in custody for slightly over three years since he was arrested” and had no malice aforethought (intent to kill) prompted him to issue the light sentence.

He said that the prosecution had acknowledged that Mr Cholmondeley made desperate attempts to save the life of Mr Njoya, including calling Kenya Wildlife Service rangers and the police after the fatal shooting. He also offered his car to rush the victim to hospital.

The Director of Public Prosecution Keriako Tobiko also agreed that Mr Cholmondeley was a first offender.

These two mitigating factors were crucial in determining Cholmondeley’s prison term, said Judge Apondi.

The judge said Mr Cholmondeley reserves the right to appeal the sentence.

Judge Apondi had initially reduced Cholmondeley’s murder charge and convicted him for manslaughter.

He found that Cholmondeley shot and killed Mr Njoya three years ago, but spared him death by hanging because a murder charge could not be sustained.

A murder conviction carries a mandatory death sentence.

Mr Justice Apondi relied on the evidence of Mr Carl Tundo, who was with Cholmondeley on the fateful day, to rule that the accused shot and killed Mr Njoya.

He found that the accused did not have malice aforethought (intention to kill) when he shot Mr Njoya at his Soysambu ranch on May 10, 2006.


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Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 03:09:56 -0700 [05:09:56 AM CDT]
From: john ayere
Subject: Kenya court jails Delamere kin for eight months

Fist for Five(Julie Gichuru-Citizen): Poverty-

On Tuesday, while flipping through the TV channels after 9p.m news, i stumbled on the show by Julie gichuru, Fist of Five on Citizen and the discussion caught my attetion. (Thanks to the Kenyan TV channels for hooking to DSTV, now from wherever we are, we can watch).

I loved the show, fist of five?
These were kenyans from the slums of Mathare and Kibera, representing all the ethnic groups living in these places, in a heated debate about the issues that led to the PEV in 2008 and why the people turned on each other in the slums. These are the people who experienced these events first-hand, people who live with the effects of it everyday; Luos,Nubians, Kikuyus, Kambas, kisiis and Kales..some were landlords and tenants.
The kibera “landlords” were there lamenting about their inability to collect rent from the unwilling tenants

These people highlighted key issues that we’ve brought up in this forum before like
1. Mistrust between Kenyan tribes(especially Jengs and Wasapere) dating back to events of post independence kenya and the activities of Kenyatta which have been highlighted in this forum.
2. Prejudices and tribal epithets about other tribes propounded by individual families to their children “hao wakamba, those Luos, those kikuyus” “you Kalenjin, why did you do this..”
3. The issues of inequity in distribution of resources and opportunities being afforded to some regions at the expense of the rest;
4. Land distribution.
5. Landlord-Tenant relationship in these slums vis a vis cost of living.

and many other issues. and the good thing is that they came up with solutions and way forward.. that they’d individually change and talk to their friends and neighbors to change..

A kibera tenant pointed something about their failure to pay rent:
– They don’t refuse to pay rent because they don’t want, but because they can’t afford rent increasing every year. Their ksh. 100 to 200 wages per day from industrial area cannot pay rent of over 1000 bob buy unga for Kshs 120 plus other needs. Their contention? first, the landlords keep increasing rent at will, you fail to pay, instead of discussions, they bring the chiefs askaris and use force, thus to protect themselves, they use mass action; refuse to pay en-mass.

This should be an awakening statements for us all. What country is this? that the labour laws that govern employment are ignored to the extent that we pay our people thus? I’m so tired of the government not enforcing the law, even on employers, like me and you.

When this tenant spoke, I remembered another advert for a job that I saw in bidii africa last week? for a househelp helper. I felt pain at what it said.
A kenyan wanted to employ another kenyan, and is shamelessly going to pay him Kshs.2,000 per month: because? the person is going to get benefits of living with the him/her and eating with them.
Shame on you wanabidii who do this. ?Kshs 2,000? think. that is less than sh.100/day. Then you curse that person for refusing to pay rent for their family who may be living in kibera.. you curse the government for injustice and throw stones at the Asian industrial area mployers? and blame Raila for your househelps poverty?

Those who treat their househelps and gardeners or their staff thus are no better than terrorists, colonialists, robbers or mungikis. You can’t step on another persons neck, squeeze life out of them and point a finger at the government.

When you return home today, look into your house managers eyes, and see their pain, the pain of your evil, you who handle others like that. some of us will not hesitate to deduct some money from the same 2,000 for the cost of a glass or plate that broke accidentally: as if they’ve never broken a plate or glass in their life.
Just as it was said here by some members, change for this country will not be brought by Raila or Karua or Kibaki. It begins with you. We as individuals are the Lords of poverty.

Julie Gichuru, that is a nice show.. it gives some of us a chance to hear the unheard who cannot call a press conference.

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Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 12:23:19 +0300 [04:23:19 AM CDT]
From: Carl Mullwoh
Subject: Fist for Five(Julie Gichuru-Citizen): Poverty-

Re: Museveni’s comtempt for Luos is a threat to stability in East/Central Africa!!

Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 22:22:56 -0700 [12:22:56 AM CDT]
From: lucy maina
Subject: Re: Museveni’s comtempt for Luos is a threat to stability in East/Central Africa!!

Im wondering if there is something wanabidii can do to help in the issue. It is so sad. I feel like the whole country will be grabbed soon.

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Lee Dorian wrote:

You summed it up!!! If he is so tough why has he not tamed Kony?
He has dealt his hand too early. Now we know the agenda.
He cannot contain his animosity.

It’s true all Kenyans should close ranks and show M7 what time it is!!!

M7 has largely presented himself as a warmonger. War is not the answer.
Teh fishemen just want to fish, no politics.

But our biggets problem in Kenya is our President. M7 and his mad jaruo comments just echo and mirror what Kibaki thinks.

I say forget about EAC. I do not want to see that union. If this is the precursor! It is dead in the water (pun intended)

2009/5/12 otieno sungu

The contempt President Yoweri Museveni showed for the Luo, calling them “mad Jaruo” is a threat to the stability of East and Central Africa where Luos are spread across. The Luos are found in Yoweri Museveni’s own backyard of Uganda and this is bound to brew discontent and dissent among the Luo of Uganda. Kenya has a vast poulation of Luos to whom is vitriol was directed.

The Luos are found in Tanzania,DRC, Southern Sudan, and spread out in other countries across the region albeit in smaller numbers.

The Luos have cousins in Uganda, the Acholi and Langi,by entension, Museveni is bringing in his contempt for one Joseph Kony out in the open and displaying a very careless attitude which is shocking for a sitting Head of State.

It is incumebt upon all Kenyans to condemn this act of a President of an apparently “friendly nation” to refer to our brothers and sisters from the Lake Region as “mad jaruos”.

We may have our own fights as a Kenyan people but when faced with external aggression, we must close ranks and face the common enermy, just like brothers at home have domestic fights but when attacked by outsiders, they are each “their brother’s keeper”.

Today it is the Luo and Pokots he derides, tomorrow it will the Luhya, then Kikuyu then Kamba and eventually all Kenyans.

I have argued here before that his comtempt for Luos is by extension his contempt for all Kenyans and our President.He cannot make agreements with our President and trash them immediately. Hii ni madharau!!!!

We should be the only ones to take Kibaki to task or make noise at him because he is our President, but no one else should show him this kind of embarrassing madharau!!!

I cannot love you and be your friend yet not love your children. This is what Museveni is doing with Kibaki, showing Kibaki the utmost contempt.

We must stand by our President and assure him of the whole country’s total support in dealing with Museveni the way Moi dealt with him and humiliated him making him crawl to a meeting in a small hut at the border when he attemted these same antics.

We must give Kibaki the same confidence we gave Kenyatta in dealing with Amin when he claimed Naivasha all the way to Nakuru was in Uganda.

Then, Kenyans never looked at it as a matter for Kikuyus or Kalenjins but as a Kenyan matter.

That is why Ministers like Kilemi Mwiria who look at it as a small island not worth anything must be condemned. All parts of Kenya is Kenyas, rocky, marshy or arid, fertile or not.

Otieno Sungu.
Juba-Southern Sudan


Now Mgingo island is an issue. A one acre or is it one hectare. At this point I care less. judging from Hayati’s comments when Amin Dada was ready to take a part of Kenya, I do not give a damn about the Kibaki government. It is a tailless government. If you ask me to be precise, I would say that it is a goverment of a man whose third leg shrunk into a vestigial organ and not the organ of power and procreation.

You want to scrutinize me, fine, but that is exactly what mzee Jomo Kenyattaa told IDI Amin dada and I quote “UKI LETA NYOKO NYOKO, UTAJUA KENYA KUNA WANAUME. UTAZIAGUA KAMA UNGA”. If you were not old enough to remember his voice then I beg you not to respond to this email. Yes we had a statesman. What the hell do we have now. Tuko na mwanaume kweli? Is Kibaki counted among the wanaume. I doubt and I am scared. Lucy just showed us the other day the type of man we have. The old woman forced the president of Kenya to deny his blood. Imagine Mamangina doing the same to Kenyattta.

My conclusion is simple, Kenya will be invaded by a small country like Uganda in the name of tribalism. Or should I say Kenya is already being ruled by Uganada.Kenya has become so tribalized to an extent that an outsider “Museveni” had to tell us so much about “wajaluo” after a bottle of wine. He woke up from the wine and apologized but at the end of the day he gave us a piece of his mind. He gave us the the details of the closed door discussions they have had with our president “Kibaki”

This is the way the discuss went

Museveni ” Habari mzee, vipi hawa wajaluo”

Kibaki ” Mzee hawa ni watu matope kabisha, wanataka kila kitu. Uli ona
wanataka hata Mgingo island. Sio Mgingo tu, hata Uganda watachukua”

Museveni ” Kweli tena, nakuambia lazima tufinye hawa washenzi”

Kibaki ” Tuko pamoja mzee, huko ni kwako Mgingo ni mimi”

Museveni ” nakuambia, hawatavua smakai hapa tena”

The statement above are not real but what I said a month ago is real. The reason why Raila snapped and told Kibaki to go to hell about the coalition was because Kibaki did not care about Mgingo island. That was the real bone of contention and still going to be. While Kibaki is bent on giving Mgingo island to Uganda, he should know that that a relative is always better than a stranger. Kibaki should know that even though Museveni’s father was a Banyankole and his mother is a Banyarwanda, both being Bantu. Kibaki has something more in common with Raila a Kenyan nilote than Museveni a Ugandan Bantu.

It is not about a tribe or origin, it is about a country we have worked so hard to build together. It is a country my father and another kikuyu boys father fought for. Kenyans did not fight for tribe but for country. This is the Kenya that Ochieng Oneko and Bildan Kagia fought for. It is the Kenya that Kungu Karumba and Paul Ngei fought for. It is not luo Kenya, Kikuyu Kenya, Luhya Kenya or Kalenjin Kenya. It is the Republic of Kenya. If you loose Mgingo island because of tribalism, be prepared to loose Nairobi to Museveni. Museveni installed a leader in Burundi, Rwanda and Zaire what makes you think he will not do the same to Kneya, Mr. President? We are not prepared to sacrifice our lives because of your mess again Mr. Kibaki. We are not ready to defend your weak, homeguard ass again when push come to shovel. Mgingo may be a wake up call to all Kneyans to get rid of you before your term is over. Where are our MPs? What are the ministers talkning about? Where is our army? Who is incharge? Is it not time for a vote of no confidence?


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Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 08:05:05 +0000 [03:05:05 AM CDT]
From: barack abonyo


Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 07:36:51 +0000 [02:36:51 AM CDT]
From: karegwa muchiri

Dear Partner,



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Development organizations depend on fund raising skills and effective project management to survive. In the absence of good ideas and skilled proposal development staff and effective project management, most organizations cannot survive beyond ONE year. Public perceptions about the excesses and big consumerism by the International NGOs and the United Nations Staff is only a mirage to thousands of struggling indigenous organizations that contribute immensely to poverty and disease eradication.

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I feel like patting myself on the back today because I was right on Migingo dispute with Uganda when I wrote and send the readers to Google Earth Map that showed that Migingo was in Kenya . I have too much respect for the office of the presidency and the Presidents who occupies them in any country, however I will break my own rule not to respect the intellectually challenged Uganda President for attacking a segment of Kenya population on Migingo Island dispute. I am happy that the efforts of readers and writers in this website have paid off on Migingo issue. Musevini has now come to his senses by admitting that Yes, ” Migingo Island is in Kenya but the water surrounding it belonged to Uganda”. Musevini’s admission/concession on this Island dispute is great news to Kenya people whether he knows what he has just said or talking about!. It is now Mr. Kibaki’s turn to tell Kenya public what this Musevini means and saying in this dispute. Mr. Kibaki follow Mr. Moi’s advice to speak to Kenya people directly on this issue… “keep the public informed on Migingo issue so people don’t rely on rumors”.Kenya should not spend sh. 140 on survey only to re-confirm Kenya Island that belong to them!. Thanks to Musevini, round one on Migingo dispute has gone to Kenya without firing a shot what is needed now is Mr. Kibaki to speak out with clarity on this matter to the public.

The next step for the readers of this website who have kept Migingo issue in front banner is to visit economic zone TO LEAR MORE ABOUT INTERNATIONAL SEA/LAKE WATER PASSAGE AND ECONOMIC EXPLORATION LAWS. This international Sea/Lake passage clause states the following:…” A state/country has special rights over the exploration and use of the marine resources. It stretches of the State/Country’s territorial..Sea/Lake out to 200 nautical miles from it coast….” Translation, Kenya fishermen have the rights to fish 200 miles from Migingo coastal waters without interference from Uganda government in any way or form. Both Uganda and Kenya are signatories of this international treaty/law of free Sea/Lake free passage. Uganda must give Kenya fishermen access to fish these waters within 200 miles radius of Migingo Island. When Musevini said..yes, Migingo is in Kenya stands in Uganda waters..Luos will never fish in these waters again”!. Either Musevini is ignorant of international law governing water ways or he is acutely damn if he thinks he can give the Island up but restrict the water way accesses for Kenya fishermen.

Truth some times hurts and it is very hard to defend African leaders like Musevini when one debate has to debate with outside world who consider leaders these are nothing but Tribal or Banana Republic leaders in Africa. Musevin is now blaming the BBC reporter for what he said because he was asked a question on Migingo by a reporter..this is why he called the Luos out! What a pile of manure of excuse for President of a country to say after he makes reckless statement against another country! People who are advocating for the retention of Migingo Island in Kenya columns has history and facts on their side and a President of a Banana Republic in Africa will NOT steal and inch of Kenya territory if the people Kenya people shares the facts on this dispute with their political leaders in this country.

The facts in this dispute are not who owns Migingo Island now but the (200 miles free zone) that is allowed by international law to every State/country for free passage and marine resource exploration. We must now put pressure on Kenya government: President, PM and MPs NOT TO COMPROMISE ON 200 mile free zone for Kenya fishermen to use for their fishing expeditions. Uganda readers of this website and any body who is not supporting Kenya to retain this Island should provide facts not statements like Migingo: is ours, it is only a rock, it is not worth fighting/dying for, it is a Luo problem etc.

I hardly send “shout out” to politicians but I will break my own rule here again to commend MP Khalwale for spear heading Migingo debate in the Parliament. Kenya tribal differences must end at “waters edge” when it come to external aggression to Kenya territorial borders by Musevini and his Banana Republic!

JD Brown

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Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 17:16:05 -0400 [04:16:05 PM CDT]
From: Dan Orao

Kenya’s Parliament denounces Museveni for his disparaging remarks on Luos!

The Kenyan Parliament, moved a motion under debate to discuss the disparaging remarks by Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni.

MPs from across parties and Kenyan communities took exception at Museveni’s comtempt for one of Kenyan communities with some calling for the use of the Army, Navy and Air Force to deal with Museveni.


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Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 11:20:52 -0700 [01:20:52 PM CDT]
From: otieno sungu
Subject: Kenya’s Parliament denounces Museveni for his disparaging remarks on Luos!

RE: Kibaki Sees Migingo as a Luo Affair

Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 11:12:59 -0700 [01:12:59 PM CDT]
From: Judy Miriga
Subject: Fw: RE: Kibaki Sees Migingo as a Luo Affair

— On Wed, 5/13/09, Oduor Olande wrote:

From: Oduor Olande
Subject: RE: Kibaki Sees Migingo as a Luo Affair
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 5:06 AM

I do not want to belittle your argument and being who I am I definately agree with you that it is ashame that at a time when patriotism should be manifest we’re caught up i parochialism. M7:i could be having political problems back in UG but the question is should the nation Kenya be sacrificed in the political game M7:i is playing using “the outside agressor” cards to maintain UGs internal stability or deflection of UG:s from polical hot issues ? Finally and a reflection point, Sir by calling for the secession of Nyanza it would be prudent to obtain some consensus with Kurian and Kisiis – this is one unique aspect with Nyanza Unique it does not belong to only one people group !

Take care

Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 02:04:48 +0000
From: masumbi2000@ , , ,
Subject: Kibaki Sees Migingo as a Luo Affair

Today Museveni said it clearly that Migingo is a Luo affair and not a Kenyan affair and this is the same man who has been talking to Mwai Kibaki over the Migingo issue. This clearly tells you what Museveni has gleaned from Kibaki- that Kibaki too sees Migingo as a luo affair and not a Kenyan affair. This explains why Kibaki has been reluctant to do anything about Migingo and having assured Museveni of the same trend of seeing Migingo-Museveni can now come out and bost to the Luos and even warn then that they will not fish on the waters of Migingo.

Despite Museveni’s outburst-you have heard no hungry reaction from PNU side of the coalition. Its almost as if the issue of Migingo is a Luo affair as Museveni says it. Only Nyanza MPs reacted to this latest Museveni trashing of Kenyans. Please if Nyanza does not belong to Kenya then why cant Nyanza just SECCEDED and be its own country??
If Kibaki feels that the people of Nyanza dont belong to Kenya-why cant Nyanza start the process of SECCEDING from Kenya??? Nyanzians are tired of being treated as if they aint Kenyans..Lemmi tell you one thing-MWAI KIBAKI IS THE GREATEST TRIBALIST IN KENYA.

Re: Museveni admitted atlast

Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 11:02:30 -0700 [01:02:30 PM CDT]
From: jbatec@ . . .
Subject: Fw: Vs: Re: Museveni admitted atlast

I wonder how we will protect Luos Nyanza against the invasion of Museveni and possible wipe out, a thing they planned with Uhuru and Kibaki with Mt. Kenya Mafia who hatched the plan. See how they keep twisting the matter involving big money in the pretense of surveyor cost, which under cover goes into Kibaki and cartels pockets…..PM Raila seems to know everything but is not interested in making it an urgent serious issue, he does not act like he wants Parliamen to discuss and make firm decision. Look who they are sending to head survey, yet the matter is black and white in Britain, in archives, on satelite scale and on the internet, showing Migingo is marwa a Kenyan Rock. PM Raila is doing evading tack-ticks, they are taking an easy route to make the case drag so the Uganda should take firm grip and full control on the Nyanza region. Kibaki completely does not even touch it. PM Raila needs to come clean in this matter. There is a lot he is not telling us. I think It is a much bigger problem than what we think. This agreement between Kibaki and Museveni to wipe out Luos from Kenya begun during campaign for 2007 it is going on. So if Kenya is not protecting us and PM Raila is playing balls with them, he does not seem serious in pressurizing, what do we do as Luos? This is what I mean with debate must take centre stage. If it means soliciting the UN support, we better do it now.

That statement alone tells us if the Parliament would have been firm and strict, they would by now involved Kenyan Navy or Armed Forces in a swift move. Have you heard Kibaki say anything? Then why if Kibaki does not say anything, why is PM Raila not joining the Civil Society and the general public to jointly pressure for Migingo. We dont want any money to be used, that is blackmailing. We must know how much they have already drawn in the name of Migingo survey. We want to know how much they already gave that surveyor…….come on people.

PM Raila is not interested in saving or helping Luos. We have to struggle ourselves. As a leader he would be in the fron line by now making noise endlessly.

People, Please debate, I mean open forum debate. The truth will set you free.

Ppeople just speak up and give your thoughts. This is why everyone must be consulted. Speak without fear, and speak the truth for the world to know.


Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

— On Wed, 5/13/09, Paul Nyandoto wrote:

From: Paul Nyandoto
Subject: Vs: Re: Museveni admitted atlast
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 1:00 PM


Please read very carefully Museveni`s speech. The man has indirectly
decleared a war on luos as a tribe. Museveni does not see Migingo as a
Kenyan problem but as a luo problem. This should not be taken very
cheaply. The man is ready to face luos not Kenyan army. I think he has
been assured that the Kenyan army will not prevent his mission.

Paul Nyandoto

>>> 05/13/09 12:51 >>>

Hi Ken,

We have now reach consultational level where all opinions, ideas and
dialogue in open forum must be consulted but not left to the Government
alone because they are corrupt. The public must contain no fish no
railway line until and unless matters take shape and continue to consult
and develop ideas from the case of troubled waters. So Public debate
begins now in order that Legislatures and Kenyan Administration can
gauge what the Public wants. We also want contribution from the
fishermen as well, they need to unite and from a strong leadership team.
Involve media as much as possible. Nothing of this must be allowed to
be done secretively. We dont want Mutua participating in this

The strategy here is that the MIGINGO ROCK as they term is in Kenyas
Rock (according to the 60s official legal boundary) from where our
fishermen fish, Museveni on the other hand in claiming part of the lake,
should stay and remain on his side on the water (even in high seas there
are boundaries) but not step on the ROCK and both Government must
determine how much part of the lake does he claim to be his. Secondly,
we need Kenyan Navy as well to mann our portion of the lake to provide
security so our fishermen should be protected and be secure from Uganda
Army invasion. Thirdly, We need a treaty muted by both Government
Officials conditions for respectn of boarderline and compensation
thereof but not invasion.


Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

— On Wed, 5/13/09, Kennedy Onyango

From: Kennedy Onyango
Subject: Museveni admitted atlast.
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 1:10 AM

Hi judy!Since Museveni has accepted that mijinjo ooh was it migingo
finally belongs to Kenyans but majaluo
Should not step into Ugandans’ water fishing which its boundary he is
yet to disclose what do you now think? Your advice to presso or Lucy who
seems to be governing this country?



News analysis by Leo Odera Omolo

The battle for political supremacy in the expansive Rift Valley Province has began in earnest as all the players are rearing to go for each other in preparation for 2012 general elections.
This time around the battle will pity several new and smaller parties against the already established giants like the ODM and PNU.
In the 2007 general elections, the ODM led by the charismatic and populist Raila Amolo Odinga swept the board garnering close to 2 million votes in both North and South Rift regions. The managed to harvested 31 parliamentary seats out of 43 in both regions in addition to the Maasai land.
The ODM ,however, was locked out of the Central Rift whose inhabitants are mainly the Kikuyus. PNU performed better in Nakuru Town, Njoro, Naivasha and Subukia as well as in Laikipia District and also bagged one seat in Baringo East constituency.
However, the current projection about the future of the Rift Valley politics appear to signal a different scenario and dimension comes 2012. The next battle will be fought in five frontlines and it will involve five political parties.,
This is because of the recent emergence of three other parties namely, United Democratic Movement (UDM) led by former Deputy CGS Lt. Gen. (Rtd) John Koech, the KANU party led by Gideon Moi and Nick Salat and Nicholas Biwott led National Vision Party (NVP). The possibility of the three relatively smaller parties slashing off the huge chunk in the ODM’s flesh and gaining foothold in both the North and South Rift cannot be ruled out.
Among the three parties, UDM, KANU and NVP, only the UDM had performed well in the recent by-elections in the South Rift. It came second in the Ainamoi by-election and also second in the Sotik by-election and third in the Bomet by-election held last year.
UDM has one MP in parliament who is working closely with ODM. She is Prof Hellen Sambili, the MP for Mogutio in Koibatek District who held the Sports Ministerial docket in the grand coalition government and half a dozen civic leaders in the various local county ,town councils and Municipalities..
Other issues which are likely to work to the advantage of those smaller parties include the protracted war of attrition which is raging on quietly between the two ODM supermoms Raila Odinga and William Ruto and the controversial Government plan to evict thousands of the so called illegal squatters in the Mau Forest Complex.
The planned eviction is likely to affect thousands of Kalenjin families mainly the Kipsigis a sub tribe of the larger Kalenjin ethnic groups. The Kipsigis is the most populous sub-tribe. Its members gave ODM and Raila votes on man to man basis. ODM bagged nine parliamentary seats eight of them coming mainly from the Kipsigis dominated districts of Kericho, Bureti, Bomet and Sotik Districts. ODM also bagged two seats in diaspora in the Central Rift District of Molo, the Kureoi constituency which was won by the former powerful PS in the office of the President in-charge of Provincial Administration and Internal Security Zakayo Z. Cheruiyot. The party also bagged the Rongai seat.won by Hon Kigen.
Raila ,however, is likely to be adversely affected by his recent involvement in the Mau Forest saga which has negatively impacted in his relations with the members of the populous Kipsigis community who have since mirrored him as unpredictable leader.
Raila will also have an uphill task to explain and convincing the Kipsiugis voters, the reason why he had abandoned the man who had spearheaded his campaign in the region, which resulted in his Victoria, Lt. Gen{rtd}John Koech.
After the former army chief lost the Ainamoi seat in the much flawed ODM nomination system, which was full of rigging and poorly supervisor, many people were expecting Mr. Odinga to nominate the former military chief to parliament or offer him a lucrative position in one of the government parastals. instead he was appointed to head a not very lucrative Poverty Eradication Commission, and within only three months he was fired by the Ministry of Planning on flimsy reason that he is a head of a political party, the UDM.
In fa ct Gen Koech is the most trusted Raila’s lieutenant among the Kalenjin politicians, but he only moved to the UDM in anger after having rigged twice in Ainamoi by a cartel of younger politicians led by William Ruto and Charles Keter who had panicked over his a great deal over his growing status and closeness to “Agwambo’ as well as his enormous influence within the Kipsigis politics
Three MPs from the South Rift region have, however, maintained cordial relations with the PM. They are Bureti MP and Minister for Roads Franklin Bett, the Bomet MP and an Assistant Minister Beatrice Kones and Joyce Laboso. Five other MPs from the region have joined the band wagon of Agriculture Minister William Ruto. After enjoying small token from the whopping cash allegedly earned from the maize scandals.
Raila is also counting on the backing of the ODM National Chairman Henry Kosgei who is the Minister for Industrialization and MP for Tinderet. He is also enjoying the unswerving support of Dr. Sally Kosgei the Minister for Higher Education and MP for Aldai in Nandi North. Kosgei is the MP for Tinderet in the Nandi North District.
Gideon Moi’s KANU has been drastically weakened by the continued leadership of Uhuru Kenyata, who has one foot in the PNU and the other in KANU. The Kalenjin voters are said not to be comfortable with the Kenyattas. The community enmity with Kenyatta is deeply rooted .For many years the Kalenjins have yet to forgive the founding father of the Nation for having settled many of his Kikuyu tribesmen in the Rift valley during the early part of the independence
Kenyatta had used parts of the money granted to the Kenyan Government by the former colonial power, the British Government. The money was meant for the compensation of the white settlers who had opted out of country at the time of independence and also to be lent to the emerging African farmers to buy the whites farms and settle in what used to be known as “the White Highlands”, instead Kenyatta used the money to acquire thousands of hectares in the fertile farming regions of the Rift Valley and used part of it in settling the landless Kikuyus at the expense of other communities.
Gideon Moi is the first Vice Chairman of KANU while Nick Salat is the party’s Secretary
General. Both men are young but are now operating outside parliament after the two had failed
to win any seat during the 2007 general election.hey were bundled out by the ODM candidates in
their respective constituencies. Moi lost the Baringo Central seatr which he had inherited from
his father in 2002. His father had held the seat since its inception in 1963 until his retirement in 2002. Salat too had twice represented the Bomet seat previously held by his father the late Isaac
Nicholas Kiprome Kipyator Biwott, though not a very eloquent and good in his public addresses and not so an astitute politician but he is being credited to be an operative per excellence. Many Kalenjins consider Biwott as a wise man and a dedicated leader on his own right. Biwott is also capable of selling his NVP party across the Kalenjin borders to other communities and he is a resourceful man with wealth of experience in political maneuvering.
It is, however, not clear which one among the three parties UDM, NVP, and KANU has the blessing and backing or enjoys the support of the retired President Daniel Arap Moi whose influence in the region is still very intact
The self-styled professor of Kenya’s politics is still a power to reckon with in the politics of the Rift Valley region and even beyond. Many Kenyans still respect Moi as someone who had ruled the country for 24 years with a vision, and his name has remand an household in almost every Kenyan family. .
Both Biwott and Gideon have in the recent past been shuttling while traversing the region from Mt Elgon to Trans-Mara while recruiting their party members an opening new branches.
Reports from the region, however, indicate that William Ruto is still commanding a lot of support in both North and Southern regions and that if Ruto-Raila relations and raport is sustained until 2012, the trio will be a hard nut to crack,though the recent maize scandal has negatively impacted on the popularity of the Eldoret North ODM MP.
Gideon Moi’s only mistake is his over independence on spent forces whose popularity have waned. The likes of former nominated MP Ezekiel Bargetuny have no added value to the younger Moi’s successes in scoring a foothold in some parts of the Rift valley even in Nandi region and the sooner Gideon recruited younger Lieutenants the better for his chances of his wining acceptance among the Kalenjin people.
– – –
Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 07:32:18 -0700 [09:32:18 AM CDT]
From: Leo Odera Omolo

Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb

Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 11:10:53 -0700 [01:10:53 PM CDT]
From: Judy Miriga
Subject: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb

To: Kenya Minister for Foreigh Affairs, Moses Wetangula

c.c. President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila
c.c.All Legislatures and All Cabinet Ministers,

c.c.US State Department Secretary, Hillary Clinton,

c.c. US State Department, Director of Intelligence

c.c. US Director for Immigration

c.c. US Ambassador to Kenya

c.c. Kenyan Embassy in Washington DC.

c.c. Kofi Annan

c.c. The Hague

Dear Sir,

It is with great shock we have received Douglas Ndede’s story of being a sacrificial

lamb at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington DC.

We take this opportunity to let you know that we have previously and in several ocassions, complained to Officials of Kenya Government about the going-ons with Ambassador Ogego,

a representative of Kenya in USA Washington DC, that there are many complaints from Kenyans in America and Diaspora, that he has been inactive and very inefficient in his work. He does his Diplomatic services very shoddy in an unprofessional manner. He is careless, rude and unethical in his discharge of duty. His attitudinal uncouth and arrogant behavior has in the past dug deeper conflicts and caused sour relationship with Kenyans and Diasporas in America. It has caused some negative reactions to some news media in the USA as well, and has also caused bad relations with Federal Administration from careless remarks which we conclude contributed to his failure to provide sufficient services as needed from his Diplomatic Mission Representation.

It is also speculated, that while he was in Kenya recently upon Ambassadorial Annual

Meeting, he tried to make clean and cleared himself away from blame in a case where

millions of dollars are missing under his charge. He tried to level blame on PM Raila

Odinga’s sympathizers working at the Embassy. This is more than flimsy excuse

coming from a professional appointee who is entrusted with Diplomacy and Mission

Abroad services. This is also a clear indication that, despite our struggle for change

for Kenya, he (Ogego) will continually undermine our efforts here in the USA. We are

advocating that under the Coalition Government, Government employees must remain


We now feel Ambassador Ogego MUST be removed from Diplomatic Representation

to Washington DC with immediate effect. We give the Minister for Foreign Affairs

Mr. Wetangula and the Kenya’s Coalition Government four days to remove Ogego, failure

to which, and when after 4 days are over, we will march to demonstrate to the US State Government and the White House. After the demonstration we will come back to evict Ambassador Ogego from Office on Tuesday next week.

We will put in place, our own Civil Movement choice to hold the Office in waiting until we are advice otherwise. We will do this to show solidarity with the rest of sympathizers, that we are GROUNDED FIRM IN OUR QUEST FOR LEADERSHIP CHANGE IN KENYA and that our wishes MUST be respected. In the event, If no action is taken immediately, Common Sense will tell us that Kenya Coalition Government is dysfunctional and we cannot continue to beg to be heard but we will act. The Kenya Coalition Government must know that we cannot continue to keep hanging in the balance leaning on guesswork and at the mercy of dysfunctional failed governance. We assert that Ogego’s representation has been proved not useful here in Washington DC.

By copy of this email, we request the Immigration Office to take up this matters and provide

us with up-dates on Douglas Ndede, as well as inform whether Official routine was followed

in the arrest of Douglas. We also request the Office of US State Department, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to send interrogative team including FBI and other Administrative

Officials to investigate Ambassador Ogego’s missing link in administration matters at the Kenyan Embassy with the loss of funds allegedly stolen, which has created accusatory allegations on Douglas Ndede who has been treated as a criminal thug.

We are also informed that Douglas Ndede has been clipped with an Immigration lock under house arrest with no clear written conviction and charges. Ndede has been undermined and harshly intimidated before his children. He is completely demoralized and so we would like

to know the truth of the matter.

We are acting in Solidarity with Kenyans in Diaspora as well as Kenyans in Kenya with sympathizers to rescue and speed up REFORM in Kenya governance.

We will appreciate if this matter is treated with the urgency it deserves and that the Officials concerned make an early intervention before we make move to remove Ambassador Ogego from Office by force. We are committed and are open to dialogue in a good cordial respectful relationship that which do not resort to force, that which would not create embarrasment to both the Government of Kenya and the United States of America. We hope we will be called upon to share and discuss this matter and resolve the same amicably.

We attach some of the response and report from R C Bowen for ease of reference, and expect to hear from you soon.

We shall Overcome Comrades!!!!!


Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

Tel: 301 879 1869

Re: Fw: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb
Monday, May 11, 2009 11:29 AM
From: “Fred Miriga”
We STRONGLY request FBI to investigate Kenya Embassy in Washington DC for bad Office Practice and misapropriation of Funds.

Fred Wuodoganda

From: Munyambu Vinya
Subject: Re: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb
Date: Monday, May 11, 2009, 1:06 PM

Thank you for breaking this news. Ogego must be sacked!

Sent from my iPhone

—–Original Message—–
From: barakaserv
Subject: [KOL] Re: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb

thank you for sharing this information — it is sad that Ogego used Dagi as the “weakest link” to conceal this financial scandal.
Of all the Ambassadors we have had in Washington over the years, Ogego is the worst of the worst. Although my clashes with him have been on principles not personal, his arrogance and now thievery becomes the last nail in the coffin.

Ogego has a history of theft — he was fired from the Jaramogi Foundation for the same thing — stealing.

—–Original Message—–
From: Dickens Odhiambo
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 11:36 AM
Subject: RE: [KOL] Re: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb

How come Dagi has been working there in different capacity for 3 Ambassadorial Administrations and only to succumb to this? Even Rt. PM Raila fell out with Ogego long time ago but has not rendered him jobless. We have cried to deaf ears at Foreign office on Ogego replacement but iko kitu !! Who are the real thieves using Dogi’s name? Where is the “Thief Accountant” who is an Attache (Diplomat apointee) on this matter?

Odhis (DC)

—–Original Message—–
From: barakaserv
Subject: [KOL] Re: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb

thank you for sharing this information — it is sad that Ogego used Dagi as the “weakest link” to conceal this financial scandal.
Of all the Ambassadors we have had in Washington over the years, Ogego is the worst of the worst. Although my clashes with him have been on principles not personal, his arrogance and now thievery becomes the last nail in the coffin.

Ogego has a history of theft — he was fired from the Jaramogi Foundation for the same thing — stealing.


— On Mon, 11/5/09, Judy Miriga wrote:

From: Judy Miriga
Subject: Fw: Rcbowen -: Help Is Needed – Ogego Finds A Sacrificial Lamb
Date: Monday, 11 May, 2009, 6:14 AM

The Story Goes……………..

Date: Monday, May 11, 2009, 8:07 AM

Also see

Wananchi wenzangu, I would like to bring to your attention a mega scandal that has been unearthed at the Kenya Embassy in Washington DC. As many of you may know, the scandal as reported here a while back involves the dissapearance of close to $2.5 Million in over a period of three years. Most of these funds are collections from visa fees, passport renewal fees, funds allocated for settlement of newly posted staff, and funds for office renovation. As Ogego and many diplomats in the DC office prepare to leave following rumors of an imminent reshuffle, those invloved in this scandal hatched a plan six weeks ago on how to cover up their criminal activities before a new team comes in.


1. Six weeks ago, The Ambassador HE Peter Rateng Oginga Ogego travelled to Kenya on what many thought was a recall. This trip was merely a sideshow and upon arrival in Nairobi, the Hon. Ambassador met senior officials to discuss how corruption at the Embassy could be covered. It has been confirmed that most of the recipients of the $2.5 million are senior officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs based in Nairobi. These senior officials are said to have been frequent visitors in Washington DC and are part of a clique that forms a secret and yet a hard operational financial clandestine group within the government circles who are adamant that the next appointee to Washington MUST be one of “their own” in order to continue with their corrupt activities at the Embassy.

2. As the Ambassador was in Nairobi, it was agreed by senior official at the Foreign Affairs Ministry that “action” had to be taken fast and swiftly. It is at this point that “Senior” auditors from the Ministry were dispatched to Washington. Before departure to DC, these auditors had already received strict instructions on what they were suppose to do while in Washington and who their target was. While enroute to Washington, the Deputy Ambassador summoned their “target” and mentioned things such as “you know the money can buy you many flats in Nairobi.” The “target” was shocked and it was during this meeting that he was informed that he was being sent on unpaid leave together with two other employees who were given cosmetic temporary suspensions. These two have since gone back to work.

3. While the Hon. Ambassador was still in Nairobi, an order came from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asking the Chief of Protocal (PM) at the Embassy to draft a letter to the US Immigration Department informing them that the “target” was nolonger an employee of the Kenya Embassy and his visa together with the defendants needed to be revoked and sent back to Kenya immidiately. This operation between Nairobi and Washington is seen as an operation to take the “target” back to Nairobi to face dubious charges as the corruption at the Embassy is covered. You are all aware what happens when one is falsely accused and lands in the hands of the Kenyan Justice system which most of us don’t have faith in.

4. It is sad to announce, that last Wednesday, the “target” was picked up by US Immigration officials together with his elder son and detained for one day at a local detention facility in Virginia, and given three weeks to leave the country. The Chief of Protocal at the Embassy (PM) is said to be in Nairobi awaiting the arrival of the “target” so as to get him locked up immediately so that this corruption scandal at the Embassy may not be unearthed.


Here is how The Embassy cashes in.

1. Have you ever asked yourself why the Embassy insists on payment by money order ONLY? It is because money orders do no require the “payee” field to be filled. Meaning anyone can deposit the money order in any account. If payment is made by personal checks, there is paper trail and the owner through online banking can tell who cashed the check. This is the main reason the Embassy does not accept personal checks, not because of fear of bouncing. Cashiers checks MUST be pre filled with the payee. Here again the Embassy does not want this because people maybe wary of why a check for service rendered should be written to an individual.

2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs allocates funds for newly appointed diplomats however, these funds are diverted to individual pockets. This is how.

Once the Embassy purchases household items for incoming diplomats, these items are recycled over and over again BUT, each time a new employee receives the items he/she has to mark them as new….makes sense? And the money for the new arrival is pocketed…it has happened over and over…..

…to be continued..
Last edited by Peter-NROO (Today 15:11:22)

Re: Why is Museveni Scared of Raila?

Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 13:04:28 -0700 [03:04:28 PM CDT]
From: nicholas oyoo
Subject: Re: Why is Museveni Scared of Raila?

Museveni is up to his usual militaristic, mind games, but there could be two calculations in the statement he made.

One, he may have calculated that the wedge of tribalism in Kenya could work for him in his persuit of the island. That the discord between Luo and other tribes in Kenya could not have disappered when in January 2008 it was at the peak. He must have been surprised that Kenyans closed ranks and the Migingo issue has so far been treated by the ordinary Kenyans as well as leaders as a national issue. He therefore is trying to localize the issue.

Two, it could have been targeted to Raila as a person. I was a student in Uganda for some 3 years and one thing after the 2002 MOU trashing by the Kibaki side of the Narc Govt and things boiling over with the referedum, Some Ugandan friends let me to a little secret i did not know about why Museveni would not want a Raila presidency. they told me that Museveni was eying the East African presidency and the Luo formed the largest Tribe in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania if combined and the fact that there was physical presence of the the Luo and its subtribes (Lango, Acholi, etc) in the three countries. He feared that Raila would easilly convince such members of these communities to side with him man to man…

I do not like talking tribes but I can imagine what could be in Museveni head. The two possibilities cannot be that far away from the truth.

— On Tue, 5/12/09, Kennedy Oduor wrote:

From: Kennedy Oduor
Subject: Why is Museveni Scared of Raila?
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 7:30 AM

From Museveni’s remarks since the formation of the Grand Coalition and even being the sole country in Africa that congratuled Kibaki’s stolen presidency, its emerging that Museveni is very very scared of Raila Odinga and especially the prospects that Raila may be the next Chief Executive of Kenya. During the swearing in of the Grand Coalition Museveni pretended to have forgotten the name of ODM and had to ask around..But Raila Odinga paid him back by refering to him as the President of Tanzania.

Since the Migingo issue, Raila has issued statement in defence of Migingo being in Kenya and Museveni has made it his duty in responding to every Raila’s statement. Why should a head of state like Museveni be scared stiff of Raila Odinga? It seems for Museveni a Raila Presidency will spell doom for him and he wants to hold on to power forever. One time Raila remarked that the days of fraudulent elections in the region will be over and Museveni was irked to the heart. Raila must continue to show Museveni that leadership is not dictatorship that he is practicing in Uganda.

— On Tue, 12/5/09, charles warria wrote:

From: charles warria
Subject: Re: Museveni on Migingo
Date: Tuesday, 12 May, 2009, 9:33 AM

If this is true, by any chance, and I pray its not, then it marks the beginning of the disintegration of Kenya and Uganda. But my people, beware! I said it before, I say it again now……the Migingo issue is a creation of the Kibaki regime, to distract the ODM side, especially Raila, and keep him preoccupied and worked up over a non-issue, and thereby throw him off-balance in this current power-game! Kibaki knows he holds the Executive Authority and therefore Raila cannot order any external action against Uganda in his current capacity. But for the concern of his people, this can get him worked up and really tilt his footing in Nyanza, if not amicably and favorably solved……Watch this space!

From: cool_guy
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 4:17:12 PM
Subject: Re: Museveni on Migingo


I thot there were surveyors on ground to establish where the border
line passes and if Migingo is in Kenya then Museveni will have to bear
with that. Again I dont like the way he speaks calling our Luo Kenyans
‘Jaluo’ it’s bad and that will promote tribalism and tension between
Ugandans and Kenyans esp. those living on the border. I’ll watch the
news tonight. I think Kenya is stronger than Uganda so we should not
give them a chance to occupy our island again.


On May 12, 1:18 pm, symo kahari wrote:
Wanna biddii have you heard what Museveni has said about Migingo Island as
aired on KTN at 1 2day courtesy of BBC. Its unbelievable hearing the man
term “Ati hao wajaluo wanang’oa reli? i will say no Jaluo will ever fish in
lake Victoria” These are the words he has urttered. Is that the way the
presidents are going to solve that issue putting into cosideration that the
demacation is under way. Infact to my own thought i feel the 140 million
will go to waste because he has alraedy set his mind that migindo is
Ugandan.Is there anything that we as Kenyans can do and safeguard the
Kenyans on the island?


Re: Civilian Coup

Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 08:52:03 -0700 [10:52:03 AM CDT]
From: wilson ilumbi
Subject: Re: Civilian Coup

YOU CAN CALL IT A CIVILIAN COUP IF YOU LIKE.doc [application/msword] 33 KB
read or d/l document

— On Mon, 4/27/09, Isaac Muchoki wrote:
From: Isaac Muchoki
Subject: Re: Civilian Coup
Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 7:59 AM

Hie friends,
The issue is not Kalonzo, but Kibaki and Raila, Kalonzo only uses the opportunity presented by both when they fail to take their madate after all who signed, is not your two big boys, Kalonzo was no where, I feel bad when we miss the point and fight the wind.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 2:04 PM, Isaac Mutunga wrote:
Politicians will never cease to amaze us. PNU wing is crying foul that Hon. Raila wants to stage “a civilian coup” by calling for snap elections. Democracy is rule of majority. If ODM can convince the majority of kenyans that it has better ideas of governing this nation, I believe then it is fair for PNU to accept that it is a junior shareholder in the coalition. PNU has been treating ODM as a junior member yet it is afraid of the looming divorce.
For Kalonzo Musyoka, enough has been said about the him but one thing stands out, Kalonzo brought us this confusion. He is the modern Osu the god of confusion. He is painted half white and half black. Guys on the two sides of the street will see either white or black. All of them are right but trying to make the other guy agree that the god of confusion is white or black depending on the side they are in causes confusion.

— On Mon, 4/27/09, Amos D. wrote:

From: Amos D.
Subject: Re: PM IS POWER HUNGRY????
Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 2:58 AM

Its like withholding the food and calling those who want the food from
you gluttons :-)


on Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Albert Bandura wrote:

What is happening to the Cabinet and the members of parliament? I thought
there was some meeting immediately after the Grand Coalition was formed that
tried to explain to the members and educate them on the way the accord was
going to affect governance. How come the PNU operatives now say the PM is
power hungry?
They have tried in the past few weeks to paint him as power hungry while he
is only trying to fulfill the letter of the accord duly signed by both
parties. In that case who is power hungry? If I was to agree with that you
give me half an acre out of the one available acre with part of the
machinery in it, then one year down the line you decide that you give me the
half but refuse to give me the machinery as agreed. In this case am I wrong
to ask for my part as written down and signed by the two of us? Even my
family will blame me if I do not follow up on the machines. Your servants
then go round the market complaining that I want to take over the whole farm
and that I am selfish and that i do not want to develop the farm. With what
when the machinery is still held up in your hands.
That is what is happening with PNU operatives who pretend that they do not
understand the problem with the PM and that he wants the whole government
and does not want to respect the President. Do they as members respect the
PM who is supposedly their supervisor? How can you talk in public about
someone you are supposed to respect? How do you do that when the President
does not respect the national accord to the letter but chooses to sit on the
gray areas!



Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 22:21:51 +0300 [02:21:51 PM CDT]
From: Betty Otieno


Hope you are well. I apologize for this forward, but this is too
important to be left to a few. It needs all our participation!

I have attached a document on the Constitution review. PLEASE read
through and pick out the issues you support or all and re-write in
your own way and present to the team latest Friday this week.
Circulate widely and encourage your contacts to be proactive. May we
make our voices heard this time.

Send your views to; and/ KICC Batian Room

P.O Box 8703, Nairobi

Include your name, ID No. and address on the document.

May God bless you as you speak out for the sake of our children and
their children’s inheritance.


Kenyan constitution review.doc [application/msword] 55 KB
read or d/l document

Re: Was Kenyan education system manipulated

Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 10:20:15 -0700 [12:20:15 PM CDT]
Subject: Re: Was Kenyan education system manipulated


Most people currently in leadership are products of the previous systems. I bet over 90% have been abroad to school at any level, including Kibaki. Uhuru passed through the British and American system, has lived abroad and knows how things are done out there.

The oldest 844 we have is under 40 if I have my facts right. What amazes me is that as Kenyans, we go abroad see how things are done, no littering on the streets, employees have rights and we pay our taxes dutifully while there. When we come back, we cannot do any of these. We treat our own like they are trash. If you can pay a baby sitter $600 a month (about 48k), why then do you come here and pay your househelp 2k and feel nothing?

To me this is has nothing to do with education. It is pure contempt for our own people. The moment we get our values right and look at each Kenyan as a human being who deserves to be treated right, is when we will achieve the level of development that we are looking for.

Maybe we can start by introducing a values?? subjebt in our curriculum. Not the Social Ethics but simple courtesy like how to treat others, say sorry, excuse me and thank you when necessary. So may Kenyans dont understand why you have to say such simple words. All they know is me for myself and God for us all.


— On Tue, 5/12/09, amenya gibson wrote:

[Hide Quoted Text]
From: amenya gibson
Subject: Was Kenyan education system manipulated
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 1:55 AM

Hi People
As we keep accusing Hon Uhuru about 9.2 billions let us not
lose focus on big picture about Kenya and its education system.Maybe
the education system maybe one that of late has build into us
culture of manipulating figures from eduaction schools
rankings,elections or
voting,selections of our teams etc

Am tempted to say that the West in cahoots with our leaders
to destroy our education system so that Kenya do not
produce highly
qualified skilled people that will challenge them in modern
They knew that if they allow Kenya to continue producing
people one day these highly educated Kenyans of all
will come to compete or to challenge them in all
field from products
innovations ,to sending Kenyans to Moon if not to Sun.

Maybe as we speak today Kenyans could have developed best
best technologies utilizing our resources to build Kenya
and even
export some finished products to other countries
We could have Kenyan doctors already found a cure for HIV
and Aids,
read Pro Arthur Obel,Dr Koech etc , We could be having
footballers winning world cups; even we could have great
making wonderful music, We could be having best farmers
List is endless
How they manipulated us
First they made sure we hurriedly adopted new system of
8-4-4 without have enough resources in place. Yet Uganda
comfortable with old system

Secondly, they made sure we have a heavy syllabus system
that made
many students just to study for exams without having time
to grasp
very well what they have been taught hence denying many
young people
time to be innovators

Thirdly, they imposed restrictions on extra hiring of
teachers so that
few teachers who were to remain get burdened with work
loads just to
compromise the quality output

Fourth, they imposed restrictions on pay rise for teachers
so that
teachers lose focus as they get demoralized and begun to
engage into
remedial classes to get extra coin to cushion them from
life hardships
instead of them carrying out more research on new ideas and
methods to
impact knowledge to students

Fifth, they hurried arm-twisted our government to start
8-4-4 very
fast instead of implementing it gradual so that our
government could
have time cater for mass graduates in terms of jobs,
assistance etc
If teachers were well paid am very
convinced that many of these
teachers will fully dedicated their work to teaching which
will not
only boost our quality education but also produce best
If teachers were well taken for by our government even
rural economy
will grow and the society will be very happy
It is real very sad to see teachers fighting or engage in
battle with security agencies seeking attention from
government and
other stake holders for something they can solve amicably
Infact I may say schools crisis/strikes we witness today
maybe as a
result of students feelings about how their life models who
teachers are being treated by society

Unless we have leaders who are willing to swallow
the pride speak to
Kenyans on how we can improve our education system we shall
just like that.
We need to unite as Kenyans and build this great nation of
ours that
we were allocated by the British Colonialists

Kenyans must reject 33 billion from the World Bank!!

Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 07:48:02 -0700 [09:48:02 AM CDT]
From: otieno sungu
Subject: Kenyans must reject 33 billion from the World Bank!!

Going by the report of the World bank that Kenyas poor will become even poorer, and the bank then goes ahead to offer Ksh. 33 billion loan or grant or whatever it was to a Finance Minister who was at the same time shrugging off Ksh 9.2 billion attempted fraud as a small computer error is to say the least, fraud on the Kenyan people by both the World Bank and a clique in Government.

It is now evident that our very worst enemies are two, our own government and International Donors who have conspired to keep the 3rd world countries poor in an arrangement of “scratch my back I scratch yours”.

How else can the World Bank argue International Best Practices that they preach all over the world when a Financce Minister sits with a World Bank represantative nodding knowingly as the Finance Minister explains Ksh 9.2 Billion fraud in over 211 entries in the Supplementary Budget as a small error?

What credibility does this bring to the officials of the World Bank? How on earth are they certain the Ksh. 33 Billion will be “budgeted” appropriately by a Finance Minister who cannot estimate Ksh 9.2 Billion correctly?

The World Bank is therefore becoming part of a bigger scam to rip of poor africans and third world countries in cohorts with their very own governments. The Bank then, to justify its lending and to “scare” the poor people of Kenya, “projects” that poverty is bound to rise and the poor becoming even “poorer”.

This is a smoke screen to lull the population into seeing the “benevolence and filanthropy” of the World Bank in the face of the “grim situation” brewing.

I submit that the World bank should not cheat poor Kenyans out of their taxes to promote the theft that they have perfected with governments across the world where the poor nations are made to pay for “loans and grants” from rich nations which in essence is a shylock type business that they have perfected, breaking the back of Africa to sustain the rich nations.

Kenya did without loans from the World Bank between 2003-2007 and was basically sustaining it’s own budget from tax payers. Going by the Ksh 9.2 billion that was factored in which was way above the supplemetary budgets, it implies a good forensic audit would reveal even more figures that could be saved to plug the deficits we face.

Our problems are not money, that we have in plenty that even Ksh 9.2 billion can be explained by a Finance Minister as a small matter, the real problem is the several avenues of pilfering the same, Kenya does not need the Ksh 33 billion from the World Bank, what Kenya needs is to plug the holes where our own taxes go through. But with the government and the World bank in the gravy train, who will save Africa?

Otieno Sungu.

Juba-Southern Sudan.

Kenya poor to become poorer; World Bank 12th May 2009

In their latest report, the World Bank has come up with a report that the poor in Kenya are going to become poorer. This is alarming coming as it comes when we have a wobbling leadership in Kenya amidst chains of financial scandals.

As the World Bank was releasing this report, they were giving Hon Uhuru Kenyatta some Kshs 33 billion just as Uhuru’s hand was still in the till pilfering Kshs 9.2 billion. It makes one to wonder how serious institutions like the World Bank are with issues of corruption, bad governance and impunity.

The World Bank acted in bad faith. How do you give someone more money when he has just been caught with his pants down? And the pants are still down?

It makes some of us to ask; where is the evidence of the Kshs 1 trillion that Kenya has borrowed in the last 46 years? Why have the World Bank and all Donor agencies kept giving Kenya more money when we cannot justify what we have been given before? And how can the World Bank give Uhuru Kshs 33 billion at a time questions are being raised about his competence at the crucial ministry of Finance? He is yet to convince the country about his intentions with Kshs 9.2 billion that was adjusted into the budgetary estimates.

This was pure theft, the intentions were all clear.

I bet time has come for Kenyans to scrutinize the intentions of Donors who keep giving money to our thieving government officials. Just in the recent past, we have had financial scandals at Kenya Airports Authority and instead of the MD being sent packing; he was given a new mandate.

At the Kenya Pipeline Company Ltd and Kenya Tourism Board, the MDs have been sent home and taken to court. But we are seeing selective justice here and nobody is questioning that. They are being used as smokescreen to convince gullible Donors that the government is doing something about corruption. As the government engages Mr. George Okungu, Mr. Achieng Ongong’a and Ms Rebeca Nabutola in their Public Relations, mega scandals go unabated in institutions headed by home boys.

Is it not time the Donor Community asked Kenya; show us what you have done with the Kshs 1 Trillion that you have borrowed since Independence.

By giving Kenya more money amidst scandal after scandal, it means the Donor Community could be abetting corruption at the top level as they give a clean bill of health to the bad governance and ineptness that we experience.

In the same intervening period since Independence, Kenya has been given Grants; money given to you for free! If we combine the Grants and the Loans that we have borrowed, surely, can we still be this badly off?

The bottom line is clear; the loans that we have borrowed as a country and the grants that we have been given have been eaten by the government officials in connivance with the same Donors.

That is why they keep giving us more money.

Odhiambo T Oketch,
Komarock Nairobi.



News Analysis By Leo Odera Omolo

The much touted plans that is allegedly being hatched by PNU polkiticians to dismantled the existing eight Provinces is vehemently opposed by Kenya. The Government has been told to engaged on visionary plans and policies to eradicate poverty instead of wasting time on the 2012 election relations issues at the expense of development.

A Kerichgo prominent politician William Kipkemoi Arap Kettienya likedned the creation of more Provinces like the “creation of poverty corners”. Instea of the government wasting its valuable times on such issues ,it should engaged itself on constructive idea meant for poverty eradication.

Kettienya told the two principals in the grand coalition govert to device new mothods and idea of fighting the abject poverty among Kenyans. The country should not always be placed in a state of the elections.Leaders should think about the weldfare odf the citicen of this coluntry instread of egoism. “Not all the time is election time, therefore there nmust be a space and room for people to work,”said Kettienya.

The politician scoffed at the idea, and said the country is safe at its present geographical set up. What should be done is the adjustment of parliamentary and civic boundaries., adding “It is shanmeful that in some placxes the D.C’s appointed to administrate the recently created district are travelling with Matatus, due to lack of government vehicles. Some district have gone for over ten years without the ir headquarters being established.Some of the D.Cs are still working in makeshift buildings inmarket places, and this is a shameful to Kenya.

Instead of the government creating more districts, it should thin a head of empowering the urban and Country Coiuncils by ways of devicingm methods for these bodies to generate income and improve services to the Wananchi. Some County Council and even Town Councils are so poor that they depended entirely on LTF funds to meet the salaries of their employees. in some countries anmd urban council the workers haver gone for months and even years without pay.

Certain parts of the country are so poor.The government must device the ide of regrouping the civic bodies together for the puyrpose of generating incomes.said Mr.Kettienya.

The planned sub-division of the current Provinces is a selfish idea hatched by unpopular politicians, particularily the future presidential candidates who cannot win votes outside their tribal domain. It would cause chaos in cosmopolitan regions where nthe inhabitants are member of multi-ethnic groups. Leader working on this idea are shopping for trouble and bloodshed in this country, said the ODM regional organiser in Nyanza Mzee Odungi Randa.

President Kibaki’s handlers should tell him to leave this country a happy place. The country has witnessed alot of bloodshed in recenit past and therefore anyone who has the welfare of Kenyan at heart should stop this kind of political machanisatio and manoevres. The popular talks, which is currently in the lips of Kenyans is the creqation of Majimbo system of administratioin that would give the Provinces certain outonomous minimum power to run and manage their own affairs.

Who has told the PNU you that by creating more Provinces they will secur voting areas where they had performed dismally in the 2007 general elections? asked Randa. He told ODM and other parties to oppoosed the proposals both inside and outside paliament, and ensure that the proposal did not see the light of the day.And the PNU mafia insisted on the changes, then Kenyans should be prepared to go into another referendum voting to determined the future of this country,”

Mr.Kettienya told those who are tired of leadership to retire honourably and to go home peacefully instead of plotting for dirty tricks and scheme, which are unacceptable and only devices meant to divide Kenyans on ethnic lines.Under all the circumstances, he said the voting pattern in this country will not be the same.

Provinces whether subdivided or not shouldn’t be a priority. The topriority in thisd country is the constitutiomnal and lw reforms. And it shame that PNU leadership is else bent in derailing what the Kenyans people have waited for close to ten years. The constitutional reform should be put in top agenda. nything short of the reform should be put to rest.

So many district have been created, solme ereas the d-the previous locations have bneen turned into district simply because of politivcal expediency..He talked about the recent cxreation of a Sotik district and plans to create another one in Konoin constituency. All these are poverty corners cince the smaller and poor counties willnot be able to generate money for the services delivery to the Wananchi. Kenyans did not vote for tribal balkanisation, but for the constitutional reform, and this should remain the priority, said Mr. Kettieny.

In Kisumu many political elite have question the ratiionale of appointing Hon Mutula kilonzo as the new Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister. This is a clear indication that thew constitutional reform should be a forgotten thing. Kilonzo is not a geneuine reformist, of the many political turn coats in this country. His past record and utterences have painted hims as one of the political sycophants. He has made blunders in the past through his sycophantic outbursts, which potrays him as not the type of person who can effect any meaningful constitutional changes in this country,” said a observed a Kisumu politician who requested his anonymity.

Local resiudents heaped alot of praise on the former holder of the office Ms Masrtha Karua, saying that althogh nshe was a hardline, and had played a pivoital role to assist th0ose who allegedly stole the presidential votes in 2007, she was more honest and mature as well as a serious person than her predecessor Mutula Kilonzo.



News Analysis By Leo Odera Omolo

The Migingo Island ownership dispute row went a notch higher when Ugandan marine police confiscated 15 Kenyan boat enginbes and 160 fishing nets.

The Ugandan police also took away several tonnes of fish from Kenyan fishermen last Sunday after accusing Kenyan fishermen of trespassing into their side of Lake Victoria,and the Kenyanfishermen operating oin Migingo Island termed the incident an nact of aggression.

During the seemingly well coordinated operation,Ugandan marine police allegedly stopped the boats, removed the enginbes and left.”They also took away fishing nets valued at about Kshs 250,000, and all the fish the fishermen had caught by thr time of the arrest,said Mr. Juma Ombori, th local deputy chairman of the Migingo Beach Management Unit,adding that each of the seized boat’s engine is valued at a the cost of between Kshs 150,00o and Kshs 300,000.

A physical surgvey conducted by thius writer last week reveal that more than half of the estimated 1,000 men living on Migingo Island are Kenyans.

So far Uganda has sent more than 50 police officers to the tiny island, while Kenya has none.The two countries claims the island.

Past joint meetings between senior government officers have failed to resolve the dispute.A joint survey to ascertain who owns the island is set to start this week.

During the launching ceremony which was also witnessedby Kenya’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Moses Wetangula,his Uganda counterpart Sam Kutesa,Uganda”s third Deputy Prime Minister Kirunda Kivejinja who said the identification of the boundary would settle the dispute over the island.

The team of experts and surveyors that will determine the ownership of the Migingo Island has started its work in earnest.

leading the team are Kenya’s director of lands, Mr. Ephntus Murage, and his Uganda counterpart, Mr.Justin Buogi.he team said an independent contractor woulkd be invited in case of disagreement.

At the same time Tanzania has been invited to the joint survey work to be carried out on Migingo Island to determine borders on Lake Victoria.

This was disclosded during ther launch of the survey at Laico Regency, Nairobi. Kenya and Uganda agreed to have the input of their neighybour{Tanzania}

“In determining the boundary at tri-junction of the three East African countries, the government of Tanzania shall be requested to join the survey,”said a joint communique issued by Ministers in Nairobi.

Meanwhile press reports emerging out of Kampala indicate thgat the recent discovery of high value natural resources such as oil and gas in the interland lakes in Uganda is the major reason behind the moves by that country to improve security on its waters. This is also believed to have fueled the Kampala regime latest policy of belligerency.

The newly discovered riches are the major reason why Uganda has stepped up security on its water ways and quietly revamping its marine police in anticipation of tension with its neighbours over the country’s national resources.

A Nairobi based weekly newspaper, the EASTAFRICAN in its lates edition captured detailed account of the political intrgues involving the discovery of high valued mineral resources in Uganda.

It revealed that although the Uganda’s marine police force is reltively small, it has recenbtly acquired high speed interceptor boats as part of the budget for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting {CHOGM] that Uganda hosted in 2007.

It is now merging that the acquisitions formn part of a broader strategy to secure Uaganda’s territorial integrity by filling in existing gaps, especially on water.

Apparently, the discovery of high-value natural resources such as oil and gas under and near Uganda’s lakes and the need to protect fisheries resources are the imperative behind moves to improve security on the country’s waters.Otherwise there is nothing serious at stake over the disputed small rocky Migingo island, which is measuring only one acre parcel of valueless piece of land except the fish.

Ugandan officials say terror threats have also undescored the need for improving security on the countryis lakes because Uganda main Entebbe International Airport – the kind of key infrastructure usually targeted by terrorists- is located on a peninsula in Lake Victoria.

It has been disclosed that a presidential directive was issued issued early this year for the marine police unit to be enlarged and made the leading force on the country’s waters, with all other forces only being allowed to conduct operations there with authorisation from the Inspector General of Police.

The Police Marine Unit has recently acquired four specialised boats at a cost of USD 8.6 million tro be paid over a period of five years. The acquisitions and keen interests in marine security come in the wake of an incident inb August 2007, when Congolese troops on the disputed Rukwanzi island in Lake Albert shot and killed oil prospectors who were carrying out surveys on the Ugandan side of the lake.

Much as the boats are up and runing and have recently been seen around Migingo Island, over which Kenya and Uganda are squabbling, questions are being raised over the capacity of the police to take on and maintain such infrastructure both financially nd technically.

In his annual report released last moth, the Auditor General James Muwanga noted. “The decision to acquire these boats appears to have been made without due donsideration of their sustainability.” It is understood that each of these boats has twoengines with a totral package of 1,640 horsepower that consume 160 litres of fuel per hour at top speed.

The Auditor General reported that high operating and maintenance costs could make the equipment redundant unless sufficient resources, as requested by the police, were allocated.

He also disclosed the Ugandan police spoent Ushs 26.4 billion{USD 14.2 million} over nd above the approved budget, adding,”Unauthorised ecess expenditure is a result of breakdown of cointrols over budgetry expenditure.”

Auditor General’s annual report to Parliament for 2008 reveals that police spent an extra Ushs 28 billion {USD 14.2 million} without parliamentary approval on top of the authorised budget of Ushs 134 billion [USD 67 million}.

The national budget framework paper for the next five years shows that the police department wants an allocation of Ushs 152.5 billion{USD 76 million}in the next financial year-about Ushs 12 billion {USD 6 million} more than the running budget.

The bluepprint states that a significant part of the increament will pay for a helicopter and speed boats for the marine police unit.The police budget is projected to reach Ushs 179 billion[USD 89 million] by 2012.

Nonetheless, top officials in the security Ministry said that maintenance costs for the units are inevitable due to terror threats and resources such as oiul and gas being explore near lakes on Ugand’s territory.”What they {auditors} do not unbderstand is that these boats were not for CHOGM alone, but for long term plans to improve out marine unit given terror threats amd guarding natiuonal resources near water bodies,” said Peter Okosi, the Commender of the police marine unit.

In march this year, a plane heading for Mogadishu, Somalia to take supplies to the Uganda peace keeping soldiers on that mission crushed into Lake Victoria shoprtly after taking off from Entebbe International Airport, and the government of Uganda’s first reaction and official communiquye on the matter stated,”We cannot rule out terrorism.”

One of he interceptor boats has been deployed in Lake Albert in the oil-rich Albertine Rift in western Uganda/

Uganda has confirmed huge deposits in this area near the Uganda-DRC Congo border, and moving to start excavation has raised tension with the Kinshasa regime.


– – –
Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 09:24:21 -0700 [11:24:21 AM CDT]
From: Leo Odera Omolo

Re: THE SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET ESTIMATES 2008-9 is not a casual matter

Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 14:26:40 -0700 [04:26:40 PM CDT]
From: Henry Mboli
Subject: Re: THE SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET ESTIMATES 2008-9 is not a casual matter

Dear All

President Kibaki was a ministor for finance bebefore, Uhuru Kenyatta is is his project and trainee. Is it surprisingt?

Henry Mwali Mboli
Oasis/Civicon Camp
Juba, South Sudan
Telephone +256477107275

— On Mon, 5/11/09, Emmanuel Dennis wrote:

From: Emmanuel Dennis
Subject: THE SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET ESTIMATES 2008-9 is not a casual matter
Date: Monday, May 11, 2009, 5:01 AM

The partnership for change has been on the front-line to make Kenyans understand their budget and the budget making process. Our leaders in Parliament when the Minister of Finance was reading and presenting the supplementary budget agreed to have it passed without blinking an eye to the details. This shows the importance of also educating members of Parliament on the process so that they do not once again pass a fictitious budget in the future.

We are however dismayed and disappointed even after the damning revelation by the Partnership for change on the 9.6 Billion shillings that was going to be spent on fictitious items. The very serious issues have been reduced to political commentary by the MPs. The issues as raised by the Partnership for change on the budget should not be politicised.

The budgeting principles go beyond the Minister of Finance, it is about the public servants who have worked tirelessly for this nation, it is about the women and children who need food on their tables, it is about the men and youth who are looking for a livelihood, it is about the poor Kenyans, all Kenyans and how the services of the government reach them.

It should be noted that the supplementary budget estimates were approved in one record afternoon and no member of parliament opposed them.

P4C researched the Supplementary budget and raised key questions as follows:

Where is the authority for Variation of what Parliament approved last year?

Where is the authority for the reallocations?

Even though all variations are supposed to be accompanied by explanatory notes
why is it that nowhere is there an explanatory note for over 200 items for Ksh
9.6 billion?

The Minister of Finance rubbished the intention of the Partnership for Change in asking the questions. He did not even consult his officers on the issues raised. He later admitted that there could have been an error after realising things were thick following the Speakers ruling that the matter be referred to the committee.

Kenyans are enraged that the Minister could go ahead to read a budget that does not add up. We would like to see a forensic audit on what transpired at treasury while the Government needs to own up to the very big mistake it committed through inaccurate documents of account as prepared by the Ministry of
Finance technocrats, do these documents meet proper accounting standards?

Parliament needs to deal with this issue very FIRMLY as Kenyans can no longer afford to have their taxes embezzled through dubious means. The problem here is much more bigger than an individual in the name of the minister.

Let Kenyans be very watchful as we await to see the financial estimates for the year 2009/2010 presented. Should we allow the same people who are misleading Kenya to continue being in office at the Ministry of Finance? Are they competent enough to handle our financial resources? Are members of Parliament justified not to handle this matter with urgency of a criminal offence?

Our Leaders MUST be accountable to us.

The Financial Budget should serve Kenyans not a few individuals.
Its about all of us. We are very keen to know what the findings of the joint parliamentary committees will present tomorrow.

Emmanuel Dennis
National Coordinator
Partnership for Change


Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 06:40:27 -0700 [08:40:27 AM CDT]
From: Wenceslaus Miheso

Any Afrikan, Kemite, Black person from the annals of the continent to the wide spread of diaspora including the pariahs and outcasts of India to the so called polynesian races of the pacific islands must read this book and others that go to the root of what it means to be black. Only with the truth and knowledge of self shall we as a people begin to reckon with our freedom.
We can only treat with pity and most generous love those of us who express various forms of self hate such as mysogeny, tribalism and other destructive traits.

— On Sun, 5/10/09, Jairus K’Onyiego wrote:

From: Jairus K’Onyiego
Date: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 9:56 AM


Log onto You might get a larger part of your answer of whys, and hows. Also check, and learn more about yourself


— On Sat, 5/9/09, maina ndiritu wrote:

From: maina ndiritu
Date: Saturday, May 9, 2009, 1:50 AM


All of my life I have questioned why Black people throughout the world have experienced such a plight and why it has been so difficult for us to overcome it. Well The Destruction of Black Civilization is a book of answers, as it answers most of the major questions that people have about the African race. Such as:

“How did such a highly advanced Black Civilization get so completely destroyed that its people have found themselves not only behind other people of the world, but as well, the color of their skin a sign of inferiority, bad luck, and the badge of the slave whether bond or fee?”

“How did all Black Egypt become all white Egypt?”

“What were some of the specific details in the process that so completely blotted out the achievements of the African race from the annals of history?”

“How and under what circumstances did Africans, among the very first people to invent writing, lose this art almost completely?”

“Is there a single African race, one African people?”

“If we are one race or one people, how do you explain the numerous languages, cultural varieties and tribal groupings?”

“Since, as it seems, that there is far more disunity, self-hatred and mutual antagonism among Blacks than any other people, is there a historical explanation for this?”

“How is the undying love of Blacks for their Europeans and Asian conquerors and enslavers explained?”

Chancellor Williams does not just answers these questions as an arm charm scholar either, no not at all. Williams created this book after 16 years of research which included a precise investigation of Africa’s own independently developed civilization by doing a continent-wide field study from the Mediterranean extending southward down the Nile into the “bush” far away from the westernized urban centers, through the tip of the country in South Africa.

That data he uncovered is startling! I think Kenyans have to read this for the sake of their country and continent at large

African Pacho foundation ABOUT US

From: African Pacho foundation
Subject: ABOUT US


Pacho is a foundation that is geared towards finding
market for the talent of a people so that they may benefit economically.

Currently we are preparing for a major event in Kisumu called “Winam
Festival” that will see different artisans from all over Nyanza converge
together to showcase their talent.

this will happen on the 3oth & 31st of May 2009.

Am sure this will be of interest to those that frequent
this site and especially Nyanza province that has suffered
marginalization from past regimes. Thank you and God bless